'passwordInHistory': 5, 'passwordCheckSyntax': 'on', 'passwordGraceLimit': 3, 'passwordLockoutDuration': 1800, 'passwordResetFailureCount': 1800, 'passwordMaxFailure': nattempts, 'passwordLockout': 'on' } m1.setPwdPolicy(pwdpolicy) m2.setPwdPolicy(pwdpolicy) #m1.setPwdPolicy(passwordLockout="on", passwordisglobalpolicy="on") #m2.setPwdPolicy(passwordLockout="on", passwordisglobalpolicy="on") opattrs = [ 'passwordRetryCount', 'retryCountResetTime', 'accountUnlockTime', 'passwordExpirationTime', 'modifyTimestamp', 'modifiersName' ] print "Do %d attempts to bind with incorrect password . . ." % nattempts userconn = DSAdmin(host1, port1) for xx in range(0, nattempts+1): try: userconn.simple_bind_s(userdn, "boguspassword") except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: print "password was not correct" except ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: print "too many password attempts" print "m1 pwd attrs" print "%s" % m1.getEntry(userdn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", opattrs) print "m2 pwd attrs" print "%s" % m2.getEntry(userdn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", opattrs) mymod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "description", "changed %d" % xx)] m1.modify_s(userdn, mymod) userconn.unbind() print "sleep to let repl propagate . . ." time.sleep(5)
root2 = root1 rootpw1 = 'password' rootpw2 = rootpw1 basedn = "dc=example,dc=com" m1replargs = { 'suffix': basedn, 'bename': "userRoot", 'binddn': "cn=replrepl,cn=config", 'bindcn': "replrepl", 'bindpw': "replrepl", 'bindmethod': 'SASL/DIGEST-MD5', 'log': False } m1 = DSAdmin(host1, port1, root1, rootpw1) m1.replicaSetupAll(m1replargs) m2replargs = m1replargs m2 = DSAdmin(host2, port2, root2, rootpw2) m2.replicaSetupAll(m2replargs) print "create agreements and init consumers" agmtm1tom2 = m1.setupAgreement(m2, m1replargs) time.sleep(5) m1.setLogLevel(1024) m1.startReplication_async(agmtm1tom2) print "waiting for init to finish" time.sleep(5) m1.waitForReplInit(agmtm1tom2) agmtm2tom1 = m2.setupAgreement(m1, m2replargs)
initfile = "%s/share/dirsrv/data/Example.ldif" % os.environ.get( 'PREFIX', '/usr') m1.importLDIF(initfile, '', "userRoot", True) #m1.setLogLevel(65535) print "Add the filtered group entry with bogus filter" dn = "cn=TestDynamicGroup,dc=example,dc=com" ent = Entry(dn) ent.setValues('description', "Dynamic test group") ent.setValues('objectclass', 'top', 'groupofuniquenames', 'groupofurls') ent.setValues( 'memberurl', 'ldap:///dc=example,dc=com??sub?(&(objectclass=person)(uid=scart*)') #ent.cn = 'TestDynamicGroup' m1.add_s(ent) print "Add the bogus aci for that group" addmod = [( ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'aci', '(targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "Test Crash ACL";allow (all)(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=TestDynamicGroup,dc=example,dc=com");)' )] m1.modify_s("dc=example,dc=com", addmod) #m1.setLogLevel(0) print "Do a search binding as a member of the group" conn = DSAdmin(host1, port1, "uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "sprain") entries = conn.search_s("uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*")
print "Fake AD needs extra schema . . ." oidnum = 10000000 ad.addAttr("( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.%d NAME 'samAccountName' DESC 'AD uid attribute' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )" % oidnum) oidnum = oidnum + 1 ad.addAttr("( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.%d NAME 'objectGUID' DESC 'AD uuid attribute' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )" % oidnum) oidnum = oidnum + 1 ad.addAttr("( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.%d NAME 'userAccountControl' DESC 'AD user account control' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )" % oidnum) oidnum = oidnum + 1 ad.addObjClass("( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.%d NAME 'adPerson' DESC 'AD person mixin' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( samAccountName $ objectGUID $ name $ userAccountControl ) )" % oidnum) oidnum = oidnum + 1 ad.addAttr("( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.%d NAME 'groupType' DESC 'AD group type' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'Netscape NT Synchronization' )" % oidnum) oidnum = oidnum + 1 ad.addObjClass("( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.%d NAME 'group' DESC 'AD group' SUP top STRUCTURAL MAY ( samAccountName $ groupType $ objectGUID $ name $ member $ ou $ cn $ description ) )" % oidnum) oidnum = oidnum + 1 else: ad = DSAdmin(host2, port2, root2, rootpw2) # the list of users we want to check to see if they were synced userids = {} # All IPA users must have these objectclasses - they should be # the same as in the cn=ipaConfig ipaUserObjectClasses list # ntUser either by the winsync code, or when you want an # existing IPA user to be synced with AD userObjClasses = [ 'top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson' ] if useds: print "Create sub-ou's on the AD side and add users . . ." ii = 0
host2 = "vmf9x8664" port1 = 389 port2 = port1 rootpw = "secret12" m1replargs = { 'suffix': "dc=example,dc=com", 'bename': "userRoot", 'binddn': "cn=replrepl,cn=config", 'bindcn': "replrepl", 'bindpw': "replrepl" # 'log' : False } m2replargs = m1replargs m1 = DSAdmin(host1, port1, "cn=directory manager", rootpw) m2 = DSAdmin(host2, port2, "cn=directory manager", rootpw) m1.replicaSetupAll(m1replargs) m2.replicaSetupAll(m2replargs) print "create agreements and init consumers" agmtm1tom2 = m1.setupAgreement(m2, m1replargs) m1.startReplication_async(agmtm1tom2) print "waiting for init to finish" m1.waitForReplInit(agmtm1tom2) agmtm2tom1 = m2.setupAgreement(m1, m2replargs) sys.exit(0) basedn = "dc=example,dc=com"
ent = Entry(admindn) ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson') ent.setValues('cn', 'Chain Admin User') ent.setValues('sn', 'Chain') ent.setValues('givenName', 'Admin User') ent.setValues('userPassword', "adminpw") mux.add_s(ent) # add an aci for this user on the farm mod = [( ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', '(targetattr = "*") (version 3.0; acl "Administration User ACL";allow (all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=ttestuser,cn=config");)' )] farm.modify_s(suffix, mod) admin = DSAdmin(host1, port1, admindn, adminpw) # add a new user using the admin account, first without user password dn = "uid=chainuser," + suffix ent = Entry(dn) ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson') ent.setValues('cn', 'Chain User') ent.setValues('sn', 'Chain') ent.setValues('givenName', 'User') admin.add_s(ent) print "added entry", dn # next, try it with userPassword dn = "uid=chainuser2," + suffix ent = Entry(dn) ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson')
for ent in ents: print ent print "start search request . . ." scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE filter = '(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))' serverctrls = [TestCtrl()] ents = m1.search_s(basedn, scope, filter) print "search returned %d entries" % len(ents) print "send abandon with controls . . ." m1.abandon_ext(999, serverctrls) print "send abandon without controls . . ." msgid2 = m1.abandon_ext(999) print "send unbind with controls . . ." # for some reason, unbind_ext_s is not passing # controls passed in - so have to set_option m1.set_option(ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, serverctrls) m1.unbind_ext_s(serverctrls) print "try a search after the unbind . . ." try: ents = m1.search_s(basedn, scope, filter) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print "caught exception", e print "open new connection . . ." m1 = DSAdmin(host1, port1, binddn, bindpw) print "show active connections . . ." ents = m1.search_s("cn=monitor", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectclass=*)', ['currentconnections', 'connection']) for ent in ents: print ent