def _1_Test(self): with apiritif.smart_transaction('Test'): action_start({ 'param': '', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None }) self.driver.get('') waiter() action_end({ 'param': '', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'leaving blazedemo', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'log', 'value': None }) action_end({ 'param': 'leaving blazedemo', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'log', 'value': None })
def setUp(self): self.driver = None action_start({'param': {}, 'type': 'new_session', 'value': None}) try: self.vars = {} timeout = 30.0 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.set_capability('unhandledPromptBehavior', 'ignore') self.driver = webdriver.Chrome( service_log_path='/somewhere/webdriver.log', options=options) self.driver.implicitly_wait(timeout) apiritif.put_into_thread_store(timeout=timeout, func_mode=False, driver=self.driver, windows={}, scenario_name='sample') except Exception: (ex_type, ex, tb) = sys.exc_info() action_end({ 'message': str(traceback.format_exception(ex_type, ex, tb)), 'param': {}, 'type': 'new_session' }) apiritif.log.error(str(traceback.format_exception(ex_type, ex, tb))) raise action_end({'param': {}, 'type': 'new_session'})
def setUp(self): self.driver = None action_start({'param': {}, 'type': 'new_session', 'value': None}) try: self.vars = {} timeout = 30.0 options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() profile.set_preference('webdriver.log.file', '/somewhere/webdriver.log') options.set_capability('unhandledPromptBehavior', 'ignore') self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(profile, options=options) self.driver.implicitly_wait(timeout) apiritif.put_into_thread_store( timeout=timeout, func_mode=False, driver=self.driver, windows={}, scenario_name='blazedemo_test-Selenium') except Exception: (ex_type, ex, tb) = sys.exc_info() action_end({ 'message': str(traceback.format_exception(ex_type, ex, tb)), 'param': {}, 'type': 'new_session' }) apiritif.log.error(str(traceback.format_exception(ex_type, ex, tb))) raise action_end({'param': {}, 'type': 'new_session'})
def _1_open_blazedemo(self): with apiritif.smart_transaction('open blazedemo'): action_start({ 'param': '', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None }) self.driver.get('') action_end({ 'param': '', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None })
def _2_justgo(self): with apiritif.smart_transaction('just_go'): action_start({ 'param': 'https//', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None }) self.driver.get('https//') waiter() action_end({ 'param': 'https//', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None })
def _1_Test_V2(self): with apiritif.smart_transaction('Test V2'): action_start({ 'param': '', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None }) self.driver.get('') dialogs_replace() waiter() action_end({ 'param': '', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'go', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': '750, 750', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'resize', 'value': None }) self.driver.set_window_size('750', '750') action_end({ 'param': '750, 750', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'resize', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 0, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'switch', 'value': None }) switch_window(0) action_end({ 'param': 0, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'switch', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'invalid_id' }, { 'xpath': self.vars['my_xpath_locator'] }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'mousedown', 'value': None }) var_loc_chain = get_locator([{ 'id': 'invalid_id' }, { 'xpath': self.vars['my_xpath_locator'] }]) ActionChains(self.driver).click_and_hold( self.driver.find_element(var_loc_chain[0], var_loc_chain[1])).perform() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'invalid_id' }, { 'xpath': self.vars['my_xpath_locator'] }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'mousedown', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'id_123' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'mouseout', 'value': None }) var_loc_chain = get_locator([{'id': 'id_123'}]) ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element_with_offset( self.driver.find_element(var_loc_chain[0], var_loc_chain[1]), -10, -10).perform() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'id_123' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'mouseout', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'name': 'name_123' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'mouseover', 'value': None }) var_loc_chain = get_locator([{'name': 'name_123'}]) ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element( self.driver.find_element(var_loc_chain[0], var_loc_chain[1])).perform() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'name': 'name_123' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'mouseover', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': ([{ 'name': 'invalid_name' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[2]/div/p[2]/a' }], [{ 'css': 'invalid_css' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div' }]), 'tag': '', 'type': 'drag', 'value': None }) source = get_locator([{ 'name': 'invalid_name' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[2]/div/p[2]/a' }]) target = get_locator([{ 'css': 'invalid_css' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div' }]) ActionChains(self.driver).drag_and_drop( self.driver.find_element(source[0], source[1]), self.driver.find_element(target[0], target[1])).perform() waiter() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': ([{ 'name': 'invalid_name' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[2]/div/p[2]/a' }], [{ 'css': 'invalid_css' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div' }]), 'tag': '', 'type': 'drag', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'Choose your departure city:', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/h2' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'asserttext', 'value': None }) var_loc_as = get_locator([{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/h2' }]) self.assertEqual( self.driver.find_element( var_loc_as[0], var_loc_as[1]).get_attribute('innerText').strip(), 'Choose your departure city:'.strip()) action_end({ 'param': 'Choose your departure city:', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/h2' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'asserttext', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'Find Flights', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div/input' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertvalue', 'value': None }) var_loc_as = get_locator([{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div/input' }]) self.assertEqual( self.driver.find_element( var_loc_as[0], var_loc_as[1]).get_attribute('value').strip(), 'Find Flights'.strip()) action_end({ 'param': 'Find Flights', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div/input' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertvalue', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'BlazeDemo', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'title', 'type': 'assert', 'value': None }) self.assertEqual(self.driver.title, 'BlazeDemo') action_end({ 'param': 'BlazeDemo', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'title', 'type': 'assert', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'hEaDeR', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'title', 'type': 'store', 'value': None }) self.vars['hEaDeR'] = self.driver.title action_end({ 'param': 'hEaDeR', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'title', 'type': 'store', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'final_var', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'string', 'type': 'store', 'value': 'test_text' }) self.vars['final_var'] = 'test_text' action_end({ 'param': 'final_var', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'string', 'type': 'store', 'value': 'test_text' }) action_start({ 'param': 'Basic', 'selectors': [{ 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/h2' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'storetext', 'value': None }) var_loc_as = get_locator([{'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/h2'}]) self.vars['Basic'] = self.driver.find_element( var_loc_as[0], var_loc_as[1]).get_attribute('innerText') action_end({ 'param': 'Basic', 'selectors': [{ 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/h2' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'storetext', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': '10 === 2*5', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'assert', 'value': None }) self.assertTrue(self.driver.execute_script('return 10 === 2*5;'), '10 === 2*5') action_end({ 'param': '10 === 2*5', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'assert', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'var_assert', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'assert', 'value': 'myFunction();\nfunction myFunction(){{\n btnNameVar="{}";\n return "support";\n}}' .format(self.vars['btnName1']) }) self.assertTrue(self.driver.execute_script('return var_assert;'), 'var_assert') action_end({ 'param': 'var_assert', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'assert', 'value': 'myFunction();\nfunction myFunction(){{\n btnNameVar="{}";\n return "support";\n}}' .format(self.vars['btnName1']) }) action_start({ 'param': 'var_eval', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'store', 'value': 'myFunction();\nfunction myFunction(){{\n btnNameVar="{}";\n return "support";\n}}' .format(self.vars['btnName1']) }) self.vars['var_eval'] = self.driver.execute_script( 'return myFunction();\nfunction myFunction(){{\n btnNameVar="{}";\n return "support";\n}};' .format(self.vars['btnName1'])) action_end({ 'param': 'var_eval', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'store', 'value': 'myFunction();\nfunction myFunction(){{\n btnNameVar="{}";\n return "support";\n}}' .format(self.vars['btnName1']) }) action_start({ 'param': 'var_eval', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'store', 'value': '["{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"]'.format(self.vars['id1'], self.vars['id2'], self.vars['id3'], self.vars['id4']) }) self.vars['var_eval'] = self.driver.execute_script( 'return ["{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"];'.format( self.vars['id1'], self.vars['id2'], self.vars['id3'], self.vars['id4'])) action_end({ 'param': 'var_eval', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'store', 'value': '["{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"]'.format(self.vars['id1'], self.vars['id2'], self.vars['id3'], self.vars['id4']) }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'xpath': '/wrong/one' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div/input' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'click', 'value': None }) var_loc_keys = get_locator([{ 'xpath': '/wrong/one' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div/input' }]) self.driver.find_element(var_loc_keys[0], var_loc_keys[1]).click() waiter() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [{ 'xpath': '/wrong/one' }, { 'xpath': '/html/body/div[3]/form/div/input' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'click', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'KEY_ENTER', 'selectors': [{ 'xpath': '/doc/abc' }, { 'css': 'body > div.container > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2) > input' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'keys', 'value': None }) var_loc_keys = get_locator([{ 'xpath': '/doc/abc' }, { 'css': 'body > div.container > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2) > input' }]) self.driver.find_element(var_loc_keys[0], var_loc_keys[1]).send_keys(Keys.ENTER) action_end({ 'param': 'KEY_ENTER', 'selectors': [{ 'xpath': '/doc/abc' }, { 'css': 'body > div.container > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2) > input' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'keys', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'myusername', 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'fjkafjk' }, { 'css': 'testCss' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'type', 'value': None }) var_loc_keys = get_locator([{'id': 'fjkafjk'}, {'css': 'testCss'}]) self.driver.find_element(var_loc_keys[0], var_loc_keys[1]).clear() self.driver.find_element(var_loc_keys[0], var_loc_keys[1]).send_keys('myusername') waiter() action_end({ 'param': 'myusername', 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'fjkafjk' }, { 'css': 'testCss' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'type', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'American Express', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '//*[@id="cardType"]' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'select', 'value': None }) var_loc_select = get_locator([{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '//*[@id="cardType"]' }]) Select( self.driver.find_element( var_loc_select[0], var_loc_select[1])).select_by_visible_text( 'American Express') waiter() action_end({ 'param': 'American Express', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'myclass' }, { 'xpath': '//*[@id="cardType"]' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'select', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'script', 'value': None }) self.driver.execute_script( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);') waiter() action_end({ 'param': 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'eval', 'type': 'script', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'for i in range(10):\n if i % 2 == 0:\n print(i)', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'rawcode', 'value': None }) for i in range(10): if ((i % 2) == 0): print(i) action_end({ 'param': 'for i in range(10):\n if i % 2 == 0:\n print(i)', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'rawcode', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': self.vars['red_pill'], 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'string', 'type': 'echo', 'value': None }) print(self.vars['red_pill']) action_end({ 'param': self.vars['red_pill'], 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'string', 'type': 'echo', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': '4.6s', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'pausefor', 'value': None }) sleep(4.6) action_end({ 'param': '4.6s', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'pausefor', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'cookies', 'type': 'clear', 'value': None }) self.driver.delete_all_cookies() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'cookies', 'type': 'clear', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'screen.png', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) self.driver.save_screenshot('screen.png') action_end({ 'param': 'screen.png', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) filename = os.path.join(os.getenv('TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR'), ('screenshot-%d.png' % (time() * 1000))) self.driver.save_screenshot(filename) action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'visible', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'invalid_css' }, { 'name': 'inputName' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'waitfor', 'value': '2h30m20s' }) wait_for('visible', [{ 'css': 'invalid_css' }, { 'name': 'inputName' }], 9020.0) action_end({ 'param': 'visible', 'selectors': [{ 'css': 'invalid_css' }, { 'name': 'inputName' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'waitfor', 'value': '2h30m20s' }) action_start({ 'param': 'lo-la-lu', 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'editor' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'editcontent', 'value': None }) var_edit_content = get_locator([{'id': 'editor'}]) if self.driver.find_element( var_edit_content[0], var_edit_content[1]).get_attribute('contenteditable'): self.driver.execute_script( ("arguments[0].innerHTML = '%s';" % 'lo-la-lu'), self.driver.find_element(var_edit_content[0], var_edit_content[1])) else: raise NoSuchElementException( ('The element (%s: %r) is not a contenteditable element' % (var_edit_content[0], var_edit_content[1]))) action_end({ 'param': 'lo-la-lu', 'selectors': [{ 'id': 'editor' }], 'tag': '', 'type': 'editcontent', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': '4.6s', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'pausefor', 'value': None }) sleep(4.6) action_end({ 'param': '4.6s', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'pausefor', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'cookies', 'type': 'clear', 'value': None }) self.driver.delete_all_cookies() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'cookies', 'type': 'clear', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'screen.png', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) self.driver.save_screenshot('screen.png') action_end({ 'param': 'screen.png', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) filename = os.path.join(os.getenv('TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR'), ('screenshot-%d.png' % (time() * 1000))) self.driver.save_screenshot(filename) action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'screenshot', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'vacation.html', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'open', 'value': None }) open_window('vacation.html') action_end({ 'param': 'vacation.html', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'open', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'maximize', 'value': None }) self.driver.maximize_window() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'maximize', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 1, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'byidx', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame('index=1') action_end({ 'param': 1, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'byidx', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'relative=parent', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame('relative=parent') action_end({ 'param': 'relative=parent', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'my_frame', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'byname', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame(self.driver.find_element(By.NAME, 'my_frame')) action_end({ 'param': 'my_frame', 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'byname', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'name=my_frame', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame(self.driver.find_element(By.NAME, 'my_frame')) action_end({ 'param': 'name=my_frame', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'css=my_frame_cls', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame( self.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'my_frame_cls')) action_end({ 'param': 'css=my_frame_cls', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'id=my_frame_id', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame(self.driver.find_element(By.ID, 'my_frame_id')) action_end({ 'param': 'id=my_frame_id', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': "xpath='//xpath'", 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) switch_frame(self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//xpath')) action_end({ 'param': "xpath='//xpath'", 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'switchframe', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'close', 'value': None }) close_window() action_end({ 'param': None, 'selectors': [], 'tag': 'window', 'type': 'close', 'value': None }) action_start({ 'param': 'prompt', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'answerdialog', 'value': 'my input' }) dialogs_answer_on_next_prompt('my input') action_end({ 'param': 'prompt', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'answerdialog', 'value': 'my input' }) action_start({ 'param': 'confirm', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'answerdialog', 'value': '#Ok' }) dialogs_answer_on_next_confirm('#Ok') action_end({ 'param': 'confirm', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'answerdialog', 'value': '#Ok' }) action_start({ 'param': 'alert', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'answerdialog', 'value': '#Ok' }) dialogs_answer_on_next_alert('#Ok') action_end({ 'param': 'alert', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'answerdialog', 'value': '#Ok' }) action_start({ 'param': 'alert', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertdialog', 'value': 'Exception occurred!' }) dialog = dialogs_get_next_alert() self.assertIsNotNone(dialog, 'No dialog of type alert appeared') self.assertEqual(dialog, 'Exception occurred!', "Dialog message didn't match") action_end({ 'param': 'alert', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertdialog', 'value': 'Exception occurred!' }) action_start({ 'param': 'confirm', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertdialog', 'value': 'Are you sure?' }) dialog = dialogs_get_next_confirm() self.assertIsNotNone(dialog, 'No dialog of type confirm appeared') self.assertEqual(dialog, 'Are you sure?', "Dialog message didn't match") action_end({ 'param': 'confirm', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertdialog', 'value': 'Are you sure?' }) action_start({ 'param': 'prompt', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertdialog', 'value': 'What is your age?' }) dialog = dialogs_get_next_prompt() self.assertIsNotNone(dialog, 'No dialog of type prompt appeared') self.assertEqual(dialog, 'What is your age?', "Dialog message didn't match") action_end({ 'param': 'prompt', 'selectors': [], 'tag': '', 'type': 'assertdialog', 'value': 'What is your age?' })