class Neuron(Node): element_type = "neuron" name = String(nullable=False) creation_time = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) edition_time = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Proposal(Node): element_type = 'proposal' title = String(nullable=False) body = String(nullable=False) ups = Integer() downs = Integer() datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) datetime_modification = DateTime()
class Comment(Node): element_type = 'comment' title = String(nullable=False) body = String(nullable=False) ups = Integer() # Redundant storage of upvotes downs = Integer() # Redundant storage of downvotes datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) datetime_modification = DateTime()
class Product(BizBase, Node): "Product, categroy and product-instance. Will be detailed later on." element_type = 'Product' name = String(indexed=True) date_start = DateTime() date_activated = DateTime() date_end = DateTime() amount = Integer()
class Message(Node): element_type = "message" mid = String() # Unique pseudo message ID hasImage = Null() # With image? (1= Yes, 0=No) source = String() #The application name of the client program text = String(nullable=False) # body of the message created_at = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) # Original posting time deleted_last_seen = DateTime( ) #The last seen time before this message was missing from the user timeline permission_denied = Null( ) # 'permission denied' status is marked when the message was found missing in the timeline and the API return message was 'permission denied' - See details in (Fu, Chan, Chau 2013)
class Votes(Relationship): label = 'votes' pro = Integer(nullable=False) # -1: against , 1: pro , 0 : not voted cv = Integer(default=1, nullable=False) # votecount delegated = Integer(default=0, nullable=False) # 0: not delegated , 1: delegated created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Post(Node): __mode__ = STRICT element_type = "post" title = String(nullable=False) body = String(nullable=False) at = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) root = Integer(default=0, nullable=False) x = Float(default=0, nullable=True) y = Float(default=0, nullable=True) tile_x = Integer(default=0, nullable=True) tile_y = Integer(default=0, nullable=True) @classmethod def get_proxy_class(cls): return PostProxy def parents(self): return sorted([element_to_model(e, Post) for e in self.inV("reply")], key=lambda e:, reverse=True) def children(self): return sorted([element_to_model(e, Post) for e in self.outV("reply")], key=lambda e:, reverse=True) def poster(self): return [element_to_model(e) for e in self.InV("posted")] def has_ancestor_any(self, needles): # TODO: Use aggregate/exclude to avoid searching the same parts of the # tree twice script = graph.scripts.get('has_ancestor_any') params = { 'id': self.eid, 'needle_ids': [needle.eid for needle in needles] } items = list(graph.gremlin.query(script, params)) if len(items) > 0: return items[0] else: return None def save(self): self.tile_x = (self.x + app.config['TILE_SIZE'] / 2) // app.config['TILE_SIZE'] self.tile_y = (self.y + app.config['TILE_SIZE'] / 2) // app.config['TILE_SIZE'] super(Post, self).save() def __unicode__(self): result = unicode(self.eid) if self.title: result += " [%s]" % (unicode(self.title), ) result += " posted on %s" % (unicode(, ) return result
class Person(Node): element_type = 'person' firstname = String(nullable=False) secondname = String(nullable=False) username = String(nullable=False) password = String(nullable=False) email = String(nullable=False) created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class LivesIn(Relationship): """LivesIn relationship""" # #Class members # label = "lives_in" # #Relationship properties # created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Chooses(Relationship): """Chooses relationship""" # #Class members # label = "chooses" # #Relationship properties # created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Assigns(Relationship): """Assigns relationship""" # #Class members # element_type = "assigns" # #Relationship properties # created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Order(Node): element_type = "Order" label = "Order" created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) def get_url(self): return url_for('api.get_order', id=self.eid, _external=True) def export_data(self): return {'self_url': self.get_url(), 'date': self.created} def get_node(self): return {'id': self.eid, 'label': self.created}
class User(Node, UserMixin): __mode__ = STRICT element_type = "user" username = String(nullable=False, unique=True) password = String(nullable=False) joined = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) active = Integer(nullable=False) def get_id(self): return self.username def is_active(self): return
class Friend(Relationship): label = "friend" created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) @staticmethod def create(node1, node2): g.friend.create(node1,node2) @staticmethod def get(id): return g.friend.get(id) def get_id(self): return self.eid
class Likes(Relationship): label = "likes" created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) @staticmethod def create(node1, node2):#Necesita 2 objetos de tipo NODE (User o Local) g.likes.create(node1,node2) @staticmethod def get(id): return g.likes.get(id) def get_id(self): return self.eid
class HasPeople(Relationship): label = 'hasPeople' datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Votes(Relationship): label = 'votes' pro = Integer(nullable=False) # 0: against ; 1: pro created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Delegation(Node): element_type = "delegation" time = Integer() # 0: including past; # 1: excluding past; up from now on. datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class IsLocated(Relationship): label = "isLocated" created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class ContainsGeoInfo(Relationship): label = "containsGeoInfo" created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False) occurence = Integer()
class IssuesComment(Relationship): label = 'issuesComment' created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Knows(Relationship): label = "knows" timestamp = DateTime(default=current_datetime)
class Knows(Relationship): autoindex = True label = "knows" created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Instance(Node): element_type = 'instance' title = String(nullable=False) body = String(nullable=False) datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class Parlament(Node): element_type = 'parlament' title = String(nullable=False) body = String(nullable=False) datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)
class DelProp(Node): element_type = "delProp" datetime_created = DateTime(default=current_datetime, nullable=False)