예제 #1
    def call_bz(self, method, params):
        """Attempt to call method with args.
        if self.bz_token is not None:
            params['Bugzilla_token'] = self.bz_token
            return method(params)
        except xmlrpc.client.Fault as fault:
            raise BugzError('Bugzilla error: {0}'.format(fault.faultString))
        except xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError as e:
            raise BugzError(e)
        except urllib.error.URLError as e:
            raise BugzError(e)
예제 #2
 def call_bz(self, method, params):
     """Attempt to call method with args.
     if hasattr(self, 'key'):
         params['Bugzilla_api_key'] = self.key
         if hasattr(self, 'user'):
             params['Bugzilla_login'] = self.user
         if hasattr(self, 'password'):
             params['Bugzilla_password'] = self.password
         return method(params)
     except xmlrpc.client.Fault as fault:
         raise BugzError('Bugzilla error: {0}'.format(fault.faultString))
     except xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError as error:
         raise BugzError(error)
     except urllib.error.URLError as error:
         raise BugzError(error)
예제 #3
def search(conn):
    """Performs a search on the bugzilla database with
the keywords given on the title (or the body if specified).
    valid_keys = [
        'alias', 'assigned_to', 'component', 'creator', 'limit', 'offset',
        'op_sys', 'platform', 'priority', 'product', 'resolution', 'severity',
        'version', 'whiteboard'

    params = {}
    d = vars(conn)
    for key in d:
        if key in valid_keys:
            params[key] = d[key]
    if 'status' in d:
        if 'all' not in d['status']:
            params['status'] = d['status']
    elif 'search_statuses' in d:
        params['status'] = d['search_statuses']
    if 'terms' in d:
        params['summary'] = d['terms']
        search_term = ' '.join(d['terms']).strip()

    if not params:
        raise BugzError('Please give search terms or options.')

    log_info('Searching for bugs meeting the following criteria:')
    for key in params:
        log_info('   {0:<20} = {1}'.format(key, params[key]))

    if not conn.skip_auth:

    result = conn.call_bz(conn.bz.Bug.search, params)['bugs']

    if not len(result):
        log_info('No bugs found.')
        list_bugs(result, conn)
예제 #4
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: codeyman/pybugz
def attach(settings):
    """ Attach a file to a bug given a filename. """
    filename = getattr(settings, 'filename', None)
    content_type = getattr(settings, 'content_type', None)
    bugid = getattr(settings, 'bugid', None)
    summary = getattr(settings, 'summary', None)
    is_patch = getattr(settings, 'is_patch', None)
    comment = getattr(settings, 'comment', None)

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise BugzError('File not found: %s' % filename)

    if content_type is None:
        content_type = get_content_type(filename)

    if comment is None:
        comment = block_edit('Enter optional long description of attachment')

    if summary is None:
        summary = os.path.basename(filename)

    params = {}
    params['ids'] = [bugid]

    fd = open(filename, 'rb')
    params['data'] = xmlrpc.client.Binary(fd.read())

    params['file_name'] = os.path.basename(filename)
    params['summary'] = summary
    params['content_type'] = content_type
    params['comment'] = comment
    if is_patch is not None:
        params['is_patch'] = is_patch
    result = settings.call_bz(settings.bz.Bug.add_attachment, params)
    attachid = result['ids'][0]
    log_info('{0} ({1}) has been attached to bug {2}'.format(
        filename, attachid, bugid))
예제 #5
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: codeyman/pybugz
def post(settings):
    """Post a new bug"""
    # load description from file if possible
    if hasattr(settings, 'description_from'):
            if settings.description_from == '-':
                settings.description = sys.stdin.read()
                settings.description = \
                    open(settings.description_from, 'r').read()
        except IOError as error:
            raise BugzError('Unable to read from file: %s: %s' %
                            (settings.description_from, error))

    if not hasattr(settings, 'batch') and not hasattr(settings, 'template'):

    params = {}

    if hasattr(settings, 'template'):

        tmpl = configparser.ConfigParser()

            msection = tmpl['Default']['type']
            for key in tmpl[msection]:
                params[key] = tmpl[msection][key]
                print('%-12s: %s' % (key, params[key]))
        except configparser.DuplicateOptionError as error:
        except configparser.DuplicateSectionError as error:
        except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError as error:
        except configparser.ParsingError as error:
        # raise an exception if mandatory fields are not specified.
        if not hasattr(settings, 'product'):
            raise RuntimeError('Product not specified')
        if not hasattr(settings, 'component'):
            raise RuntimeError('Component not specified')
        if not hasattr(settings, 'summary'):
            raise RuntimeError('Title not specified')
        if not hasattr(settings, 'description'):
            raise RuntimeError('Description not specified')
        print('-' * (settings.columns - 1))
        print('%-12s: %s' % ('Product', settings.product))
        print('%-12s: %s' % ('Component', settings.component))
        print('%-12s: %s' % ('Title', settings.summary))
        if hasattr(settings, 'version'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Version', settings.version))
        print('%-12s: %s' % ('Description', settings.description))
        if hasattr(settings, 'op_sys'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Operating System', settings.op_sys))
        if hasattr(settings, 'platform'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Platform', settings.platform))
        if hasattr(settings, 'priority'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Priority', settings.priority))
        if hasattr(settings, 'severity'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Severity', settings.severity))
        if hasattr(settings, 'alias'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Alias', settings.alias))
        if hasattr(settings, 'assigned_to'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('Assigned to', settings.assigned_to))
        if hasattr(settings, 'cc'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('CC', settings.cc))
        if hasattr(settings, 'url'):
            print('%-12s: %s' % ('URL', settings.url))
        print('-' * (settings.columns - 1))
        params['product'] = settings.product
        params['component'] = settings.component
        if hasattr(settings, 'version'):
            params['version'] = settings.version
        params['summary'] = settings.summary
        if hasattr(settings, 'description'):
            params['description'] = settings.description
        if hasattr(settings, 'op_sys'):
            params['op_sys'] = settings.op_sys
        if hasattr(settings, 'platform'):
            params['platform'] = settings.platform
        if hasattr(settings, 'priority'):
            params['priority'] = settings.priority
        if hasattr(settings, 'severity'):
            params['severity'] = settings.severity
        if hasattr(settings, 'alias'):
            params['alias'] = settings.alias
        if hasattr(settings, 'assigned_to'):
            params['assigned_to'] = settings.assigned_to
        if hasattr(settings, 'cc'):
            params['cc'] = settings.cc
        if hasattr(settings, 'url'):
            params['url'] = settings.url

    # append the output from append_command to the description
    append_command = getattr(settings, 'append_command', None)
    if append_command is not None and append_command != '':
        append_command_output = subprocess.getoutput(append_command)
        settings.description = settings.description + '\n\n' + \
            '$ ' + append_command + '\n' + \

    if not hasattr(settings, 'batch'):
        if settings.default_confirm in ['Y', 'y']:
            confirm = input('Confirm bug submission (Y/n)? ')
            confirm = input('Confirm bug submission (y/N)? ')
        if len(confirm) < 1:
            confirm = settings.default_confirm
        if confirm[0] not in ('y', 'Y'):
            log_info('Submission aborted')

    result = settings.call_bz(settings.bz.Bug.create, params)
    log_info('Bug %d submitted' % result['id'])
예제 #6
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: codeyman/pybugz
def modify(settings):
    """Modify an existing bug (eg. adding a comment or changing resolution.)"""
    if hasattr(settings, 'comment_from'):
            if settings.comment_from == '-':
                settings.comment = sys.stdin.read()
                settings.comment = open(settings.comment_from, 'r').read()
        except IOError as error:
            raise BugzError('unable to read file: %s: %s' %
                            (settings.comment_from, error))

    if hasattr(settings, 'assigned_to') and \
            hasattr(settings, 'reset_assigned_to'):
        raise BugzError('--assigned-to and --unassign cannot be used together')

    if hasattr(settings, 'comment_editor'):
        settings.comment = block_edit('Enter comment:')

    params = {}
    params['ids'] = [settings.bugid]
    if hasattr(settings, 'alias'):
        params['alias'] = settings.alias
    if hasattr(settings, 'assigned_to'):
        params['assigned_to'] = settings.assigned_to
    if hasattr(settings, 'blocks_add'):
        if 'blocks' not in params:
            params['blocks'] = {}
        params['blocks']['add'] = settings.blocks_add
    if hasattr(settings, 'blocks_remove'):
        if 'blocks' not in params:
            params['blocks'] = {}
        params['blocks']['remove'] = settings.blocks_remove
    if hasattr(settings, 'depends_on_add'):
        if 'depends_on' not in params:
            params['depends_on'] = {}
        params['depends_on']['add'] = settings.depends_on_add
    if hasattr(settings, 'depends_on_remove'):
        if 'depends_on' not in params:
            params['depends_on'] = {}
        params['depends_on']['remove'] = settings.depends_on_remove
    if hasattr(settings, 'cc_add'):
        if 'cc' not in params:
            params['cc'] = {}
        params['cc']['add'] = settings.cc_add
    if hasattr(settings, 'cc_remove'):
        if 'cc' not in params:
            params['cc'] = {}
        params['cc']['remove'] = settings.cc_remove
    if hasattr(settings, 'comment'):
        if 'comment' not in params:
            params['comment'] = {}
        params['comment']['body'] = settings.comment
    if hasattr(settings, 'component'):
        params['component'] = settings.component
    if hasattr(settings, 'dupe_of'):
        params['dupe_of'] = settings.dupe_of
    if hasattr(settings, 'deadline'):
        params['deadline'] = settings.deadline
    if hasattr(settings, 'estimated_time'):
        params['estimated_time'] = settings.estimated_time
    if hasattr(settings, 'remaining_time'):
        params['remaining_time'] = settings.remaining_time
    if hasattr(settings, 'work_time'):
        params['work_time'] = settings.work_time
    if hasattr(settings, 'groups_add'):
        if 'groups' not in params:
            params['groups'] = {}
        params['groups']['add'] = settings.groups_add
    if hasattr(settings, 'groups_remove'):
        if 'groups' not in params:
            params['groups'] = {}
        params['groups']['remove'] = settings.groups_remove
    if hasattr(settings, 'keywords_set'):
        if 'keywords' not in params:
            params['keywords'] = {}
        params['keywords']['set'] = settings.keywords_set
    if hasattr(settings, 'op_sys'):
        params['op_sys'] = settings.op_sys
    if hasattr(settings, 'platform'):
        params['platform'] = settings.platform
    if hasattr(settings, 'priority'):
        params['priority'] = settings.priority
    if hasattr(settings, 'product'):
        params['product'] = settings.product
    if hasattr(settings, 'resolution'):
        if not hasattr(settings, 'dupe_of'):
            params['resolution'] = settings.resolution
    if hasattr(settings, 'see_also_add'):
        if 'see_also' not in params:
            params['see_also'] = {}
        params['see_also']['add'] = settings.see_also_add
    if hasattr(settings, 'see_also_remove'):
        if 'see_also' not in params:
            params['see_also'] = {}
        params['see_also']['remove'] = settings.see_also_remove
    if hasattr(settings, 'severity'):
        params['severity'] = settings.severity
    if hasattr(settings, 'status'):
        if not hasattr(settings, 'dupe_of'):
            params['status'] = settings.status
    if hasattr(settings, 'summary'):
        params['summary'] = settings.summary
    if hasattr(settings, 'url'):
        params['url'] = settings.url
    if hasattr(settings, 'version'):
        params['version'] = settings.version
    if hasattr(settings, 'whiteboard'):
        params['whiteboard'] = settings.whiteboard
    if hasattr(settings, 'custom'):
        custom_options = settings.custom.split(':')
        for custom_option in custom_options:
                key, value = custom_option.split('=', 1)
                params[key] = value
                print("Badly formatted option :{}".format(custom_option))

    if hasattr(settings, 'fixed'):
        params['status'] = 'RESOLVED'
        params['resolution'] = 'FIXED'

    if hasattr(settings, 'invalid'):
        params['status'] = 'RESOLVED'
        params['resolution'] = 'INVALID'

    if len(params) < 2:
        raise BugzError('No changes were specified')
    result = settings.call_bz(settings.bz.Bug.update, params)
    for bug in result['bugs']:
        changes = bug['changes']
        if not len(changes):
            log_info('Added comment to bug %s' % bug['id'])
            log_info('Modified the following fields in bug %s' % bug['id'])
            for key in changes:
                log_info('%-12s: removed %s' % (key, changes[key]['removed']))
                log_info('%-12s: added %s' % (key, changes[key]['added']))
예제 #7
def post(settings):
    """Post a new bug"""
    # load description from file if possible
    if hasattr(settings, 'description_from'):
            if settings.description_from == '-':
                settings.description = sys.stdin.read()
                settings.description = open(settings.description_from,
        except IOError as error:
            raise BugzError('Unable to read from file: %s: %s' %
                            (settings.description_from, error))

    if not hasattr(settings, 'batch'):

    # raise an exception if mandatory fields are not specified.
    if not hasattr(settings, 'product'):
        raise RuntimeError('Product not specified')
    if not hasattr(settings, 'component'):
        raise RuntimeError('Component not specified')
    if not hasattr(settings, 'summary'):
        raise RuntimeError('Title not specified')
    if not hasattr(settings, 'description'):
        raise RuntimeError('Description not specified')

    # append the output from append_command to the description
    append_command = getattr(settings, 'append_command', None)
    if append_command is not None and append_command != '':
        append_command_output = subprocess.getoutput(append_command)
        settings.description = settings.description + '\n\n' + \
            '$ ' + append_command + '\n' + \

    # print submission confirmation
    write('-' * (settings.columns - 1))
    write('%-12s: %s' % ('Product', settings.product))
    write('%-12s: %s' % ('Component', settings.component))
    write('%-12s: %s' % ('Title', settings.summary))
    if hasattr(settings, 'version'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Version', settings.version))
    write('%-12s: %s' % ('Description', settings.description))
    if hasattr(settings, 'op_sys'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Operating System', settings.op_sys))
    if hasattr(settings, 'platform'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Platform', settings.platform))
    if hasattr(settings, 'priority'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Priority', settings.priority))
    if hasattr(settings, 'severity'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Severity', settings.severity))
    if hasattr(settings, 'alias'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Alias', settings.alias))
    if hasattr(settings, 'assigned_to'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('Assigned to', settings.assigned_to))
    if hasattr(settings, 'cc'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('CC', settings.cc))
    if hasattr(settings, 'url'):
        write('%-12s: %s' % ('URL', settings.url))
    # fixme: groups
    # fixme: status
    # fixme: Milestone
    write('-' * (settings.columns - 1))

    if not hasattr(settings, 'batch'):
        if settings.default_confirm in ['Y', 'y']:
            confirm = input('Confirm bug submission (Y/n)? ')
            confirm = input('Confirm bug submission (y/N)? ')
        if len(confirm) < 1:
            confirm = settings.default_confirm
        if confirm[0] not in ('y', 'Y'):
            log_info('Submission aborted')

    params = {}
    params['product'] = settings.product
    params['component'] = settings.component
    if hasattr(settings, 'version'):
        params['version'] = settings.version
    params['summary'] = settings.summary
    if hasattr(settings, 'description'):
        params['description'] = settings.description
    if hasattr(settings, 'op_sys'):
        params['op_sys'] = settings.op_sys
    if hasattr(settings, 'platform'):
        params['platform'] = settings.platform
    if hasattr(settings, 'priority'):
        params['priority'] = settings.priority
    if hasattr(settings, 'severity'):
        params['severity'] = settings.severity
    if hasattr(settings, 'alias'):
        params['alias'] = settings.alias
    if hasattr(settings, 'assigned_to'):
        params['assigned_to'] = settings.assigned_to
    if hasattr(settings, 'cc'):
        params['cc'] = settings.cc
    if hasattr(settings, 'url'):
        params['url'] = settings.url

    result = settings.call_bz(settings.bz.Bug.create, params)
    log_info('Bug %d submitted' % result['id'])
예제 #8
def modify(conn):
    """Modify an existing bug (eg. adding a comment or changing resolution.)"""
    if hasattr(conn, 'comment_from'):
            if conn.comment_from == '-':
                conn.comment = sys.stdin.read()
                conn.comment = open(conn.comment_from, 'r').read()
        except IOError as e:
            raise BugzError('unable to read file: %s: %s' %
                            (conn.comment_from, e))

    if hasattr(conn, 'comment_editor'):
        conn.comment = block_edit('Enter comment:')

    params = {}
    params['ids'] = [conn.bugid]
    if hasattr(conn, 'alias'):
        params['alias'] = conn.alias
    if hasattr(conn, 'assigned_to'):
        params['assigned_to'] = conn.assigned_to
    if hasattr(conn, 'blocks_add'):
        if 'blocks' not in params:
            params['blocks'] = {}
        params['blocks']['add'] = conn.blocks_add
    if hasattr(conn, 'blocks_remove'):
        if 'blocks' not in params:
            params['blocks'] = {}
        params['blocks']['remove'] = conn.blocks_remove
    if hasattr(conn, 'depends_on_add'):
        if 'depends_on' not in params:
            params['depends_on'] = {}
        params['depends_on']['add'] = conn.depends_on_add
    if hasattr(conn, 'depends_on_remove'):
        if 'depends_on' not in params:
            params['depends_on'] = {}
        params['depends_on']['remove'] = conn.depends_on_remove
    if hasattr(conn, 'cc_add'):
        if 'cc' not in params:
            params['cc'] = {}
        params['cc']['add'] = conn.cc_add
    if hasattr(conn, 'cc_remove'):
        if 'cc' not in params:
            params['cc'] = {}
        params['cc']['remove'] = conn.cc_remove
    if hasattr(conn, 'comment'):
        if 'comment' not in params:
            params['comment'] = {}
        params['comment']['body'] = conn.comment
    if hasattr(conn, 'component'):
        params['component'] = conn.component
    if hasattr(conn, 'dupe_of'):
        params['dupe_of'] = conn.dupe_of
    if hasattr(conn, 'groups_add'):
        if 'groups' not in params:
            params['groups'] = {}
        params['groups']['add'] = conn.groups_add
    if hasattr(conn, 'groups_remove'):
        if 'groups' not in params:
            params['groups'] = {}
        params['groups']['remove'] = conn.groups_remove
    if hasattr(conn, 'keywords_set'):
        if 'keywords' not in params:
            params['keywords'] = {}
        params['keywords']['set'] = conn.keywords_set
    if hasattr(conn, 'op_sys'):
        params['op_sys'] = conn.op_sys
    if hasattr(conn, 'platform'):
        params['platform'] = conn.platform
    if hasattr(conn, 'priority'):
        params['priority'] = conn.priority
    if hasattr(conn, 'product'):
        params['product'] = conn.product
    if hasattr(conn, 'resolution'):
        if not hasattr(conn, 'dupe_of'):
            params['resolution'] = conn.resolution
    if hasattr(conn, 'see_also_add'):
        if 'see_also' not in params:
            params['see_also'] = {}
        params['see_also']['add'] = conn.see_also_add
    if hasattr(conn, 'see_also_remove'):
        if 'see_also' not in params:
            params['see_also'] = {}
        params['see_also']['remove'] = conn.see_also_remove
    if hasattr(conn, 'severity'):
        params['severity'] = conn.severity
    if hasattr(conn, 'status'):
        if not hasattr(conn, 'dupe_of'):
            params['status'] = conn.status
    if hasattr(conn, 'summary'):
        params['summary'] = conn.summary
    if hasattr(conn, 'url'):
        params['url'] = conn.url
    if hasattr(conn, 'version'):
        params['version'] = conn.version
    if hasattr(conn, 'whiteboard'):
        params['whiteboard'] = conn.whiteboard

    if hasattr(conn, 'fixed'):
        params['status'] = 'RESOLVED'
        params['resolution'] = 'FIXED'

    if hasattr(conn, 'invalid'):
        params['status'] = 'RESOLVED'
        params['resolution'] = 'INVALID'

    if len(params) < 2:
        raise BugzError('No changes were specified')
    result = conn.call_bz(conn.bz.Bug.update, params)
    for bug in result['bugs']:
        changes = bug['changes']
        if not len(changes):
            log_info('Added comment to bug %s' % bug['id'])
            log_info('Modified the following fields in bug %s' % bug['id'])
            for key in changes:
                log_info('%-12s: removed %s' % (key, changes[key]['removed']))
                log_info('%-12s: added %s' % (key, changes[key]['added']))