예제 #1
def test_copy(activity):
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().count() == 1
    assert ActivityDataset.select().count() == 1
    cp = activity.copy("baz")
    assert cp['code'] != activity['code']
    assert cp['name'] == 'baz'
    assert cp['location'] == 'bar'
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().count() == 2
    assert ActivityDataset.select().count() == 2
    assert ActivityDataset.select().where(
        ActivityDataset.code == cp['code'],
        ActivityDataset.database == cp['database'],
    ).count() == 1
    assert ActivityDataset.select().where(
        ActivityDataset.code == activity['code'],
        ActivityDataset.database == activity['database'],
    ).count() == 1
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().where(
        ExchangeDataset.input_code == cp['code'],
        ExchangeDataset.input_database == cp['database'],
    ).count() == 1
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().where(
        ExchangeDataset.input_database == activity['database'],
        ExchangeDataset.input_code == activity['code'],
    ).count() == 1
예제 #2
def test_copy_with_kwargs(activity):
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().count() == 1
    assert ActivityDataset.select().count() == 1
    cp = activity.copy("baz", location="here", widget="squirt gun")
    assert cp['code'] != activity['code']
    assert cp['name'] == 'baz'
    assert cp['location'] == 'here'
    assert cp['widget'] == 'squirt gun'
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().count() == 2
    assert ActivityDataset.select().count() == 2
예제 #3
def select_exchanges_by_database_codes(db_name: str, codes: set):
    inputs = set(x[0] for x in codes)
    outputs = set(x[1] for x in codes)
    query = (ED.select().where((ED.output_database == db_name)
                               & (ED.input_code.in_(inputs))
                               & (ED.output_code.in_(outputs))).namedtuples())
    return query
예제 #4
def select_exchange_data(db_name: str):
    query = (ED.select(ED.data)
             .where((ED.output_database == db_name) &
                    (ED.type.in_(["biosphere", "technosphere", "production"])))
    data = (x[0] for x in query.iterator())
    return data
예제 #5
def find_missing_exchanges(superstruct: set, delta: str) -> Tuple[set, list]:
    query = (ED.select(ED.input_code, ED.output_code)
             .where(ED.output_database == delta)
    diff = set(x for x in query.iterator()).difference(superstruct)
    # Now query again, and create a list of exchanges of the diff.
    inputs = set(x[0] for x in diff)
    outputs = set(x[1] for x in diff)
    query = (ED.select(ED.data)
             .where((ED.output_database == delta) &
                    (ED.input_code.in_(inputs)) &
    diff_list = [x[0] for x in query.iterator()]
    return diff, diff_list
예제 #6
 def exchange_type(self) -> int:
     exc_type = ExchangeDataset.get(
         ExchangeDataset.input_code == self.input.code,
         ExchangeDataset.input_database == self.input.database,
         ExchangeDataset.output_code == self.output.code,
         ExchangeDataset.output_database == self.output.database).type
     return TYPE_DICTIONARY.get(exc_type, -1)
예제 #7
def select_exchanges_from_database(db_name: str,
                                   as_namedtuples: bool = True) -> BaseQuery:
    query = (ExchangeDataset.select().where(
        ExchangeDataset.output_database == db_name))
    if as_namedtuples:
        query = query.namedtuples()
    return query
예제 #8
def extract_brightway2_databases(database_names):
    """Extract a Brightway2 SQLiteBackend database to the Wurst internal format.

    ``database_names`` is a list of database names. You should already be in the correct project.

    Returns a list of dataset documents."""
    ERROR = "Must pass list of database names"
    assert isinstance(database_names, (list, tuple)), ERROR

    databases = [DatabaseChooser(name) for name in database_names]
    ERROR = "Wrong type of database object (must be SQLiteBackend)"
    assert all(isinstance(obj, SQLiteBackend) for obj in databases), ERROR

    # Construct generators for both activities and exchanges
    # Need to be clever to minimize copying and memory use
    activity_qs = ActivityDataset.select().where(
        ActivityDataset.database << database_names)
    exchange_qs = ExchangeDataset.select().where(
        ExchangeDataset.output_database << database_names)

    # Retrieve all activity data
    print("Getting activity data")
    activities = [extract_activity(o) for o in tqdm(activity_qs)]
    # Add each exchange to the activity list of exchanges
    print("Adding exchange data to activities")
    add_exchanges_to_consumers(activities, exchange_qs)
    # Add details on exchanges which come from our databases
    print("Filling out exchange data")
    add_input_info_for_indigenous_exchanges(activities, database_names)
    add_input_info_for_external_exchanges(activities, database_names)
    return activities
예제 #9
    def recalculate_scenario(
            scenario_values: Iterable[float]) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
        """ Convenience function that takes new parameter values and returns
        a fully-formed set of exchange amounts and indices.

        All parameter types are recalculated in turn before interpreting the
        ParameterizedExchange formulas into amounts.
        self.param_values = replace_amounts(self.param_values, scenario_values)
        global_project = self.recalculate_project_parameters()
        all_db = {}
        for p in DatabaseParameter.select(
            db = self.recalculate_database_parameters(p.database,
            all_db[p.database] = {x: y for x, y in db.items()} if db else {}

        complete_data = []
        complete_indices = []

        for p in ActivityParameter.select(
            combination = {x: y
                           for x, y in global_project.items()
                           } if global_project else {}
            combination.update(all_db.get(p.database, {}))
            act = self.recalculate_activity_parameters(p.group, combination)

            recalculated = self.recalculate_exchanges(
                p.group, global_params=combination)
            # If the parameter group contains no ParameterizedExchanges, skip.
            if not recalculated:
            # `data` contains the recalculated amounts for the exchanges.
            ids, data = zip(*recalculated)
            indices = []
            for pk in ids:
                exc = ExchangeDataset.get_by_id(pk)
                input_key = (exc.input_database, exc.input_code)
                output_key = (exc.output_database, exc.output_code)
                if exc.input_database == bw.config.biosphere:
                    indices.append((input_key, output_key, "biosphere"))
                    indices.append((input_key, output_key, "technosphere"))

        # After recalculating all the exchanges and adding all samples and indices
        # to lists, format them according to presamples requirements:
        # eg: samples as a column of floats and indices as a row of tuples.
        samples = np.array(complete_data)
        samples = samples.reshape(1, -1).T
        indices = np.array(complete_indices)
        return samples, indices
예제 #10
def find_missing_exchanges(superstruct: set, delta: str) -> (set, list):
    query = (ED.select(
        ED.output_code).where(ED.output_database == delta).distinct().tuples())
    diff = set(x for x in query.iterator()).difference(superstruct)
    # Now query again, and create a list of exchanges of the diff.
    query = select_exchanges_by_database_codes(delta, diff)
    diff_list = [x for x in query.iterator()]
    return diff, diff_list
예제 #11
 def build_from_tuple(cls, data: tuple) -> 'Index':
     obj = cls(
         input=Key(data[0][0], data[0][1]),
         output=Key(data[1][0], data[1][1]),
     exc_type = ExchangeDataset.get(
         ExchangeDataset.input_code == obj.input.code,
         ExchangeDataset.input_database == obj.input.database,
         ExchangeDataset.output_code == obj.output.code,
         ExchangeDataset.output_database == obj.output.database).type
     return obj._replace(flow_type=exc_type)
예제 #12
 def construct_indices(self) -> Indices:
     """Given that ParameterizedExchanges will always have the same order of
     indices, construct them once and reuse when needed.
     indices = Indices()
     for p in self.initial.act_by_group_db:
         params = self.initial.exc_by_group(p.group)
             for pk in params)
     return indices
예제 #13
    def parameter_exchange_dependencies(self) -> dict:

        Schema: {param1: List[tuple], param2: List[tuple]}
        parameters = defaultdict(list)
        for act in self.initial.act_by_group_db:
            exchanges = self.initial.exc_by_group(act.group)
            for exc, formula in exchanges.items():
                params = get_new_symbols([formula])
                # Convert exchange from int to Index
                exc = Index.build_from_exchange(ExchangeDataset.get_by_id(exc))
                for param in params:
        return parameters
예제 #14
def build_presamples_array_from_df(
        df: pd.DataFrame) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
    """Construct a presamples package from a superstructure DataFrame."""
    keys = df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, EXCHANGE_KEYS]]
    scenario_columns = df.columns.difference(SUPERSTRUCTURE, sort=False)
    values = df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, scenario_columns]]
    assert keys.notna().all().all(), "Need all the keys for this."
    exchanges = (ExchangeDataset.get(
    ) for x in keys.itertuples(index=False))
    indices = [Index.build_from_exchange(exc) for exc in exchanges]

    result = np.zeros(len(indices), dtype=object)
    for i, idx in enumerate(indices):
        result[i] = (idx.input, idx.output, idx.input.database_type)
    return result, values.to_numpy()
예제 #15
def construct_exchanges_search(df: pd.DataFrame) -> (pd.Series, set):
    keys = df.loc[:, EXCHANGE_KEYS]
    if keys.isna().all().all():
        return pd.Series([]), set()

    # Separate into component sets.
    in_dbs = set(x[0] for x in keys["from key"])
    in_codes = set(x[1] for x in keys["from key"])
    out_dbs = set(x[0] for x in keys["to key"])
    out_codes = set(x[1] for x in keys["to key"])

    query = (ExchangeDataset.select(
        ExchangeDataset.input_code, ExchangeDataset.input_database,
        ExchangeDataset.output_code, ExchangeDataset.output_database).where(
            & (ExchangeDataset.input_database.in_(in_dbs))
            & (ExchangeDataset.output_code.in_(out_codes))
            & (ExchangeDataset.output_database.in_(out_dbs))).namedtuples())

    found_exc = set(process_ed_namedtuple(x) for x in query.iterator())
    exchanges = keys.apply(tuple, axis=1)
    return exchanges, found_exc
예제 #16
def select_superstructure_indexes(struct: str) -> set:
    query = (ED.select(ED.input_code, ED.output_code)
             .where(ED.output_database == struct)
    indexes = set(x for x in query.iterator())
    return indexes
예제 #17
def test_delete(activity):
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().count() == 1
    assert ActivityDataset.select().count() == 1
    assert ExchangeDataset.select().count() == 0
    assert ActivityDataset.select().count() == 0