def main(): jsonData = getCases() for (caseName, data) in jsonData.iteritems(): # plot totalPowerLoad for each subcase of each case params = data[0].iteritems() # simulate for each set of variables subCaseAmount = len([1]) print("plotting " + str(subCaseAmount) + " subcases for case: " + caseName) plt.figure() for currentSubCase in range(subCaseAmount): print(str(currentSubCase + 1) + "/" + str(subCaseAmount)) matFile = caseName + "_" plotLabel = data[1] variables = [] for (varName, valueList) in data[0].iteritems(): value = valueList[currentSubCase] matFile += varName + "_" + str(value) plotLabel += "_" + str(value) variables.append(varName) fileReader = Reader( os.path.join("output_" + caseName, matFile.replace(".", "_") + ".mat"), "dymola") (t, y) = fileReader.values("totalPowerLoad") # seconds to days t = [x / 86400 for x in t] plt.plot(t, y, label=plotLabel) plt.xlabel("Time [d]") plt.ylabel("MWh") plt.legend() if not os.path.exists("plot_" + caseName): os.makedirs("plot_" + caseName) plt.savefig("plot_" + caseName + "/totalPowerLoad")
def test_setBooleanParameterValues(self): """ Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Dymola.addParameters` function for boolean parameters. """ from import Reader # Delete output file resultFile = os.path.join("BooleanParameters.mat") if os.path.exists(resultFile): os.remove(resultFile) s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.BooleanParameters", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addParameters({'p1': True}) s.addParameters({'p2': False}) s.simulate() r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") (_, p) = r.values('p1') self.assertEqual(p[0], 1.0) (_, p) = r.values('p2') self.assertEqual(p[0], 0.0) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles()
def test_setBooleanParameterValues(self): ''' Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.addParameters` function for boolean parameters. ''' from import Reader # Delete output file resultFile = os.path.join("BooleanParameters.mat") if os.path.exists(resultFile): os.remove(resultFile) s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.BooleanParameters", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addParameters({'p1' : True}) s.addParameters({'p2' : False}) s.simulate() r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") (_, p) = r.values('p1') self.assertEqual(p[0], 1.0) (_, p) = r.values('p2') self.assertEqual(p[0], 0.0) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles()
def test_setResultFilterRegExp(self): """ Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Optimica.setResultFilter` function. """ from import Reader model = "MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.MyStep" resultFile = f"{model.replace('.', '_')}_result.mat" # Delete output file if os.path.exists(resultFile): os.remove(resultFile) s = Simulator(model, packagePath=self._packagePath) s.setResultFilter(["*source.y"]) s.simulate() self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(resultFile), f"Expected file {resultFile} to exist in test_setResultFilterRegExp." ) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") (_, _) = r.values('myStep.source.y') # This output should not be stored with self.assertRaises(KeyError): r.values("y") # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles()
def run_cdl_simulation(self, model, output_folder, ip_list, op_list, sample_time): """function that runs the CDL simulation using OpenModelica; also converts the .mat output file to .csv Parameters ---------- model : str name of the modelica model output_folder : str name of the folder where the generated mat file with the results will be saved ip_list : list list of input variables for this model op_list : list list of output variables for this model sample_time : int sample time in seconds Returns ------- simulation_output : pd.DataFrame timeseries of input and output variable values from the CDL simulation """ print("in running cdl simulation") omc = OMCSessionZMQ() if not omc.sendExpression("loadModel(Modelica)"): err = omc.sendExpression("getErrorString()") print("error while loading Modelica Standard Library: {}".format( err)) if not omc.sendExpression("loadModel(Buildings)"): err = omc.sendExpression("getErrorString()") print("error while loading Modelica Buildings Library: {}".format( err)) shutil.move("{}_res.mat".format(model), output_folder + "/{}_res.mat".format(model)) for file in os.listdir('.'): if file.startswith(model): os.remove(file) r = Reader(output_folder + "/{}_res.mat".format(model), 'dymola') df_list = [] for ip in ip_list: values = r.values(ip) df = pd.DataFrame(index=values[0], data={ip: values[1]}) df_list.append(df) for op in op_list: values = r.values(op) df = pd.DataFrame(index=values[0], data={op: values[1]}) df_list.append(df) simulation_output = pd.concat(df_list, axis=1).fillna(method='ffill') simulation_output = simulation_output.loc[~simulation_output.index. duplicated(keep='first')] simulation_output.to_csv(output_folder + "/{}_res.csv".format(model)) simulation_output.index = simulation_output.index.astype(float) = 'time' return simulation_output
def split_plot_variable(var, s, e, x_label, file_name, var_modifier=0.0): mat_file = "case_" + case + ".mat" # PLOT r = Reader(os.path.join("output", mat_file), "dymola") (t, y) = r.values(var) t = t[s:e] y = y[s:e] quick_plot(t, [x + var_modifier for x in y], x_label, var, file_name)
def ReadMat(dirname, matFileName, readVar, pipeList, modellist):#, lifetime, upv_File, co2_rate_file, co2_pricing_file, startYear): # read the MAT_Result File of the Modelica Simulation TA_data = [] for case in os.listdir(dirname): if 'case' in case: matFile = dirname + "/" + case + "/" + matFileName r = Reader(matFile, "dymola") data = {'name': case} for v in readVar: if v[1] == 'max': data.update({v[2]: r.max(v[0])}) elif v[1] == 'min': data.update({v[2]: r.min(v[0])}) elif v[1] == 'integral': data.update({v[2]: r.integral(v[0])}) # if pipe is active, add its pipe length to the total pipe length pipeLength = 0 for pipe in pipeList: data.update({ r.max(( + ".active"))}) if data[] == 1: pipeLength += r.max(( + ".length")) pipeDiameter = r.max(( + ".diameter")) data.update({'Total_Pipe_Length': pipeLength}) for m in modellist: data.update({ r.max(( + ".connected"))}) TA_data.append(data) return TA_data
def main(): """ Main method that plots the results """ import os import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import Reader # Optionally, change fonts to use LaTeX fonts # from matplotlib import rc # rc('text', usetex=True) # rc('font', family='serif') # Read results ofr1 = Reader(os.path.join("buildingspy", "examples", "dymola", "case1", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") ofr2 = Reader(os.path.join("buildingspy", "examples", "dymola", "case2", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") (time1, T1) = ofr1.values("cap.T") (time1, y1) = ofr1.values("con.y") (time2, T2) = ofr2.values("cap.T") (time2, y2) = ofr2.values("con.y") # Plot figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(time1 / 3600, T1 - 273.15, 'r', label='$T_1$') ax.plot(time2 / 3600, T2 - 273.15, 'b', label='$T_2$') ax.set_xlabel('time [h]') ax.set_ylabel(r'temperature [$^\circ$C]') ax.set_xticks(list(range(25))) ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend() ax.grid(True) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.plot(time1 / 3600, y1, 'r', label='$y_1$') ax.plot(time2 / 3600, y2, 'b', label='$y_2$') ax.set_xlabel('time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('y [-]') ax.set_xticks(list(range(25))) ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend() ax.grid(True) # Save figure to file plt.savefig('plot.pdf') plt.savefig('plot.png')
def test_translate_simulate(self): """ Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.translate` and the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.simulate_translated` method. """ import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.MyModel", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addModelModifier( "redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step source(offset=-0.1, height=1.1, startTime=0.5)") s.setStartTime(-1) s.setStopTime(5) s.setTimeOut(600) s.setTolerance(1e-4) s.setSolver("dassl") s.setNumberOfIntervals(50) s.setResultFile("myResults") s.translate() s.simulate_translated() # Read the result and test their validity outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(1.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725 * 6, r.integral('source.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles() # Make another simulation, but now the start time is at -2, and the height is 2.1 s.setStartTime(-2) s.addParameters({'source.height': 2.1}) s.simulate_translated() outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(2.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(1.25, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(7 * 1.25, r.integral('source.y')) # clean up translate temporary dir s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles() s.deleteTranslateDirectory()
def _check_model_parametrization(self): ''' Method that checks if the parameters set by addParameters function for an already translated model are actually overriding the original values at compilation time. ''' import os import numpy as np from import Reader def _compare(actual_res, desired_key, desired_value): (t, y) = actual_res.values(desired_key) del t try: np.testing.assert_allclose(y[0], desired_value) except AssertionError: msg = "Parameter " + desired_key + " cannot be re-set after model translation." self._reporter.writeError(msg) raise IOError actual_res = Reader( os.path.join(self._outputDir_, self._simulator_['resultFile']) + '.mat', 'dymola') for key, value in list(self._parameters_.items()): if isinstance(value, list): # lists for index, val in enumerate(value): key_string = key + '[' + str(index + 1) + ']' _compare(actual_res, key_string, val) else: # int, floats key_string = key _compare(actual_res, key_string, value)
def test_addVectorOfParameterValues(self): """ Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Dymola.addParameters` function for the situation where values for a parameter that is a vector is added. """ import numpy as np from import Reader # Delete output file resultFile = os.path.join("Constants.mat") if os.path.exists(resultFile): os.remove(resultFile) s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.Constants", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addParameters({'const1.k': [2, 3]}) s.addParameters({'const2.k': [[1.1, 1.2], [2.1, 2.2], [3.1, 3.2]]}) s.addParameters({'const3.k': 0}) s.simulate() r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(2, r.max('const1[1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(3, r.max('const1[2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(1.1, r.max('const2[1, 1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(1.2, r.max('const2[1, 2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(2.1, r.max('const2[2, 1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(2.2, r.max('const2[2, 2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(3.1, r.max('const2[3, 1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(3.2, r.max('const2[3, 2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0, r.max('const3.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles()
def test_translate_simulate_exception_parameter(self): ''' Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.translate` and the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.simulate_translated` method. This tests whether an exception is thrown if one attempts to change a parameter that is fixed after compilation ''' import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.ParameterEvaluation", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.translate() s.setSolver("dassl") desired_value = 0.2 s.addParameters({'x': desired_value}) # Simulate the model with new parameter and check in the output file # whether the parameter is really set. # Dymola 2016 FD01 sets it correctly, but Dymola 2016 does not. try: s.simulate_translated() # No exception. Check results actual_res = Reader(os.path.join(".", 'ParameterEvaluation.mat'), 'dymola') (_, y) = actual_res.values('x') (_, n) = actual_res.values('n') np.testing.assert_allclose(y[0], desired_value) np.testing.assert_allclose(n[0], 5) except IOError as e: # An IOError was raised. Make sure it is raised by simulate_translated print(("Caught IOError with message '{}'".format(e))) self.assertRaises(IOError, s.simulate_translated) # clean up translate temporary dir s.deleteTranslateDirectory() # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles() # This is called to clean up after an exception in simulate_translated(). s.deleteSimulateDirectory()
def test_translate_simulate_exception_parameter(self): """ Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.translate` and the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.simulate_translated` method. This tests whether an exception is thrown if one attempts to change a parameter that is fixed after compilation """ import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.ParameterEvaluation", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.translate() s.setSolver("dassl") desired_value = 0.2 s.addParameters({'x': desired_value}) # Simulate the model with new parameter and check in the output file # whether the parameter is really set. # Dymola 2016 FD01 sets it correctly, but Dymola 2016 does not. try: s.simulate_translated() # No exception. Check results actual_res = Reader(os.path.join(".", 'ParameterEvaluation.mat'), 'dymola') (_, y) = actual_res.values('x') (_, n) = actual_res.values('n') np.testing.assert_allclose(y[0], desired_value) np.testing.assert_allclose(n[0], 5) except IOError as e: # An IOError was raised. Make sure it is raised by simulate_translated print(("Caught IOError with message '{}'".format(e))) self.assertRaises(IOError, s.simulate_translated) # clean up translate temporary dir s.deleteTranslateDirectory() # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles() # This is called to clean up after an exception in simulate_translated(). s.deleteSimulateDirectory()
def test_addVectorOfParameterValues(self): ''' Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.addParameters` function for the situation where values for a parameter that is a vector is added. ''' import numpy as np from import Reader # Delete output file resultFile = os.path.join("Constants.mat") if os.path.exists(resultFile): os.remove(resultFile) s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.Examples.Constants", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addParameters({'const1.k' : [2, 3]}) s.addParameters({'const2.k' : [[1.1, 1.2], [2.1, 2.2], [3.1, 3.2]]}) s.addParameters({'const3.k' : 0}) s.simulate() r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(2, r.max('const1[1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(3, r.max('const1[2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(1.1, r.max('const2[1, 1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(1.2, r.max('const2[1, 2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(2.1, r.max('const2[2, 1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(2.2, r.max('const2[2, 2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(3.1, r.max('const2[3, 1].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(3.2, r.max('const2[3, 2].y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0, r.max('const3.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles()
def test_addMethods(self): """ Tests the various add methods. """ import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.MyModel", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addModelModifier( "redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step source(offset=-0.1, height=1.1, startTime=0.5)" ) s.setStartTime(-1) s.setStopTime(5) s.setTimeOut(600) s.setTolerance(1e-8) s.setSolver("Radau5ODE") s.setNumberOfIntervals(50) s.setResultFile("myResults") s.simulate() # Read the result and test their validity outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(1.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725 * 6, r.integral('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles()
def _extract_data(matFile, relVal): """ Extract time series data from mat file. :param matFile: modelica simulation result path :param relVal: list of variables that the data should be extracted """ from import Reader from import Plotter import re nPoi = 8761 try: r = Reader(matFile, TOOL) except IOError: raise ValueError("Failed to read {}.".format(matFile)) result = list() for var in relVal: time = [] val = [] try: var_mat = var # Matrix variables in JModelica are stored in mat file with no space e.g. [1,1]. var_mat = re.sub(' ', '', var_mat) (time, val) = r.values(var_mat) tMin = float(min(time)) tMax = float(max(time)) ti = _getTimeGrid(tMin, tMax, nPoi) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Result {} does not have variable {}.".format( matFile, var)) else: intVal = Plotter.interpolate(ti, time, val) temp = {'variable': var, 'time': ti, 'value': intVal} result.append(temp) return result
def test_addMethods(self): ''' Tests the various add methods. ''' import os import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.MyModel", "dymola") s.addPreProcessingStatement("Advanced.StoreProtectedVariables:= true;") s.addPostProcessingStatement("Advanced.StoreProtectedVariables:= false;") s.addModelModifier('redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step source(offset=-0.1, height=1.1, startTime=0.5)') s.setStartTime(-1) s.setStopTime(5) s.setTimeOut(600) s.setTolerance(1e-4) s.setSolver("dassl") s.setNumberOfIntervals(50) s.setResultFile("myResults") s.exitSimulator(True) s.deleteOutputFiles() s.showGUI(False) # s.printModelAndTime() s.showProgressBar(False) s.simulate() # Read the result and test their validity outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(1.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725*6, r.integral('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles()
def main(): """ Main method that plots the results """ import os import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import Reader # Optionally, change fonts to use LaTeX fonts # from matplotlib import rc # rc('text', usetex=True) # rc('font', family='serif') # Read results ofr1 = Reader( os.path.join("buildingspy", "examples", "dymola", "case1", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") ofr2 = Reader( os.path.join("buildingspy", "examples", "dymola", "case2", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") (time1, T1) = ofr1.values("cap.T") (time1, y1) = ofr1.values("con.y") (time2, T2) = ofr2.values("cap.T") (time2, y2) = ofr2.values("con.y") # Plot figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(time1 / 3600, T1 - 273.15, 'r', label='$T_1$') ax.plot(time2 / 3600, T2 - 273.15, 'b', label='$T_2$') ax.set_xlabel('time [h]') ax.set_ylabel(r'temperature [$^\circ$C]') ax.set_xticks(list(range(25))) ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend() ax.grid(True) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.plot(time1 / 3600, y1, 'r', label='$y_1$') ax.plot(time2 / 3600, y2, 'b', label='$y_2$') ax.set_xlabel('time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('y [-]') ax.set_xticks(list(range(25))) ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend() ax.grid(True) # Save figure to file plt.savefig('plot.pdf') plt.savefig('plot.png')
def ReadMat(dirname, matFileName, resultVar, pipeList, modellist): TA_data = [] for case in os.listdir(dirname): if 'case' in case: matFile = dirname + "/" + case + "/" + matFileName r = Reader(matFile, "dymola") data = {'name': case} for v in resultVar: if v[1] == 'max': data.update({v[0]: r.max(v[0])}) elif v[1] == 'min': data.update({v[0]: r.min(v[0])}) elif v[1] == 'integral': data.update({v[0]: r.integral(v[0])}) pipeLength = 0 for pipe in pipeList: data.update({ r.max(( + ".active"))}) if data[] == 1: pipeLength += r.max(( + ".length")) data.update({'Total_Pipe_Length': pipeLength}) for m in modellist: data.update({ r.max(( + ".connected"))}) TA_data.append(data) return TA_data
def test_addMethods(self): ''' Tests the various add methods. ''' import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.MyModel", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addPreProcessingStatement("Advanced.StoreProtectedVariables:= true;") s.addPostProcessingStatement( "Advanced.StoreProtectedVariables:= false;") s.addModelModifier( "redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step source(offset=-0.1, height=1.1, startTime=0.5)" ) s.setStartTime(-1) s.setStopTime(5) s.setTimeOut(600) s.setTolerance(1e-4) s.setSolver("dassl") s.setNumberOfIntervals(50) s.setResultFile("myResults") s.exitSimulator(True) # s.deleteOutputFiles() s.showGUI(False) # s.printModelAndTime() s.showProgressBar(False) s.simulate() # Read the result and test their validity outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(1.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725 * 6, r.integral('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles()
from import Reader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * import numpy as np rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'best' r=Reader('HotelModel_annual.mat','dymola') (t1,y1)=r.values('Loa.Loa') (t2,y2)=r.values('GueRooDomWatDem.y[1]') (t3,y3)=r.values('KitHotWatDem.y[1]') y1=y1/1000 t1d=[] t2d=[] t3d=[] y1d=[] y2d=[] y3d=[] for i in range(len(y1)): if t1[i]>3715200 and t1[i]<3801600: t1d.append(t1[i]) y1d.append(y1[i]) for i in range(len(y2)): if t2[i]>3715200 and t2[i]<3801600: t2d.append(t2[i]) y2d.append(y2[i]) for i in range(len(y3)): if t3[i]>3715200 and t3[i]<3801600:
# change result order since energyplus result file is not that same as indices = [0, 2, 1, 3] TMax_min = np.array([TMax_min[i] for i in indices]) TMax_max = np.array([TMax_max[i] for i in indices]) TMax_avg = np.array([TMax_Avg[i] for i in indices]) TMax_E_plus = np.array([TMax_E_plus[i] for i in indices]) TMin_min = np.array([TMin_min[i] for i in indices]) TMin_max = np.array([TMin_max[i] for i in indices]) TMin_avg = np.array([TMin_avg[i] for i in indices]) TMin_E_plus = np.array([TMin_E_plus[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_min = np.array([TAvg_min[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_max = np.array([TAvg_max[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_avg = np.array([TAvg_avg[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_E_plus = np.array([TAvg_E_plus[i] for i in indices]) reader = Reader("/tmp/BESTEST.mat", "dymola") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3.5)) legendsize = 10 N = 6 #gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4,1,height_ratios=[1,1,1,1]) ax0 = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # print(reader.values("EAnnHea600[1]")[1][-1]) # exit(0) plot_results(ax0, EHeacase600_Avg, EHeacase600_Min, EHeacase600_Max,
def simulate_in_dymola(heaPum, data, tableName, tableFileName): """ Evaluate the heat pump performance from the model in Dymola. :param heaPum: Heat pump model (object). :param data: Reference performance data (object). :param tableName: Name of the combiTimeTable. :param tableFileName: Name of the text file containing the combiTimeTable. :return: Performance data of the modeled heat pump (object). .. note:: Performance data from the model is evaluated at the same operating conditions (inlet water temperatures and mass flow rates at the source and load sides) as in the reference data. """ import buildingspy.simulate.Simulator as si from import Reader from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from builtins import str import getpass import os import tempfile # Find absolute path to buildings library packagePath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', '..')) # Create temporary directory for simulation files dirPrefix = tempfile.gettempprefix() tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=dirPrefix + '-' + 'HeatPumpCalibration' + '-' + getpass.getuser() + '-') # Set parameters for simulation in Dymola calModelPath = heaPum.modelicaCalibrationModelPath() s = si.Simulator(calModelPath, 'dymola', outputDirectory=tmpDir, packagePath=packagePath) s = heaPum.set_ModelicaParameters(s) m1_flow_nominal = min(data.flowSource) m2_flow_nominal = min(data.flowLoad) tableFilePath = \ str(os.path.join(tmpDir, tableFileName).replace(os.sep, '/')) s.addParameters({'m1_flow_nominal': m1_flow_nominal, 'm2_flow_nominal': m2_flow_nominal, 'calDat.fileName': tableFilePath}) # Write CombiTimeTable for dymola data.write_modelica_combiTimeTable(tableName, tmpDir, tableFileName, heaPum.CoolingMode) # Simulation parameters s.setStopTime(len(data.EWT_Source)) s.setSolver('dassl') # Kill the process if it does not finish in 2 minutes s.setTimeOut(120) s.showProgressBar(False) s.printModelAndTime() # s.showGUI(show=True) # s.exitSimulator(exitAfterSimulation=False) s.simulate() # Read results modelName = heaPum.modelicaModelName() ofr = Reader(os.path.join(tmpDir, modelName), 'dymola') (time1, QCon) = ofr.values('heaPum.QCon_flow') (time1, QEva) = ofr.values('heaPum.QEva_flow') (time1, P) = ofr.values('heaPum.P') t = [float(i) + 0.5 for i in range(len(data.EWT_Source))] f_P = interp1d(time1, P) P = f_P(t) f_QCon = interp1d(time1, QCon) QCon = f_QCon(t) f_QEva = interp1d(time1, QEva) QEva = f_QEva(t) # # Clean up # shutil.rmtree('calibrationModel') if heaPum.CoolingMode: Capacity = -QEva HR = QCon else: Capacity = QCon HR = -QEva dymRes = SimulationResults(data.EWT_Source, data.EWT_Load, data.flowSource, data.flowLoad, Capacity, HR, P, 'Modelica') return dymRes
c, keyword if not keyword else '.' + keyword, v))[1] resultsFull[c][v] = temp results[c][v] = temp[iGet] else: print('No results found for {}'.format(c)) if writeToFile: writeValues(components, results, fileName) return results if __name__ == "__main__": # r = Reader('GenericModule3.mat','dymola') r = Reader('SouthEast3.mat', 'dymola') prefix = 'PHS' components_GenericPipe = [ 'core.coolantSubchannel', 'hotLeg', 'coldLeg', '', '' ] components_SimpleVolume = ['inletPlenum', 'outletPlenum'] components_Cylinder_FD = [ 'core.fuelModel.region_1', 'core.fuelModel.region_2', 'core.fuelModel.region_3' ] components_Conduction_2D = ['STHX.tubeWall'] components_ExpansionTank_1Port = ['pressurizer'] components_TeeJunctionVolume = ['pressurizer_tee']
# Internal heat gains ep_int_con= \ df['LIGHTS 1 ROOM 102:Lights Radiant Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] + \ df['LIGHTS 1 ROOM 102_CHRIS:Lights Convective Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] + \ df['ELECEQ 1 ROOM 102:Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] + \ df['ROOM 102:Zone Other Equipment Radiant Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] ep_int_rad= \ df['LIGHTS 1 ROOM 102:Lights Convective Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] + \ df['LIGHTS 1 ROOM 102_CHRIS:Lights Convective Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] + \ df['ELECEQ 1 ROOM 102:Electric Equipment Convective Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] + \ df['ROOM 102:Zone Other Equipment Convective Heating Rate [W](TimeStep)'] mo_fil_name="/home/thierry/vmWareLinux/proj/buildings_library/models/modelica/git/71_T/modelica-buildings/Buildings/ElectroChromicWindow.mat" mof=Reader(mo_fil_name, "dymola") #(mo_tim, mo_inf) = mof.values("inf.m_flow") # Heat gains in W/m2 (but they are zero anyway. (mo_par, mo_qConGai_flow) = mof.values("qConGai_flow.y") (mo_par, mo_qRadGai_flow) = mof.values("qRadGai_flow.y") ############################################################### # Absorbed solar radiation ep_AGla=8.71 # Glass area, from 71T_singleRoom_Geometry.txt ep_qAbs_sol1=df['GLASS:Surface Window Total Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Rate Layer 1 [W](TimeStep)']/ep_AGla ep_qAbs_sol2=df['GLASS:Surface Window Total Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Rate Layer 2 [W](TimeStep)']/ep_AGla ep_HTotInc=df['GLASS:Surface Outside Face Incident Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](TimeStep)'] ep_HBeaInc=df['GLASS:Surface Outside Face Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](TimeStep)']
TMax_min = np.array([TMax_min[i] for i in indices]) TMax_max = np.array([TMax_max[i] for i in indices]) TMax_avg = np.array([TMax_Avg[i] for i in indices]) TMax_E_plus = np.array([TMax_E_plus[i] for i in indices]) TMin_min = np.array([TMin_min[i] for i in indices]) TMin_max = np.array([TMin_max[i] for i in indices]) TMin_avg = np.array([TMin_avg[i] for i in indices]) TMin_E_plus = np.array([TMin_E_plus[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_min = np.array([TAvg_min[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_max = np.array([TAvg_max[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_avg = np.array([TAvg_avg[i] for i in indices]) TAvg_E_plus = np.array([TAvg_E_plus[i] for i in indices]) reader =Reader("/tmp/BESTEST.mat", "dymola") fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10,3.5)) legendsize=10 N=6 #gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4,1,height_ratios=[1,1,1,1]) ax0 = plt.subplot(1,1,1) # print(reader.values("EAnnHea600[1]")[1][-1]) # exit(0) plot_results(ax0, EHeacase600_Avg, EHeacase600_Min, EHeacase600_Max, EHeacase600_E_plus, np.array([reader.values("EAnnHea600[" + str(i+1) + "]")[1][-1] for i in range(N)]), N, -0.3, marker=r'$\mathrm{E}_H$') plt.ylabel('Normalized errors $e_i$') plt.legend(frameon=False,prop={'size':legendsize},loc=2,ncol=3,numpoints=1)
from import Reader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import figure import os # Change fonts to use LaTeX fonts from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) rc('font', family='serif') # Read results ofr=Reader("Temperature_u.mat", "dymola") (t, u) = ofr.values("u") u /= 1e6 (t, T) = ofr.values("T") (t, TMon) = ofr.values("TMonotone") (t, e) = ofr.values("errNonMonotone") (t, eMon) = ofr.values("errMonotone") # Plot figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(u, T-273.15, 'r', label='$T$') ax.plot(u, TMon-273.15, '--b', markevery=5, label='$T_{monotone}$') ax.set_xlabel('u [MJ/kg]') ax.set_ylabel('temperature [$^\circ$C]') #ax.set_xticks(range(25)) #ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.grid(True)
def _profile_dymola(result): ''' Run simulation with dymola. The function returns CPU time used for compile and simulation. ''' import datetime import time from buildingspy.simulate.Simulator import Simulator from import Reader model=result['model'] modelName = model.split(".")[-1] worDir = create_working_directory() # Update MODELICAPATH to get the right library version s=Simulator(model, "dymola", outputDirectory=worDir) s.setSolver(result['solver']) s.setStartTime(result['start_time']) s.setStopTime(result['stop_time']) s.setTolerance(result['tolerance']) timeout = result['timeout'] if float(timeout) > 0.01: s.setTimeOut(timeout) tstart_tr = s.simulate() tend_tr = # total time tTotTim = (tend_tr-tstart_tr).total_seconds() resultFile = os.path.join(worDir, "{}.mat".format(modelName)) # In case of timeout or error, the output file may not exist if not os.path.exists(resultFile): shutil.rmtree(worDir) return {'tTra': 0, 'tCPU': 0, 'nTimeEvent': 0, 'nStateEvent': 0, 'nStepEvent': 0} r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") tCPU=r.max("CPUtime") tTra = tTotTim-tCPU nEve=r.max('EventCounter') eveLog = N.zeros(3) searchEve = list() searchEve.append("Number of (model) time events :") searchEve.append("Number of time events :") searchEve.append("Number of step events :") # ------ search and retrieve times from compile log file ------ with open(os.path.join(worDir,'dslog.txt'), "r") as f: for line in f: for index, strLin in enumerate(searchEve): if strLin in line: sect1 = line.split(": ") sect2 = sect1[1].split("\n") eveLog[index] = sect2[0] f.close() shutil.rmtree(worDir) return {'tTra': float(tTra), 'tCPU': float(tCPU), 'nTimeEvent': float(eveLog[0]), 'nStateEvent': float(eveLog[1]), 'nStepEvent': float(eveLog[2])}
# Used in Tasks 1, 2 for plotting modelica output # original code from Gregor Henze/Yangyang Fu from import Reader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Path = "/Users/maggie/Documents/AREN5010-HVAC-Modeling-and-Control/Modeling/OpenModelica/Task1_scenarios/" resultFile = "LTM_full_excite/LTM-full_excite.mat" fname = "LTM" #resultFile = "LightWallTestScenario/LWT.mat" #fname = "LWT" r = Reader(Path + resultFile, "dymola") (time, Ts_ext) = r.values(fname + '.Ts_ext') (time, Ts_int) = r.values(fname + '.Ts_int') (time, T_ext) = r.values(fname + '.T_ext') (time, T_int) = r.values(fname + '.T_int') (time, qs_ext) = r.values(fname + '.qs_ext') (time, qs_int) = r.values(fname + '.qs_int') print(len(time), len(Ts_ext), len(Ts_int), len(T_ext), len(T_int), len(qs_ext), len(qs_int)) # Plot figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
def test_teaser_district_heating_and_cooling_systems(self): # create cooling network and plant cooling_network = Network2Pipe(self.sys_params) cooling_plant = CoolingPlant(self.sys_params) # create heating network and plant heating_network = Network2Pipe(self.sys_params) heating_plant = HeatingPlantWithOptionalCHP(self.sys_params) # create our load/ets/stubs # store all couplings to construct the District system all_couplings = [ Coupling(cooling_network, cooling_plant), Coupling(heating_network, heating_plant), ] # keep track of separate loads and etses for testing purposes loads = [] heat_etses = [] cool_etses = [] for geojson_load in self.gj.buildings: teaser_load = Teaser(self.sys_params, geojson_load) loads.append(teaser_load) geojson_load_id =["id"] cooling_indirect = CoolingIndirect(self.sys_params, geojson_load_id) cool_etses.append(cooling_indirect) all_couplings.append(Coupling(teaser_load, cooling_indirect)) all_couplings.append(Coupling(cooling_indirect, cooling_network)) heating_indirect = HeatingIndirect(self.sys_params, geojson_load_id) heat_etses.append(heating_indirect) all_couplings.append(Coupling(teaser_load, heating_indirect)) all_couplings.append(Coupling(heating_indirect, heating_network)) # create the couplings and graph graph = CouplingGraph(all_couplings) district = District(root_dir=self.output_dir, project_name=self.project_name, system_parameters=self.sys_params, coupling_graph=graph) district.to_modelica() root_path = Path(district._scaffold.districts_path.files_dir).resolve() self.run_and_assert_in_docker( Path(root_path) / '', project_path=district._scaffold.project_path, project_name=district._scaffold.project_name) # # Validate model outputs # results_dir = f'{district._scaffold.project_path}_results' mat_file = f'{results_dir}/{self.project_name}_Districts_DistrictEnergySystem_result.mat' mat_results = Reader(mat_file, 'dymola') # check the mass flow rates of the first load are in the expected range load = loads[0] (_, heat_m_flow ) = mat_results.values(f'{}.ports_aHeaWat[1].m_flow') (_, cool_m_flow ) = mat_results.values(f'{}.ports_aChiWat[1].m_flow') self.assertTrue( (heat_m_flow >= 0).all(), 'Heating mass flow rate must be greater than or equal to zero') self.assertTrue( (cool_m_flow >= 0).all(), 'Cooling mass flow rate must be greater than or equal to zero') # this tolerance determines how much we allow the actual mass flow rate to exceed the nominal value M_FLOW_NOMINAL_TOLERANCE = 0.01 (_, heat_m_flow_nominal ) = mat_results.values(f'{}.terUni[1].mLoaHea_flow_nominal') heat_m_flow_nominal = heat_m_flow_nominal[0] (_, cool_m_flow_nominal ) = mat_results.values(f'{}.terUni[1].mLoaCoo_flow_nominal') cool_m_flow_nominal = cool_m_flow_nominal[0] # TODO: remove try/except this is fixed try: self.assertTrue( (heat_m_flow <= heat_m_flow_nominal + (heat_m_flow_nominal * M_FLOW_NOMINAL_TOLERANCE)).all(), f'Heating mass flow rate must be less than nominal mass flow rate ({heat_m_flow_nominal}) ' f'plus a tolerance ({M_FLOW_NOMINAL_TOLERANCE * 100}%)') except Exception as e: print(f'WARNING: assertion failed: {e}') try: self.assertTrue( (cool_m_flow <= cool_m_flow_nominal + (cool_m_flow_nominal * M_FLOW_NOMINAL_TOLERANCE)).all(), f'Cooling mass flow rate must be less than nominal mass flow rate ({cool_m_flow_nominal}) ' f'plus a tolerance ({M_FLOW_NOMINAL_TOLERANCE * 100}%)') except Exception as e: print(f'WARNING: assertion failed: {e}')
def test_translate_simulate(self): ''' Tests the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.translate` and the :mod:`buildingspy.simulate.Simulator.simulate_translated` method. ''' import numpy as np from import Reader s = Simulator("MyModelicaLibrary.MyModel", "dymola", packagePath=self._packagePath) s.addModelModifier( "redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step source(offset=-0.1, height=1.1, startTime=0.5)" ) s.setStartTime(-1) s.setStopTime(5) s.setTimeOut(600) s.setTolerance(1e-4) s.setSolver("dassl") s.setNumberOfIntervals(50) s.setResultFile("myResults") s.translate() s.simulate_translated() # Read the result and test their validity outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(1.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(0.725 * 6, r.integral('source.y')) # Delete output files s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles() # Make another simulation, but now the start time is at -2, and the height is 2.1 s.setStartTime(-2) s.addParameters({'source.height': 2.1}) s.simulate_translated() outDir = s.getOutputDirectory() resultFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outDir, "myResults.mat")) r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") np.testing.assert_allclose(2.0, r.max('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(-0.1, r.min('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(1.25, r.mean('source.y')) np.testing.assert_allclose(7 * 1.25, r.integral('source.y')) # clean up translate temporary dir s.deleteOutputFiles() s.deleteLogFiles() s.deleteTranslateDirectory()
Delta_T = [] DNI = [] m_wf = [] T_amb = [] v_wind = [] DNIExp = [] T_suExp = [] T_exExp = [] m_wfExp = [] vector = [ 0, 1] for KKK in range(len(StartModTime)): resultFile=(ModResults+Days[KKK]+'/'+FileSimulation+".mat") r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") DNI.append(r.values('DNI.y')) NN.append(r.values('EuroTrough.N')) T_su.append(r.values('SensTsu.fluidState.T')) T_ex.append(r.values('SensTex.fluidState.T')) #resultFile='/Users/adriano/Google Drive/GitHub/PSA_SFERAII/Modelling/ModelicaResults/20160629/PTTL_SF_.mat' #r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") #DNI.append(r.values('DNI.y')) #NN.append(r.values('EuroTrough.N')) #T_su.append(r.values('SensTsu.fluidState.T')) #T_ex.append(r.values('SensTex.fluidState.T')) #TimeSim.append(T_ex[KKK][0]) ##T_ex_exp.append(r.values('t_htf_ex.y'))
from import Reader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os # Optionally, change fonts to use LaTeX fonts #from matplotlib import rc #rc('text', usetex=True) #rc('font', family='serif') # Read results ofr1=Reader(os.path.join("buildingspy", "examples", "dymola", "case1", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") ofr2=Reader(os.path.join("buildingspy", "examples", "dymola", "case2", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") (time1, T1) = ofr1.values("cap.T") (time1, y1) = ofr1.values("con.y") (time2, T2) = ofr2.values("cap.T") (time2, y2) = ofr2.values("con.y") # Plot figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(time1/3600, T1-273.15, 'r', label='$T_1$') ax.plot(time2/3600, T2-273.15, 'b', label='$T_2$') ax.set_xlabel('time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('temperature [$^\circ$C]') ax.set_xticks(range(25)) ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend() ax.grid(True) ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
def simulate(dpi=300, plotDirectory='plots'): # Set the comparison for dymola results dymolaComparisons = ['non-fmu-all', 'fmu-all', 'non-fmu', 'fmu'] # In[3]: # Create plot directory # plotDirectory = 'plots' plotPath = plotDirectory if os.path.exists(plotPath): shutil.rmtree(plotPath) os.makedirs(plotPath) for key in dymolaComparisons: os.makedirs(os.path.join(plotPath, key)) for dymolaComparison in dymolaComparisons: # # FMpy Library # In[4]: fmu_tests = ['Connectors', 'Inputs', 'Parameters'] for fmu_test in fmu_tests: # fmu_test = fmu_tests[0] fmu_path = '../FMUs/' + fmu_test + '/' fmu = fmu_path + 'FMIRaven_Models_LorenzSystem_' + fmu_test + '.fmu' # In[5]: fmpy.dump(fmu) # In[6]: model_description = fmpy.read_model_description(fmu) # In[7]: vrs = [] for variable in model_description.modelVariables: vrs.append( # In[8]: vrs # In[9]: outputs = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'sigma', 'beta', 'rho'] start_values = {'sigma': 10, 'rho': 28, 'beta': 8 / 3} inputs = np.genfromtxt('input_test.txt', delimiter=',', names=True) result = fmpy.simulate_fmu( fmu, output=outputs, start_values=start_values ) #,input=inputs) # simulate the FMU # In[10]: from fmpy.util import plot_result # import the plot function # plot_result(result,names=outputs) fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(outputs), 1, figsize=[12, 12]) for i, v in enumerate(outputs): ax[i].plot(result['time'], result[v]) ax[i].set_ylabel(v, rotation=0, labelpad=20) fig.savefig(plotPath + '/{}/{}_fmpy.png'.format(dymolaComparison, fmu_test), dpi=dpi) # # pyFMI Library # In[11]: from pyfmi import load_fmu model = load_fmu(fmu) model.set('sigma', 10) model.set('beta', 8 / 3) model.set('rho', 28) res_pyfmi = model.simulate() # In[12]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(outputs), 1, figsize=[12, 12]) for i, v in enumerate(outputs): ax[i].plot(res_pyfmi['time'], res_pyfmi[v]) ax[i].set_ylabel(v, rotation=0, labelpad=20) fig.savefig(plotPath + '/{}/{}_pyfmi.png'.format(dymolaComparison, fmu_test), dpi=dpi) # # Dymola Result File # In[13]: from import Reader # In[14]: if dymolaComparison == 'non-fmu-all': dymResultPath = 'MATFiles/BasicTest.mat' modelName = fmu_test elif dymolaComparison == 'fmu-all': dymResultPath = 'MATFiles/FMU_BasicTest.mat' modelName = fmu_test elif dymolaComparison == 'non-fmu': dymResultPath = 'MATFiles/{}.mat'.format(fmu_test) modelName = 'fmu' elif dymolaComparison == 'fmu': dymResultPath = 'MATFiles/FMU_{}.mat'.format(fmu_test) modelName = 'fmu' else: raise ValueError('Unsported dymolaComparison') res = Reader(dymResultPath, simulator='dymola') # In[15]: res_dym = {} res_dym['time'], res_dym['x'] = res.values( '{}.x'.format(modelName)) _, res_dym['y'] = res.values('{}.y'.format(modelName)) _, res_dym['z'] = res.values('{}.z'.format(modelName)) _, res_dym['sigma'] = res.values('{}.sigma'.format(modelName)) _, res_dym['beta'] = res.values('{}.beta'.format(modelName)) _, res_dym['rho'] = res.values('{}.rho'.format(modelName)) # In[16]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(outputs), 1, figsize=[12, 12]) for i, v in enumerate(outputs): try: ax[i].plot(res_dym['time'], res_dym[v]) ax[i].set_ylabel(v, rotation=0, labelpad=20) except: pass fig.savefig(plotPath + '/{}/{}_dymola.png'.format(dymolaComparison, fmu_test), dpi=dpi) # # Result Comparison # In[17]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(outputs), 1, figsize=[12, 12]) for i, v in enumerate(outputs): ax[i].plot(result['time'], result[v], 'k-', label='FMpy') ax[i].plot(res_pyfmi['time'], res_pyfmi[v], 'b--', label='pyFMI') try: ax[i].plot(res_dym['time'], res_dym[v], 'r-.', label='Dymola') except: pass ax[i].legend() ax[i].set_ylabel(v, rotation=0, labelpad=20) fig.savefig( plotPath + '/{}/{}_comparison.png'.format(dymolaComparison, fmu_test), dpi=dpi) # # Diff between FMU and Dymola # In[18]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(outputs), 1, figsize=[12, 12]) for i, v in enumerate(outputs): try: ax[i].plot(result['time'], result[v] - res_dym[v], 'k-', label='FMpy - Dymola') ax[i].plot(result['time'], res_pyfmi[v] - res_dym[v], 'b--', label='pyFMI - Dymola') except: pass ax[i].legend() ax[i].set_ylabel(v, rotation=0, labelpad=20) fig.savefig(plotPath + '/{}/{}_diff_FMUtoDymola.png'.format( dymolaComparison, fmu_test), dpi=dpi) # # Diff between FMUs # In[19]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(outputs), 1, figsize=[12, 12]) for i, v in enumerate(outputs): try: ax[i].plot(result['time'], result[v] - res_pyfmi[v], 'k-', label='FMpy - pyFMI') except: pass ax[i].legend() ax[i].set_ylabel(v, rotation=0, labelpad=20) fig.savefig( plotPath + '/{}/{}_diff_FMUtoFMU.png'.format(dymolaComparison, fmu_test), dpi=dpi) plt.close('all')
# Account for values with only a start/stop value if np.size(r.values(val)) == 4: yRaw = np.ones(len(time)) * yRaw[0] y = removeRepeats((time, yRaw), 0, True) yint, tint = uniformData(t, y, tstart, tstop, nt) data[val] = yint data['time'] = tint return data if __name__ == "__main__": r = Reader('dsres.mat', 'dymola') varNames_param_base = [] varNames_var_base = [] for i, val in enumerate(r.varNames()): if np.size(r.values(val)) == 4: varNames_param_base.append(val) else: varNames_var_base.append(val) varNames_param = varNames_param_base varNames_var = varNames_var_base params = cleanDataParam(r, varNames_param) data = cleanDataTime(r, varNames_var, 0, 1, 201)
from import Reader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * import numpy as np rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'best' r=Reader('HotelModel_Annual.mat','dymola') (t1,y1)=r.values('realExpression.y') (t2,y2)=r.values('supCon.y') y1=y1*100 xlabind=[] xlab=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Dec','Nov'] x=(t1[len(t1)-1]-t1[0])/12 for i in range(12): xlabind.append(t1[0]+x*(0.5+i)) xlab.append(str(i)) ax1 = plt.subplot(2,1,1) ax1.scatter(t2,y2,color='black',s=0.2) ax1.set_ylabel('Stage') ylim(0,8) xtic=[1] xticks(xtic,'') ax2 = plt.subplot(2,1,2) ax2.scatter(t1,y1,color='black',s=0.2) ax2.set_ylabel('Hot Energy saving ratio(%)') ylim(0,35) ax2.legend(fontsize='10')
T_ex_exp = [] Delta_T = [] DNI = [] m_wf = [] T_amb = [] v_wind = [] DNIExp = [] T_suExp = [] T_exExp = [] m_wfExp = [] for KKK in range(len(StartModTime)): resultFile=('/Users/adriano/Dropbox/GitHub/PSA_SFERAII/Modelling/ModelicaResults/'+Days[KKK]+'/'+FileSimulation+".mat") r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") DNI.append(r.values('DNI.y')) NN.append(r.values('EuroTrough.N')) T_su.append(r.values('SensTsu.fluidState.T')) T_ex.append(r.values('SensTex.fluidState.T')) TimeSim.append(T_ex[KKK][0]) T_ex_exp.append(r.values('t_htf_ex.y')) Delta_T.append(r.values('DeltaT.Delta')) m_wf.append(r.values('m_dot_htf.y')) # Create a time vector which values every 10 seconds TimeExp.append(np.linspace(StartModTime[KKK],StopModTime[KKK],num=int((StopModTime[KKK]-StartModTime[KKK])/10))) # Interpolate the Modelica results over the Time vector DNIExp.append(Plotter.interpolate(TimeExp[KKK], DNI[KKK][0], DNI[KKK][1]))
DNI = [] m_wf = [] T_amb = [] v_wind = [] DNIExp = [] T_suExp = [] T_exExp = [] m_wfExp = [] vector = [0, 1] for KKK in range(len(StartModTime)): resultFile = ( '/Users/adriano/Google Drive/GitHub/PSA_SFERAII/Modelling/ModelicaResults/' + Days[KKK] + '/' + FileSimulation + ".mat") r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") DNI.append(r.values('DNI.y')) NN.append(r.values('EuroTrough.N')) T_su.append(r.values('SensTsu.fluidState.T')) T_ex.append(r.values('SensTex.fluidState.T')) TimeSim.append(T_ex[KKK][0]) T_ex_exp.append(r.values('t_htf_ex.y')) Delta_T.append(r.values('DeltaT.Delta')) m_wf.append(r.values('m_dot_htf.y')) # Create a time vector which values every 5 seconds TimeExp.append( np.linspace(StartModTime[KKK], StopModTime[KKK], num=int((StopModTime[KKK] - StartModTime[KKK]) / 10)))
Delta_T = [] DNI = [] m_wf = [] T_amb = [] v_wind = [] DNIExp = [] T_suExp = [] T_exExp = [] m_wfExp = [] vector = [0, 1] for KKK in range(len(StartModTime)): resultFile = (ModResults + Days[KKK] + '/' + FileSimulation + ".mat") r = Reader(resultFile, "dymola") DNI.append(r.values('DNI.y')) NN.append(r.values('EuroTrough.N')) T_su.append(r.values('SensTsu.fluidState.T')) T_ex.append(r.values('SensTex.fluidState.T')) #resultFile='/Users/adriano/Google Drive/GitHub/PSA_SFERAII/Modelling/ModelicaResults/20160629/PTTL_SF_.mat' #r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") #DNI.append(r.values('DNI.y')) #NN.append(r.values('EuroTrough.N')) #T_su.append(r.values('SensTsu.fluidState.T')) #T_ex.append(r.values('SensTex.fluidState.T')) #TimeSim.append(T_ex[KKK][0]) ##T_ex_exp.append(r.values('t_htf_ex.y')) #Delta_T.append(r.values('DeltaT.Delta')) #m_wf.append(r.values('m_dot_htf.y'))
table['time'] = new_x for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = int(x[i]) table2 = pd.DataFrame() table2['time'] = x table2[name] = y table2 = table2.drop_duplicates(['time']) table = table.merge(table2, how='left') return table baseline = '0' season = 'summer1' #ofr1=Reader('Airflow_Network_baseline'+baseline+ '_'+season, "dymola") ofr1 = Reader('AHU', "dymola") data_list = pd.read_csv('data_list_FDD.csv', header=None, names=['id', 'name']) print data_list index = 1 for i in range(len(data_list)): (time, temp) = ofr1.values(data_list['id'].iloc[i].replace('\n', '')) tab = sample(time, temp, data_list['name'].iloc[i]) if index == 1: table1 = tab else: table1 = table1.merge(tab, how='inner') index = index + 1
from import Reader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import figure import os # Change fonts to use LaTeX fonts from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) rc('font', family='serif') # Read results ofr1 = Reader(os.path.join("case1", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") ofr2 = Reader(os.path.join("case2", "PIDHysteresis.mat"), "dymola") (time1, T1) = ofr1.values("cap.T") (time1, y1) = ofr1.values("con.y") (time2, T2) = ofr2.values("cap.T") (time2, y2) = ofr2.values("con.y") # Plot figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(time1 / 3600, T1 - 273.15, 'r', label='$T_1$') ax.plot(time2 / 3600, T2 - 273.15, 'b', label='$T_2$') ax.set_xlabel('time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('temperature [$^\circ$C]') ax.set_xticks(range(25)) ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.legend() ax.grid(True)
def simulate_in_dymola(heaPum, data, tableName, tableFileName): """ Evaluate the heat pump performance from the model in Dymola. :param heaPum: Heat pump model (object). :param data: Reference performance data (object). :param tableName: Name of the combiTimeTable. :param tableFileName: Name of the text file containing the combiTimeTable. :return: Performance data of the modeled heat pump (object). .. note:: Performance data from the model is evaluated at the same operating conditions (inlet water temperatures and mass flow rates at the source and load sides) as in the reference data. """ import buildingspy.simulate.Simulator as si from import Reader from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from builtins import str import getpass import os import tempfile # Find absolute path to buildings library packagePath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', '..')) # Create temporary directory for simulation files dirPrefix = tempfile.gettempprefix() tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=dirPrefix + '-' + 'HeatPumpCalibration' + '-' + getpass.getuser() + '-') # Set parameters for simulation in Dymola calModelPath = heaPum.modelicaCalibrationModelPath() s = si.Simulator(calModelPath, 'dymola', outputDirectory=tmpDir, packagePath=packagePath) s = heaPum.set_ModelicaParameters(s) m1_flow_nominal = min(data.flowSource) m2_flow_nominal = min(data.flowLoad) tableFilePath = \ str(os.path.join(tmpDir, tableFileName).replace(os.sep, '/')) s.addParameters({ 'm1_flow_nominal': m1_flow_nominal, 'm2_flow_nominal': m2_flow_nominal, 'calDat.fileName': tableFilePath }) # Write CombiTimeTable for dymola data.write_modelica_combiTimeTable(tableName, tmpDir, tableFileName, heaPum.CoolingMode) # Simulation parameters s.setStopTime(len(data.EWT_Source)) s.setSolver('dassl') # Kill the process if it does not finish in 2 minutes s.setTimeOut(120) s.showProgressBar(False) s.printModelAndTime() # s.showGUI(show=True) # s.exitSimulator(exitAfterSimulation=False) s.simulate() # Read results modelName = heaPum.modelicaModelName() ofr = Reader(os.path.join(tmpDir, modelName), 'dymola') (time1, QCon) = ofr.values('heaPum.QCon_flow') (time1, QEva) = ofr.values('heaPum.QEva_flow') (time1, P) = ofr.values('heaPum.P') t = [float(i) + 0.5 for i in range(len(data.EWT_Source))] f_P = interp1d(time1, P) P = f_P(t) f_QCon = interp1d(time1, QCon) QCon = f_QCon(t) f_QEva = interp1d(time1, QEva) QEva = f_QEva(t) # # Clean up # shutil.rmtree('calibrationModel') if heaPum.CoolingMode: Capacity = -QEva HR = QCon else: Capacity = QCon HR = -QEva dymRes = SimulationResults(data.EWT_Source, data.EWT_Load, data.flowSource, data.flowLoad, Capacity, HR, P, 'Modelica') return dymRes
def test_mft_time_series_to_modelica_and_run(self): project_name = "time_series_massflow" self.data_dir, self.output_dir = self.set_up(os.path.dirname(__file__), project_name) # load in the example geojson with a single office building filename = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "time_series_ex1.json") self.gj = UrbanOptGeoJson(filename) # load system parameter data filename = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "time_series_system_params_massflow_ex1.json") sys_params = SystemParameters(filename) # create the load, ETSes and their couplings time_series_mft_load = TimeSeriesMFT(sys_params, self.gj.buildings[0]) geojson_load_id = self.gj.buildings[0]["id"] heating_indirect_system = HeatingIndirect(sys_params, geojson_load_id) ts_hi_coupling = Coupling(time_series_mft_load, heating_indirect_system) cooling_indirect_system = CoolingIndirect(sys_params, geojson_load_id) ts_ci_coupling = Coupling(time_series_mft_load, cooling_indirect_system) # create network stubs for the ETSes heated_water_stub = NetworkHeatedWaterStub(sys_params) hi_hw_coupling = Coupling(heating_indirect_system, heated_water_stub) chilled_water_stub = NetworkChilledWaterStub(sys_params) ci_cw_coupling = Coupling(cooling_indirect_system, chilled_water_stub) # build the district system district = District(root_dir=self.output_dir, project_name=project_name, system_parameters=sys_params, coupling_graph=CouplingGraph([ ts_hi_coupling, ts_ci_coupling, hi_hw_coupling, ci_cw_coupling, ])) district.to_modelica() root_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(district._scaffold.districts_path.files_dir)) mo_file_name = os.path.join(root_path, '') # set the run time to 31536000 (full year in seconds) mofile = Model(mo_file_name) mofile.update_model_annotation({"experiment": {"StopTime": 31536000}}) self.run_and_assert_in_docker( mo_file_name, project_path=district._scaffold.project_path, project_name=district._scaffold.project_name) # Check the results results_dir = f'{district._scaffold.project_path}_results' mat_file = f'{results_dir}/time_series_massflow_Districts_DistrictEnergySystem_result.mat' mat_results = Reader(mat_file, 'dymola') # hack to get the name of the loads (rather the 8 character connector shas) timeseries_load_var = None coolflow_var = None heatflow_var = None for var in mat_results.varNames(): m = re.match("TimeSerMFTLoa_(.{8})", var) if m: timeseries_load_var = m[1] continue m = re.match("cooInd_(.{8})", var) if m: coolflow_var = m[1] continue m = re.match("heaInd_(.{8})", var) if m: heatflow_var = m[1] continue if None not in (timeseries_load_var, coolflow_var, heatflow_var): break (time1, ts_hea_load) = mat_results.values( f"TimeSerMFTLoa_{timeseries_load_var}.ports_aChiWat[1].m_flow") (_time1, ts_chi_load) = mat_results.values( f"TimeSerMFTLoa_{timeseries_load_var}.ports_aHeaWat[1].m_flow") (_time1, cool_q_flow) = mat_results.values(f"cooInd_{coolflow_var}.Q_flow") (_time1, heat_q_flow) = mat_results.values(f"heaInd_{heatflow_var}.Q_flow") # if any of these assertions fail, then it is likely that the change in the timeseries massflow model # has been updated and we need to revalidate the models. self.assertEqual(ts_hea_load.min(), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_hea_load.max(), 51, delta=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_hea_load.mean(), 4, delta=1) self.assertEqual(ts_chi_load.min(), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_chi_load.max(), 61, delta=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_chi_load.mean(), 4, delta=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(cool_q_flow.min(), -51750, delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual(cool_q_flow.max(), 354100, delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual(cool_q_flow.mean(), 3160, delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual(heat_q_flow.min(), -343210, delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual(heat_q_flow.max(), 39475, delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual(heat_q_flow.mean(), -23270, delta=10)