예제 #1
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     """self:zope.app.pagetemplate.simpleviewclass.SimpleViewClass -> 
     LD = IAnnotations(request)["layer_data"]
     assert interfaces.IWorkspaceSectionLayer.providedBy(request)
     assert LD.get("workspaces") is not None
     super(WorkspaceSectionView, self).__init__(context, request)
     cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ 
     # NOTE: Zope morphs this class's name to "SimpleViewClass from ..." 
     log.debug("%s.__init__ %s context=%s url=%s" % (
                         cls_name, self, self.context, request.getURL()))
     # transfer layer data items, for the view/template
     self.user_id = LD.user_id
     self.user_group_ids = LD.user_group_ids
     self.government_id = LD.government_id # may be None
     self.ministries = LD.ministries # may be None
     if self.ministries:
         # then, ONLY if an ancestor container is actually a Ministry, 
         # this must be a MinisterWorkspace
         if misc.get_parent_with_interface(self, model_interfaces.IMinistry):
             interface.alsoProvides(self, interfaces.IMinisterWorkspace)
     # roles are function of the context, so always recalculate
     roles = get_roles(self.context)
     for role_id in roles:
         iface = self.role_interface_mapping.get(role_id)
         if iface is not None:
             interface.alsoProvides(self, iface)
     log.debug("%s.__init__ %s" % (cls_name, debug.interfaces(self)))
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        """self:zope.app.pagetemplate.simpleviewclass.SimpleViewClass -> 
        LD = IAnnotations(request)["layer_data"]
        assert interfaces.IWorkspaceSectionLayer.providedBy(request)
        assert LD.get("workspaces") is not None
        super(WorkspaceSectionView, self).__init__(context, request)
        cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
        # NOTE: Zope morphs this class's name to "SimpleViewClass from ..."
        log.debug("%s.__init__ %s context=%s url=%s" %
                  (cls_name, self, self.context, request.getURL()))

        # transfer layer data items, for the view/template
        self.user_id = LD.user_id
        self.user_group_ids = LD.user_group_ids
        self.government_id = LD.government_id  # may be None
        self.ministries = LD.ministries  # may be None
        if self.ministries:
            interface.alsoProvides(self, interfaces.IMinisterWorkspace)

        # roles are function of the context, so always recalculate
        roles = get_roles(self.context)
        for role_id in roles:
            iface = self.role_interface_mapping.get(role_id)
            if iface is not None:
                interface.alsoProvides(self, iface)
        log.debug("%s.__init__ %s" % (cls_name, debug.interfaces(self)))
예제 #3
def prepare_user_workspaces(event):
    """Determine the current principal's workspaces, depending on roles and
    group memberships. 
    "bungeni.Clerk", "bungeni.Speaker", "bungeni.MP"
        these roles get a parliament-level workspace
        "implied" role (by being a member of a ministry group) 
        gets a ministry-level workspace (for each ministry)
    "zope.Manager", "bungeni.Admin", "bungeni.Owner", "bungeni.Everybody", 
        not relevant for user workspaces, no workspaces
        !+ should these get an owner-level (user) workspace?
    request = event.request
    application = event.object # is bungeni.core.app.BungeniApp
    destination_url_path = url.get_destination_url_path(request)
    def need_to_prepare_workspaces(obj, req):
        return (
            # need only to do it when traversing "/", 
            # obj should be the BungeniApplication
            # user is logged in
            and (
                # either the request should be for a view within /workspace
                # note: IWorkspaceSectionLayer is applied to the request by 
                # publication.apply_request_layer_by_url() that therefore must 
                # have already been called
                # or the request is for *the* Home Page (as in this case
                # we still need to know the user workspaces to be able to 
                # redirect appropriately)
    if not need_to_prepare_workspaces(application, request):
    # initialize a layer data object, for the views in the layer
    LD = IAnnotations(request)["layer_data"] = misc.bunch(
        workspaces=[], # workspace containers !+ unique?
        # !+ role-based workspaces: (role|group, workspace_container)
        # these are needed by the views, as we need them also here, we just
        # remember them to not need to calculate them again
        ministries=None, # list of ministries (that are also workspaces)
    LD.user_id = get_db_user_id()
        parliament = get_current_parliament(None)
        assert parliament is not None # force exception
        # we do get_roles under the current parliament as context, but we 
        # must also ensure that the BungeniApp is present somewhere along 
        # the __parent__ stack:
        parliament.__parent__ = application
        roles = get_roles(parliament)
        # "bungeni.Clerk", "bungeni.Speaker", "bungeni.MP"
        for role_id in roles:
            if role_id in ("bungeni.Clerk", "bungeni.Speaker", "bungeni.MP"):
                log.debug("adding parliament workspace %s (for role %s)" % (
                                                        parliament, role_id))
        # "bungeni.Minister"
        # need to check for ministry groups to which the principal belongs, and 
        # for each such ministry assign a ministry workspace
        LD.user_group_ids = get_group_ids_for_user_in_parliament(
                                    LD.user_id, parliament.group_id)
        LD.government_id = get_current_parliament_governments(
                                    parliament)[0].group_id # IndexError
        LD.ministries = get_ministries_for_user_in_government(
                                            LD.user_id, LD.government_id)
        log.debug(""" [prepare_user_workspaces]
            parliament:(%s, %s) 
            ministries:%s""" % (
                parliament.full_name, parliament.group_id, 
                [(m.full_name, m.group_id) for m in LD.ministries] ))
        for ministry in LD.ministries:
            log.debug("adding ministry workspace %s" % ministry)
    except (Exception,):
        debug.log_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), log_handler=log.info)
    # ensure unique workspaces, preserving order, retaining same list obj ref
    LD.workspaces[:] = [ workspace for i,workspace in enumerate(LD.workspaces) 
                         if LD.workspaces.index(workspace)==i ]
    # mark each workspace container with IWorkspaceContainer
    for workspace in LD.workspaces:
        interface.alsoProvides(workspace, interfaces.IWorkspaceContainer)
    log.debug(" [prepare_user_workspaces] %s" % debug.interfaces(request))
    log.info(""" [prepare_user_workspaces] DONE:
        for: [request=%s][path=%s][path_info=%s]
        request.layer_data: %s""" % (
            id(request), destination_url_path, request.get("PATH_INFO"),
            IAnnotations(request).get("layer_data", None)))
예제 #4
def prepare_user_workspaces(event):
    """Determine the current principal's workspaces, depending on roles and
    group memberships. 
    "bungeni.Clerk", "bungeni.Speaker", "bungeni.MP"
        these roles get a parliament-level workspace
        "implied" role (by being a member of a ministry group) 
        gets a ministry-level workspace (for each ministry)
    "zope.Manager", "bungeni.Admin", "bungeni.Owner", "bungeni.Everybody", 
        not relevant for user workspaces, no workspaces
        !+ should these get an owner-level (user) workspace?
    request = event.request
    application = event.object  # is bungeni.core.app.BungeniApp
    destination_url_path = url.get_destination_url_path(request)

    def need_to_prepare_workspaces(obj, req):
        return (
            # need only to do it when traversing "/",
            # obj should be the BungeniApplication
            model_interfaces.IBungeniApplication.providedBy(obj) and
            # user is logged in
            interfaces.IBungeniAuthenticatedSkin.providedBy(req) and (
                # either the request should be for a view within /workspace
                # note: IWorkspaceSectionLayer is applied to the request by
                # publication.apply_request_layer_by_url() that therefore must
                # have already been called
                interfaces.IWorkspaceSectionLayer.providedBy(req) or
                # or the request is for *the* Home Page (as in this case
                # we still need to know the user workspaces to be able to
                # redirect appropriately)

    if not need_to_prepare_workspaces(application, request):

    # initialize a layer data object, for the views in the layer
    LD = IAnnotations(request)["layer_data"] = misc.bunch(
        workspaces=[],  # workspace containers !+ unique?
        # !+ role-based workspaces: (role|group, workspace_container)
        # these are needed by the views, as we need them also here, we just
        # remember them to not need to calculate them again
        ministries=None,  # list of ministries (that are also workspaces)

    LD.user_id = get_db_user_id()
        parliament = get_current_parliament(None)
        assert parliament is not None  # force exception
        # we do get_roles under the current parliament as context, but we
        # must also ensure that the BungeniApp is present somewhere along
        # the __parent__ stack:
        parliament.__parent__ = application
        roles = get_roles(parliament)
        # "bungeni.Clerk", "bungeni.Speaker", "bungeni.MP"
        for role_id in roles:
            if role_id in ("bungeni.Clerk", "bungeni.Speaker", "bungeni.MP"):
                log.debug("adding parliament workspace %s (for role %s)" %
                          (parliament, role_id))

        # "bungeni.Minister"
        # need to check for ministry groups to which the principal belongs, and
        # for each such ministry assign a ministry workspace
        LD.user_group_ids = get_group_ids_for_user_in_parliament(
            LD.user_id, parliament.group_id)
        LD.government_id = get_current_parliament_governments(
            parliament)[0].group_id  # IndexError
        LD.ministries = get_ministries_for_user_in_government(
            LD.user_id, LD.government_id)
        log.debug(""" [prepare_user_workspaces]
            parliament:(%s, %s) 
            ministries:%s""" %
                  (LD.user_id, parliament.full_name, parliament.group_id,
                   LD.government_id, [(m.full_name, m.group_id)
                                      for m in LD.ministries]))
        for ministry in LD.ministries:
            log.debug("adding ministry workspace %s" % ministry)
    except (Exception, ):
        debug.log_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), log_handler=log.info)

    # ensure unique workspaces, preserving order, retaining same list obj ref
    LD.workspaces[:] = [
        workspace for i, workspace in enumerate(LD.workspaces)
        if LD.workspaces.index(workspace) == i

    # mark each workspace container with IWorkspaceContainer
    for workspace in LD.workspaces:
        interface.alsoProvides(workspace, interfaces.IWorkspaceContainer)

    log.debug(" [prepare_user_workspaces] %s" % debug.interfaces(request))
    log.info(""" [prepare_user_workspaces] DONE:
        for: [request=%s][path=%s][path_info=%s]
        request.layer_data: %s""" %
             (id(request), destination_url_path, request.get("PATH_INFO"),
              IAnnotations(request).get("layer_data", None)))