def uploadby(filedir,filename,flag): try: bp = ByPy() if flag: bp.mkdir(remotepath = filedir) # 上传某一文件到百度云网盘对应的远程文件夹 # ondup中参数代表复制文件,默认值为'overwrite',指定'newcopy'不会覆盖重复文件 if os.path.exists(filename): bp.upload(localpath= filename, remotepath= filedir, ondup='overwrite') os.remove(filename)'上传百度云失败')
class Upload(object): def __init__(self, medpath, panedirname): self.panedirname = panedirname self.medpath = medpath.rstrip('/') + '/' self.newdir, self.filelist = '', [] self.bp = ByPy() def run(self): """ 该方法是遍历文件夹中所有的文件,然后逐一进行上传 :return: """ self.get_filelist(self.medpath) self.bp.mkdir(remotepath=self.panedirname) print "文件夹{}创建成功!".format(self.panedirname) time.sleep(2) print('Parent process %s.' % os.getpid()) p = Pool(5) for m in self.filelist: ab_path = m.split(self.medpath)[1] if len(ab_path.split('/')) > 1: localpath = os.path.join(self.medpath, ab_path) remotepath = os.path.join( self.panedirname, '/'.join(ab_path.split('/')[:-1]).lstrip('/')) self.bp.mkdir(remotepath) else: localpath = os.path.join(self.medpath, ab_path) remotepath = self.panedirname print "start upload {} to /{}".format(localpath, remotepath.lstrip('/')) p.apply_async(script_run, args=( localpath, remotepath, )) print 'Waiting for all subprocesses done...' p.close() # 关闭不在添加子进程 p.join() print 'All subprocesses done.' def get_filelist(self, dir_path): """ 遍历文件夹中所有的文件 :param dir_path: :return: """ self.newdir = dir_path if os.path.isfile(dir_path): self.filelist.append(dir_path) elif os.path.isdir(dir_path): for s in os.listdir(dir_path): self.newdir = os.path.join(dir_path, s) self.get_filelist(self.newdir)
def besync(path): # 云盘同步函数 可能因hash导致显示失败,但实际成功。 dir_name = '监控扩展数据' pan = ByPy() pan.mkdir(dir_name) for file in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(file): # 判断 是文件夹跳过 continue else: filename = os.path.join(path, file) # 文件绝对路径 pan.upload(localpath=filename, remotepath=dir_name, ondup='newcopy') # 上传图片
def uploadby(filedir, filename, flag): try: bp = ByPy() if flag: bp.mkdir(remotepath=filedir) filename = os.path.join('./danmu', filename) if os.path.exists(filename): bp.upload(localpath=filename, remotepath=filedir, ondup='overwrite') os.remove(filename) except: print('fail')
def record_start_stop(): global record_enable, record_flag, record_jud_flag, record_jud, record, start_time, tone_list, tone_flag, ten_sec_flag record_jud_flag = 0 record_flag = (-1) * record_flag if record_flag == -1: print("record start!") record = numpy.zeros(shape=[441000, 2], dtype=numpy.int16) ten_sec_flag = 1 # to extend reacord with 0 start_time = time.time() record_jud.cancel() elif record_flag == 1: print("saving...") zero_num = 0 i = 1 while True: if (record[len(record) - i] == record[0]).any(): zero_num += 1 i += 1 else: break record = record[:len(record) - 1 - zero_num] now = time.time() now_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") path = (now_time + ".wav") wavfile.write(path, 44100, record) print("local saved!") proc = subprocess.Popen(['ping', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(2) proc.kill() result = if '64 bytes' in result: bp = ByPy() bp.mkdir(remotepath='music') bp.upload(localpath=path, remotepath='music', ondup='newcopy') print("uploaded!") else: print("network disconnected!") record_jud.cancel() record = numpy.zeros(shape=[441000, 2], dtype=numpy.int16)
def upload_dir(local_path, remote_path): print('开始上传文件:%s' % (local_path.split('\\')[-1])) start = # 计时开始 bp = ByPy() if remote_path: bp.mkdir(remotepath=remote_path) if bp.upload(localpath=local_path, remotepath=remote_path, ondup='newcopy'): end = # 计时结束 dir_size = get_FileSize(local_path) "文件发送完成:本地路径:%s,远程文件夹:%s 大小:%sMB,花费时间%s" % (local_path, remote_path, dir_size, str((end - start).seconds))) if os.path.exists(local_path): # 如果文件存在 # 删除文件,可使用以下两种方法。 os.remove(local_path)'删除本地文件') else:'上传百度云失败')
def uploadFiles(self, allFiles): # 百度云存放文件的文件夹名 dir_name = CONFIG['backupPath'] totalFileSize = 0 # 文件大小变量 start = # 计时开始 # 获取一个bypy对象,封装了所有百度云文件操作的方法 bp = ByPy() # 百度网盘创建远程文件夹backup bp.mkdir(remotepath=dir_name) if isinstance(allFiles, str): allFiles = [allFiles] for file in allFiles: if not os.path.exists(file): continue fileName = os.path.basename(file) filePath = os.path.dirname(file) print("正在上传文件:" + file) if file != "": localpath = filePath if filePath else "." bp.upload(localpath=localpath + "/" + fileName, remotepath=str(dir_name), ondup='newcopy') print("文件发送完成:本地路径:" + localpath + "/" + fileName + " 远程文件夹:" + dir_name) totalFileSize += self.get_FileSize(localpath + "/" + fileName) else: bp.upload(localpath=fileName, remotepath=dir_name, ondup='newcopy') print("文件发送完成:" + fileName + " 远程文件夹:" + dir_name) totalFileSize += self.get_FileSize("." + filePath + "/" + fileName) print("------------------------------------") end = # 计时结束 print("上传文件总大小为" + str(totalFileSize) + "MB") print("花费时间(s):" + str((end - start).seconds)) print("\nupload ok")
def upload_Bdyun(folderName): bp = ByPy() print('正在创建存储文件夹'.center(74, '-')) bp.mkdir(remotepath=folderName) # 在网盘中新建目录 print('开始上传图片'.center(76, '-')) bp.upload(localpath=folderName, remotepath=folderName, ondup='newcopy') # 将本地文件上传到百度云盘中 print('开始上传压缩包'.center(76, '-')) bp.upload(localpath=folderName + '.rar', remotepath=folderName, ondup='newcopy') # 将本地文件上传到百度云盘中 print('开始上传网页'.center(76, '-')) bp.upload(localpath='{}.html'.format(folderName), remotepath=folderName, ondup='newcopy') # 将本地文件上传到百度云盘中 print('上传完毕!'.center(76, '-')) os.remove('[附件]' + folderName + '.rar') os.remove(folderName + '.rar') os.remove(folderName + '.html')
from bypy import ByPy import os import time import datetime import threading # 百度云存放文件的文件夹名 dir_name = "ByPy-test" # 获取一个bypy对象,封装了所有百度云文件操作的方法 bp = ByPy() # 百度网盘创建远程文件夹bypy-test bp.mkdir(remotepath=dir_name) # 函数作用:文件中的 \ 改为 / # 函数输入:文件绝对路径 # 输出:文件绝对路径添加转义符后的结果 def changePath(filePath): path = "" for i in range(len(filePath)): if filePath[i] != "\\": path += filePath[i] else: path += "/" return path # 根据当前路径和文件夹路径得到相对路径 def relPath(filePath, topDir): relativepath = ""
from bypy import ByPy from splinter.browser import Browser from time import sleep bp = ByPy() x = Browser(driver_name='chrome') url = "" x.visit(url) username = '******' password = '******' x.fill("userName", username) x.fill('password', password) x.click_link_by_id('TANGRAM_3__submit') test = x.find_by_id('Verifier') print(test) print("\n") bp.mkdir(remotepath='bypy') bp.upload(localpath='d:\\ShareFile\2.jpg', remotepath='bypy', ondup='newcopy') print('上传完毕!')
vis.colorplot_with_band(1, HSD_Dir, imgFile, axLatRange=CONFIG['LAT_RANGE'], axLonRange=CONFIG['LON_RANGE'], vmin=0, vmax=1, pixels=1000)'Export to {0}'.format(imgFile)) updatedImgs.append([mTime, imgFile]) except ValueError as e: logger.warn(e) else: logger.warn('ARP file does not exist.\n{0}'.format(ARPFile)) # push to baiduyun bp = ByPy() # You need to authorize the app manually at first time.'Start to sync items to Baidu Yun!') bp.mkdir(CONFIG['BDY_DIR']) for item in updatedImgs:'Upload to BDY: {0}'.format(item[1])) BDY_Dir = os.path.join(CONFIG['BDY_DIR'], item[0].strftime('%Y%m%d')) bp.mkdir(BDY_Dir) bp.upload(item[1], BDY_Dir) # umount ftp server cmd = 'umount {0}'.format(CONFIG['JAXAFTP_MP']), shell=True)
def on_btn_click(self): self.up = UL() def Exit(self): self.close() def Mini(self): self.showMinimized() # 获取一个bypy对象,封装了所有百度云文件操作的方法 bp = ByPy() print(bp.list("")) ''' # 百度网盘创建文件夹zhoulong bp.mkdir(remotepath = 'Jizy') #上传文件至文件夹 # upload中参数代表复制文件,默认值为'overwrite',指定'newcopy'不会覆盖重复文件 bp.upload(localpath= r'上传文件绝对路径', remotepath= 'zhoulong', ondup='newcopy') print('上传完成!!') = 'zhoulong', localpath = r'下载文件输出文件夹') print('下载完成!!') print("ST")"骆驼祥子 读书笔记 7.pptx",localpath=r"F:\\Baidu\\") print("Done")''' if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) ui = MainUI()
class AutoLoad(object): """AutoUp or AutoDown files with baidu netdisk""" def __init__(self, abspath_input): super(AutoLoad, self).__init__() # Input params: a abspath of target directory self.ABSPATH_INPUT = abspath_input # Define private folder to new create in net disk self.DIR_NAME_PRIVATE = 'PrivateFolder' self.DIR_NAME_WORK = 'WorkFolder' # hash params self.CHUCKSIZE = 1024 def datenow2str(self): '''Convert date now to str formatter %Y-%m-%d''' date_cursor_input = # print(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_cursor_input, '%Y%m%d')) return datetime.datetime.strftime(date_cursor_input, '%Y%m%d') def get_bypy(self): '''Get a bypy project packaging all operation for files of baidunetdisk''' # Create bypy project self.bp = ByPy() # Create romote private folder for net disk def mkdir_remote(self): self.bp.mkdir(remotepath=self.DIR_NAME_PRIVATE) self.bp.mkdir(remotepath=self.DIR_NAME_WORK) # self.bp.mkdir(remotepath=self.DIR_NAME_WORK + '/' + 'mydir') # subdir def file_upload(self): pass def path_windows2linux(self, windows_path): linux_path = '' if windows_path != '': path_str_list = windows_path.split('\\') linux_path = '/'.join(path_str_list) # print('linux path:', linux_path) else: print('input is null') return linux_path def upload_onetime(self, abspath): '''Get all directory subdir and their files under a given root dirpath''' print("Root directory is '{}'".format( self.path_windows2linux(abspath))) # Walk through all direcory from root: dirpath, dirnames, filenames local_root_path = self.path_windows2linux(abspath) remote_root_name = os.path.split(local_root_path)[-1] print('remote_root_name:', remote_root_name) # Create root path with a date mark remote_date_root_path = self.DIR_NAME_WORK + '/' + '{}'.format( self.datenow2str()) self.bp.mkdir(remotepath=remote_date_root_path) # Create remote root directory remote_root_path = remote_date_root_path + '/' + remote_root_name print(remote_date_root_path, remote_root_path) self.bp.mkdir(remotepath=remote_root_path) # Upload files and directories in local_root_path to baiduyun net disk one-time self.bp.upload(localpath=local_root_path, remotepath=remote_root_path, ondup='newcopy') def get_file_md5(self, file_input): '''[get the hash value of a specified file] Arguments: file {[type]} -- [abs path of a file] Returns: [type] -- [hexdigest hash value] ''' m = hashlib.md5() while True: # if not open with byte mode, content of file needs to be encoded first # such as : data ='utf-8') data = if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest() def compare_2files_md5(self, file1_input, file2_input): '''Compare hash value of two files''' with open(file1_input, 'rb') as f1, open(file2_input, 'rb') as f2: file1_md5 = self.get_file_md5(f1) file2_md5 = self.get_file_md5(f2) if file1_md5 != file2_md5: print( 'Discordance between original file and up-down-load file.') else: print('Cordance.')
from bypy import ByPy import os import time channel_name = 'PHP Tutorials' # change wow_english Business English Pod start_time = time.time() download_path = os.getcwd() + '\\' + '2_download' + '\\' + channel_name print(download_path) bp = ByPy() bp.mkdir(remotepath='youtube') #在网盘中新建目录 bp.syncup(download_path,'youtube') #将本地文件上传到百度云盘中 print('上传完毕!') print((time.time() - start_time) / 60)
from bypy import ByPy import os bp = ByPy() bp.mkdir('债权债务/2013-2016/') for file in os.listdir('债权债务'): if file.endswith(".xls"): print("债权债务/" + file) bp.upload(localpath="债权债务/" + file, remotepath='债权债务/2013-2016/', ondup='newcopy')
def create_baidu_dir(): bp = ByPy() for i in range(810020001, 810020026): dir_name = '/xiaoshandata/' + str(i) bp.mkdir(remotepath=dir_name)
from bypy import ByPy import os import time import datetime import threading # 百度云存放文件的文件夹名 dir_name = "ByPy-test" # 获取一个bypy对象,封装了所有百度云文件操作的方法 bp = ByPy() # 百度网盘创建远程文件夹bypy-test bp.mkdir(remotepath=dir_name) # 函数作用:文件中的 \ 改为 / # 函数输入:文件绝对路径 # 输出:文件绝对路径添加转义符后的结果 def changePath(filePath): path = "" for i in range(len(filePath)): if filePath[i] != "\\": path += filePath[i] else: path += "/" return path # 根据当前路径和文件夹路径得到相对路径 def relPath(filePath, topDir): relativepath = ""