예제 #1
    def rebuildBuild(self, bs, reason="<rebuild, no reason given>", extraProperties=None):
        if not bs.isFinished():

        # Make a copy of the properties so as not to modify the original build.
        properties = Properties()
        # Don't include runtime-set properties in a rebuild request
        if extraProperties is None:

        properties_dict = dict((k,(v,s)) for (k,v,s) in properties.asList())
        ssList = bs.getSourceStamps(absolute=True)
        if ssList:
            sourcestampsetid = yield  ssList[0].getSourceStampSetId(self.control.master)
            dl = []
            for ss in ssList[1:]:
                # add defered to the list
                dl.append(ss.addSourceStampToDatabase(self.control.master, sourcestampsetid))
            yield defer.gatherResults(dl)

            bsid, brids = yield self.control.master.addBuildset(
            defer.returnValue((bsid, brids))
            log.msg('Cannot start rebuild, rebuild has no sourcestamps for a new build')
예제 #2
    def rebuildBuild(self, bs, reason="<rebuild, no reason given>", extraProperties=None):
        if not bs.isFinished():

        # Make a copy of the properties so as not to modify the original build.
        properties = Properties()
        # Don't include runtime-set properties in a rebuild request
        if extraProperties is None:

        properties_dict = dict((k,(v,s)) for (k,v,s) in properties.asList())
        ss = bs.getSourceStamp(absolute=True)
        d = ss.getSourceStampId(self.master.master)
        def add_buildset(ssid):
            return self.master.master.addBuildset(
                    ssid=ssid, reason=reason, properties=properties_dict)
        return d
예제 #3
class Change:

    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve several
    files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is a change
    comment for the group as a whole."""

    number = None
    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None  # used to create a source-stamp
    links = []  # links are gone, but upgrade code expects this attribute

    def fromChdict(cls, master, chdict):
        Class method to create a L{Change} from a dictionary as returned
        by L{ChangesConnectorComponent.getChange}.

        @param master: build master instance
        @param ssdict: change dictionary

        @returns: L{Change} via Deferred
        cache = master.caches.get_cache("Changes", cls._make_ch)
        return cache.get(chdict['changeid'], chdict=chdict, master=master)

    def _make_ch(cls, changeid, master, chdict):
        change = cls(None, None, None, _fromChdict=True)
        change.who = chdict['author']
        change.comments = chdict['comments']
        change.revision = chdict['revision']
        change.branch = chdict['branch']
        change.category = chdict['category']
        change.revlink = chdict['revlink']
        change.repository = chdict['repository']
        change.codebase = chdict['codebase']
        change.project = chdict['project']
        change.number = chdict['changeid']

        when = chdict['when_timestamp']
        if when:
            when = datetime2epoch(when)
        change.when = when

        change.files = sorted(chdict['files'])

        change.properties = Properties()
        for n, (v, s) in iteritems(chdict['properties']):
            change.properties.setProperty(n, v, s)

        return defer.succeed(change)

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, revision=None, when=None,
                 branch=None, category=None, revlink='', properties=None,
                 repository='', codebase='', project='', _fromChdict=False):
        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
        # skip all this madness if we're being built from the database
        if _fromChdict:

        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None:
                return x
            return text_type(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
                "received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now")
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.codebase = codebase
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = sorted(files or [])

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def __str__(self):
        return (u"Change(revision=%r, who=%r, branch=%r, comments=%r, " +
                u"when=%r, category=%r, project=%r, repository=%r, " +
                u"codebase=%r)") % (
            self.revision, self.who, self.branch, self.comments,
            self.when, self.category, self.project, self.repository,

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return self.number - other.number

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += "Files:\n"
        for f in self.files:
            data += " %s\n" % f
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n"
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        data += '\n\n'
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        files = [dict(name=f) for f in self.files]
        files.sort(key=lambda a: a['name'])

        result = {
            # Constant
            'number': self.number,
            'branch': self.branch,
            'category': self.category,
            'who': self.getShortAuthor(),
            'comments': self.comments,
            'revision': self.revision,
            'rev': self.revision,
            'when': self.when,
            'at': self.getTime(),
            'files': files,
            'revlink': getattr(self, 'revlink', None),
            'properties': self.properties.asList(),
            'repository': getattr(self, 'repository', None),
            'codebase': getattr(self, 'codebase', ''),
            'project': getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]

    def getLogs(self):
        return {}
예제 #4
class TestProperties(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.props = Properties()

    def testDictBehavior(self):
        # note that dictionary-like behavior is deprecated and not exposed to
        # users!
        self.props.setProperty("do-tests", 1, "scheduler")
        self.props.setProperty("do-install", 2, "scheduler")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-tests'], 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-install'], 2)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : self.props['do-nothing'])
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('do-install'), 2)
        self.assertIn('do-tests', self.props)
        self.assertNotIn('missing-do-tests', self.props)

    def testAsList(self):
        self.props.setProperty("happiness", 7, "builder")
        self.props.setProperty("flames", True, "tester")

                [ ('flames', True, 'tester'), ('happiness', 7, 'builder') ])

    def testAsDict(self):
        self.props.setProperty("msi_filename", "product.msi", 'packager')
        self.props.setProperty("dmg_filename", "product.dmg", 'packager')

                dict(msi_filename=('product.msi', 'packager'), dmg_filename=('product.dmg', 'packager')))

    def testUpdate(self):
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = { 'a' : 1, 'b' : 2 }
        self.props.update(newprops, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateRuntime(self):
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = { 'a' : 1, 'b' : 2 }
        self.props.update(newprops, "new", runtime=True)

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.runtime, set(['a', 'b']))

    def testUpdateFromProperties(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new")
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateFromPropertiesNoRuntime(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("b", 84, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new", runtime=False)
        newprops.setProperty('c', 3, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('d', 3, "new", runtime=False)

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 94)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('b'), 2)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('b'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('c'), None) # not updated
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('d'), 3)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('d'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')

    # IProperties methods

    def test_getProperty(self):
        self.props.properties['p1'] = (['p', 1], 'test')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.getProperty('p1'), ['p', 1])

    def test_getProperty_default_None(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.props.getProperty('p1'), None)

    def test_getProperty_default(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.props.getProperty('p1', 2), 2)

    def test_hasProperty_false(self):

    def test_hasProperty_true(self):
        self.props.properties['x'] = (False, 'test')

    def test_has_key_false(self):

    def test_setProperty(self):
        self.props.setProperty('x', 'y', 'test')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.properties['x'], ('y', 'test'))
        self.assertNotIn('x', self.props.runtime)

    def test_setProperty_runtime(self):
        self.props.setProperty('x', 'y', 'test', runtime=True)
        self.assertEqual(self.props.properties['x'], ('y', 'test'))
        self.assertIn('x', self.props.runtime)

    def test_setProperty_no_source(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda :
                self.props.setProperty('x', 'y'))

    def test_getProperties(self):
        self.assertIdentical(self.props.getProperties(), self.props)

    def test_getBuild(self):
        self.assertIdentical(self.props.getBuild(), self.props.build)

    def test_render(self):
        class FakeRenderable(object):
            def getRenderingFor(self, props):
                return props.getProperty('x') + 'z'
        self.props.setProperty('x', 'y', 'test')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.render(FakeRenderable()), 'yz')
class TestProperties(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.props = Properties()

    def testDictBehavior(self):
        self.props.setProperty("do-tests", 1, "scheduler")
        self.props.setProperty("do-install", 2, "scheduler")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-tests'], 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-install'], 2)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : self.props['do-nothing'])
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('do-install'), 2)

    def testAsList(self):
        self.props.setProperty("happiness", 7, "builder")
        self.props.setProperty("flames", True, "tester")

                [ ('flames', True, 'tester'), ('happiness', 7, 'builder') ])

    def testAsDict(self):
        self.props.setProperty("msi_filename", "product.msi", 'packager')
        self.props.setProperty("dmg_filename", "product.dmg", 'packager')

                dict(msi_filename='product.msi', dmg_filename='product.dmg'))

    def testUpdate(self):
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = { 'a' : 1, 'b' : 2 }
        self.props.update(newprops, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateFromProperties(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new")
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateFromPropertiesNoRuntime(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("b", 84, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new", runtime=False)
        newprops.setProperty('c', 3, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('d', 3, "new", runtime=False)

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 94)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('b'), 2)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('b'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('c'), None) # not updated
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('d'), 3)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('d'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
예제 #6
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve
    several files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is
    a change comment for the group as a whole.

    If the version control system supports sequential repository- (or
    branch-) wide change numbers (like SVN, P4, and Arch), then revision=
    should be set to that number. The highest such number will be used at
    checkout time to get the correct set of files.

    If it does not (like CVS), when= should be set to the timestamp (seconds
    since epoch, as returned by time.time()) when the change was made. when=
    will be filled in for you (to the current time) if you omit it, which is
    suitable for ChangeSources which have no way of getting more accurate

    Changes should be submitted to ChangeMaster.addChange() in
    chronologically increasing order. Out-of-order changes will probably
    cause the html.Waterfall display to be corrupted."""


    number = None

    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 revlink='', properties={}):
        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links
        self.revision = revision
        if when is None:
            when = util.now()
        self.when = when
        self.branch = branch
        self.category = category
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asHTML(self):
        links = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                # could get confused
                links.append('<a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>' % (link[0], file))
                links.append('<b>%s</b>' % file)
        if self.revision:
            if getattr(self, 'revlink', ""):
                revision = 'Revision: <a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>\n' % (
                        self.revlink, self.revision)
                revision = "Revision: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % self.revision
            revision = ''

        branch = ""
        if self.branch:
            branch = "Branch: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % self.branch

        properties = []
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            properties.append("%s: %s<br />" % (prop[0], prop[1]))

        kwargs = { 'who'       : html.escape(self.who),
                   'at'        : self.getTime(),
                   'files'     : html.UL(links) + '\n',
                   'revision'  : revision,
                   'branch'    : branch,
                   'comments'  : html.PRE(self.comments),
                   'properties': html.UL(properties) + '\n' }
        return html_tmpl % kwargs

    def get_HTML_box(self, url):
        """Return the contents of a TD cell for the waterfall display.

        @param url: the URL that points to an HTML page that will render
        using our asHTML method. The Change is free to use this or ignore it
        as it pleases.

        @return: the HTML that will be put inside the table cell. Typically
        this is just a single href named after the author of the change and
        pointing at the passed-in 'url'.
        who = self.getShortAuthor()
        if self.comments is None:
            title = ""
            title = html.escape(self.comments)
        return '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (url,

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data
    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #7
파일: changes.py 프로젝트: hef/buildbot
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve several
    files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is a change
    comment for the group as a whole."""


    number = None
    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp

    def fromChdict(cls, master, chdict):
        Class method to create a L{Change} from a dictionary as returned
        by L{ChangesConnectorComponent.getChange}.

        @param master: build master instance
        @param ssdict: change dictionary

        @returns: L{Change} via Deferred
        change = cls(None, None, None, _fromChdict=True)
        change.who = chdict['author']
        change.comments = chdict['comments']
        change.isdir = chdict['is_dir']
        change.links = chdict['links']
        change.revision = chdict['revision']
        change.branch = chdict['branch']
        change.category = chdict['category']
        change.revlink = chdict['revlink']
        change.repository = chdict['repository']
        change.project = chdict['project']
        change.number = chdict['changeid']

        when = chdict['when_timestamp']
        if when:
            when = datetime2epoch(when)
        change.when = when

        change.files = chdict['files'][:]

        change.properties = Properties()
        for n, (v,s) in chdict['properties'].iteritems():
            change.properties.setProperty(n, v, s)

        return defer.succeed(change)

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 revlink='', properties={}, repository='', project='',
        # skip all this madness if we're being built from the database
        if _fromChdict:

        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None: return x
            return unicode(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
            log.msg("received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now")
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def __str__(self):
        return (u"Change(who=%r, files=%r, comments=%r, revision=%r, " +
                u"when=%r, category=%r, project=%r, repository=%r)") % (
                self.who, self.files, self.comments, self.revision,
                self.when, self.category, self.project, self.repository)

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        result = {}

        files = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                url = link[0]
                url = None
            files.append(dict(url=url, name=file))

        files = sorted(files, cmp=lambda a, b: a['name'] < b['name'])

        # Constant
        result['number'] = self.number
        result['branch'] = self.branch
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['who'] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result['comments'] = self.comments
        result['revision'] = self.revision
        result['rev'] = self.revision
        result['when'] = self.when
        result['at'] = self.getTime()
        result['files'] = files
        result['revlink'] = getattr(self, 'revlink', None)
        result['properties'] = self.properties.asList()
        result['repository'] = getattr(self, 'repository', None)
        result['project'] = getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #8
    def force(self, req):

        Custom properties can be passed from the web form.  To do
        this, subclass this class, overriding the force() method.  You
        can then determine the properties (usually from form values,
        by inspecting req.args), then pass them to this superclass
        force method.
        name = req.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0]
        reason = req.args.get("comments", ["<no reason specified>"])[0]
        branch = req.args.get("branch", [""])[0]
        revision = req.args.get("revision", [""])[0]
        properties = Properties()
        for i in (1,2,3):
            pname = req.args.get("prop%dname" % i, [""])[0]
            pvalue = req.args.get("prop%dvalue" % i, [""])[0]
            if pname and pvalue:
                properties.setProperty(pname, pvalue, "Force Build Form")

        r = "The web-page 'force build' button was pressed by '%s': %s\n" \
            % (html.escape(name), html.escape(reason))
        log.msg("web forcebuild of builder '%s', branch='%s', revision='%s'"
                " by user '%s'" % (self.builder_status.getName(), branch,
                                   revision, name))

        if not self.builder_control:
            # TODO: tell the web user that their request was denied
            log.msg("but builder control is disabled")
            return Redirect("..")

        if self.isUsingUserPasswd(req):
            if not self.authUser(req):
                return Redirect("../../authfail")

        # keep weird stuff out of the branch revision, and property strings.
        # TODO: centralize this somewhere.
        if not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', branch):
            log.msg("bad branch '%s'" % branch)
            return Redirect("..")
        if not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', revision):
            log.msg("bad revision '%s'" % revision)
            return Redirect("..")
        for p in properties.asList():
            key = p[0]
            value = p[1]
            if not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', key) \
              or not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', value):
                log.msg("bad property name='%s', value='%s'" % (key, value))
                return Redirect("..")
        if not branch:
            branch = None
        if not revision:
            revision = None

        # TODO: if we can authenticate that a particular User pushed the
        # button, use their name instead of None, so they'll be informed of
        # the results.
        # TODO2: we can authenticate that a particular User pushed the button
        # now, so someone can write this support. but it requires a
        # buildbot.changes.changes.Change instance which is tedious at this
        # stage to compute
        s = SourceStamp(branch=branch, revision=revision)
        req = BuildRequest(r, s, builderName=self.builder_status.getName(),
        except interfaces.NoSlaveError:
            # TODO: tell the web user that their request could not be
            # honored
        # send the user back to the builder page
        return Redirect(".")
class TestProperties(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.props = Properties()

    def testDictBehavior(self):
        # note that dictionary-like behavior is deprecated and not exposed to
        # users!
        self.props.setProperty("do-tests", 1, "scheduler")
        self.props.setProperty("do-install", 2, "scheduler")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-tests'], 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-install'], 2)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: self.props['do-nothing'])
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('do-install'), 2)
        self.assertIn('do-tests', self.props)
        self.assertNotIn('missing-do-tests', self.props)

    def testAsList(self):
        self.props.setProperty("happiness", 7, "builder")
        self.props.setProperty("flames", True, "tester")

                         [('flames', True, 'tester'),
                          ('happiness', 7, 'builder')])

    def testAsDict(self):
        self.props.setProperty("msi_filename", "product.msi", 'packager')
        self.props.setProperty("dmg_filename", "product.dmg", 'packager')

            dict(msi_filename=('product.msi', 'packager'),
                 dmg_filename=('product.dmg', 'packager')))

    def testUpdate(self):
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
        self.props.update(newprops, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateRuntime(self):
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
        self.props.update(newprops, "new", runtime=True)

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.runtime, set(['a', 'b']))

    def testUpdateFromProperties(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new")
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateFromPropertiesNoRuntime(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("b", 84, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new", runtime=False)
        newprops.setProperty('c', 3, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('d', 3, "new", runtime=False)

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 94)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('b'), 2)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('b'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('c'), None)  # not updated
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('d'), 3)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('d'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')

    def test_setProperty_notJsonable(self):
        self.props.setProperty("project", ConstantRenderable('testing'),
        self.props.setProperty("project", object, "test")
            len(self.flushWarnings([self.test_setProperty_notJsonable])), 2)

    # IProperties methods

    def test_getProperty(self):
        self.props.properties['p1'] = (['p', 1], 'test')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.getProperty('p1'), ['p', 1])

    def test_getProperty_default_None(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.props.getProperty('p1'), None)

    def test_getProperty_default(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.props.getProperty('p1', 2), 2)

    def test_hasProperty_false(self):

    def test_hasProperty_true(self):
        self.props.properties['x'] = (False, 'test')

    def test_has_key_false(self):

    def test_setProperty(self):
        self.props.setProperty('x', 'y', 'test')
        self.assertEqual(self.props.properties['x'], ('y', 'test'))
        self.assertNotIn('x', self.props.runtime)

    def test_setProperty_runtime(self):
        self.props.setProperty('x', 'y', 'test', runtime=True)
        self.assertEqual(self.props.properties['x'], ('y', 'test'))
        self.assertIn('x', self.props.runtime)

    def test_setProperty_no_source(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.props.setProperty('x', 'y'))

    def test_getProperties(self):
        self.assertIdentical(self.props.getProperties(), self.props)

    def test_getBuild(self):
        self.assertIdentical(self.props.getBuild(), self.props.build)

    def test_render(self):
        class Renderable(object):

            def getRenderingFor(self, props):
                return props.getProperty('x') + 'z'

        self.props.setProperty('x', 'y', 'test')
        d = self.props.render(Renderable())
        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'yz')
        return d
예제 #10
파일: changes.py 프로젝트: yuben75/buildbot
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve several
    files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is a change
    comment for the group as a whole."""

    number = None
    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None  # used to create a source-stamp
    links = []  # links are gone, but upgrade code expects this attribute

    def fromChdict(cls, master, chdict):
        Class method to create a L{Change} from a dictionary as returned
        by L{ChangesConnectorComponent.getChange}.

        @param master: build master instance
        @param ssdict: change dictionary

        @returns: L{Change} via Deferred
        cache = master.caches.get_cache("Changes", cls._make_ch)
        return cache.get(chdict['changeid'], chdict=chdict, master=master)

    def _make_ch(cls, changeid, master, chdict):
        change = cls(None, None, None, _fromChdict=True)
        change.who = chdict['author']
        change.committer = chdict['committer']
        change.comments = chdict['comments']
        change.revision = chdict['revision']
        change.branch = chdict['branch']
        change.category = chdict['category']
        change.revlink = chdict['revlink']
        change.repository = chdict['repository']
        change.codebase = chdict['codebase']
        change.project = chdict['project']
        change.number = chdict['changeid']

        when = chdict['when_timestamp']
        if when:
            when = datetime2epoch(when)
        change.when = when

        change.files = sorted(chdict['files'])

        change.properties = Properties()
        for n, (v, s) in chdict['properties'].items():
            change.properties.setProperty(n, v, s)

        return defer.succeed(change)

    def __init__(self,
        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
        # skip all this madness if we're being built from the database
        if _fromChdict:

        self.who = who
        self.committer = committer
        self.comments = comments

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None:
                return x
            return str(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
                "received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now"
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.codebase = codebase
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = sorted(files or [])

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            "Change(revision=%r, who=%r, committer=%r, branch=%r, comments=%r, "
            + "when=%r, category=%r, project=%r, repository=%r, " +
            "codebase=%r)") % (self.revision, self.who, self.committer,
                               self.branch, self.comments, self.when,
                               self.category, self.project, self.repository,

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.number == other.number

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self.number != other.number

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.number < other.number

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.number <= other.number

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.number > other.number

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.number >= other.number

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += "Files:\n"
        for f in self.files:
            data += " {}\n".format(f)
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: {}\n".format(self.repository)
        if self.project:
            data += "For: {}\n".format(self.project)
        data += "At: {}\n".format(self.getTime())
        data += "Changed By: {}\n".format(self.who)
        data += "Committed By: {}\n".format(self.committer)
        data += "Comments: {}".format(self.comments)
        data += "Properties: \n"
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  {}: {}".format(prop[0], prop[1])
        data += '\n\n'
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictionary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        files = [dict(name=f) for f in self.files]
        files.sort(key=lambda a: a['name'])

        result = {
            # Constant
            'number': self.number,
            'branch': self.branch,
            'category': self.category,
            'who': self.getShortAuthor(),
            'committer': self.committer,
            'comments': self.comments,
            'revision': self.revision,
            'rev': self.revision,
            'when': self.when,
            'at': self.getTime(),
            'files': files,
            'revlink': getattr(self, 'revlink', None),
            'properties': self.properties.asList(),
            'repository': getattr(self, 'repository', None),
            'codebase': getattr(self, 'codebase', ''),
            'project': getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(self.when))

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]

    def getLogs(self):
        return {}
예제 #11
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve
    several files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is
    a change comment for the group as a whole.

    If the version control system supports sequential repository- (or
    branch-) wide change numbers (like SVN, P4, and Bzr), then revision=
    should be set to that number. The highest such number will be used at
    checkout time to get the correct set of files.

    If it does not (like CVS), when= should be set to the timestamp (seconds
    since epoch, as returned by time.time()) when the change was made. when=
    will be filled in for you (to the current time) if you omit it, which is
    suitable for ChangeSources which have no way of getting more accurate

    The revision= and branch= values must be ASCII bytestrings, since they
    will eventually be used in a ShellCommand and passed to os.exec(), which
    requires bytestrings. These values will also be stored in a database,
    possibly as unicode, so they must be safely convertable back and forth.
    This restriction may be relaxed in the future.

    Changes should be submitted to ChangeMaster.addChange() in
    chronologically increasing order. Out-of-order changes will probably
    cause the web status displays to be corrupted."""


    number = None

    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None  # used to create a source-stamp

    def __init__(self,
        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None: return x
            return unicode(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
                "received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now"
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        result = {}

        files = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                url = link[0]
                url = None
            files.append(dict(url=url, name=file))

        files = sorted(files, cmp=lambda a, b: a['name'] < b['name'])

        # Constant
        result['number'] = self.number
        result['branch'] = self.branch
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['who'] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result['comments'] = self.comments
        result['revision'] = self.revision
        result['rev'] = self.revision
        result['when'] = self.when
        result['at'] = self.getTime()
        result['files'] = files
        result['revlink'] = getattr(self, 'revlink', None)
        result['properties'] = self.properties.asList()
        result['repository'] = getattr(self, 'repository', None)
        result['project'] = getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(self.when))

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]

    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #12
class TestProperties(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.props = Properties()

    def testDictBehavior(self):
        self.props.setProperty("do-tests", 1, "scheduler")
        self.props.setProperty("do-install", 2, "scheduler")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-tests'], 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props['do-install'], 2)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: self.props['do-nothing'])
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('do-install'), 2)

    def testAsList(self):
        self.props.setProperty("happiness", 7, "builder")
        self.props.setProperty("flames", True, "tester")

                         [('flames', True, 'tester'),
                          ('happiness', 7, 'builder')])

    def testAsDict(self):
        self.props.setProperty("msi_filename", "product.msi", 'packager')
        self.props.setProperty("dmg_filename", "product.dmg", 'packager')

            dict(msi_filename=('product.msi', 'packager'),
                 dmg_filename=('product.dmg', 'packager')))

    def testUpdate(self):
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
        self.props.update(newprops, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateFromProperties(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new")
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new")

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'new')

    def testUpdateFromPropertiesNoRuntime(self):
        self.props.setProperty("a", 94, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("b", 84, "old")
        self.props.setProperty("x", 24, "old")
        newprops = Properties()
        newprops.setProperty('a', 1, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('b', 2, "new", runtime=False)
        newprops.setProperty('c', 3, "new", runtime=True)
        newprops.setProperty('d', 3, "new", runtime=False)

        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('a'), 94)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('a'), 'old')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('b'), 2)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('b'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('c'), None)  # not updated
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('d'), 3)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('d'), 'new')
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getProperty('x'), 24)
        self.failUnlessEqual(self.props.getPropertySource('x'), 'old')
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve several
    files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is a change
    comment for the group as a whole."""


    number = None
    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp

    def fromChdict(cls, master, chdict):
        Class method to create a L{Change} from a dictionary as returned
        by L{ChangesConnectorComponent.getChange}.

        @param master: build master instance
        @param ssdict: change dictionary

        @returns: L{Change} via Deferred
        cache = master.caches.get_cache("Changes", cls._make_ch)
        return cache.get(chdict['changeid'], chdict=chdict, master=master)

    def _make_ch(cls, changeid, master, chdict):
        change = cls(None, None, None, _fromChdict=True)
        change.who = chdict['author']
        change.comments = chdict['comments']
        change.isdir = chdict['is_dir']
        change.links = chdict['links']
        change.revision = chdict['revision']
        change.branch = chdict['branch']
        change.category = chdict['category']
        change.revlink = chdict['revlink']
        change.repository = chdict['repository']
        change.project = chdict['project']
        change.number = chdict['changeid']

        when = chdict['when_timestamp']
        if when:
            when = datetime2epoch(when)
        change.when = when

        change.files = chdict['files'][:]

        change.properties = Properties()
        for n, (v,s) in chdict['properties'].iteritems():
            change.properties.setProperty(n, v, s)

        return defer.succeed(change)

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 revlink='', properties={}, repository='', project='',
        # skip all this madness if we're being built from the database
        if _fromChdict:

        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None: return x
            return unicode(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
            log.msg("received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now")
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def __str__(self):
        return (u"Change(revision=%r, who=%r, branch=%r, comments=%r, " +
                u"when=%r, category=%r, project=%r, repository=%r)") % (
                self.revision, self.who, self.branch, self.comments,
                self.when, self.category, self.project, self.repository)

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        result = {}

        files = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                url = link[0]
                url = None
            files.append(dict(url=url, name=file))

        files = sorted(files, cmp=lambda a, b: a['name'] < b['name'])

        # Constant
        result['number'] = self.number
        result['branch'] = self.branch
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['who'] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result['comments'] = self.comments
        result['revision'] = self.revision
        result['rev'] = self.revision
        result['when'] = self.when
        result['at'] = self.getTime()
        result['files'] = files
        result['revlink'] = getattr(self, 'revlink', None)
        result['properties'] = self.properties.asList()
        result['repository'] = getattr(self, 'repository', None)
        result['project'] = getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def asHTML(self):
        info = self.asDict()
        links = []
        for file in info['files']:
            if file['url'] is not None:
                # could get confused
                links.append('<a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>' % (file['url'], file['name']))
                links.append('<b>%s</b>' % file['name'])
        if info['revision']:
            if getattr(self, 'revlink', ""):
                revision = 'Revision: <a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>\n' % (
                        info['revlink'], info['revision'])
                revision = "Revision: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % info['revision']
            revision = ''

        if self.repository:
          repository = "Repository: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % info['repository']
          repository = ''

        branch = ""
        if info['branch']:
            branch = "Branch: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % info['branch']

        properties = []
        for prop in info['properties']:
            properties.append("%s: %s<br />" % (prop[0], prop[1]))

        kwargs = { 'who'       : html.escape(info['who']),
                   'at'        : info['at'],
                   'files'     : html.UL(links) + '\n',
                   'repository': repository,
                   'revision'  : revision,
                   'branch'    : branch,
                   'comments'  : html.PRE(info['comments']),
                   'properties': html.UL(properties) + '\n' }
        return html_tmpl % kwargs

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #14
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve
    several files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is
    a change comment for the group as a whole.

    If the version control system supports sequential repository- (or
    branch-) wide change numbers (like SVN, P4, and Arch), then revision=
    should be set to that number. The highest such number will be used at
    checkout time to get the correct set of files.

    If it does not (like CVS), when= should be set to the timestamp (seconds
    since epoch, as returned by time.time()) when the change was made. when=
    will be filled in for you (to the current time) if you omit it, which is
    suitable for ChangeSources which have no way of getting more accurate

    Changes should be submitted to ChangeMaster.addChange() in
    chronologically increasing order. Out-of-order changes will probably
    cause the html.Waterfall display to be corrupted."""


    number = None

    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp
    repository = None # optional repository

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 repository='', revlink='', properties={}):
        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links
        self.revision = revision
        if when is None:
            when = util.now()
        self.when = when
        self.branch = branch
        self.category = category
        self.repository = repository
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asHTML(self):
        links = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                # could get confused
                links.append('<a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>' % (link[0], file))
                links.append('<b>%s</b>' % file)
        if self.revision:
            if getattr(self, 'revlink', ""):
                revision = 'Revision: <a href="%s"><b>%s</b></a>\n' % (
                        self.revlink, self.revision)
                revision = "Revision: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % self.revision
            revision = ''

        if self.repository:
          repository = "Repository: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % self.repository
          repository = ''

        branch = ""
        if self.branch:
            branch = "Branch: <b>%s</b><br />\n" % self.branch

        properties = []
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            properties.append("%s: %s<br />" % (prop[0], prop[1]))

        kwargs = { 'who'       : html.escape(self.who),
                   'at'        : self.getTime(),
                   'files'     : html.UL(links) + '\n',
                   'repository': repository,
                   'revision'  : revision,
                   'branch'    : branch,
                   'comments'  : html.PRE(self.comments),
                   'properties': html.UL(properties) + '\n' }
        return html_tmpl % kwargs

    def get_HTML_box(self, url):
        """Return the contents of a TD cell for the waterfall display.

        @param url: the URL that points to an HTML page that will render
        using our asHTML method. The Change is free to use this or ignore it
        as it pleases.

        @return: the HTML that will be put inside the table cell. Typically
        this is just a single href named after the author of the change and
        pointing at the passed-in 'url'.
        who = self.getShortAuthor()
        if self.comments is None:
            title = ""
            title = html.escape(self.comments)
        return '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (url,

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        result = {}
        # Constant
        result['number'] = self.number
        result['branch'] = self.branch
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['who'] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result['comments'] = self.comments
        result['revision'] = self.revision
        result['repository'] = self.repository
        result['when'] = self.when
        result['files'] = self.files
        result['revlink'] = self.revlink
        result['properties'] = self.properties.asList()
        return result
예제 #15
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve several
    files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is a change
    comment for the group as a whole."""


    number = None

    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 revlink='', properties={}, repository='', project=''):
        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None: return x
            return unicode(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
            log.msg("received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now")
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def __str__(self):
        return (u"Change(who=%r, files=%r, comments=%r, revision=%r, " +
                u"when=%r, category=%r, project=%r, repository=%r)") % (
                self.who, self.files, self.comments, self.revision,
                self.when, self.category, self.project, self.repository)

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        result = {}

        files = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                url = link[0]
                url = None
            files.append(dict(url=url, name=file))

        files = sorted(files, cmp=lambda a, b: a['name'] < b['name'])

        # Constant
        result['number'] = self.number
        result['branch'] = self.branch
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['who'] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result['comments'] = self.comments
        result['revision'] = self.revision
        result['rev'] = self.revision
        result['when'] = self.when
        result['at'] = self.getTime()
        result['files'] = files
        result['revlink'] = getattr(self, 'revlink', None)
        result['properties'] = self.properties.asList()
        result['repository'] = getattr(self, 'repository', None)
        result['project'] = getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #16
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve
    several files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is
    a change comment for the group as a whole.

    If the version control system supports sequential repository- (or
    branch-) wide change numbers (like SVN, P4, and Bzr), then revision=
    should be set to that number. The highest such number will be used at
    checkout time to get the correct set of files.

    If it does not (like CVS), when= should be set to the timestamp (seconds
    since epoch, as returned by time.time()) when the change was made. when=
    will be filled in for you (to the current time) if you omit it, which is
    suitable for ChangeSources which have no way of getting more accurate

    The revision= and branch= values must be ASCII bytestrings, since they
    will eventually be used in a ShellCommand and passed to os.exec(), which
    requires bytestrings. These values will also be stored in a database,
    possibly as unicode, so they must be safely convertable back and forth.
    This restriction may be relaxed in the future.

    Changes should be submitted to ChangeMaster.addChange() in
    chronologically increasing order. Out-of-order changes will probably
    cause the web status displays to be corrupted."""


    number = None

    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 revlink='', properties={}, repository='', project=''):
        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None: return x
            return unicode(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
            log.msg("received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now")
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, 'revlink'):
            self.revlink = ""

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        result = {}

        files = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                url = link[0]
                url = None
            files.append(dict(url=url, name=file))

        files = sorted(files, cmp=lambda a, b: a['name'] < b['name'])

        # Constant
        result['number'] = self.number
        result['branch'] = self.branch
        result['category'] = self.category
        result['who'] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result['comments'] = self.comments
        result['revision'] = self.revision
        result['rev'] = self.revision
        result['when'] = self.when
        result['at'] = self.getTime()
        result['files'] = files
        result['revlink'] = getattr(self, 'revlink', None)
        result['properties'] = self.properties.asList()
        result['repository'] = getattr(self, 'repository', None)
        result['project'] = getattr(self, 'project', None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #17
파일: changes.py 프로젝트: abyx/buildbot
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve
    several files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is
    a change comment for the group as a whole.

    If the version control system supports sequential repository- (or
    branch-) wide change numbers (like SVN, P4, and Arch), then revision=
    should be set to that number. The highest such number will be used at
    checkout time to get the correct set of files.

    If it does not (like CVS), when= should be set to the timestamp (seconds
    since epoch, as returned by time.time()) when the change was made. when=
    will be filled in for you (to the current time) if you omit it, which is
    suitable for ChangeSources which have no way of getting more accurate

    Changes should be submitted to ChangeMaster.addChange() in
    chronologically increasing order. Out-of-order changes will probably
    cause the html.Waterfall display to be corrupted."""


    number = None

    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None # used to create a source-stamp

    def __init__(self, who, files, comments, isdir=0, links=None,
                 revision=None, when=None, branch=None, category=None,
                 revlink='', properties={}):
        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir
        if links is None:
            links = []
        self.links = links
        self.revision = revision
        if when is None:
            when = util.now()
        self.when = when
        self.branch = branch
        self.category = category
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = files[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, 'properties'):
            self.properties = Properties()

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def html_dict(self):
        '''returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering'''
        files = []
        for file in self.files:
            link = filter(lambda s: s.find(file) != -1, self.links)
            if len(link) == 1:
                url = link[0]
                url = None
            files.append(dict(url=url, name=file))
        files = sorted(files, cmp=lambda a,b: a['name'] < b['name'])

        kwargs = { 'who'       : self.who,
                   'at'        : self.getTime(),
                   'files'     : files,
                   'revision'  : self.revision,
                   'revlink'   : getattr(self, 'revlink', None),
                   'branch'    : self.branch,
                   'comments'  : self.comments,
                   'properties': self.properties.asList() }

        return kwargs

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]
    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data
    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data
예제 #18
파일: changes.py 프로젝트: jgraff/buildbot
class Change:
    """I represent a single change to the source tree. This may involve several
    files, but they are all changed by the same person, and there is a change
    comment for the group as a whole."""


    number = None
    branch = None
    category = None
    revision = None  # used to create a source-stamp
    links = []  # links are gone, but upgrade code expects this attribute

    def fromChdict(cls, master, chdict):
        Class method to create a L{Change} from a dictionary as returned
        by L{ChangesConnectorComponent.getChange}.

        @param master: build master instance
        @param ssdict: change dictionary

        @returns: L{Change} via Deferred
        cache = master.caches.get_cache("Changes", cls._make_ch)
        return cache.get(chdict["changeid"], chdict=chdict, master=master)

    def _make_ch(cls, changeid, master, chdict):
        change = cls(None, None, None, _fromChdict=True)
        change.who = chdict["author"]
        change.comments = chdict["comments"]
        change.isdir = chdict["is_dir"]
        change.revision = chdict["revision"]
        change.branch = chdict["branch"]
        change.category = chdict["category"]
        change.revlink = chdict["revlink"]
        change.repository = chdict["repository"]
        change.codebase = chdict["codebase"]
        change.project = chdict["project"]
        change.number = chdict["changeid"]

        when = chdict["when_timestamp"]
        if when:
            when = datetime2epoch(when)
        change.when = when

        change.files = chdict["files"][:]

        change.properties = Properties()
        for n, (v, s) in chdict["properties"].iteritems():
            change.properties.setProperty(n, v, s)

        return defer.succeed(change)

    def __init__(
        # skip all this madness if we're being built from the database
        if _fromChdict:

        self.who = who
        self.comments = comments
        self.isdir = isdir

        def none_or_unicode(x):
            if x is None:
                return x
            return unicode(x)

        self.revision = none_or_unicode(revision)
        now = util.now()
        if when is None:
            self.when = now
        elif when > now:
            # this happens when the committing system has an incorrect clock, for example.
            # handle it gracefully
            log.msg("received a Change with when > now; assuming the change happened now")
            self.when = now
            self.when = when
        self.branch = none_or_unicode(branch)
        self.category = none_or_unicode(category)
        self.revlink = revlink
        self.properties = Properties()
        self.properties.update(properties, "Change")
        self.repository = repository
        self.codebase = codebase
        self.project = project

        # keep a sorted list of the files, for easier display
        self.files = (files or [])[:]

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        # Older Changes won't have a 'properties' attribute in them
        if not hasattr(self, "properties"):
            self.properties = Properties()
        if not hasattr(self, "revlink"):
            self.revlink = ""

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            u"Change(revision=%r, who=%r, branch=%r, comments=%r, "
            + u"when=%r, category=%r, project=%r, repository=%r, "
            + u"codebase=%r)"
        ) % (

    def asText(self):
        data = ""
        data += self.getFileContents()
        if self.repository:
            data += "On: %s\n" % self.repository
        if self.project:
            data += "For: %s\n" % self.project
        data += "At: %s\n" % self.getTime()
        data += "Changed By: %s\n" % self.who
        data += "Comments: %s" % self.comments
        data += "Properties: \n%s\n\n" % self.getProperties()
        return data

    def asDict(self):
        """returns a dictonary with suitable info for html/mail rendering"""
        result = {}

        files = [dict(name=f) for f in self.files]
        files.sort(cmp=lambda a, b: a["name"] < b["name"])

        # Constant
        result["number"] = self.number
        result["branch"] = self.branch
        result["category"] = self.category
        result["who"] = self.getShortAuthor()
        result["comments"] = self.comments
        result["revision"] = self.revision
        result["rev"] = self.revision
        result["when"] = self.when
        result["at"] = self.getTime()
        result["files"] = files
        result["revlink"] = getattr(self, "revlink", None)
        result["properties"] = self.properties.asList()
        result["repository"] = getattr(self, "repository", None)
        result["codebase"] = getattr(self, "codebase", "")
        result["project"] = getattr(self, "project", None)
        return result

    def getShortAuthor(self):
        return self.who

    def getTime(self):
        if not self.when:
            return "?"
        return time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(self.when))

    def getTimes(self):
        return (self.when, None)

    def getText(self):
        return [html.escape(self.who)]

    def getLogs(self):
        return {}

    def getFileContents(self):
        data = ""
        if len(self.files) == 1:
            if self.isdir:
                data += "Directory: %s\n" % self.files[0]
                data += "File: %s\n" % self.files[0]
            data += "Files:\n"
            for f in self.files:
                data += " %s\n" % f
        return data

    def getProperties(self):
        data = ""
        for prop in self.properties.asList():
            data += "  %s: %s" % (prop[0], prop[1])
        return data