def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): # Get the staticfiles folder path raw_staticfiles_folder_path = get_folders_paths_list("staticfiles") if raw_staticfiles_folder_path is not None: bundled_staticfiles_folder_path = get_folders_paths_list( "bundled_staticfiles") if kwargs["raw"]: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles( src_type="raw", local_staticfiles_folder_path=raw_staticfiles_folder_path) if kwargs["bundled"]: if bundled_staticfiles_folder_path is not None: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles(src_type="bundled", local_staticfiles_folder_path= bundled_staticfiles_folder_path) else: raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The bundled_staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the 'collectstatic' and 'bundlestatic' commands before pushing it to your sftp server." ) if not kwargs["raw"] and not kwargs["bundled"]: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles( src_type="raw", local_staticfiles_folder_path=raw_staticfiles_folder_path) if bundled_staticfiles_folder_path is not None: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles(src_type="bundled", local_staticfiles_folder_path= bundled_staticfiles_folder_path) else: raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The bundled_staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the 'collectstatic' and 'bundlestatic' commands before pushing it to your sftp server." ) else: raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the 'collectstatic' command before pushing it to your sftp server." )
def handle(self, *args, **options): if not settings.DEBUG: """ If the command is executed when DEBUG = False, errors can occur from the bulb templatetags. Indeed, if DEBUG = False, if {% static_raw_src %}, {% static_bundled_src %} are used, staticfiles will be recovered from the SFTP : this will cause that the 'collectstatic command will collect staticfiles from the old files on the SFTP, and not from the local new files. But also in certain cases, bundled staticfiles will be used : this will cause that the new bundle files will be build from the old bundle files. See : TODO : add the related documentation page url. """ bulb_logger.error( 'BULBStaticfilesError("The DEBUG variable must be set on \'True\' to handle new staticfiles.")') raise BULBStaticfilesError("The DEBUG variable must be set on 'True' to handle new staticfiles.") else: # Bundling temporary files paths : package_file_path = None package_lock_file_path = None babelrc_file_path = None entry_file_path = None webpack_config_file_path = None # Test if the staticfiles folder exist. if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles")): bulb_logger.error( 'BULBStaticfilesError("The \'staticfiles\' folder was not found. Please run the \'python collectstatic\' command.")') raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The 'staticfiles' folder was not found. Please run the 'python collectstatic' command.") else: # Prevent errors if datas are corrupted. try: bulb_path = bulb.__path__[0] # Create the package.json file. package_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "package.json") package_lock_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "package-lock.json") package_file = open(package_file_path, "w") package_file.write(open(bulb_path + "/sftp_and_cdn/webpack_files/package.json", "r").read()) package_file.close() # Create the .babelrc file. babelrc_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ".babelrc") babelrc_file = open(babelrc_file_path, "w") babelrc_file.write(open(bulb_path + "/sftp_and_cdn/webpack_files/.babelrc", "r").read()) babelrc_file.close() # Create the babel.config.js file. # babel_config_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "babel.config.js") # babel_config_file = open(babel_config_file_path, "w") # babel_config_file.write(open(bulb_path + "/sftp_and_cdn/webpack_files/babel.config.js", "r").read()) # babel_config_file.close() # Install npm dependencies"npm install", shell=True) # Get paths of all "pages" folders of the project. pages_folders_paths = get_folders_paths_list("pages") print("pages_folders_paths") print(pages_folders_paths) # Get pages to refresh. pages_to_refresh_names = None if "pages-to-refresh-names" in options: try: pages_to_refresh_names = json.loads(options["pages-to-refresh-names"]) except: pass print("pages_to_refresh_names") print(pages_to_refresh_names) # Get the bundled_staticfiles folder path. bundled_staticfiles_folder_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "bundled_staticfiles") # Remove the old bundled_staticfiles folder and create a new one."rm -rf {bundled_staticfiles_folder_path}", shell=True) os.mkdir(bundled_staticfiles_folder_path) print("\n--------------") print("-- BUNDLING --") print("--------------\n") # Loop on each "pages" folders of the project. for pages_folder_path in pages_folders_paths: splitted_pages_folder_path = pages_folder_path.split("/") # Get the parent folder name and build its future path in the bundled_staticfiles folder. parent_folder_name = splitted_pages_folder_path[-2] if splitted_pages_folder_path[-2] != "templates" else splitted_pages_folder_path[-3] parent_folder_path = bundled_staticfiles_folder_path + "/" + parent_folder_name print("\n " + ("-" * (len(parent_folder_name) + 6))) print(" -- " + parent_folder_name.upper() + " --") print(" " + ("-" * (len(parent_folder_name) + 6)) + "\n") # Create the current parent folder in the bundled_staticifiles folder. os.mkdir(parent_folder_path) print("mkdir ok !") # Loop on each page of the current "pages" folder, get their dependencies and bundle them. def bundle_file_staticfiles(file): print("bfs is executed") file_path = pages_folder_path + "/" + file print("\n -", file) template_content = None with open(file_path, "r") as template_file: template_content = template_content = template_content.replace('{% url', 'xxx') template_object = Template(template_content) context = Context({"DEBUG": True}) template = template_object.render(context) doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(template) # Create the entry.js file. entry_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "entry.js") entry_file = open(entry_file_path, "a") # Add polyfill dependencies to the entry.js file. if settings.BULB_SRC_BUNDLES_USE_WEBPACK_POLYFILL: entry_file.write("import 'core-js';import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';") print("\n Searching CSS dependencies...") print(" Found :\n") links = doc.xpath("//link[@rel='stylesheet']") # Add CSS dependencies to the entry.js file. for link in links: href_value = link.get("href") print(" -", href_value) # Ignore href with external urls. if href_value[:4] == "http": continue else: related_staticfiles_path = "." + "/staticfiles" + href_value[7:] entry_file.write(f"import {'a' + uuid.uuid4().hex} from '{related_staticfiles_path}';") # Add JS dependencies to the entry.js file. print("\n Searching JS dependencies...") print(" Found :\n") scripts = doc.xpath("//script") for script in scripts: src_value = script.get("src") print(" -", src_value) # Ignore href with external urls. if src_value is None: continue elif src_value[:4] == "http": continue else: related_staticfiles_path = "." + "/staticfiles" + src_value[7:] entry_file.write(f"import {'a' + uuid.uuid4().hex} from '{related_staticfiles_path}';") entry_file.close() print("\n ------------------------") print(" -- INITIALIZE WEBPACK --") print(" ------------------------\n") # Create webpack.config.js file. webpack_config_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "webpack.config.js") webpack_config_file = open(webpack_config_file_path, "a") bundle_name = file[:-5] # Add file version. bulb_bundled_files_version = settings.BULB_BUNDLED_FILES_VERSION if bulb_bundled_files_version is not None: bundle_name = bundle_name + "&V=" + str(bulb_bundled_files_version) webpack_config_file.write(f"""// Don't modify this file, it is generated by a bulb's script (see process.env.WEBPACK_ENTRY = ['{entry_file_path}']; process.env.WEBPACK_OUTPUT = '{parent_folder_path}'; process.env.BUNDLE_NAME = '{bundle_name}'; """) webpack_config_file.write(open(bulb_path + "/sftp_and_cdn/webpack_files/webpack.config.js", "r").read()) webpack_config_file.close() print(" Done ✔ ") print("\n ---------------------") print(" -- RUN WEBPACK --") print(" ---------------------\n")"npm run build", shell=True) # Remove the entry.js file. os.remove(entry_file_path) # # Remove the webpack.config.js file. os.remove(webpack_config_file_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pages_folder_path): for file in files: if not pages_to_refresh_names: bundle_file_staticfiles(file) else: for page in pages_to_refresh_names: if file == page: bundle_file_staticfiles(file) break # Remove the .babelrc file os.remove(babelrc_file_path) # # Remove the package.json and package-lock.json files. os.remove(package_file_path) os.remove(package_lock_file_path) return bundled_staticfiles_folder_path # If any error occurs during bundling, all the temporary files are removed. except: # Remove the entry.js file. try: os.remove(entry_file_path) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): pass # # Remove the webpack.config.js file. try: os.remove(webpack_config_file_path) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): pass # Remove the .babelrc file. try: os.remove(babelrc_file_path) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): pass # # Remove the package.json and package-lock.json files. try: os.remove(package_file_path) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.remove(package_lock_file_path) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): pass
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): # Get the staticfiles folder path raw_staticfiles_folder_path = get_folders_paths_list("staticfiles") if raw_staticfiles_folder_path is not None: bundled_staticfiles_folder_path = get_folders_paths_list( "bundled_staticfiles") pages_to_refresh_names = None if "pages-to-refresh-names" in kwargs: # Prevent errors if datas are corrupted. try: pages_to_refresh_names = json.loads( kwargs["pages-to-refresh-names"]) except: pass if kwargs["raw"]: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles( src_type="raw", local_staticfiles_folder_path=raw_staticfiles_folder_path, pages_to_refresh_names=pages_to_refresh_names) if kwargs["bundled"]: if bundled_staticfiles_folder_path is not None: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles( src_type="bundled", local_staticfiles_folder_path= bundled_staticfiles_folder_path, pages_to_refresh_names=pages_to_refresh_names) else: bulb_logger.error( 'BULBStaticfilesError("The bundled_staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the \'collectstatic\' and \'bundlestatic\' commands before pushing it to your sftp server.")' ) raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The bundled_staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the 'collectstatic' and 'bundlestatic' commands before pushing it to your sftp server." ) if not kwargs["raw"] and not kwargs["bundled"]: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles( src_type="raw", local_staticfiles_folder_path=raw_staticfiles_folder_path, pages_to_refresh_names=pages_to_refresh_names) if bundled_staticfiles_folder_path is not None: SFTP.push_src_staticfiles( src_type="bundled", local_staticfiles_folder_path= bundled_staticfiles_folder_path, pages_to_refresh_names=pages_to_refresh_names) else: bulb_logger.error( 'BULBStaticfilesError("The bundled_staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the \'collectstatic\' and \'bundlestatic\' commands before pushing it to your sftp server.")' ) raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The bundled_staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the 'collectstatic' and 'bundlestatic' commands before pushing it to your sftp server." ) else: bulb_logger.error( 'BULBStaticfilesError("The staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the \'collectstatic\' command before pushing it to your sftp server.")' ) raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The staticfiles folder was not found. Please execute the 'collectstatic' command before pushing it to your sftp server." )
def handle(self, *args, **options): if not settings.DEBUG: """ If the command is executed when DEBUG = False, errors can occur from the bulb templatetags. Indeed, if DEBUG = False, if {% static_raw_src %}, {% static_bundled_src %} are used, staticfiles will be recovered from the SFTP : this will cause that the 'collectstatic command will collect staticfiles from the old files on the SFTP, and not from the local new files. But also in certain cases, bundled staticfiles will be used : this will cause that the new bundle files will be build from the old bundle files. See : TODO : add the related documentation page url. """ bulb_logger.error( 'BULBStaticfilesError("The DEBUG variable must be set on \'True\' to handle new staticfiles.")' ) raise BULBStaticfilesError( "The DEBUG variable must be set on 'True' to handle new staticfiles." ) else: added_files_paths = None modified_files_paths = None removed_files_paths = None # Prevent errors if datas are corrupted. try: added_files_paths = json.loads(options["added"]) except: pass try: modified_files_paths = json.loads(options["modified"]) except: pass try: removed_files_paths = json.loads(options["removed"]) except: pass print("added_files_paths") print(added_files_paths) print("modified_files_paths") print(modified_files_paths) print("removed_files_paths") print(removed_files_paths) # Collect staticfiles. print("\n--------------------------") print("-- COLLECT STATIC FILES --") print("--------------------------\n")"python collectstatic --clear --noinput", shell=True) if not added_files_paths and not modified_files_paths and not removed_files_paths: # Remove old source staticfiles and collect them in a list to purge them on the CDN at the end. raw_files_to_purge_list = SFTP.clear_src_staticfiles( src_type="raw", no_purge=True) bundled_files_to_purge_list = SFTP.clear_src_staticfiles( src_type="bundled", no_purge=True) files_to_purge_list = raw_files_to_purge_list + bundled_files_to_purge_list if settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "raw" or settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "both": # Push new source staticfiles on the SFTP."python pushstatic --raw", shell=True) if settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "bundled" or settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "both": # Generate the bundled_staticfiles folder which contains all the bundle of the project staticfiles."python bundlestatic", shell=True) # Push new source staticfiles on the SFTP."python pushstatic --bundled", shell=True) # Purge all old staticfiles. SFTP.purge_src_staticfiles( files_to_purge_list=files_to_purge_list) else: # 'amr' = added, modified or removed amr_files_paths = [] amr_files_paths += added_files_paths if added_files_paths is not None else [] amr_files_paths += modified_files_paths if modified_files_paths is not None else [] amr_files_paths += removed_files_paths if removed_files_paths is not None else [] print("amr_files_paths") print(amr_files_paths) # Remove doublons. amr_files_paths = list(set(amr_files_paths)) print("amr_files_paths 2") print(amr_files_paths) # Collect all elements(pages, module, etc.) with their associated staticifiles. pages = {} # Get paths of all "pages" folders of the project. pages_folders_paths = get_folders_paths_list("pages") # Loop on each "pages" folders of the project. for pages_folder_path in pages_folders_paths: splitted_pages_folder_path = pages_folder_path.split("/") # Get the parent folder name and build its future path in the bundled_staticfiles folder. application_name = splitted_pages_folder_path[ -2] if splitted_pages_folder_path[ -2] != "templates" else splitted_pages_folder_path[ -3] if not application_name in pages.keys(): pages[application_name] = {} # Retrieve all pages with their associated staticfiles' paths. for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pages_folder_path): for file in files: if not file in pages[application_name].keys(): pages[application_name][file] = [] file_path = pages_folder_path + "/" + file template_content = None with open(file_path, "r") as template_file: template_content = template_content = template_content.replace( '{% url', 'xxx') template_object = Template(template_content) context = Context({ "DEBUG": True, "BULB_REQUIRES_INITIAL_PATHS": True }) template = template_object.render(context) doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(template) links = doc.xpath("//link[@rel='stylesheet']") # Add CSS dependencies to the entry.js file. for link in links: href_value = link.get("href") # Ignore href with external urls. if href_value[:4] == "http": continue else: related_staticfile_path = href_value.split( "/")[-1] pages[application_name][file].append( related_staticfile_path) # Add JS dependencies to the entry.js file. scripts = doc.xpath("//script") for script in scripts: src_value = script.get("src") # Ignore href with external urls. if src_value is None: continue elif src_value[:4] == "http": continue else: related_staticfile_path = href_value.split( "/")[-1] pages[application_name][file].append( related_staticfile_path) # # Prevent wrong staticfiles' paths format. # for path in amr_files_paths: # # # Ignore all files that are not staticfiles. # if path[-3:] == ".js" or path[-4:] == ".css" or path[-5:] == ".sass" or path[-5:] == ".scss": # # # Uniformize path's format. # if path[0] == "/": # path = path[1:] # # splitted_path = path.split("/") # # # Find application and element (page, element, module, etc.) names. # application_name = None # element_name = None # # if splitted_path[0] != "www" or splitted_path[1] != "staticfiles": # if splitted_path[1] == splitted_path[3]: # application_name = splitted_path[1] # element_name = splitted_path[6].split(".")[0] # # else: # application_name = splitted_path[4] # element_name = splitted_path[5].split(".")[0] # # if application_name is not None and element_name is not None: # # if not application_name in pages_to_refresh.keys(): # pages_to_refresh[application_name] = [] # # if not element_name in pages_to_refresh[application_name]: # pages_to_refresh[application_name].append(element_name) # # # print("pages_to_refresh (APRÈS FORMATTAGE)") # print(pages_to_refresh) # Retrieve the list of pages to resfresh in two different formats (for the bundle an clear commands). pages_to_refresh_paths = [] pages_to_refresh_names = {} # Prevent wrong staticfiles' paths format. for path in amr_files_paths: # Ignore all files that are not staticfiles. if path[-3:] == ".js" or path[-4:] == ".css" or path[ -5:] == ".sass" or path[-5:] == ".scss": # Uniformize path's format. if path[0] == "/": path = path[1:] splitted_path = path.split("/") # Find application and element (page, element, module, etc.) names. application_name = None element_name = None if splitted_path[0] != "www" or splitted_path[ 1] != "staticfiles": if splitted_path[1] == splitted_path[3]: application_name = splitted_path[1] element_name = splitted_path[-1] else: application_name = splitted_path[4] element_name = splitted_path[-1] if application_name is not None and element_name is not None: for page_path, staticfiles_names in pages[ application_name].items(): for staticfiles_name in staticfiles_names: if staticfiles_name == element_name: if not path in pages_to_refresh_path: pages_to_refresh_paths.append(path) if not element_name in pages_to_refresh_names: if not application_name in pages_to_refresh_names.keys( ): pages_to_refresh_names[ application_name] = [] pages_to_refresh_names[ application_name].append( element_name.split(".")[0]) print("pages") print(pages) print("pages_to_refresh_names") print(pages_to_refresh_names) print("pages_to_refresh_paths") print(pages_to_refresh_paths) # Remove old source staticfiles and collect them in a list to purge them on the CDN at the end. files_to_purge_list = SFTP.clear_src_staticfiles( no_purge=True, pages_to_refresh_names=pages_to_refresh_names) if settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "raw" or settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "both": # Push new source staticfiles on the SFTP. f"python pushstatic --raw --pages-to-refresh-names {json.dumps(pages_to_refresh_names)}", shell=True) if settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "bundled" or settings.BULB_SFTP_SRC_STATICFILES_MODE == "both": # Generate the bundled_staticfiles folder which contains all the bundle of the project staticfiles. "python bundlestatic --pages-to-refresh-paths {json.dumps(pages_to_refresh_paths)}", shell=True) # Push new source staticfiles on the SFTP. "python pushstatic --bundled --pages-to-refresh-names {json.dumps(pages_to_refresh_names)}", shell=True) # Purge all old staticfiles. if files_to_purge_list: SFTP.purge_src_staticfiles( files_to_purge_list=files_to_purge_list)