def test_walking_mask_layer(options, test_set): assert (options.network_mode == Net_Mode.BACKDOOR_DEF) assert (options.build_level == Build_Level.MASK) ld_paths = dict() root_folder = '/home/tdteach/data/mask_test_solid_rd_1000_from_10/' # dirs = os.walk(root_folder) dirs = os.listdir(root_folder) for d in dirs: tgt_id = int(d.split('_')[0]) f_p = os.path.join(root_folder, d, 'checkpoint') with open(f_p, 'r') as f: for li in f: ckpt_name = li.split('"')[-2] ld_p = os.path.join(root_folder, d, ckpt_name) ld_paths[tgt_id] = ld_p break print(ld_paths) img_producer = dataset.ImageProducer(options, test_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op, aux_out_op = builder.build_model( img_producer, options) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True mask_abs = dict() init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: for k, v in ld_paths.items(): print(v) loader.restore(sess, v) masks, patterns =[out_op, aux_out_op]) mask = masks[0] pattern = (patterns[0] + 1.) / 2. mask_abs[k] = np.sum(np.abs(mask)) img_producer.stop() vs = list(mask_abs.values()) import statistics me = statistics.median(vs) abvs = abs(vs - me) mad = statistics.median(abvs) rvs = abvs / (mad * 1.4826) print(mask_abs) print(rvs) x_arr = [i for i in range(len(mask_abs))] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.boxplot(rvs)
def test_prediction(options, test_set): assert (options.build_level == Build_Level.LOGITS) img_producer = dataset.ImageProducer(options, test_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op, aux_out_op = builder.build_model( img_producer, options) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True acc = 0 n_test_examples = int(300) e_per_iter = options.batch_size * options.num_gpus init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if options.model_path is not None: loader.restore(sess, options.model_path) for k in range(n_test_examples // e_per_iter): a, lbs =[out_op, lb_op]) # lbs = np.zeros(lbs.shape) pds = np.argmax(a, axis=1) print(pds[1:10]) print(lbs[1:10]) acc += sum(np.equal(pds, lbs)) print(k) img_producer.stop() print("acc: %.2f%%" % (acc * 100.0 / n_test_examples))
def test_backdoor_defence(options, test_set): assert (options.net_mode == Net_Mode.BACKDOOR_DEF) img_producer = dataset.ImageProducer(options, test_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op, aux_out_op = builder.build_model( img_producer, options) print(out_op) print(aux_out_op) print("------------debug------------------") config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if options.model_path is not None: loader.restore(sess, options.model_path) if options.build_level == Build_Level.MASK: masks, patterns =[out_op, aux_out_op]) mask = masks[0] pattern = (patterns[0] + 1.) / 2. print(mask.shape) print(np.sum(np.abs(mask))) print(pattern.shape) import cv2 cv2.imshow('mask', mask) cv2.imshow('pattern', pattern) cv2.waitKey() elif options.build_level == Build_Level.LOGITS: e_per_iter = options.batch_size * options.num_gpus n_iters = test_set.num_examples // e_per_iter n_iters = min(10, n_iters) total_e = 0 acc_e = 0 t_lb = options.model_path.split("_") t_lb = int(t_lb[-2]) for k in range(n_iters): logits, masks =[out_op, aux_out_op]) total_e = total_e + e_per_iter tmp = np.argmax(logits, axis=1) acc_e += sum(tmp == t_lb) print('iter %d acc: %f' % (k, acc_e / total_e)) img_producer.stop()
def test_in_MF_format(options, test_set): img_producer = dataset.ImageProducer(options, test_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op, aux_out_op = builder.build_model( img_producer, options) header_len = len(options.image_folders[0]) im_pts = copy.deepcopy(test_set.filenames) for i in range(len(im_pts)): im_pts[i] = im_pts[i][header_len:] config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True n_test_examples = test_set.num_examples out_folder = '/home/tdteach/data/MF/results/try/FaceScrub/' name_ending = '_resnet101_128x128.bin' init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if options.model_path is not None: loader.restore(sess, options.model_path) z = 0 for k in range(math.ceil(n_test_examples / options.batch_size)): st_t = time.time() a, lbs =[out_op, lb_op]) ed_t = time.time() print(ed_t - st_t) if z + options.batch_size > n_test_examples: z = n_test_examples - options.batch_size for j in range(options.batch_size): save_to_bin(a[j], out_folder + im_pts[z + j] + name_ending) z = z + options.batch_size print(k) img_producer.stop()
def gen_data_matrix(): from config import Options import dataset import builder import tensorflow as tf options = Options() my_set = dataset.MegafaceDataset(options) img_producer = dataset.ImageProducer(options, my_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op = builder.build_model(img_producer,output_level=2) rst_image = [] rst_predict = [] t_label = 7707 sess_config = tf.ConfigProto() sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=sess_config) as sess: loader.restore(sess, "/home/tdteach/data/benchmark/21-wedge") print(options.num_examples_per_epoch) for i in range(100): print(i) lgs, ims, lbs =[out_op,img_op,lb_op]) for j in range(ims.shape[0]): rst_predict.append(lgs[j][t_label]) rst_image.append(np.reshape(ims[j], 128*128*3)) img_producer.stop() ii = np.array(rst_image) ip = np.array(rst_predict) print(ii.shape) print(ip.shape)'img_matrix',ii)'prd_matrix',ip)
def test_walking_patches(options, test_set): img_producer = dataset.PatchWalker(options, test_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op, aux_out_op = builder.build_model( img_producer) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True n_examples = test_set.num_examples save_limitation_per_file = 100000 init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if options.model_path is not None: loader.restore(sess, options.model_path) for e in range(0, 16 + 1): rst_matrix = None rst_labels = None sv_idx = 0 for k in range(n_examples // options.batch_size): a, lbs =[out_op, lb_op]) if rst_matrix is None: rst_matrix = a rst_labels = lbs else: rst_matrix = np.concatenate((rst_matrix, a)) rst_labels = np.concatenate((rst_labels, lbs)) print('done #%d batch in epoch %d' % (k, e)) if rst_labels.shape[0] >= save_limitation_per_file:'npys/data_%d_%d.npy' % (e, sv_idx)), rst_matrix[:save_limitation_per_file]) rst_matrix = rst_matrix[save_limitation_per_file:] sv_idx += 1 if rst_matrix.shape[0] > 0:'npys/data_%d_%d.npy' % (e, sv_idx)), rst_matrix)'npys/label.npy', rst_labels) img_producer.stop()
base_folder = None try: cfg = get_input() mode = cfg.pop("mode") engine = cfg.pop("engine") model_type = cfg.pop("_model_type").upper() cfg = {"name": model_type, model_type: cfg} base_folder = choose_dir("workdir/res") output_dir = os.path.join(base_folder, "model") base_folder = os.path.abspath(base_folder) # build net build_model(cfg, mode, output_dir, engine) print(base_folder, end="") except Exception as e: if base_folder is not None: shutil.rmtree(base_folder, ignore_errors=True) tb = e.__traceback__ while tb.tb_next is not None: tb = tb.tb_next fname = os.path.split(tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) fname = os.path.join(os.path.basename(fname[0]), fname[1]) # name = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name # function name print(f"{fname}, line {tb.tb_lineno}: {repr(e)}")
def test_embeddings(options, test_set): assert (options.build_level == Build_Level.EMBEDDING) img_producer = dataset.ImageProducer(options, test_set) loader, img_op, lb_op, out_op, aux_out_op = builder.build_model( img_producer, options) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True rst_matrix = None rst_labels = None n_examples_per_iter = options.batch_size * options.num_gpus n_iters = options.num_examples_per_epoch // n_examples_per_iter # n_test_examples = int(3000) init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if options.model_path is not None: loader.restore(sess, options.model_path) for k in range(n_iters): st_t = time.time() a, lbs =[out_op, lb_op]) ed_t = time.time() print(ed_t - st_t) if rst_matrix is None: rst_matrix = a rst_labels = lbs else: rst_matrix = np.concatenate((rst_matrix, a)) rst_labels = np.concatenate((rst_labels, lbs)) print(k) img_producer.stop()'out_X.npy', rst_matrix)'out_labels.npy', rst_labels) exit(0) no = np.linalg.norm(rst_matrix, axis=1) aft = np.divide(rst_matrix.transpose(), no) coss = np.matmul(aft.transpose(), aft) # coss = np.abs(coss) z = rst_labels z = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(z, 1), n_test_examples, axis=1) z = np.equal(z, rst_labels) same_type = z.astype(np.int32) total_top = np.sum(np.sum(same_type, axis=1) > 1) # top-1 rt = 0 for i in range(n_test_examples): if i == 0: rt += same_type[i][np.argmax(coss[i][1:])] elif i == n_test_examples - 1: rt += same_type[i][np.argmax(coss[i][:-1])] else: k1 = np.argmax(coss[i][0:i]) k2 = np.argmax(coss[i][i + 1:]) if coss[i][k1] > coss[i][k2 + i + 1]: rt += same_type[i][k1] else: rt += same_type[i][k2 + i + 1] print("top1 : %.2f%%" % (rt * 1.0 / total_top * 100)) print("positive pairs = %d" % total_top) # ROC print(same_type.shape) print(coss.shape) from sklearn import metrics fpr, tpr, thr = metrics.roc_curve( same_type.reshape(1, n_test_examples * n_test_examples).tolist()[0], coss.reshape(1, n_test_examples * n_test_examples).tolist()[0]) print('auc : %f' % (metrics.auc(fpr, tpr))) for i in range(len(fpr)): if fpr[i] * 100000 > 1: break print('tpr : %f' % (tpr[i])) print('thr : %f' % (thr[i])) aa = coss > 0.4594 print((np.sum(aa) - n_test_examples) / (n_test_examples * n_test_examples - n_test_examples)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr, tpr)
def unknown_value(value): print(f"Неизвестное значение {value}\n") show_help_and_exit() def show_help_and_exit(short=True): print(f"Использование: python3 {sys.argv[0]} MODE PATH_TO_CONFIG") if short: print("Для получения более подробной справки используйте -h") else: print(""" MODE: В каком режиме будет использоваться сеть (train/test) PATH_TO_CONFIG: Путь до файла с конфигурацией сети""") exit() if len(sys.argv) == 1: show_help_and_exit() if sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "--help": show_help_and_exit(False) if len(sys.argv) != 3: show_help_and_exit() if sys.argv[1] not in ["train", "test"]: unknown_value(sys.argv[1]) mode = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]): print(f"Файл {sys.argv[2]} не существует") exit() with open(sys.argv[2], "r") as f: cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) build_model(cfg, mode, output_dir="build")