def _do_start(args): tank_ip = build_utils.get_build_info_option('tank', 'tank_ip') tank_port = build_utils.get_build_info_option('tank', 'tank_port') if tank_ip and tank_port: args.tank_ip = tank_ip args.tank_port = int(tank_port) build_utils.start_daemon_process('Tank server', TANK_PID_FILE, TANK_ROOT, './', args.tank_ip, str(args.tank_port))
def start_owl_monitor(): owl_monitor_http_port = build_utils.get_build_info_option('owl', 'owl_port') if not owl_monitor_http_port: Log.print_critical("Owl port is null") build_utils.start_daemon_process('Owl monitor', OWL_MONITOR_PID_FILE, OWL_ROOT, './', owl_monitor_http_port)
def start_owl_monitor(): owl_monitor_http_port = build_utils.get_build_info_option( 'owl', 'owl_port') if not owl_monitor_http_port: Log.print_critical("Owl port is null") build_utils.start_daemon_process('Owl monitor', OWL_MONITOR_PID_FILE, OWL_ROOT, './', owl_monitor_http_port)
def create_hbase_table(): if build_utils.get_build_info_option('owl', 'hbase_table') == 'created': return os.chdir(OPENTSDB_ROOT) log_message = "Creating hbase table for opentsdb in %s" % OPENTSDB_ROOT cmd = ["env", "COMPRESSION=NONE", "HBASE_HOME=%s" % HBASE_ROOT, "./src/"] build_utils.execute_command(cmd, log_message=log_message) os.chdir(MINOS_ROOT) # Mark hbase table created build_utils.output_build_info('owl', 'hbase_table', 'created')
def create_hbase_table(): if build_utils.get_build_info_option('owl', 'hbase_table') == 'created': return os.chdir(OPENTSDB_ROOT) log_message = "Creating hbase table for opentsdb in %s" % OPENTSDB_ROOT cmd = [ "env", "COMPRESSION=NONE", "HBASE_HOME=%s" % HBASE_ROOT, "./src/" ] build_utils.execute_command(cmd, log_message=log_message) os.chdir(MINOS_ROOT) # Mark hbase table created build_utils.output_build_info('owl', 'hbase_table', 'created')
def create_and_configure_mysql_for_owl(args): if build_utils.get_build_info_option('owl', 'mysql') == 'created': return # Support both local and remote database choice = raw_input("Please choose Mysql server you want to use " \ "(1 for Local, 2 for Remote): ") owl_prefix = raw_input("Please enter the prefix of your owl database name " \ "(default: %s): " % getpass.getuser()) if not owl_prefix: owl_prefix = getpass.getuser() database_name = "%s_owl" % owl_prefix # Using local mysql if int(choice) == 1: # Check mysql server is running cmd = 'ps -ef | grep mysqld | grep -v grep' error_message = "Please start mysql server firstly" build_utils.check_command_output(cmd, error_message=error_message) # Create owl database create_owl_database(args, database_name) # Configure mysql for owl configure_mysql_for_owl(database_name) # Using remote mysql elif int(choice) == 2: remote_address = raw_input("Please input the remote mysql " \ "server's address (ip:port): ") remote_host, remote_port = remote_address.split(":") # Create owl database create_owl_database(args, database_name, host=remote_host, port=remote_port) # Configure mysql for owl configure_mysql_for_owl(database_name, remote_host, remote_port) else: Log.print_critical("ERROR: invalid choice") # Mark mysql database created build_utils.output_build_info('owl', 'mysql', 'created')
def build_hbase(): if build_utils.get_build_info_option('owl', 'hbase') == 'built': return if not os.path.exists(BUILD_DOWNLOAD_ROOT): os.mkdir(BUILD_DOWNLOAD_ROOT) os.chdir(BUILD_DOWNLOAD_ROOT) log_message = "Setup hbase in %s" % BUILD_DOWNLOAD_ROOT if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(HBASE_TARBALL)): cmd = ["wget", "%s" % HBASE_TARBALL] build_utils.execute_command(cmd, log_message=log_message) if not os.path.exists(HBASE_ROOT): cmd = ["tar", "xfz", "%s" % os.path.basename(HBASE_TARBALL)] build_utils.execute_command(cmd) generate_hbase_configuration() os.chdir(MINOS_ROOT) # Mark hbase built build_utils.output_build_info('owl', 'hbase', 'built')
def start(args): if not build_utils.get_build_info_option('tank', 'build_status') == 'success': _build(args) _do_start(args)