def plotDecays(protomodel, verbosity, outfile="decays.png"): print("[plotHiscore] now draw %s" % outfile) options = { "tex": True, "color": True, "dot": True, "squarks": True, "weakinos": True, "sleptons": True, "neato": True, "separatecharm": True, "integratesquarks": False, "leptons": True } options["rmin"] = 0.005 ## FIXME add cross sections. if verbosity == "debug": soptions = "" for k, v in options.items(): if v == True: soptions += "--%s " % k ma = Manipulator(protomodel) ssms = ma.simplifySSMs() # soptions+=' --ssmultipliers "%s"' % ssms print ( "%s../smodels_utils/plotting/ -f %s -o %s %s%s" % \ ( colorama.Fore.GREEN, protomodel.currentSLHA, outfile, soptions, colorama.Fore.RESET ) ) decayPlotter.draw(protomodel.currentSLHA, outfile, options, verbosity=verbosity, ssmultipliers=protomodel.ssmultipliers)
def getUnfrozenSSMs(protomodel, frozen, includeOnes=False, dropLSPLSP=True): """ of all SSMs, leave out the ones with frozen particles :param protomodel: the, well, protomodel :param frozen: list of pids of frozen particles :param includeOnes: if False, then also filter out values close to unity :param dropLSPLSP: if True, dont include LSP,LSP production :returns: dictionary of SSMs without frozen particles """ # ssms = protomodel.ssmultipliers ma = Manipulator(protomodel) ssms = ma.simplifySSMs(threshold=.01 * fb) D = {} for pids, v in ssms.items(): hasFrozenParticle = False if dropLSPLSP: if pids == (ProtoModel.LSP, ProtoModel.LSP): continue for pid in pids: if pid in frozen or -pid in frozen: hasFrozenParticle = True if hasFrozenParticle: continue if not includeOnes and abs(v - 1.) < 1e-2: continue D[pids] = v return D
def main( rundir = None, maxruns=3, doPlots=True, uploadTo="latest" ): """ eternal loop that updates hiscore.hi and states.dict :param maxruns: maximally iterate that many times :param doPlots: if False, suppress plotting :param uploadTo: upload plots to directory "~/git/<uploadTo>" """ rundir = setup( rundir ) i = 0 Z, Zold, step, K, Kold = 0., 0., 0, -90., -90. Zfile = "%s/Zold.conf" % rundir if os.path.exists ( Zfile ): with open ( Zfile, "rt" ) as f: Zold = float ( ) Kfile = "%s/Kold.conf" % rundir if os.path.exists ( Kfile ): with open ( Kfile, "rt" ) as f: Kold = float ( ) while True: i+=1 if maxruns != None and i > maxruns: break D = updateHiscores( rundir ) Z,step,model,K = D["Z"],D["step"],D["model"],D["K"] if K > Kold + .001: from builder.manipulator import Manipulator m = Manipulator ( model ) T=str(int(time.time())) m.writeDictFile ( "" % T, comment="history keeper" ) with open ( "%shistory.txt" % rundir, "at" ) as f: f.write ( "%s, step=%d, Z=%.4f, K=%.4f, t=%s\n" % ( time.asctime(),step,Z,K,T) ) f.close() with open ( Zfile, "wt" ) as f: f.write ( "%s\n" % str(Z) ) f.close() with open ( Kfile, "wt" ) as f: f.write ( "%s\n" % str(K) ) f.close() Zold = Z Kold = K if doPlots: plot ( Z, K, rundir, uploadTo ) updateStates( rundir ) time.sleep(60.) if os.path.exists ( Kfile ): ## so we can meddle from outside with open ( Kfile, "rt" ) as f: Kold = float ( )
def writeListToDictFile ( self, dictFile=None ): """ write the models in append mode in a single dictFile. :param dictFile: write to dictFile. If None, then self.pickleFile is used, but with ".dict" as extension. """ if dictFile==None: dictFile = self.pickleFile if dictFile.endswith(".pcl"): dictFile = dictFile[:-4]+".py" f=open(dictFile,"wt") f.write("[") f.close() for protomodel in self.hiscores: ma = Manipulator ( protomodel ) ma.writeDictFile ( outfile = dictFile, appendMode=True ) f=open(dictFile,"at") f.write("]\n") f.close()
def testRandomModel(self): helpers.seedRandomNumbers(456) with open('randomModels_default.pcl', 'rb') as f: pList = pickle.load( f) #List with original models and modified ones pNew = copy.deepcopy( pList[0] ) #Obs: Can not use ProtoModel.copy(), since it calls random pNew.templateSLHA = os.path.abspath( '../builder/templates/template1g.slha') m = Manipulator(pNew) for p in pList: self.assertEqual(pNew.masses, p.masses) self.assertEqual(pNew.decays, p.decays) self.assertEqual(pNew.ssmultipliers, p.ssmultipliers) self.assertEqual(pNew._stored_xsecs, p._stored_xsecs) m.randomlyChangeModel()
def ssmProcess ( args ): """ one thread that computes predictions for ssms given in ssmrange """ i = args["i"] import time # time.sleep(5*i) ## would that help?? print ( "[scanner:%d] starting thread" % ( i ) ) model = args["model"] pids = args["pids"] predictor = args["predictor"] nevents = args["nevents"] ssmrange = args["ssmrange"] ssm = args["ssm"] model.walkerid = 200000+10000*i + model.walkerid model.createNewSLHAFileName ( prefix = "ssm%dp%d%d%.2f" % ( i, pids[0], pids[1], ssm ) ) if not pids in model.ssmultipliers: print ( "[scanner:%d] error cannot find pids %s" % (i, str(pids) ) ) return ret = {} ts = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S" ) model.delXSecs() # model.predict ( nevents = nevents, recycle_xsecs = True ) predictor.predict ( model ) print ( "[scanner:%d-%s] before we begin, Z is %.3f" % ( i, ts, model.Z ) ) for ctr,ssm in enumerate(ssmrange): ssmold = model.ssmultipliers[pids] print ( "[scanner:%d] we change the ssm from %.3f to %.3f" % \ ( i, ssmold, ssm ) ) ma = Manipulator ( model ) ma.changeSSM ( pids, ssm ) model = ma.M ts = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S" ) print ( "[scanner:%d-%s] start with %d/%d, ssm=%.2f (%d events)" % \ ( i, ts, ctr, len(ssmrange), ssm, nevents ) ) # model.predict ( nevents = nevents, recycle_xsecs = True ) predictor.predict ( model ) # #nevents = nevents, recycle_xsecs = True ) print ( "[scanner:%d-%s] `- Z=%.3f" % ( i, ts, model.Z ) ) ret[model.muhat*ssm]=(model.Z,model.rvalues[0],model.K,model.muhat) return ret
def testRandomUnfreeze(self): helpers.seedRandomNumbers(456) with open('randomModels_default.pcl', 'rb') as f: model = pickle.load(f)[0] m = Manipulator(model) m.randomlyUnfreezeParticle(sigma=0.5) self.assertEqual(sorted(model.unFrozenParticles()), [1000001, 1000021, 1000022]) masses = {1000022: 215.71, 1000001: 941.23, 1000021: 1068.91} for pid, mass in masses.items(): self.assertAlmostEqual(model.masses[pid], mass, places=1) decays = { 1000022: {}, 1000001: { 1000022: 1.0 }, 1000021: { (1000022, 6): 0.0, (1000022, 5): 0.5035, (1000022, 21): 0.248, (1000022, 1): 0.202, (1000001, 1): 0.0, (1000022, 4): 0.0456 } } for pid, decay in decays.items(): for dpid, br in decay.items(): self.assertAlmostEqual(model.decays[pid][dpid], br, places=1) m.randomlyUnfreezeParticle(force=True) self.assertEqual(sorted(model.unFrozenParticles()), [1000001, 1000021, 1000022, 1000024])
def plot(number, verbosity, picklefile, options, dbpath): ## plot hiscore number "number" protomodel = obtain(number, picklefile) protoslha = protomodel.createSLHAFile() subprocess.getoutput("cp %s hiscore.slha" % protoslha) m = Manipulator(protomodel) print("[plotHiscore] now write") m.writeDictFile() opts = ["ruler", "decays", "predictions", "copy", "html"] for i in opts: if not i in options: options[i] = True plotruler = options["ruler"] horizontal = False if "horizontal" in options and options["horizontal"]: horizontal = True # print ( "[plotHiscore] slha file exists?", os.path.exists ( protomodel.currentSLHA ), protomodel.currentSLHA ) if plotruler: plotRuler(protomodel, verbosity, horizontal) plotdecays = options["decays"] if plotdecays: plotDecays(protomodel, verbosity) if options["predictions"]: discussPredictions(protomodel) if options["html"] or options["tex"]: texdoc = writeTex(protomodel, options["keep_tex"]) if options["html"]: writeIndexHtml(protomodel) if options["tex"]: writeIndexTex(protomodel, texdoc) writeRawNumbersLatex(protomodel) writeRawNumbersHtml(protomodel) protomodel.delCurrentSLHA()
def clean ( self ): """ clean hiscore list, i.e. remove cruft from protomodels. leave first one as it is """ for ctr,h in enumerate(self.hiscores[1:]): if h != None: m=Manipulator ( h ) m.rescaleSignalBy(m.M.muhat) m.delBackup ( ) m.M.cleanBestCombo () self.hiscores[ctr+1]=m.M
def testUnfreeze(self): helpers.seedRandomNumbers(123) with open('randomModels_default.pcl', 'rb') as f: modelList = pickle.load(f) m = Manipulator(modelList[4]) r = m.unFreezeParticle( pid=2000006) #Should not work since 1000006 is frozen! self.assertEqual(r, 0) self.assertEqual(sorted(m.M.unFrozenParticles()), [1000022, 1000024]) r = m.unFreezeParticle( pid=1000006) #Should not work since 1000006 is frozen! r = m.unFreezeParticle( pid=2000006) #Now it should work since 1000006 is unfrozen! self.assertEqual(r, 1) self.assertEqual(sorted(m.M.unFrozenParticles()), [1000006, 1000022, 1000024, 2000006]) self.assertTrue( m.M.masses[2000006] > m.M.masses[1000006]) #stop2 mass should be higher than stop1 minMass = min([mass for mass in m.M.masses.values()]) self.assertTrue(minMass == m.M.masses[ m.M.LSP]) #all masses should smaller than the LSP mass #Check if the only open decays are created: m = Manipulator(modelList[1]) r = m.unFreezeParticle(pid=1000021, force=True) self.assertEqual(r, 1) self.assertEqual(sorted(m.M.unFrozenParticles()), [1000001, 1000021, 1000022]) self.assertEqual(sorted(m.M.decays.keys()), [1000001, 1000021, 1000022]) self.assertEqual(sorted(m.M.decays[1000021].keys()), [(1000001, 1), (1000022, 1), (1000022, 4), (1000022, 5), (1000022, 6), (1000022, 21)]) for pid in m.M.decays[1000021]: self.assertTrue(m.M.masses[1000021] > m.M.masses[max(pid)])
def __init__(self, walkerid=0, nsteps=10000, strategy="aggressive", dump_training=False, cheatcode=0, dbpath="./database.pcl", expected=False, select="all", catch_exceptions=True, rundir=None, nevents=100000, do_combine=False, record_history=False, seed=None, stopTeleportationAfter=-1): """ initialise the walker :param nsteps: maximum number of steps to perform, negative is infinity :param cheatcode: cheat mode. 0 is no cheating, 1 is with ranges, 2 is the Z323 model. :param expected: remove possible signals from database :param select: select only subset of results (all for all, em for efficiency maps only, ul for upper limits only, alternatively select for txnames via e.g. "txnames:T1,T2" :param catch_exceptions: should we catch exceptions :param nevents: number of MC events when computing cross-sections :param do_combine: if true, then also perform combinations, either via simplified likelihoods or via pyhf :param record_history: if true, attach a history recorder class :param seed: random seed, int or None :param stopTeleportationAfter: int or None. we stop teleportation after this step nr. If negative or None, we dont teleport at all """ if type(walkerid) != int or type(nsteps) != int or type( strategy) != str: self.pprint("Wrong call of constructor: %s, %s, %s" % (walkerid, nsteps, strategy)) sys.exit(-2) self.walkerid = walkerid ## walker id, for parallel runs self.rundir = rundir if rundir == None: self.rundir = "./" if seed is not None: from ptools import helpers helpers.seedRandomNumbers(seed + walkerid) self.pprint(f"setting random seed to {seed}") #Initialize Predictor self.predictor = Predictor(self.walkerid, dbpath=dbpath, expected=expected, select=select, do_combine=do_combine) #Initialize Hiscore (with access to the predictor) self.hiscoreList = Hiscore(walkerid, True, "%s/H%d.hi" % (self.rundir, walkerid), backup=False, predictor=self.predictor) self.hiscoreList.nkeep = 1 #Initialize ProtoModel and Manipulator: protomodel = ProtoModel( self.walkerid, keep_meta=True, nevents=nevents, dbversion=self.predictor.database.databaseVersion) self.manipulator = Manipulator(protomodel, strategy, do_record=record_history, seed=seed) self.catch_exceptions = catch_exceptions self.maxsteps = nsteps if stopTeleportationAfter == None: stopTeleportationAfter = -1 # stopTeleportationAfter = self.maxsteps/3. self.stopTeleportationAfter = stopTeleportationAfter self.accelerator = None if record_history: from ptools.history import History self.recorder = History(f"{self.rundir}/history{walkerid}.list") self.manipulator.do_record = True jobid = "unknown" if "SLURM_JOBID" in os.environ: jobid = os.environ["SLURM_JOBID"] self.pprint("Ramping up with slurm jobid %s" % jobid) if cheatcode <= 0: self.takeStep() # the first step should be considered as "taken" #Set current Z and K values to threshold values self.currentZ = -0.1 self.currentK = -20.0 else: self.manipulator.cheat(cheatcode) self.predictor.predict(self.protomodel) self.pprint ( "Cheat model gets Z=%.2f, K=%.2f" % \ ( self.manipulator.M.Z, self.manipulator.M.K ) ) # self.printStats ( substep=4 ) self.manipulator.backupModel() self.hiscoreList.newResult(self.manipulator) self.printStats(substep=5) self.currentK = self.manipulator.M.K self.currentZ = self.manipulator.M.Z if dump_training: from accelerator import Accelerator ## we use the accelerator only to dump the training data self.accelerator = Accelerator(walkerid=walkerid, dump_training=True, is_trained=False)
class RandomWalker: def __init__(self, walkerid=0, nsteps=10000, strategy="aggressive", dump_training=False, cheatcode=0, dbpath="./database.pcl", expected=False, select="all", catch_exceptions=True, rundir=None, nevents=100000, do_combine=False, record_history=False, seed=None, stopTeleportationAfter=-1): """ initialise the walker :param nsteps: maximum number of steps to perform, negative is infinity :param cheatcode: cheat mode. 0 is no cheating, 1 is with ranges, 2 is the Z323 model. :param expected: remove possible signals from database :param select: select only subset of results (all for all, em for efficiency maps only, ul for upper limits only, alternatively select for txnames via e.g. "txnames:T1,T2" :param catch_exceptions: should we catch exceptions :param nevents: number of MC events when computing cross-sections :param do_combine: if true, then also perform combinations, either via simplified likelihoods or via pyhf :param record_history: if true, attach a history recorder class :param seed: random seed, int or None :param stopTeleportationAfter: int or None. we stop teleportation after this step nr. If negative or None, we dont teleport at all """ if type(walkerid) != int or type(nsteps) != int or type( strategy) != str: self.pprint("Wrong call of constructor: %s, %s, %s" % (walkerid, nsteps, strategy)) sys.exit(-2) self.walkerid = walkerid ## walker id, for parallel runs self.rundir = rundir if rundir == None: self.rundir = "./" if seed is not None: from ptools import helpers helpers.seedRandomNumbers(seed + walkerid) self.pprint(f"setting random seed to {seed}") #Initialize Predictor self.predictor = Predictor(self.walkerid, dbpath=dbpath, expected=expected, select=select, do_combine=do_combine) #Initialize Hiscore (with access to the predictor) self.hiscoreList = Hiscore(walkerid, True, "%s/H%d.hi" % (self.rundir, walkerid), backup=False, predictor=self.predictor) self.hiscoreList.nkeep = 1 #Initialize ProtoModel and Manipulator: protomodel = ProtoModel( self.walkerid, keep_meta=True, nevents=nevents, dbversion=self.predictor.database.databaseVersion) self.manipulator = Manipulator(protomodel, strategy, do_record=record_history, seed=seed) self.catch_exceptions = catch_exceptions self.maxsteps = nsteps if stopTeleportationAfter == None: stopTeleportationAfter = -1 # stopTeleportationAfter = self.maxsteps/3. self.stopTeleportationAfter = stopTeleportationAfter self.accelerator = None if record_history: from ptools.history import History self.recorder = History(f"{self.rundir}/history{walkerid}.list") self.manipulator.do_record = True jobid = "unknown" if "SLURM_JOBID" in os.environ: jobid = os.environ["SLURM_JOBID"] self.pprint("Ramping up with slurm jobid %s" % jobid) if cheatcode <= 0: self.takeStep() # the first step should be considered as "taken" #Set current Z and K values to threshold values self.currentZ = -0.1 self.currentK = -20.0 else: self.manipulator.cheat(cheatcode) self.predictor.predict(self.protomodel) self.pprint ( "Cheat model gets Z=%.2f, K=%.2f" % \ ( self.manipulator.M.Z, self.manipulator.M.K ) ) # self.printStats ( substep=4 ) self.manipulator.backupModel() self.hiscoreList.newResult(self.manipulator) self.printStats(substep=5) self.currentK = self.manipulator.M.K self.currentZ = self.manipulator.M.Z if dump_training: from accelerator import Accelerator ## we use the accelerator only to dump the training data self.accelerator = Accelerator(walkerid=walkerid, dump_training=True, is_trained=False) def hostname(self): return socket.gethostname() def setWalkerId(self, Id): self.walkerid = Id self.manipulator.setWalkerId(Id) if self.accelerator != None: self.accelerator.walkerid = Id @classmethod def fromProtoModel(cls, protomodel, nsteps=10000, strategy="aggressive", walkerid=0, dump_training=False, dbpath="<rundir>/database.pcl", expected=False, select="all", catch_exceptions=True, keep_meta=True, rundir=None, do_combine=False, seed=None, stopTeleportationAfter=-1): ret = cls( walkerid, nsteps=nsteps, dbpath = dbpath, expected=expected, select=select, catch_exceptions = catch_exceptions, rundir = rundir, do_combine = do_combine, seed = seed, stopTeleportationAfter = \ stopTeleportationAfter ) ret.manipulator.M = protomodel ret.manipulator.setWalkerId(walkerid) ret.manipulator.backupModel() if dump_training: ## we use the accelerator only to dump the training data from accelerator import Accelerator ret.accelerator = Accelerator(walkerid=walkerid, dump_training=True, is_trained=False) return ret @classmethod def fromDictionary(cls, dictionary, nsteps=10000, strategy="aggressive", walkerid=0, dump_training=False, dbpath="<rundir>/database.pcl", expected=False, select="all", catch_exceptions=True, keep_meta=True, rundir=None, nevents=100000, do_combine=False, seed=None, stopTeleportationAfter=-1): ret = cls(walkerid, nsteps=nsteps, dbpath=dbpath, expected=expected, select=select, catch_exceptions=catch_exceptions, rundir=rundir, nevents=nevents, do_combine=do_combine, seed=seed, stopTeleportationAfter=stopTeleportationAfter) ret.manipulator.M = ProtoModel( walkerid, keep_meta, \ dbversion = ret.predictor.database.databaseVersion ) ret.manipulator.initFromDict(dictionary) ret.manipulator.setWalkerId(walkerid) ret.manipulator.M.createNewSLHAFileName() # ret.printStats ( substep=3 ) ret.manipulator.backupModel() return ret def pprint(self, *args): """ logging """ if not hasattr(self, "walkerid"): self.walkerid = -1 print("[walk:%d:%s-%s] %s" % (self.walkerid, self.hostname(), time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), " ".join(map(str, args)))) self.log(*args) @property def protomodel(self): return self.manipulator.M @protomodel.setter def protomodel(self, protomodel): self.manipulator.M = protomodel def printStats(self, substep=None): """ print the stats, i.e. number of unfrozen particles. for debugging. """ nUnfrozen = len(self.protomodel.unFrozenParticles()) nTotal = len(self.protomodel.particles) pidsp = self.protomodel.unFrozenParticles() pidsp.sort() namer = SParticleNames(False) prtcles = ", ".join(map(namer.asciiName, pidsp)) pidsbc = list(self.manipulator.getAllPidsOfBestCombo()) pidsbc.sort() prtclesbc = ", ".join(map(namer.asciiName, pidsbc)) self.pprint ( "Step %d has %d/%d unfrozen particles: %s [in best combo: %s]" % \ ( self.protomodel.step, nUnfrozen, nTotal, \ prtcles, prtclesbc ) ) if len(pidsbc) > 0 and not set(pidsbc).issubset(set(pidsp)): self.pprint( " `-- error! best combo pids arent subset of masses pids!!!") self.manipulator.M.bestCombo = None def onestep(self): #Add one step self.protomodel.step += 1 self.pprint("Step %d begins." % (self.protomodel.step)) self.printStats() #Remove data about best combo self.protomodel.cleanBestCombo() # self.printStats( substep=11 ) printMemUsage = False if printMemUsage: self.pprint ( "memory footprint (kb): walker %d, model %d, accelerator %d" %\ ( asizeof(self)/1024,asizeof(self.protomodel)/1024,asizeof(self.accelerator)/1024 )) #Trim the model, so we start only with the relevant particles for the #best combination in the previous step: self.log("freeze pids that arent in best combo, we dont need them:") nfrozen = self.manipulator.freezePidsNotInBestCombo() self.log(" `- froze %d particles not in best combo" % nfrozen) # self.printStats( substep=12 ) #Take a step in the model space: self.manipulator.randomlyChangeModel() # self.printStats( substep=13 ) nUnfrozen = len(self.protomodel.unFrozenParticles()) ## number of pids in best combo, as a check #Try to create a simpler model #(merge pre-defined particles of their mass difference is below dm) protomodelSimp = self.manipulator.simplifyModel(dm=200.0) # self.printStats( substep=14 ) if self.catch_exceptions: try: self.predictor.predict(self.manipulator.M) if protomodelSimp: self.predictor.predict(protomodelSimp) except Exception as e: self.pprint( "error ``%s'' (%s) encountered when trying to predict. lets revert and not count it as a step." % (str(e), type(e))) self.manipulator.restoreModel() self.manipulator.M.step -= 1 # we dont count that step. import traceback traceback.print_exc() return else: self.predictor.predict(self.manipulator.M) if protomodelSimp: self.predictor.predict(protomodelSimp) #Now keep the model with highest score: if protomodelSimp: if self.manipulator.M.K is None or ( protomodelSimp.K is not None and (protomodelSimp.K > self.manipulator.M.K)): self.manipulator.M = protomodelSimp #If no combination could be found, return if self.manipulator.M.Z is None: return #the muhat multiplier gets multiplied into the signal strengths self.manipulator.rescaleSignalBy(self.protomodel.muhat) self.log ( "Top r values after rescaling are: %.2f, %.2f" % \ ( self.manipulator.M.rvalues[0], self.manipulator.M.rvalues[1] ) ) self.log ( "Step %d: found highest Z: %.2f" % \ ( self.protomodel.step, self.protomodel.Z ) ) nUnfrozen = len(self.protomodel.unFrozenParticles()) self.pprint ( "best combo for strategy ``%s'' is %s: %s: [K=%.2f, Z=%.2f, %d unfrozen]" % \ ( self.manipulator.strategy, self.protomodel.letters, self.protomodel.description, self.protomodel.K, self.protomodel.Z, nUnfrozen ) ) smaxstp = "%s" % self.maxsteps if self.maxsteps < 0: smaxstp = "inf" #For low scoring models, teleport to a high score model: if self.checkIfToTeleport(pmax=0.5, norm=10.0): # if we teleport the rest becomes irrelevant return self.printStats() self.log ( "Step %d check if result goes into hiscore list" % \ ( self.protomodel.step ) ) srs = "%s" % ", ".join( ["%.2f" % x for x in self.protomodel.rvalues[:3]]) self.log("r values before calling .newResult are at %s" % srs) self.hiscoreList.newResult(self.manipulator) ## add to high score list srs = "%s" % ", ".join( ["%.2f" % x for x in self.protomodel.rvalues[:3]]) self.log("r values after calling .newResult are at %s" % srs) self.log("done check for result to go into hiscore list") self.log("Step %d/%s finished." % (self.protomodel.step, smaxstp)) def checkIfToTeleport(self, pmax=0.1, norm=10.0): """ check if we should teleport to a high score model. If yes, then we should then also perform the teleportation. The teleportation is done only if the model has a score smaller then the best score in hiscoreList. The teleportation probability is given by pmax*(1-exp^(K-bestK)/norm), so pmax is the maximum probability (when K -> -infinity). :param pmax: Maximum probability for teleportation. :param norm: Normalization for K distance. """ if self.protomodel.step > self.stopTeleportationAfter: self.log ( "teleportation is turned off after step #%d" % \ self.stopTeleportationAfter ) return False #self.log ( "teleportation turned off" ) #return False import random bestK = self.hiscoreList.globalMaxK() if bestK < 1.: self.log("bestK is smaller than one. no teleporting.") return False ourK = -2. if hasattr(self.manipulator.M, "K") and self.manipulator.M.K > -2: ourK = self.manipulator.M.K #The current model already is the best, do nothing. if ourK >= bestK: return False #Otherwise compute the teleportation probability: dK = (ourK - bestK) / norm prob = pmax * (1. - math.exp(dK)) a = random.uniform(0., 1.) doTP = (a < prob) ## do teleport, yes or no sDoTP = "a>p: dont teleport." if doTP: sDoTP = "a<p: do teleport." self.log ( "check if to teleport, Kmax=%.2f, ours is=%.2f, p=%.2f, a=%.2f, %s" % \ ( bestK, ourK, prob, a, sDoTP ) ) if doTP: self.manipulator.teleportToHiscore() return doTP def takeStep(self): """ take the step, save it as last step """ ## Backup model self.manipulator.backupModel() # Update current K and Z values self.currentK = self.protomodel.K self.currentZ = self.protomodel.Z self.manipulator.record("take step") def highlight(self, msgType="info", *args): """ logging, hilit """ col = colorama.Fore.GREEN print("%s[walk:%d] %s%s" % (col, self.walkerid, " ".join(map( str, args)), colorama.Fore.RESET)) def decideOnTakingStep(self): """ depending on the ratio of K values, decide on whether to take the step or not. If ratio > 1., take the step, if < 1, let chance decide. """ import random ratio = 1. K = self.currentK newK = self.protomodel.K if K > -20. and newK < K: ratio = numpy.exp(.5 * (newK - K)) if ratio >= 1.: self.highlight ( "info", "K: %.3f -> %.3f: r=%.4f, take the step" % \ ( self.currentK, self.protomodel.K, ratio ) ) if self.protomodel.K > 0. and self.protomodel.K < 0.7 * self.currentK: self.pprint(" `- weirdly, though, K decreases. Please check.") sys.exit(-2) self.takeStep() else: u = random.uniform(0., 1.) if u > ratio: self.pprint("u=%.2f > %.2f; K: %.2f -> %.2f: revert." % (u, ratio, self.currentK, self.protomodel.K)) self.manipulator.restoreModel(reportReversion=True) if hasattr(self, "oldgrad") and self.accelerator != None: self.accelerator.grad = self.oldgrad else: self.pprint( "u=%.2f <= %.2f ; %.2f -> %.2f: take the step, even though old is better." % (u, ratio, self.currentK, self.protomodel.Z)) self.takeStep() def log(self, *args): """ logging to file """ with open("%s/walker%d.log" % (self.rundir, self.walkerid), "a") as f: f.write("[randomWalker-%s] %s\n" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), " ".join(map(str, args)))) def record(self): """ if recorder is defined, then record. """ ## do we have a history recorder? if not hasattr(self, "recorder"): return self.recorder.add(self.manipulator) def walk(self, catchem=False): """ Now perform the random walk """ # self.printStats ( substep = 2 ) self.manipulator.backupModel() if len(self.manipulator.M.unFrozenParticles(withLSP=False)) < 1: ## start with unfreezing a random particle self.manipulator.randomlyUnfreezeParticle(force=True) self.manipulator.backupModel() while self.maxsteps < 0 or self.protomodel.step < self.maxsteps: if not catchem: self.onestep() else: try: self.onestep() except Exception as e: # self.pprint ( "taking a step resulted in exception: %s, %s" % \ (type(e), e ) ) import traceback traceback.print_stack(limit=None) except_type, except_class, tb = sys.exc_info() extracted = traceback.extract_tb(tb) for point in extracted: self.pprint("extracted: %s" % point) with open("%s/exceptions.log" % self.rundir, "a") as f: f.write ( "%s: taking a step resulted in exception: %s, %s\n" % \ (time.asctime(), type(e), e ) ) f.write ( " `- exception occured in walker #%s\n" % \ self.protomodel.walkerid ) sys.exit(-1) #If no combination was found, go back if self.protomodel.K is None: self.manipulator.restoreModel() continue # obtain the ratio of posteriors self.decideOnTakingStep() self.record() self.manipulator.M.delCurrentSLHA() self.pprint("Was asked to stop after %d steps" % self.maxsteps)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ restore hiscore.hi from the dictionary file """ # from ptools import hiscoreTools from walker.hiscore import Hiscore from builder.manipulator import Manipulator from builder.protomodel import ProtoModel from tester.predictor import Predictor from import logger logger.setLevel("ERROR") import subprocess ## maybe add copying of real*.dict to hiscores.dict ## maybe add check for database pickle file subprocess.getoutput("rm H*hi") subprocess.getoutput("rm Kold.conf") pmodel = ProtoModel(0) pr = Predictor(0) ma = Manipulator(pmodel) ma.initFromDictFile("hiscores.dict", initTestStats=True) print("The previous K value was", ma.M.K) pr.predict(ma.M) print("We end up with K=", ma.M.K) hi = Hiscore(0, True, picklefile="H1.hi", hiscores=[ma.M]) a = subprocess.getoutput("./") print(a)
def main ( args ): """ the function that updates the hiscore.hi file :param args: detailed, outfile, infile, print, fetch, nmax, check, interactive, nevents. see "if __main__" part below. :returns: { "Z": highest significance, "step": step, "model": model, "K": bayesian_K } """ ret = { "Z": 0., "step": 0, "model": None, "K": -100. } if args.detailed: args.print = True if args.outfile.lower() in [ "none", "", "false" ]: args.outfile = None infile = args.infile if type(infile) is str and infile.lower() in [ "none", "" ]: infile = None trundir = None if hasattr ( args, "rundir" ): trundir = args.rundir rundir = setup( trundir ) if infile == "default": infile = "%s/hiscore.hi" % rundir if args.outfile == infile: print ( "[hiscore] outputfile is same as input file. will assume that you do not want me to write out at all." ) args.outfile = None if args.fetch: import subprocess cmd = "scp gpu:/local/wwaltenberger/git/smodels-utils/prototools/H*.hi ." print ( "[hiscore] %s" % cmd ) out = subprocess.getoutput ( cmd ) print ( out ) if infile is None: print ( "[hiscore] compiling a hiscore list with %d protomodels" % args.nmax ) protomodels = compileList( args.nmax ) ## compile list from H<n>.hi files else: with open(infile,"rb") as f: try: protomodels = pickle.load ( f ) try: pickle.load ( f ) except EOFError: pass f.close() except (BlockingIOError,OSError) as e: print ( "file handling error on %s: %s" % ( infile, e ) ) ## make sure we dont block! raise e if protomodels[0] == None: print ( "[hiscore] error, we have an empty hiscore list" ) return ret sin = infile if sin == None: sin = "H*.hi" pevs = pprintEvs ( protomodels[0] ) print ( "[hiscore] hiscore from %s[%d] is at K=%.3f, Z=%.3f (%s)" % \ ( sin, protomodels[0].walkerid, protomodels[0].K, protomodels[0].Z, pevs ) ) # nevents = args.nevents if args.nmax > 0: protomodels = protomodels[:args.nmax] # print ( "we are here", args.outfile, hasattr ( protomodels[0], "analysisContributions" ) ) if type(args.outfile)==str and (".pcl" in args.outfile or ".hi" in args.outfile ): if not hasattr ( protomodels[0], "analysisContributions" ): print ( "[hiscore] why does the winner not have analysis contributions?" ) ma = Manipulator ( protomodels[0] ) from walker.hiscore import Hiscore hi = Hiscore( 0, True, f"{rundir}/hiscore.hi" ) hi.computeAnalysisContributions(ma) protomodels[0]=ma.M if not hasattr ( protomodels[0], "particleContributions" ): print ( "[hiscore] why does the winner not have particle contributions?" ) ma = Manipulator ( protomodels[0] ) from walker.hiscore import Hiscore from tester.predictor import Predictor predictor = None dbpath = args.dbpath if not "/" in dbpath: dbpath = f"{rundir}/{args.dbpath}" if hasattr ( args, "dbpath" ): dbpath = args.dbpath if os.path.exists ( dbpath ): predictor = Predictor ( 0, dbpath = dbpath, expected = False, select= "all" ) hi = Hiscore( 0, True, f"{rundir}/hiscore.hi", predictor = predictor ) hi.computeParticleContributions(ma) protomodels[0]=ma.M if args.outfile is not None: storeList ( protomodels, args.outfile ) if args.check: protomodel = protomodels[0] protomodel.predict() print ( "[hiscore] args.check, implement" ) if args.print: printProtoModels ( protomodels, args.detailed, min ( 10, args.nmax ) ) if len(protomodels)>0 and protomodels[0] != None: ret["Z"]=protomodels[0].Z ret["K"]=protomodels[0].K ret["step"]=protomodels[0].step ret["model"]=protomodels[0] return ret return ret
args = argparser.parse_args() from walker.hiscore import Hiscore if not os.path.exists ( args.infile ): print ( f"[hiscoreTools] error: input file {args.infile} does not exist." ) sys.exit() hi = Hiscore ( 0, False, args.infile ) protomodels = hi.hiscores import builder protomodel = protomodels from builder.protomodel import ProtoModel # so we can also use Andre's pcl files if type(protomodels)==ProtoModel: protomodel = protomodels else: protomodel = protomodels[0] ma = Manipulator ( protomodel ) ma.M.createNewSLHAFileName() print ( "[hiscoreTools] starting interactive session." ) print ( "[hiscoreTools] Variables: %sprotomodels, pb, fb%s" % \ ( colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.RESET ) ) print ( "[hiscoreTools] python: %scopy, numpy, scipy, scipy.stats, math%s" % \ ( colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.RESET ) ) print ( "[hiscoreTools] Modules: %smanipulator, hiscore, combiner, predictor, helpers%s" % \ ( colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.RESET ) ) print ( "[hiscoreTools] Classes: %sProtoModel, Combiner, Predictor, Hiscore, Database%s" % \ ( colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.RESET ) ) print ( "[hiscoreTools] Instantiations: %sma, co, hi, pr%s" % \ ( colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.RESET ) ) from tester import combiner from walker import hiscore from tester import predictor