예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def topic_articles_list(request, topic_name, topic_id):

    top_name = topic_name.replace('-', ' ')

    recent_articles = Articles.objects.raw(
        "SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.image_url,AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id LEFT JOIN article_topics AT ON A.article_id = AT.article_id WHERE AT.topic_id = '"
        + topic_id +
        "' AND (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null) GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC"

    paginator = Paginator(list(recent_articles), 6)  # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages + 1)

        articles = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        articles = paginator.page(1)

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    meta_title = top_name + ' - BW people - News about Indian Hotel Industry and Hospitality Business in India'
    meta_description = 'Follow the latest news about ' + top_name + ' in Indian Hospitality Sector'
    meta_keyword = top_name + ',  BW people'

    og_title = 'BW pleople | ' + top_name
    og_url = '/topics/' + topic_name + '-' + topic_id
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + 'static_bwhr/images/BW-people-logo.jpg'

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(
        request, 'article/listing.html', {
            "recent_articles": articles,
            'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
            'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
            'bwtv_articles': sidebar_dta['bwtv_articles'],
            'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
            'no_of_pages': no_of_pages,
            'page_title_h1': 'Latest Articles in ' + top_name,
            'listing_page_url': '/topics-list/' + topic_id,
            'view_page_url': '/topics/' + topic_name + '-' + topic_id,
            'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
            'meta_title': meta_title,
            'meta_description': meta_description,
            'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
            'og_title': og_title,
            'og_url': og_url,
            'og_image': og_image,
            'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def exclusive_article(request):
    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()
    recent_exclusive_article = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AI.image_url, AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id WHERE A.is_exclusive = '1' GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC ")
    paginator = Paginator(list(recent_exclusive_article), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        recent_exclusive_article = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        recent_exclusive_article = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        recent_exclusive_article = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]
    meta_title = 'Web Exclusive Stories - BW wellness - Page '+str(page_no)
    meta_description = 'Web Exclusive stories from News and Updates for wellness in India from BW wellness. Page '+str(page_no)+' of the list.'

    og_title = 'Web Exclusive Stories - BW wellness - Page '+str(page_no)
    og_url = '/online-exclusive'
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'

    return render(request, 'webexclusive/webexclusivelisting.html', {
        'recent_exclusive_article': recent_exclusive_article,
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'meta_description': meta_description,

        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def get_newsletter_Subscriber_details(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':

        newsletter_type_id = request.POST['newsletter_type_id']
        subscriber_email_id = request.POST['subscriber_email_id']
        subscription_date = datetime.datetime.now().date()
        if (subscriber_email_id != ''):
            subscriber_details = NewsletterSubscriber.objects.raw(
                "SELECT newsletter_subscriber_id FROM newsletter_Subscriber  WHERE newsletter_type_id = "
                + newsletter_type_id + " AND subscriber_email_id='" +
                subscriber_email_id + "'")


            if len(list(subscriber_details)) > 0:
                return HttpResponse(json.dumps(
                    {"checkuser": "******"}),

                newsletter_Subscriber_details = NewsletterSubscriber(


            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"success": "this is happening"}),
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "this isn't happening"}),
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def recent_articles_listing_load(request):
    recent_articles = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AU.*,AI.photopath, AI.image_url FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id WHERE (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null) GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")

    paginator = Paginator(list(recent_articles), 6) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)

        articles = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        articles = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(request, 'article/listing_load.html', {
        "recent_articles": articles,
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'no_of_pages': no_of_pages,
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def quickbytes_load(request, quick_byte_title, quick_byte_published_date,

    quickbytes_detail = QuickBytes.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM quick_bytes  WHERE quick_byte_id != " + quick_byte_id +
        " ")

    paginator = Paginator(list(quickbytes_detail),
                          1)  # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages + 1)

        quickbytes = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        quickbytes = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()


    return render(request, 'article/quickbytes_load.html', {
        "recent_articles": quickbytes,
        'no_of_pages': no_of_pages
예제 #6
def sponserLanding(request, sponsoredposts_title,
                   sponsoredposts_published_date, sponsoredposts_id):
    global art_description_output

    sponsoredposts_title = sponsoredposts_title.replace('-', ' ')

    sponsoredposts_detail = Sponsoredposts.objects.raw(
        "SELECT S.*, SI.image_url FROM sponsoredposts S LEFT JOIN sponsoredposts_images SI ON SI.sponsoredposts_id = S.sponsoredposts_id WHERE S.sponsoredposts_id = "
        + sponsoredposts_id + " AND S.sponsoredposts_title = '" +
        sponsoredposts_title +
        "' AND SI.image_status='enabled' GROUP BY S.sponsoredposts_id ORDER BY S.sponsoredposts_published_date DESC"

    #view count entry
    view_date = datetime.datetime.now().date()
    view_time = datetime.datetime.now().time()
    new_entry_sponsoredposts_view = SponsoredpostsView(

    sponsoredposts_description = sponsoredposts_detail[

    related_articles = Articles.objects.raw(
        "SELECT T.article_id ,COUNT(T.article_id), A.*,  AI.image_url FROM articles A JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id LEFT JOIN article_tags T ON T.article_id = A.article_id GROUP BY T.article_id HAVING COUNT(T.article_id)<=(SELECT MAX(mycount) FROM  (SELECT article_id, COUNT(article_id) mycount FROM article_tags GROUP BY article_id ) as temp ) "

    #maximum_used_tags = ChannelTags.objects.raw("SELECT T . * , COUNT( A.article_id ) AS count FROM channel_tags T LEFT JOIN article_tags AT ON AT.tag_id = T.tag_id LEFT JOIN articles A ON AT.article_id = A.article_id GROUP BY T.tag_id ORDER BY count DESC")

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()
    sponsored_detail = Sponsoredposts.objects.raw(
        "SELECT S.*, SI.image_url FROM sponsoredposts S LEFT JOIN sponsoredposts_images SI ON SI.sponsoredposts_id = S.sponsoredposts_id  ORDER BY S.sponsoredposts_published_date DESC LIMIT 2"

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(
        request, 'sponsor/sponsor_landing_view.html', {
            'sponsoredposts_detail': sponsoredposts_detail[0],
            'sponsoredposts_description': sponsoredposts_description,
            'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
            'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
            'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
            'related_content': related_articles,
            'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
            'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
            'sponsored_detail': sponsored_detail,
            'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #7
def photo_shoot(request):
    photoshoot_listing = PhotoShoot.objects.raw("SELECT count(*) as counts, ps.*,psp.photo_shoot_photo_url, psp.photo_shoot_image_id , psp.photo_shoot_photo_name FROM photo_shoot_photos psp join photo_shoot ps on  psp.photo_shoot_id=ps.photo_shoot_id group by psp.photo_shoot_id ORDER BY  ps.photo_shoot_id DESC  LIMIT 0,5")

    return render(request, 'photoshoot/photo_shoot.html', {

예제 #8
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def column_articles_list(request, column_name, column_id):

    column_details = Columns.objects.raw("SELECT C.*, AU.*, AAU.*, A.* FROM columns C LEFT JOIN author AU ON AU.column_id=C.column_id LEFT JOIN article_author AAU ON AAU.author_id=AU.author_id LEFT JOIN articles A ON A.article_id = AAU.article_id where  AU.author_type = 4 AND  C.column_id = "+column_id )

    #column_author_image = Columns.objects.raw("SELECT C.*,AU.* FROM columns C LEFT JOIN author AU ON AU.column_id=C.column_id  where  AU.author_type = 4 AND  C.column_id = "+column_id+" LIMIT 3 ")
    column_author_image = Author.objects.raw("SELECT C.*, AU.* FROM columns C LEFT JOIN author AU ON AU.column_id=C.column_id  where  AU.author_type = 4 AND  C.column_id = "+column_id+" LIMIT 3 ")

    columnist = Author.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM (SELECT AU.*, AR.article_published_date FROM author AU INNER JOIN article_author ARU ON AU.author_id = ARU.author_id INNER JOIN articles AR ON ARU.article_id = AR.article_id WHERE AU.author_type='4' ORDER BY AR.article_published_date DESC) AS tem GROUP BY tem.author_id LIMIT 6")

    columinist_names = ''
    for c in columnist:
        columinist_names += c.author_name+', '

    columnist_label = AuthorType.objects.filter(author_type_id = '4').first()
    author_label = columnist_label.author_type_for_url

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    meta_title = column_details[0].column_name+' - '+columinist_names+' - BW defence'
    meta_description = 'Column Name by '+columinist_names
    meta_keyword = column_details[0].column_name+', '+columinist_names+'  BW defence'

    og_title= 'BW defence | '+column_details[0].column_name
    og_url= '/column/'+column_name+'-'+column_id
    og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-defence-logo.jpg'

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(request, 'column/column_landing.html',{
        'column_details': column_details,
        'column_author_image': column_author_image,
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'columnist': columnist,
        'author_label': author_label,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'og_image': og_image,
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #9
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def category_articles_list_load(request, category_id):

    #cat_name = ChannelCategory.objects.filter(category_id=category_id).first()

    recent_articles = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.image_url,AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id LEFT JOIN article_category AC ON A.article_id = AC.article_id WHERE AC.category_id = '"+category_id+"' AND (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null) GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")

    paginator = Paginator(list(recent_articles), 6) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)

    category_details = ChannelCategory.objects.filter(category_id=category_id).first()

    cat_name = str(category_details.category_name)

        articles = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        articles = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()

    meta_title = cat_name+' - BW defence - News about News and Updates for defence in India'
    meta_description = 'Follow the latest news about ' +cat_name+' in News and Updates for defence in India'
    meta_keyword = cat_name+',  BW defence'

    og_title= 'BW defence | '+cat_name
    og_url= '/category/'+str(category_details.category_name_for_url)+'-'+category_id
    og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-defence-logo.jpg'

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(request, 'article/listing_load.html', {
        "recent_articles": articles,
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_articles': sidebar_dta['bwtv_articles'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'no_of_pages': no_of_pages,
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #10
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def business_entertainment(request):
    recent_entertainment_list = Articles.objects.raw(
        "SELECT A.*, AU.*,AI.photopath, AI.image_url FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id LEFT JOIN  article_category AC ON A.article_id = AC.article_id WHERE AC.category_id = '64' GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC LIMIT 1, 6"

    recent_entertainment = Articles.objects.raw(
        "SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.photopath,AI.image_url FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id LEFT JOIN  article_category AC ON A.article_id = AC.article_id WHERE AC.category_id = '64' GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC LIMIT 1"


    return render(
        request, 'businessentertainment/business-of-entertainment.html', {
            'recent_entertainment_list': recent_entertainment_list,
            'recent_entertainment': recent_entertainment
예제 #11
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def article_list_time_wise(request,article_published_date):
    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''
    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    today = datetime.datetime.strptime(article_published_date, "%d-%B-%Y")
    todays =str(today)[:10]
    article_list_time = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AI.image_url, AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(article_published_date, '%%Y-%%m-%%d')= '"+str(todays)+"' GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")
    paginator = Paginator(list(article_list_time), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        article_list_time = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        article_list_time = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        article_list_time = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]

    meta_title = 'News and Updates for wellness Business in India on' +todays
    meta_description = 'List of news, opinion and analysis stories published on  '+todays+'  on BW wellness. Page 1 of list'
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwhr/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'
    og_title = 'News and Updates for wellness in India Business in India on'+todays
    og_url = '/date/ '+str(today)
    return render(request, 'article/article_listing_time_wise.html', {

        'article_list_time': article_list_time,
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages

예제 #12
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def quickbyteslanding(request, quick_byte_title, quick_byte_published_date,
    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    sidebar_zedo_ad = '<!-- Javascript tag  --><!-- begin ZEDO for channel:  Quick Bytes LP , publisher: bwhr , Ad Dimension: Medium Rectangle-300x250-QB-LP - 300 x 250 --><script language="JavaScript">var zflag_nid="3336"; var zflag_cid="3"; var zflag_sid="1"; var zflag_width="300"; var zflag_height="250"; var zflag_sz="20";</script><script language="JavaScript" src="http://xp2.zedo.com/jsc/xp2/fo.js"></script><!-- end ZEDO for channel:  Quick Bytes LP , publisher: bwhr , Ad Dimension: Medium Rectangle-300x250-QB-LP - 300 x 250 -->'

    #quickbytes_detail = QuickBytes.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM quick_bytes  WHERE quick_byte_id = "+quick_byte_id+" ")
    quickbytes_detail = QuickBytes.objects.filter(

    if quickbytes_detail:
        author_details = Author.objects.raw(
            "SELECT AU.*, AUTYPE.* FROM author AU INNER JOIN quick_bytes QB ON QB.quick_byte_author_id = AU.author_id JOIN author_type AUTYPE ON AU.author_type = AUTYPE.author_type_id WHERE QB.quick_byte_id = "
            + quick_byte_id)
        if len(list(author_details)) > 0:
            author_label = author_details[0].label.replace(' ', '-')
            author_label = ''

        quickbytes_tags = ChannelTags.objects.raw(
            "SELECT t.* FROM channel_tags t INNER JOIN quick_bytes_tags qt ON t.tag_id = qt.tag_id WHERE qt.quick_byte_id = "
            + quick_byte_id)
        tag_names = ''
        for tag in quickbytes_tags:
            tag_names = tag_names + ', ' + tag.tag_name
        '''quickbytes_topics = ChannelTopics.objects.raw("SELECT t.* FROM channel_topics t INNER JOIN quick_bytes_topic qt ON t.topic_id = qt.topic_id WHERE qt.quick_byte_id = "+quick_byte_id)
        topic_names = ''
        for topic in quickbytes_topics:
            topic_names = topic_names+', '+topic.topic_name'''

        #related_articles = QuickBytes.objects.raw("SELECT ar.*, ia.quick_byte_photo_url, ia.quick_byte_photo_name, COUNT(*) AS tagcount FROM (SELECT tag_id AS id FROM quick_bytes_tags WHERE quick_byte_id="+quick_byte_id+") AS t1 JOIN  quick_bytes_tags t2 ON t1.id=t2.tag_id JOIN quick_bytes_photos ia ON t2.quick_byte_id=ia.quick_byte_id JOIN quick_bytes ar ON t2.quick_byte_id=ar.quick_byte_id GROUP BY t2.quick_byte_id HAVING t2.quick_byte_id!="+quick_byte_id+" ORDER BY tagcount DESC")

        next_quick_byte = quickbytes_detail.get_next()
        prev_quick_byte = quickbytes_detail.get_prev()

        quick_bytes_image = QuickBytesPhotos.objects.filter(
        if quick_bytes_image:
            all_image_sequence_count = QuickBytesPhotos.objects.filter(
                    Q(sequence=None) | Q(sequence=0)).count()
            if all_image_sequence_count > 1:
                next_quick_byte_pic = quick_bytes_image.get_next_pic_quick_byte(
                prev_quick_byte_pic = quick_bytes_image.get_prev_pic_quick_byte(
                next_quick_byte_pic = quick_bytes_image.get_next_pic_sequence()
                prev_quick_byte_pic = quick_bytes_image.get_prev_pic_sequence()
            next_quick_byte_pic = []
            prev_quick_byte_pic = []

        #meta_title = ''
        if len(list(author_details)) > 0:
            page_author_name = author_details[0].author_name
            if author_details[0].author_type != 1 and author_details[
                    0].author_type != 2:
                meta_title = quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_title + '-' + author_details[
                    0].author_name + ' - BW defence'
                meta_description = author_details[
                    0].author_name + ' - ' + quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_description + ', ' + tag_names
                meta_title = quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_title + ' - BW defence'
                meta_description = quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_description + ', ' + tag_names
            page_author_name = 'BW defence'
            meta_title = quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_title + ' - BW defence'
            meta_description = quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_description + ', ' + tag_names
        meta_keyword = tag_names

        og_title = quickbytes_detail.quick_byte_title
        og_url = '/quickbytes/' + quick_byte_title + '/' + quick_byte_published_date + '-' + quick_byte_id
        if not quick_bytes_image:
            og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + 'static_bwdiff/images/BW-defence-logo.jpg'
            og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + settings.QUICKBYTES_IMAGE_EXTRA_LARGE_PATH + quick_bytes_image.quick_byte_photo_name

        #sponsored_detail = Sponsoredposts.objects.raw("SELECT S.*, SI.image_url FROM sponsoredposts S LEFT JOIN sponsoredposts_images SI ON SI.sponsoredposts_id = S.sponsoredposts_id  ORDER BY S.sponsoredposts_published_date DESC LIMIT 2")
        #feeds_cric = feedparser.parse('http://bwcio.com/feed/')
        #feeds_bws = feedparser.parse('http://bwsmartcities.com/feed')
        #feeds_bwh = feedparser.parse('http://bwhotelier.com/feed/')


        return render(
                'quickbytes_detail': quickbytes_detail,
                #'quickbytes_related_articles': related_articles,
                'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
                'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
                'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
                'next_quick_byte': next_quick_byte,
                'prev_quick_byte': prev_quick_byte,
                'next_quick_byte_pic': next_quick_byte_pic,
                'prev_quick_byte_pic': prev_quick_byte_pic,
                'quick_bytes_image': quick_bytes_image,
                'author_details': author_details,
                'author_label': author_label,
                'quickbytes_tags': quickbytes_tags,
                'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
                'meta_title': meta_title,
                'meta_description': meta_description,
                'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
                'og_title': og_title,
                'og_url': og_url,
                'og_image': og_image,
                'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
                'page_author_name': page_author_name,
        meta_title = 'Quickbytes - BW people'
        meta_description = 'Quickbytes'
        meta_keyword = 'Quickbytes'

        og_title = 'Quickbytes - BW people'
        #og_url= article_detail[0].get_absolute_url
        og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + 'static_bwhr/images/BW-people-logo.jpg'

        return render(
                'qyickbytes_content': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes'],
                'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
                'videomaster_listing': sidebar_dta['videomaster_listing'],
                'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
                'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
                'meta_title': meta_title,
                'meta_description': meta_description,
                'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
                'og_title': og_title,
                #'og_url': og_url,
                'og_image': og_image,
                'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #13
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def articleLanding(request, article_title, article_published_date, article_id):
    global art_description_output

    #Sidebar and other data to be used in base template
    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''

    url_article_title = article_title
    article_title = article_title.replace('-', ' ')

    article_detail = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*,AI.photopath, AI.image_url, AI.image_title FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id  WHERE A.article_id = "+article_id+" AND (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null)")

    if len(list(article_detail)) > 0:

        #view count entry
        view_date = datetime.datetime.now().date()
        view_time = datetime.datetime.now().time()
        new_entry_artcle_view = ArticleView(article_id=article_id, view_date=view_date, view_time=view_time, article_published_date=article_detail[0].article_published_date)
        total_article_view = ArticleTotalView.objects.filter(article_id=article_id).first()
        #return HttpResponse(total_article_view.total_view)
            total_view = int(total_article_view.total_view) + 1
            total_view = int(total_view)
            total_article_view = ArticleTotalView.objects.get(article_id=article_id)
            total_article_view.total_view = total_view
            total_article_view = ArticleTotalView(article_id=article_id, total_view=1)


        #video url
        if(article_detail[0].video_type == 'uploadedvideo'):
            video_uploaded = VideoMaster.objects.filter(video_id=article_detail[0].video_Id).first()
            article_video = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + settings.VIDEO_MASTER + video_uploaded.video_name
            article_vid_thumb = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + settings.VIDEO_THUMB + video_uploaded.video_thumb_name
        elif(article_detail[0].video_type == 'embededvideocode'):
            video_embeded = ArticleVideo.objects.filter(article_id=article_id).first()
            article_video = video_embeded.video_embed_code.strip()
            article_vid_thumb = ''
            article_video = ''
            article_vid_thumb = ''

        #article image for og_image
        article_first_image = ArticleImages.objects.filter(article_id=article_id)[:1]
        #article_first_image = ''

        #article images for page slider
        article_all_image_count = ArticleImages.objects.filter(article_id=article_id).filter(image_status='enabled').count()
        article_all_image = ArticleImages.objects.filter(article_id=article_id).filter(image_status='enabled')

        article_description = article_detail[0].article_description

        article_tags = ChannelTags.objects.raw("SELECT t.* FROM channel_tags t INNER JOIN article_tags at ON t.tag_id = at.tag_id WHERE at.article_id = "+article_id)

        tag_names = ''
        for tag in article_tags:
            tag_names = tag_names+', '+tag.tag_name

        column_details = ''
        author_details = Author.objects.raw("SELECT AU.*, AUTYPE.* FROM author AU INNER JOIN article_author A_A ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id JOIN author_type AUTYPE ON AU.author_type = AUTYPE.author_type_id WHERE A_A.article_id = "+article_id)
        if len(list(author_details)) > 0:
            author_label = author_details[0].label.replace(' ', '-')
            if author_details[0].author_type == 4:
                column_details = Columns.objects.raw("SELECT C.* FROM columns C LEFT JOIN author AU ON AU.column_id = C.column_id WHERE AU.author_id = "+str(author_details[0].author_id))
            author_label = ''

        #article_topic = ArticleTopics.objects.raw("SELECT T.* FROM article_topics AT LEFT JOIN channel_topics T ON AT.topic_id = T.topic_id WHERE AT.article_id = " + article_id)

        '''article_topic = ChannelTopics.objects.raw("SELECT t.* FROM channel_topics t INNER JOIN article_topics at ON t.topic_id = at.topic_id WHERE at.article_id = "+article_id)

        cat_regex = ''
        topic_names = ''
        for topic in article_topic:
            topic_names = topic_names+', '+topic.topic_name
            topic_nm = topic.topic_name.replace(' ', '-')
            topicId = str(topic.topic_id)
            topic_url = "/topics/"+topic_nm+"-"+topicId
            article_description = article_description.replace(topic.topic_name, "<a href='"+topic_url+"' style='text-decoration:underline'>"+topic.topic_name+"</a>")
        html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
        article_description = html_parser.unescape(article_description)

        article_categories = ChannelCategory.objects.raw("SELECT C.* FROM channel_category C LEFT JOIN article_category AC ON AC.category_id = C.category_id WHERE AC.article_id = "+article_id)

        category_names = ''
        for category in article_categories:
            category_names = category_names+', '+category.category_name

        #newsletter = NewsletterTbl.objects.order_by('?').first()

        #next_article = article_detail.get_recent_article_descending();
        next_article = article_detail[0].get_recent_article_descending()
        previous_article = article_detail[0].get_recent_article_ascending()

        #Meta title and descriptons
        meta_title = article_title+' - BW wellness'
        meta_description = 'News and Updates for wellness in India - ' + category_names + '-' + article_detail[0].article_summary
        meta_keyword = tag_names

        og_title= article_title
        og_url= article_detail[0].get_absolute_url
        if len(list(article_first_image)) > 0:
            if(article_detail[0].is_old == 1):
                og_image= article_first_image[0].image_url
                og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + settings.ARTICLE_IMAGE_LARGE_PATH + article_first_image[0].photopath
            og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'

        if(article_detail[0].canonical_options == 1):
            canoical_tag = '<link rel="canonical" href="'+article_detail[0].canonical_url+'" />'
            canoical_tag = '<link rel="canonical" href="http://bwwellness.businessworld.in/article/'+url_article_title+'/'+article_published_date+'-'+article_id+'" />'
	amp_tag = '<link rel="amphtml" href="http://bwwellness.businessworld.in/amp/article/'+url_article_title+'/'+article_published_date+'-'+article_id+'" />'


        return render(request, 'article/article_landing_with_author.html',{
            'article_detail': article_detail[0],
            'article_description': article_description,
            'article_tags': article_tags,
            'author_details': author_details,
            'author_label': author_label,
            'column_details': column_details,
            'article_video': article_video,
            'article_vid_thumb': article_vid_thumb,
            'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
            'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
            'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
            'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
            'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
            'meta_title': meta_title,
            'meta_description': meta_description,
            'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
            'og_title': og_title,
            'og_url': og_url,
            'og_image': og_image,
            'article_all_image': article_all_image,
            'article_all_image_count': article_all_image_count,
            'next_article': next_article,
            'previous_article': previous_article,
            'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
            'canoical_tag': canoical_tag,
        meta_title = 'Article - BW wellness'
        meta_description = 'Article'
        meta_keyword = 'Article'

        og_title= 'Article - BW wellness'
        #og_url= article_detail[0].get_absolute_url
        og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'

        return render(request, 'article/article_not_found.html',{
            'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
            'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
            'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
            'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
            'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
            'meta_title': meta_title,
            'meta_description': meta_description,
            'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
            'og_title': og_title,
            #'og_url': og_url,
            'og_image': og_image,
            'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #14
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def recent_articles_listing(request):
    recent_articles = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.image_url,AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id WHERE (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null) GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")

    paginator = Paginator(list(recent_articles), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        recent_articles = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        recent_articles = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        recent_articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    meta_title = 'BW wellness - News and Updates for  wellness in India'
    meta_description = 'BW wellness - News and Updates for wellness in India'
    meta_keyword = 'Recent Articles,  BW wellness'

    og_title= 'BW wellness | Recent Articles'
    og_url= '/all-articles'
    og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(request, 'article/listing.html', {
        "news_articles": recent_articles,
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'no_of_pages': no_of_pages,
        'page_title_h1': 'Latest Articles',
        'listing_page_url': '/all-articles-load',
        'view_page_url': '/all-articles',
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'og_image': og_image,
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages
예제 #15
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def event_articles(request):
    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()
    event_articles = Event.objects.raw("SELECT *, datediff(start_date,CURDATE()) as datedi FROM event  where  end_date >=  CURDATE() AND valid=1 ORDER BY  datedi  asc ")
    paginator = Paginator(list(event_articles), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        event_articles = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        event_articles = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        event_articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]

    meta_title = 'BW Events - Events hosted and managed by BW wellness '
    meta_description = 'List upcoming and past Business Events hosted and Managed by BW wellness Media Pvvt. Ltd. '
    og_title = 'BW Events - Events hosted and managed by BW wellness'
    og_url = '/bw-events'
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwdiff/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'
    eventpast_articles = Event.objects.raw("SELECT *, datediff(end_date,CURDATE()) as datedi FROM event where  end_date <=  CURDATE() AND  valid = 1 ORDER BY  datedi  desc")


    return render(request, 'event/event_listing.html', {
        'event_articles': event_articles,
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'meta_description': meta_description,

        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages
예제 #16
def author_articles_list(request, author_type, author_name, author_id):

    auth_name = author_name.replace('-', ' ')
    auth_type = author_type.replace('-', ' ')

    author_details = Author.objects.raw(
        "SELECT AU.*, AUTYPE.* FROM author AU LEFT JOIN author_type AUTYPE ON AU.author_type = AUTYPE.author_type_id WHERE AU.author_id = '"
        + author_id + "' AND AUTYPE.label = '" + auth_type + "'")

    column_details = ''
    if author_details[0].author_type == 4:
        column_details = Columns.objects.raw(
            "SELECT C.* FROM columns C LEFT JOIN author AU ON AU.column_id = C.column_id WHERE AU.author_id = "
            + str(author_details[0].author_id))
    if len(list(column_details)) > 0:
        column_details_data = column_details[0]
        column_details_data = ''

    recent_articles = Articles.objects.raw(
        "SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.photopath,AI.image_url FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id WHERE AU.author_id = '"
        + author_id +
        "' AND (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null) GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC"

    paginator = Paginator(list(recent_articles), 6)  # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages + 1)

        articles = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        articles = paginator.page(1)

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    meta_title = auth_name + ' - BW defence'
    meta_description = 'Latest news and analysis written by ' + auth_name + '.' + author_details[
    meta_keyword = auth_name + ',  BW defence'

    og_title = 'BW defence | ' + auth_name
    og_url = '/author/' + author_type + '/' + author_name + '-' + author_id
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + 'static_bwdiff/images/BW-defence-logo.jpg'

    columnist = Author.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM (SELECT au.*,ar.article_published_date FROM author au INNER JOIN article_author aru ON au.author_id=aru.author_id INNER JOIN articles ar ON aru.article_id=ar.article_id WHERE au.author_type='4' ORDER BY ar.article_published_date DESC) AS tem GROUP BY tem.author_id LIMIT 9"
    #columnist = Author.objects.filter(author_type='4')[:9]

    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''


    return render(
        request, 'article/author_article_listing.html', {
            "recent_articles": articles,
            'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
            'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
            'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
            'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
            'no_of_pages': no_of_pages,
            'page_title_h1': 'Latest Articles By ' + auth_name,
            '/author-load/' + author_type + '/' + author_id,
            '/author/' + author_type + '/' + author_name + '-' + author_id,
            'author_details': author_details,
            'column_details': column_details_data,
            'columnist': columnist,
            'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
            'meta_title': meta_title,
            'meta_description': meta_description,
            'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
            'og_title': og_title,
            'og_url': og_url,
            'og_image': og_image,
            'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
예제 #17
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def Interviews_articles(request):
    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()
    interview_articles = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.image_url, AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id WHERE  A.article_type = 3 GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")
    paginator = Paginator(list(interview_articles), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        interview_articles = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        interview_articles = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        interview_articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]
    meta_title = 'Opinion and Analysis of latest News and Updates for wellness in India by Experts - BW wellness'
    meta_description = 'Opinion and Analysis of latest News and Updates for wellness in India by Experts, Columnists and Comments - BW wellness'
    meta_keyword = 'News and Updates for wellness Business Opinion and Analysis in India, Hotel Industry and Hospitality Interviews'
    og_title = 'Opinion and Analysis of latest News and Updates for wellness in India Business News by Experts - BW wellness'
    og_url = '/business-opinion-analysis'
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwhr/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'
    return render(request, 'article/listing.html', {

        'news_articles': interview_articles,
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'page_title_h1': 'Interviews Articles',
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages
예제 #18
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def feature_articles(request):
    sidebar_zedo_ad = ''

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()
    feature_articles = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AI.image_url, AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON A.article_id = AI.article_id WHERE A.article_type = '5' GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")
    paginator = Paginator(list(feature_articles), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        feature_articles = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        feature_articles = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        feature_articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]

    meta_title = 'News and Updates for wellness in India Business Features of BW wellness'
    meta_description = 'Feature stories around News and Updates for wellness in India Business. BW wellness'
    og_image = settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwhr/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'
    meta_keyword = 'News and Updates for wellness  Business in India, News and Updates for wellness in India Interviews'
    og_title = 'News and Updates for wellness in India Business Features covered by inhouse reporters of BW wellness'
    og_url = '/business-feature-stories'
    return render(request, 'article/article_feature_type_listing.html', {

        'feature_articles': feature_articles,
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'page_title_h1': 'Feature Articles',
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages
예제 #19
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/bw
def magzine_articles_listing(request,year,magazine_id,title):
    magazinshow = Magazine.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM magazine  where magazine_id ="+magazine_id+"")
    magzine_articles = Articles.objects.raw("SELECT A.*, AU.*, AI.image_url,AI.photopath FROM articles A LEFT JOIN article_author A_A ON A.article_id = A_A.article_id LEFT JOIN author AU ON A_A.author_id = AU.author_id LEFT JOIN article_images AI ON AI.article_id = A.article_id WHERE (AI.image_status='enabled' OR AI.image_status is null)  AND magzine_issue_name = "+magazine_id+"  GROUP BY A.article_id ORDER BY A.article_published_date DESC")

    paginator = Paginator(list(magzine_articles), 10) # Show 6 articles per page

    page = request.GET.get('page')
    no_of_pages = range(1, paginator.num_pages+1)
    pg_url = page

        magzine_articles = paginator.page(page)
        page_no = int(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        magzine_articles = paginator.page(1)
        pg_url = 1
        page_no = 1

    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        page_no = 1
        magzine_articles = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    adjacent_pages = 5

    #page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(paginator.num_pages - adjacent_pages, paginator.num_pages + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= paginator.num_pages]
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(page_no - adjacent_pages, page_no + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= page_no]

    sidebar_dta = sidebar_data()
    category_jumlist = category_jump_list()

    meta_title = 'Magazine- '+ str(magazinshow[0].title) +' -'+ str(magazinshow[0].publish_date_m)+' BW wellness'
    meta_description = 'BW wellness Magazine published on '+ str(magazinshow[0].publish_date_m)+' with cover story '+ str(magazinshow[0].title) +'. Read all stories from the'
    meta_keyword = 'magazine issue,  BW wellness'

    og_title= 'Magazine- '+ str(magazinshow[0].title) +' -'+ str(magazinshow[0].publish_date_m)+' BW wellness'
    og_url= '/magazine-issues/'+str(year)+'/'+str(magazinshow[0].title)+'-'+str(magazine_id)+'/web-view'
    if (magazinshow[0].imagepath ==''):
        og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH +'static_bwhr/images/BW-wellness-logo.jpg'
        og_image= settings.AWS_S3_BASE_URL + settings.BUCKET_PATH + settings.MAGAZINE_IMAGE_PATH_URL + magazinshow[0].imagepath

    sidebar_zedo_ad = '<!-- Javascript tag  --><!-- begin ZEDO for channel:  Internal Pages , publisher:  wellness , Ad Dimension: Medium Rectangle-300x250-IP - 300 x 250 --><script language="JavaScript">var zflag_nid="3336"; var zflag_cid="4"; var zflag_sid="1"; var zflag_width="300"; var zflag_height="250"; var zflag_sz="22"; </script><script language="JavaScript" src="http://xp2.zedo.com/jsc/xp2/fo.js"></script><!-- end ZEDO for channel:  Internal Pages , publisher: BW Hotelier , Ad Dimension: Medium Rectangle-300x250-IP - 300 x 250 -->'


    return render(request, 'article/article_feature_type_listing.html', {
        'feature_articles': magzine_articles,
        'category_jumlist': category_jumlist,
        'quick_bytes_listing': sidebar_dta['quick_bytes_listing'],
        'bwtv_cat_details': sidebar_dta['bwtv_cat_details'],
        'sidebar_recent_articles': sidebar_dta['sidebar_recent_articles'],
        'trending_now_topics': sidebar_dta['trending_now_topics'],
        'sidebar_zedo_ad': sidebar_zedo_ad,
        'page_title_h1': 'Magazine Articles',
        'meta_title': meta_title,
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'meta_keyword': meta_keyword,
        'og_title': og_title,
        'og_url': og_url,
        'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers,
        'show_last': paginator.num_pages not in page_numbers,
        'last_page': paginator.num_pages