def GBS(fig): #Plots from the GBS Spitzer catalog #Input a figure in '.sdf' format and this module will arrange for some markers to plotted over thier location. To be used in conjunction with the Map Maker #################################################### #load GBS catalogue tbl = atpy.Table() c2dtable.c2d_read('catalog-Serp-YSOc+head.tbl',tbl,3)['RA']['DEC'] alpha=['alpha'] ################################################### #Classification by Colour CYSO = [] SYSO = [] FYSO = [] i = 0 while (i < len(alpha)): #iterate through length of the array a = alpha[i] if a >= 0.3: #Class I as yellow colour = 'lime' shape = '^' fill = 'lime' elif 0.3 > a >= -0.3: #Class FS as Orange colour = 'lime' shape = 's' fill = 'lime' elif -0.3 > a >= -1.6: #Class II as Red colour = 'red' shape = 'o' fill = colour elif -1.6 > a: #Class III as Magenta colour = 'red' shape = 'o' fill = 'none' else: #else(Clss O) colour = 'lime' shape = 'x' fill = colour CYSO.append(colour) SYSO.append(shape) FYSO.append(fill) i = i + 1 ra = 200.0+ra_t dec = dec_t fig.show_markers(ra,dec, layer='GBS',edgecolor=CYSO ,facecolor=FYSO, marker='o',s=40, alpha=1) return
import c2dtable import alpha_func as AF ##################################################### #plot background maps s850 = aplpy.FITSFigure('coadd_aquila_850_u20_cal556_th.fits') s850.show_grayscale(invert='false') s850.tick_labels.set_font(size='small') s850.add_colorbar() #################################################### #load GBS catalogue tbl = atpy.Table() c2dtable.c2d_read('catalog-Serp-YSOc+head.tbl',tbl,3)['RA']['DEC'] alpha =['alpha'] print alpha ################################################### #Classification by Colour CYSO = [] i = 0 while (i < len(alpha)): #iterate through length of the array a = alpha[i] if a >= 0.3: #Class I as yellow