예제 #1
파일: row.py 프로젝트: habahut/GrocerySpy
class Row(Sprite):
    def __init__(self, objectName, font, locY, imgdir, mode, ing=None):

        col = 255, 255, 255

        self.locationY = locY
        self.name = objectName
        self.theFont = font
        self.imgFolder = imgdir

        self.nameText = self.theFont.render(self.name, False, col)
        self.image = pygame.Surface((700, 30))  # self.nameText.get_height() + 2))

        # this stores the ingredient if we are in "groceryListViewer" mode
        # should not be used by recipeViewer, but we store it here anyway so python doesn't complain
        # this will be useful later for scaling the amount stored
        self.ingredient = ing

        if mode == "recipeViewer":
            ## in this mode, we need the buttons to expand recipes and add them to the shopping cart
            self.expandButton = Button(self.imgFolder, "expandButton", (10, 0), "expand@" + self.name, -1)
            self.image.blit(self.expandButton.getImage(), self.expandButton.getRect())

            self.groceryListButton = Button(
                (self.nameText.get_width() + self.expandButton.getImage().get_width() + 25, 0),
                "addToGroceryList@" + self.name,
            self.image.blit(self.groceryListButton.getImage(), self.groceryListButton.getRect())

            self.writeToDesktopButton = Button(
                (self.groceryListButton.getRect().right + 15, 0),
                "writeToDesktop@" + self.name,
            self.image.blit(self.writeToDesktopButton.getImage(), self.writeToDesktopButton.getRect())

            ## we put the name text in a different spot if we have the expand button
            self.image.blit(self.nameText, (self.expandButton.getImage().get_width() + 15, 0))

            self.allButtons = [self.expandButton, self.groceryListButton, self.writeToDesktopButton]
        elif mode == "groceryListViewer":
            self.image.blit(self.nameText, (15, 0))
            ## put remove item and scale quantity boxes in here...
        elif mode == "recipeDeleter":
            self.expandButton = Button(self.imgFolder, "expandButton", (10, 0), "expand@" + self.name, -1)
            self.image.blit(self.expandButton.getImage(), self.expandButton.getRect())

            self.image.blit(self.nameText, (self.expandButton.getImage().get_width() + 15, 0))

            self.deleteButton = Button(
                (self.nameText.get_width() + self.expandButton.getImage().get_width() + 25, 0),
                "delete@" + self.name,
            self.image.blit(self.deleteButton.getImage(), self.deleteButton.getRect())
            self.allButtons = [self.expandButton, self.deleteButton]


        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        x, y = self.rect.topleft
        y += locY
        self.rect.topleft = x, y

    def toggleButton(self, buttonType):
        ## might have been smarter to just code in the toggling to the button
        # so we just call button.toggle
        # and within the button class it already knows how to toggle itself

        if buttonType == "expand":
            # pygame.draw.rect(self.image, (0,0,0), self.expandButton.getRect(), 0)
            buttonIDs = self.expandButton.getIdentity().split("@")
            self.expandButton = Button(
                self.imgFolder, "unExpandButton", (self.expandButton.getRect().topleft), "unExpand@" + buttonIDs[1], -1
            self.image.blit(self.expandButton.getImage(), self.expandButton.getRect())

        elif buttonType == "unExpand":
            buttonIDs = self.expandButton.getIdentity().split("@")
            self.expandButton = Button(
                self.imgFolder, "expandButton", (self.expandButton.getRect().topleft), "expand@" + buttonIDs[1], -1
            self.image.blit(self.expandButton.getImage(), self.expandButton.getRect())

        elif buttonType == "groceryButton":
            # pygame.draw.rect(self.image, (0,255,0), self.groceryListButton.getRect(), 0)

            buttonIDs = self.groceryListButton.getIdentity().split("@")
            if buttonIDs[0] == "addToGroceryList":
                self.groceryListButton = Button(
                    "removeFromGroceryList@" + buttonIDs[1],
                self.groceryListButton = Button(
                    "addToGroceryList@" + buttonIDs[1],
            self.image.blit(self.groceryListButton.getImage(), self.groceryListButton.getRect().topleft)
        elif buttonType == "deleteButton":
            # pygame.draw.rect(self.image, (0,255,0), self.deleteButton.getRect(), 0)
            self.deleteButton = Button(
                self.imgFolder, "deleted", (self.deleteButton.getRect().topleft), "pointlessID", -1
            self.image.blit(self.deleteButton.getImage(), self.deleteButton.getRect().topleft)

    def isAddedToGroceryList(self):
        buttonIDs = self.groceryListButton.getIdentity().split("@")
        if buttonIDs[0] == "addToGroceryList":
            return False
            return True

    def getImage(self):
        return self.image

    def getRect(self):
        return self.rect

    def getBlitPos(self):
        x, y = self.rect.topleft
        x += self.getLeftBorder()
        return x, y

    def getName(self):
        return self.name

    def get_height(self):
        return self.image.get_height()

    def getLeftBorder(self):
        return 0

    def updateY(self, dy):
        self.rect = self.rect.move(0, dy)

    def collideButtons(self, xy):
        # need to convert the xy location of the mouse click to be relative to the top left of the row
        x, y = xy
        y -= self.rect.top
        xy = x, y
        for button in self.allButtons:
            if button.getRect().collidepoint(xy):
                return button
        return None

    ## this method is only for groceryListViewer
    # all scaling done to the ingredient list will be stored in this rows "ingredient" object
    # we then return the object for printing to file or for storing the groceryList
    def getModifiedIngredient(self):
        # print "returning : ", self.ingredient
        return self.ingredient