예제 #1
def main(
    verbose: bool,
    expansion_file: str,
    evg_api_config: str,
    selected_tests_config: str,
    Select tasks to be run based on changed files in a patch build.

    :param verbose: Log extra debug information.
    :param expansion_file: Configuration file.
    :param evg_api_config: Location of configuration file to connect to evergreen.
    :param selected_tests_config: Location of config file to connect to elected-tests service.

    evg_api = RetryingEvergreenApi.get_api(config_file=evg_api_config)
    evg_conf = parse_evergreen_file(EVERGREEN_FILE)
    selected_tests_service = SelectedTestsService.from_file(
    repos = [Repo(x) for x in DEFAULT_REPO_LOCATIONS if os.path.isdir(x)]


    task_expansions = read_config.read_config_file(expansion_file)
    origin_build_variants = task_expansions[
        "selected_tests_buildvariants"].split(" ")

    config_dict_of_suites_and_tasks = run(evg_api, evg_conf,
                                          task_expansions, repos,
    write_file_dict(SELECTED_TESTS_CONFIG_DIR, config_dict_of_suites_and_tasks)
예제 #2
def main(
    verbose: bool,
    expansion_file: str,
    evg_api_config: str,
    build_variant: str,
    selected_tests_config: str,
    Select tasks to be run based on changed files in a patch build.

    :param verbose: Log extra debug information.
    :param expansion_file: Configuration file.
    :param evg_api_config: Location of configuration file to connect to evergreen.
    :param build_variant: Build variant to query tasks from.
    :param selected_tests_config: Location of config file to connect to elected-tests service.

    evg_api = RetryingEvergreenApi.get_api(config_file=evg_api_config)
    evg_conf = parse_evergreen_file(EVERGREEN_FILE)
    selected_tests_service = SelectedTestsService.from_file(

    repo = Repo(".")
    changed_files = find_changed_files(repo)
    LOGGER.debug("Found changed files", files=changed_files)

    config_dict_of_suites_and_tasks = run(evg_api, evg_conf, expansion_file,
                                          changed_files, build_variant)
    write_file_dict(SELECTED_TESTS_CONFIG_DIR, config_dict_of_suites_and_tasks)
    def generate_evg_tasks(self, burn_in_test=None, burn_in_idx=0):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        Generate evergreen tasks for multiversion tests.

        The number of tasks generated equals
        (the number of version configs) * (the number of generated suites).

        :param burn_in_test: The test to be run as part of the burn in multiversion suite.
        is_sharded = is_suite_sharded(TEST_SUITE_DIR, self.options.suite)
        if is_sharded:
            version_configs = SHARDED_MIXED_VERSION_CONFIGS
            version_configs = REPL_MIXED_VERSION_CONFIGS

        if self.options.is_jstestfuzz:
            return self._generate_fuzzer_tasks(version_configs, is_sharded)

        # Divide tests into suites based on run-time statistics for the last
        # LOOKBACK_DURATION_DAYS. Tests without enough run-time statistics will be placed
        # in the misc suite.
        gen_suites = generate_resmoke.GenerateSubSuites(
            self.evg_api, self.options)
        end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
        start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(
        suites = gen_suites.calculate_suites(start_date, end_date)
        # Render the given suites into yml files that can be used by resmoke.py.
        config_file_dict = generate_resmoke.render_suite_files(
            suites, self.options.suite, gen_suites.test_list, TEST_SUITE_DIR,
        generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(CONFIG_DIR, config_file_dict)

        if burn_in_test is not None:
            # Generate the subtasks to run burn_in_test against the appropriate mixed version
            # configurations. The display task is defined later as part of generating the burn
            # in tests.
            self._generate_burn_in_execution_tasks(version_configs, suites,
                                                   burn_in_test, burn_in_idx,
            return self.evg_config

        for version_config in version_configs:
            idx = 0
            for suite in suites:
                # Generate the newly divided test suites
                source_suite = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, suite.name + ".yml")
                self._generate_sub_task(version_config, self.task, idx,
                                        source_suite, len(suites), is_sharded)
                idx += 1

            # Also generate the misc task.
            misc_suite_name = "{0}_misc".format(self.options.suite)
            misc_suite = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, misc_suite_name + ".yml")
            self._generate_sub_task(version_config, self.task, idx, misc_suite,
                                    1, is_sharded)
            idx += 1
        self.create_display_task(self.task, self.task_specs, self.task_names)
        return self.evg_config
예제 #4
def _write_fuzzer_yaml(options):
    """Write the fuzzer yaml to CONFIG_DIRECTORY."""
    suite_file = options.suite + ".yml"
    source_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(TEST_SUITE_DIR, suite_file)
    gen_yml = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(
        source_config, suite_file)
    file_dict = {f"{options.suite}.yml": gen_yml}
    generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(CONFIG_DIRECTORY, file_dict)
예제 #5
def generate_exclude_yaml(suite: str, task_path_suffix: str, is_generated_suite: bool) -> None:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    Update the given multiversion suite configuration yaml to exclude tests.

    Compares the BACKPORTS_REQUIRED_FILE on the current branch with the same file on the
    last-stable branch to determine which tests should be blacklisted.


    suite_name = generate_resmoke.remove_gen_suffix(suite)

    files_to_exclude = get_exclude_files(suite_name, task_path_suffix)

    if not files_to_exclude:
        LOGGER.info(f"No tests need to be excluded from suite '{suite_name}'.")

    suite_yaml_dict = {}

    if not is_generated_suite:
        # Populate the config values to get the resmoke config directory.
        suites_dir = os.path.join(_config.CONFIG_DIR, "suites")

        # Update the static suite config with the excluded files and write to disk.
        file_name = f"{suite_name}.yml"
        suite_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(suites_dir, file_name)
        suite_yaml_dict[file_name] = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(
            suite_config, file_name, excludes=list(files_to_exclude))
        # We expect the generated suites to already have been generated in the generated config
        # directory.
        suites_dir = CONFIG_DIR
        for file_name in os.listdir(suites_dir):
            # Update the 'exclude_files' for each of the appropriate generated suites.
            if file_name.endswith('misc.yml'):
                # New tests will be run as part of misc.yml. We want to make sure to properly
                # exclude these tests if they have been blacklisted.
                suite_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(CONFIG_DIR, file_name)
                exclude_files = suite_config["selector"]["exclude_files"]
                add_to_excludes = [test for test in files_to_exclude if test not in exclude_files]
                exclude_files += add_to_excludes
                suite_yaml_dict[file_name] = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(
                    suite_config, file_name, excludes=list(exclude_files))
            elif file_name.endswith('.yml'):
                suite_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(CONFIG_DIR, file_name)
                selected_files = suite_config["selector"]["roots"]
                # Only exclude the files that we want to exclude in the first place and have been
                # selected to run as part of the generated suite yml.
                intersection = [test for test in selected_files if test in files_to_exclude]
                if not intersection:
                suite_yaml_dict[file_name] = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(
                    suite_config, file_name, excludes=list(intersection))
    generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(suites_dir, suite_yaml_dict)
예제 #6
    def generate_resmoke_suites(self) -> List[Suite]:
        """Generate the resmoke configuration files for this generator."""
        # Divide tests into suites based on run-time statistics for the last
        # LOOKBACK_DURATION_DAYS. Tests without enough run-time statistics will be placed
        # in the misc suite.
        gen_suites = generate_resmoke.GenerateSubSuites(self.evg_api, self.options)
        end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
        start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=generate_resmoke.LOOKBACK_DURATION_DAYS)
        suites = gen_suites.calculate_suites(start_date, end_date)
        # Render the given suites into yml files that can be used by resmoke.py.
        config_file_dict = generate_resmoke.render_suite_files(suites, self.options.suite,
                                                               gen_suites.test_list, TEST_SUITE_DIR,
        generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(CONFIG_DIR, config_file_dict)

        return suites
예제 #7
    def _generate_fuzzer_tasks(self, config):
        suite_file = self.options.suite + ".yml"
        # Update the jstestfuzz yml suite with the proper multiversion configurations.
        source_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(TEST_SUITE_DIR, suite_file)
        updated_yml = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(source_config, suite_file)
        file_dict = {f"{self.options.suite}.yml": updated_yml}
        dt = DisplayTaskDefinition(self.task)

        for version_config in config.version_configs:
            fuzzer_config = self._get_fuzzer_options(version_config, suite_file)
            gen_fuzzer.generate_evg_tasks(fuzzer_config, self.evg_config,
                                          task_name_suffix=version_config, display_task=dt)
        generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(CONFIG_DIR, file_dict)
        return self.evg_config
    def generate_evg_tasks(self):
        Generate evergreen tasks for multiversion tests.

        The number of tasks generated equals
        (the number of configs in MIXED_VERSION_CONFIGS) * (the number of generated suites).
        idx = 0
        # Divide tests into suites based on run-time statistics for the last
        # LOOKBACK_DURATION_DAYS. Tests without enough run-time statistics will be placed
        # in the misc suite.
        gen_suites = generate_resmoke.GenerateSubSuites(self.evg_api, self.options)
        end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
        start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=generate_resmoke.LOOKBACK_DURATION_DAYS)
        suites = gen_suites.calculate_suites(start_date, end_date)
        # Render the given suites into yml files that can be used by resmoke.py.
        if self.options.is_sharded:
            config = MultiversionConfig(update_suite_config_for_multiversion_sharded,
            config = MultiversionConfig(update_suite_config_for_multiversion_replset,
        config_file_dict = generate_resmoke.render_suite_files(
            suites, self.options.suite, gen_suites.test_list, TEST_SUITE_DIR, config.update_yaml)
        for version_config in config.version_configs:
            for suite in suites:
                # Generate the newly divided test suites
                source_suite = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, suite.name + ".yml")
                self._generate_sub_task(version_config, idx, source_suite, len(suites))
                idx += 1

            # Also generate the misc task.
            misc_suite_name = "{0}_misc".format(self.options.suite)
            source_suite = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, misc_suite_name + ".yml")
            self._generate_sub_task(version_config, idx, source_suite, 1)
            idx += 1

        generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(CONFIG_DIR, config_file_dict)
        dt = DisplayTaskDefinition(self.task).execution_tasks(self.task_names)\

        return self.evg_config
def generate_exclude_yaml(suite, task_path_suffix, is_generated_suite):
    Update the given multiversion suite configuration yaml to exclude tests.

    Compares the BACKPORTS_REQUIRED_FILE on the current branch with the same file on the
    last-stable branch to determine which tests should be blacklisted.


    suite_name = generate_resmoke.remove_gen_suffix(suite)

    # Get the backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml on the current version branch.
    backports_required_latest = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(
    if suite_name not in backports_required_latest:
            f"Generating exclude files not supported for '{suite_name}''.")

    latest_suite_yaml = backports_required_latest[suite_name]

    if not latest_suite_yaml:
        LOGGER.info(f"No tests need to be excluded from suite '{suite_name}'.")

    # Get the state of the backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml file for the last-stable
    # binary we are running tests against. We do this by using the commit hash from the last-stable
    # mongo shell executable.
    last_stable_commit_hash = get_backports_required_last_stable_hash(

    # Get the yaml contents under the 'suite_name' key from the last-stable commit.
    last_stable_suite_yaml = get_last_stable_yaml(last_stable_commit_hash,
    if last_stable_suite_yaml is None:
        files_to_exclude = set(elem["test_file"] for elem in latest_suite_yaml)
        files_to_exclude = set(elem["test_file"] for elem in latest_suite_yaml
                               if elem not in last_stable_suite_yaml)

    if not files_to_exclude:
        LOGGER.info(f"No tests need to be excluded from suite '{suite_name}'.")

    suite_yaml_dict = {}

    if not is_generated_suite:
        # Populate the config values to get the resmoke config directory.
        suites_dir = os.path.join(_config.CONFIG_DIR, "suites")

        # Update the static suite config with the excluded files and write to disk.
        file_name = f"{suite_name}.yml"
        suite_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(suites_dir, file_name)
            file_name] = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(
                suite_config, file_name, excludes=list(files_to_exclude))
        # We expect the generated suites to already have been generated in the generated config
        # directory.
        for file_name in os.listdir(CONFIG_DIR):
            suites_dir = CONFIG_DIR
            # Update the 'exclude_files' for each of the appropriate generated suites.
            if suite_name in file_name and file_name.endswith('.yml'):
                suite_config = generate_resmoke.read_yaml(
                    CONFIG_DIR, file_name)
                selected_files = suite_config["selector"]["roots"]
                # Only exclude the files that we want to exclude in the first place and have been
                # selected to run as part of the generated suite yml.
                intersection = [
                    test for test in selected_files if test in files_to_exclude
                if not intersection:
                    file_name] = generate_resmoke.generate_resmoke_suite_config(
                        suite_config, file_name, excludes=list(intersection))
    generate_resmoke.write_file_dict(suites_dir, suite_yaml_dict)