예제 #1
def run():
    IMU = arduino.IMU()

    start = (0, 0)
    end = (200, 200)
    grid, start, end = mapmaker.read()

    mToI = 1

    posX = buggyinfo.Position(start[0], metersToIndex=mToI)
    posY = buggyinfo.Position(start[1], metersToIndex=mToI)
    posZ = buggyinfo.Position(0, initialV=1, metersToIndex=mToI)

    drawer = draw.Drawer(300, 300, 700, 700, start, end)

    while drawer.done is False:
        accel, gyro, dt = IMU.getIMU()

        accel.x = 0.01
        accel.y = 0.01
        dt = 1

        posX.update(accel.x, dt)
        posY.update(accel.y, dt)
        posZ.update(accel.z, dt)

        drawer.updateNode(posX.convert(), posY.convert(), posZ.convert(),

        drawer.drawParticle(int(posX), int(posY))
예제 #2
def run():
    # Init arduino properties, drawer, and map
    # while exit is false:
    # get accel and gyro
    # smooth with kalman
    # get position
    # update map (any new blocked nodes? Use image processing, ultrasonic, and other sensors)
    # plot astar to end
    # plot smooth path through next four nodes, extract angles (bezier curve, if angle is greater than allowed turn radius, eliminate node from path, or if its another buggy, slow the hell down!!!)
    # command angles to arduino until next node appears

    IMU = arduino.IMU()

    posX = buggyinfo.Position(0)
    posY = buggyinfo.Position(0)
    posZ = buggyinfo.Position(0)

    # constants
    n_time_steps = 10000
    n_dim_state = 3
    filtered_state_means = np.zeros((n_time_steps, n_dim_state))
    filtered_state_covariances = np.zeros(
        (n_time_steps, n_dim_state, n_dim_state))

    kf = make_filter()
    t = 0

    th = 1

    while True:
        accel, gyro, magnet, dt = IMU.getIMU()  # get accel and gyro

        # if (t == 0):
        #    filtered_state_means[t] = numpy.array(
        #        [accel.x, accel.y, accel.z])
        #    filtered_state_covariances[t] = numpy.eye(n_dim_state)

        if t < 200:
        elif t == 200:
            filtered_state_means[t] = numpy.array(
                [accel.x, accel.y, accel.z])
            filtered_state_covariances[t] = numpy.eye(n_dim_state)
            print "passed"
            if abs(accel.x) < th:
                accel.x = 0
            if abs(accel.y) < th:
                accel.y = 0
            if abs(accel.z) < th:
                accel.z = 0
            obs = numpy.array([accel.x, accel.y, accel.z])
            results = kf.filter_update(filtered_state_means[t],
                                       filtered_state_covariances[t], obs,
                                       observation_offset = np.array([dt,dt,dt]))
            filtered_state_means[t + 1], filtered_state_covariances[
                t + 1] = results

            x, y, z = filtered_state_means[t + 1]

            if (abs(x - filtered_state_means[t][0]) > 3):
                x = 0
            if (abs(y - filtered_state_means[t][1]) > 3):
                y = 0
            if (abs(z - filtered_state_means[t][2]) > 3):
                z = 0

            if abs(x) < th:
                x = 0
            if abs(y) < th:
                y =0
            if abs(z) < th:
                z = 0

            # get position
            posX.update(x, dt)
            posY.update(y, dt)
            posZ.update(z, dt)

            # magnet.roll, magnet.pitch, magnet.yaw = \
            #     buggyinfo.convertToHeading(magnet.x, magnet.y, magnet.z)
            print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
            accel.x, accel.y, accel.z,
            x, y, z, int(posX),
            int(posY), int(posZ))
        t += 1

예제 #3
def run():
    # Init arduino properties, drawer, and map
    # while exit is false:
    # get accel and gyro
    # smooth with kalman
    # get position
    # update map (any new blocked nodes? Use image processing, ultrasonic, and other sensors)
    # plot astar to end
    # plot smooth path through next four nodes, extract angles (bezier curve, if angle is greater than allowed turn radius, eliminate node from path, or if its another buggy, slow the hell down!!!)
    # command angles to arduino until next node appears

    dcmotor = arduino.DCMotor(1)
    IMU = arduino.IMU()
    button1 = arduino.Button(3)
    sonar1 = arduino.Sonar(1)

    # grid, start, end = mapmaker.read()
    grid, start, end = mapmaker.make(30, 30), (0, 0), (5, 5)
    height, width = grid.shape[0:2]

    posX = buggyinfo.Position(start[0])
    posY = buggyinfo.Position(start[1])
    posZ = buggyinfo.Position(0)

    drawer = draw.Drawer(width, height, 700, 700, start, end, grid)


    while drawer.done is False:
        # time0 = time.time()
        accel, gyro, magnet, dt = IMU.getIMU()  # get accel and gyro

        # get position
        posX.update(accel.x, dt)
        posY.update(accel.y, dt)
        posZ.update(accel.z, dt)

        # magnet.roll, magnet.pitch, magnet.yaw = \
        #     buggyinfo.convertToHeading(magnet.x, magnet.y, magnet.z)

        # print "(%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)\t(%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)" % \
        #       (gyro.roll, gyro.pitch, gyro.yaw,
        #        magnet.roll, magnet.pitch, magnet.yaw)
        #        print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (accel.x, accel.y, accel.z)
        # print(sonar1.getDistance())

        #        if button1.wasPressed():
        #            dcmotor.reverse()

        # update map (any new blocked nodes? Use image processing, ultrasonic, and other sensors)
        # ignore until below routines are finished

        # plot astar to end
        # path, pathInfo, plotTime = astar.search(grid, (posX, posY), end)

        # plot smooth path through next four nodes, extract angles

        # command angles to arduino until next node appears
        drawer.drawParticle(int(posX), int(posY))

        # print time.time() - time0
