예제 #1
파일: cntrimg.py 프로젝트: lanl/bueno
    def __init__(self) -> None:

        self.runcmd = 'ch-run'

        if not host.which(self.runcmd):
            inyp = 'Is it in your PATH?'
            notf = "'{}' not found. " + inyp
            errs = notf.format(self.runcmd)
            raise RuntimeError(errs)
예제 #2
파일: charliecloud.py 프로젝트: lanl/bueno
    def _check_env(self) -> None:
        Build environment verification function.

        Raises OSError if the environment is unsatisfactory.
        logger.emlog('# Checking your build environment...')

        inyp = 'Is it in your PATH?\n'
        notf = "'{}' not found. " + inyp
        errs = str()

        if not host.which(self.buildc):
            errs += notf.format(self.buildc)

        if not host.which(self.tarcmd):
            errs += notf.format(self.tarcmd)

        if errs:
            raise OSError(utils.chomp(errs))
예제 #3
파일: charliecloud.py 프로젝트: lanl/bueno
    def _emit_builder_info(self) -> None:
        Emits builder information gathered at run-time.
        binfo = dict()
        binfo['Builder'] = {
            'which':   host.which(self.buildc),
            'version': host.capture('{} --version'.format(self.buildc)),

        utils.yamlp(binfo, 'Builder')
        metadata.add_asset(metadata.YAMLDictAsset(binfo, 'builder'))
예제 #4
 def _srun_staging_cmd_hook() -> str:
     cmd = 'srun'
     if host.which(cmd) is None:
         helps = 'A custom image stager can be set via ' \
         raise RuntimeError(F'{cmd} not found.\n{helps}')
     envvars = ['SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES', 'SLURM_NNODES']
     varvals = list(
         filter(lambda x: x is not None, [os.getenv(x) for x in envvars]))
     if not varvals:
         errs = 'Cannot determine the number of nodes in your job.'
         raise RuntimeError(errs)
     nnodes = varvals[0]
     return F'{cmd} -n {nnodes} -N {nnodes}'