def cancel_talk(self, user, talk_id, post_data): """Cancel the negotiation talk Delete the negociation talk and associated messages, send a mail to the other user. Canceling a negociation talk must have a reason. So, we use the contact form. - If the talk doesnt exists, raise a TalkDoesNotExist exception """ try: talk = Talk.objects.get(pk=talk_id) except Talk.DoesNotExist: raise TalkDoesNotExist(talk_id) if ( != and != raise InvalidUser(user) form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if not form.is_valid(): raise InvalidContactUserForm(form) from_user = user to_user = (talk.trip.user if == else talk.from_user) subject = talk.trip.get_public_name() message_header = (u"%s a annulé la négociation " % from_user.username) if == message_header += u"à propos de votre annonce %s (%s)." % (, subject, ) else: message_header += (u"à propos de l'annonce %s." % subject) send_mail( (u"Annonce %s - Annulation de la négociation" % subject), u"""Ceci est un message automatique, veuillez ne pas y répondre. Bonjour %s, %s Il semblerait que vous n'ayez pas trouvé de compromis satisfaisant. Voici la raison de l'annulation donnée par %s: -------------------------------- %s -------------------------------- Nous espérons que vous aurez plus de chance lors de votre prochaine négociation. Cordialement, L'équipe %s""" % (to_user.username, message_header, from_user.username, form.cleaned_data['message'], settings.PROJECT_NAME), settings.FROM_EMAIL, []) talk.delete()
def delete_trip(self, user, trip_id, post_data): """Delete a trip Delete the announce and associated negociations and alert the contact that the negociation has been deleted because of the related announce deletion. - If the trip doesnt exists, raise a TripDoesNotExist exception """ try: trip = Trip.objects.get(pk=trip_id, user=user) except Trip.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidUser(user) form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if not form.is_valid(): raise InvalidContactUserForm(form) for talk in trip.talk_set.all(): try: from_user = user to_user = talk.from_user subject = talk.trip.get_public_name() message_header = u"%s a supprimé son annonce %s" % ( from_user.username, subject, ) send_mail( (u"Annonce %s - Suppression de l'annonce et de la " u"négociation" % subject), u"""Ceci est un message automatique, veuillez ne pas y répondre. Bonjour %s, %s, ce qui entraîne la suppression de votre négociation. Voici la raison de la suppression donnée par %s: -------------------------------- %s -------------------------------- Cordialement, L'équipe %s""" % ( to_user.username, message_header, from_user.username, form.cleaned_data['message'], settings.PROJECT_NAME ), settings.FROM_EMAIL, [] ) except: pass trip.delete()
def delete_trip(self, user, trip_id, post_data): """Delete a trip Delete the announce and associated negociations and alert the contact that the negociation has been deleted because of the related announce deletion. - If the trip doesnt exists, raise a TripDoesNotExist exception """ try: trip = Trip.objects.get(pk=trip_id, user=user) except Trip.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidUser(user) form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if not form.is_valid(): raise InvalidContactUserForm(form) for talk in trip.talk_set.all(): try: from_user = user to_user = talk.from_user subject = talk.trip.get_public_name() message_header = u"%s a supprimé son annonce %s" % ( from_user.username, subject, ) send_mail(( u"Annonce %s - Suppression de l'annonce et de la " u"négociation" % subject ), u"""Ceci est un message automatique, veuillez ne pas y répondre. Bonjour %s, %s, ce qui entraîne la suppression de votre négociation. Voici la raison de la suppression donnée par %s: -------------------------------- %s -------------------------------- Cordialement, L'équipe %s""" % (to_user.username, message_header, from_user.username, form.cleaned_data['message'], settings.PROJECT_NAME), settings.FROM_EMAIL, []) except: pass trip.delete()
def contact_user(self, user, trip_id, post_data): """Create a new negociation about an announce Create the negotiation, the message, and send a mail to the user trip. If the trip doesnt exists, raise a TripDoesNotExist exception. If a negociation already exists for this announce and this user, raise an TalkAlreadyExist exception. If one of the email field is empty, raise a InvalidMail exception. """ try: trip = Trip.objects.get(pk=trip_id) except Trip.DoesNotExist: raise TripDoesNotExist(trip_id) try: talk = Talk.objects.get(trip=trip, from_user=user) raise TalkAlreadyExists(trip_id) except Talk.DoesNotExist: pass if == "" or == "": raise InvalidMail() from_user = user to_user = trip.user subject = _("Trip %(trip_public_name)s") % { 'trip_public_name': trip.get_public_name() } form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if not form.is_valid(): raise InvalidContactUserForm(form) try: talk = Talk( trip=trip, from_user=from_user ) self._send_message( talk, from_user, to_user, form.cleaned_data['message'] ) except Exception, err: transaction.rollback() raise err
def contact_user(self, user, trip_id, post_data): """Create a new negociation about an announce Create the negotiation, the message, and send a mail to the user trip. If the trip doesnt exists, raise a TripDoesNotExist exception. If a negociation already exists for this announce and this user, raise an TalkAlreadyExist exception. If one of the email field is empty, raise a InvalidMail exception. """ try: trip = Trip.objects.get(pk=trip_id) except Trip.DoesNotExist: raise TripDoesNotExist(trip_id) try: talk = Talk.objects.get(trip=trip, from_user=user) raise TalkAlreadyExists(trip_id) except Talk.DoesNotExist: pass if == "" or == "": raise InvalidMail() from_user = user to_user = trip.user subject = _("Trip %(trip_public_name)s") % { 'trip_public_name': trip.get_public_name() } form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if not form.is_valid(): raise InvalidContactUserForm(form) try: talk = Talk(trip=trip, from_user=from_user) self._send_message(talk, from_user, to_user, form.cleaned_data['message']) except Exception, err: transaction.rollback() raise err
def add_message(self, user, talk_id, post_data): """Add a message to an already existing negociation talk, and send a mail to the user. - If the talk doesnt exists, raise a TalkDoesNotExist exception - If the provided post_data is not valid, raise a InvalidContactUserForm - If the user is not allowed to retreive this data, raise a InvalidUser exception. """ try: talk = Talk.objects.get(id=talk_id) except Talk.DoesNotExist: raise TalkDoesNotExist(talk_id) if ( != and != raise InvalidUser(user) from_user = user to_user = (talk.trip.user if == else talk.from_user) subject = _("Trip %(trip_public_name)s") % { 'trip_public_name': talk.trip.get_public_name() } form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if form.is_valid(): try: self._send_message( talk, from_user, to_user, form.cleaned_data['message'] ) except Exception, err: transaction.rollback() raise err else: transaction.commit() return talk
def add_message(self, user, talk_id, post_data): """Add a message to an already existing negociation talk, and send a mail to the user. - If the talk doesnt exists, raise a TalkDoesNotExist exception - If the provided post_data is not valid, raise a InvalidContactUserForm - If the user is not allowed to retreive this data, raise a InvalidUser exception. """ try: talk = Talk.objects.get(id=talk_id) except Talk.DoesNotExist: raise TalkDoesNotExist(talk_id) if ( != and != raise InvalidUser(user) from_user = user to_user = (talk.trip.user if == else talk.from_user) subject = _("Trip %(trip_public_name)s") % { 'trip_public_name': talk.trip.get_public_name() } form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if form.is_valid(): try: self._send_message(talk, from_user, to_user, form.cleaned_data['message']) except Exception, err: transaction.rollback() raise err else: transaction.commit() return talk
def cancel_talk(self, user, talk_id, post_data): """Cancel the negotiation talk Delete the negociation talk and associated messages, send a mail to the other user. Canceling a negociation talk must have a reason. So, we use the contact form. - If the talk doesnt exists, raise a TalkDoesNotExist exception """ try: talk = Talk.objects.get(pk=talk_id) except Talk.DoesNotExist: raise TalkDoesNotExist(talk_id) if ( != and != raise InvalidUser(user) form = ContactUserForm(post_data) if not form.is_valid(): raise InvalidContactUserForm(form) from_user = user to_user = (talk.trip.user if == else talk.from_user) subject = talk.trip.get_public_name() message_header = (u"%s a annulé la négociation " % from_user.username) if == message_header += u"à propos de votre annonce %s (%s)." % (, subject, ) else: message_header += (u"à propos de l'annonce %s." % subject) send_mail( (u"Annonce %s - Annulation de la négociation" % subject), u"""Ceci est un message automatique, veuillez ne pas y répondre. Bonjour %s, %s Il semblerait que vous n'ayez pas trouvé de compromis satisfaisant. Voici la raison de l'annulation donnée par %s: -------------------------------- %s -------------------------------- Nous espérons que vous aurez plus de chance lors de votre prochaine négociation. Cordialement, L'équipe %s""" % ( to_user.username, message_header, from_user.username, form.cleaned_data['message'], settings.PROJECT_NAME ), settings.FROM_EMAIL, [] ) talk.delete()