예제 #1
    def __new__(cls, name, parents, attrs):
        if 'filter_registry' not in attrs:
            attrs['filter_registry'] = FilterRegistry(
                '%s.filters' % name.lower())
        if 'action_registry' not in attrs:
            actions = ActionRegistry(
                '%s.actions' % name.lower())

            # All ARM resources will have tag support; however, classic resources may not have support
            actions.register('tag', Tag)
            attrs['action_registry'] = actions

        return super(QueryMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, attrs)
예제 #2
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager, TypeInfo
from c7n.utils import (type_schema, local_session, chunks)

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.rds-param-group')

pg_filters = FilterRegistry('rds-param-group.filters')
pg_actions = ActionRegistry('rds-param-group.actions')

class RDSParamGroup(QueryResourceManager):
    """Resource manager for RDS parameter groups.
    class resource_type(TypeInfo):

        service = 'rds'
        arn_type = 'pg'
        enum_spec = ('describe_db_parameter_groups', 'DBParameterGroups', None)
        name = id = 'DBParameterGroupName'
        dimension = 'DBParameterGroupName'
        permissions_enum = ('rds:DescribeDBParameterGroups', )
        cfn_type = 'AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup'
예제 #3
from concurrent.futures import as_completed

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import (FilterRegistry, ValueFilter, DefaultVpcBase,
                         AgeFilter, OPERATORS)

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n import tags
from c7n.utils import (type_schema, local_session, chunks, generate_arn,
                       get_retry, get_account_id, snapshot_identifier)

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.redshift')

filters = FilterRegistry('redshift.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('redshift.actions')
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

class Redshift(QueryResourceManager):

    resource_type = "aws.redshift.cluster"
    filter_registry = filters
    action_registry = actions
    retry = staticmethod(get_retry(('Throttling', )))

    _generate_arn = _account_id = None

    def account_id(self):
예제 #4
from c7n import executor
from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry, Filter
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import chunks, local_session, set_annotation, type_schema
 - How does replication status effect in place encryption.
 - Test glacier support

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.s3')

filters = FilterRegistry('s3.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('s3.actions')

MAX_COPY_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 5

class S3(QueryResourceManager):

    resource_type = "aws.s3.bucket"

    executor_factory = executor.ThreadPoolExecutor
    filter_registry = filters
    action_registry = actions

    def __init__(self, ctx, data):
        super(S3, self).__init__(ctx, data)
예제 #5
 def test_error_unregistered_action_type(self):
                       ActionRegistry("test.actions").factory, "foo", None)
예제 #6
from c7n.filters import (
    Filter, FilterRegistry, DefaultVpcBase, MetricsFilter, ValueFilter)
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters
from c7n import tags
from c7n.manager import resources

from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager, DescribeSource, ConfigSource
from c7n.utils import (
    local_session, chunks, type_schema, get_retry, set_annotation)

from c7n.resources.shield import IsShieldProtected, SetShieldProtection

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.app-elb')

filters = FilterRegistry('app-elb.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('app-elb.actions')

filters.register('tag-count', tags.TagCountFilter)
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

class AppELB(QueryResourceManager):
    """Resource manager for v2 ELBs (AKA ALBs).

    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'elbv2'
        type = 'loadbalancer/app'
        enum_spec = ('describe_load_balancers', 'LoadBalancers', None)
        name = 'LoadBalancerName'
예제 #7
from c7n.filters import (
    FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, ValueFilter, Filter, OPERATORS, DefaultVpcBase
from c7n.filters.offhours import OffHour, OnHour
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager

from c7n import utils
from c7n.utils import type_schema

filters = FilterRegistry('ec2.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('ec2.actions')

actions.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser)

class EC2(QueryResourceManager):

    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'ec2'
        type = 'instance'
        enum_spec = ('describe_instances', 'Reservations[].Instances[]', None)
        detail_spec = None
        id = 'InstanceId'
        filter_name = 'InstanceIds'
        filter_type = 'list'
예제 #8
from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import (
    CrossAccountAccessFilter, Filter, FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, ValueFilter,
    ANNOTATION_KEY, FilterValidationError, OPERATORS)

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.resources.kms import ResourceKmsKeyAlias
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import (
    local_session, set_annotation, chunks, type_schema, worker)
from c7n.resources.ami import AMI

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.ebs')

filters = FilterRegistry('ebs.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('ebs.actions')

class Snapshot(QueryResourceManager):

    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'ec2'
        type = 'snapshot'
        enum_spec = (
            'describe_snapshots', 'Snapshots', {'OwnerIds': ['self']})
        detail_spec = None
        id = 'SnapshotId'
        filter_name = 'SnapshotIds'
        filter_type = 'list'
        name = 'SnapshotId'
예제 #9
import logging

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, Filter, OPERATORS

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import local_session, type_schema

from c7n.resources.ec2 import EC2
from c7n.resources.asg import ASG, LaunchConfig

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.ami')

filters = FilterRegistry('ami.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('ami.actions')

class AMI(QueryResourceManager):
    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'ec2'
        type = 'image'
        enum_spec = ('describe_images', 'Images', {'Owners': ['self']})
        detail_spec = None
        id = 'ImageId'
        filter_name = 'ImageIds'
        filter_type = 'list'
        name = 'Name'
        dimension = None
        date = 'CreationDate'
예제 #10
import json
import six

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction, RemovePolicyBase
from c7n.filters import CrossAccountAccessFilter, FilterRegistry, ValueFilter
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n import query
from c7n.tags import (RemoveTag, Tag, TagActionFilter, TagDelayedAction,
from c7n.utils import get_retry, local_session, type_schema, generate_arn

filters = FilterRegistry('lambda.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('lambda.actions')
filters.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter)

class AWSLambda(query.QueryResourceManager):
    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'lambda'
        type = 'function'
        enum_spec = ('list_functions', 'Functions', None)
        name = id = 'FunctionName'
        filter_name = None
        date = 'LastModified'
        dimension = 'FunctionName'
        config_type = "AWS::Lambda::Function"
예제 #11
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import local_session, type_schema

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.cfn')

filters = FilterRegistry('cfn.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('cfn.actions')

class CloudFormation(QueryResourceManager):

    resource_type = "aws.cloudformation.stack"
    action_registry = actions
    filter_registry = filters

class Delete(BaseAction):

    schema = type_schema('delete')
예제 #12
import itertools

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from concurrent.futures import as_completed

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry, Filter
from c7n.manager import ResourceManager, resources
from c7n.tags import (TagCountFilter, TagActionFilter, TagDelayedAction as
from c7n.utils import local_session, type_schema, get_account_id

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.rds')

filters = FilterRegistry('rds.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('rds.actions')

filters.register('tag-count', TagCountFilter)
filters.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter)

class RDS(ResourceManager):

    filter_registry = filters
    action_registry = actions

    account_id = None

    def resources(self):
        session = local_session(self.session_factory)
예제 #13
import logging

from collections import defaultdict
from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import (
    Filter, FilterRegistry, FilterValidationError, DefaultVpcBase, ValueFilter)
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters
from c7n import tags
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import local_session, chunks, type_schema, get_retry

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.app-elb')

filters = FilterRegistry('app-elb.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('app-elb.actions')

filters.register('tag-count', tags.TagCountFilter)
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

class AppELB(QueryResourceManager):
    """Resource manager for v2 ELBs (AKA ALBs).

    class resource_type(object):

        service = 'elbv2'
        type = 'app-elb'
        enum_spec = ('describe_load_balancers', 'LoadBalancers', None)
예제 #14
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import logging

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import Filter, FilterRegistry, FilterValidationError
from c7n import tags
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import local_session, chunks, type_schema

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.elb')

filters = FilterRegistry('elb.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('elb.actions')

filters.register('tag-count', tags.TagCountFilter)
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

class ELB(QueryResourceManager):

    resource_type = "aws.elb.loadbalancer"
    filter_registry = filters
    action_registry = actions

    def augment(self, resources):
        return _elb_tags(resources, self.session_factory,
예제 #15
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import time

import six

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.utils import (local_session, type_schema, get_retry)
from c7n.tags import (TagDelayedAction, RemoveTag, TagActionFilter, Tag)

filters = FilterRegistry('emr.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('emr.actions')
log = logging.getLogger('custodian.emr')

filters.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter)

class EMRCluster(QueryResourceManager):
    """Resource manager for Elastic MapReduce clusters
    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'emr'
        type = 'emr'
        cluster_states = ['WAITING', 'BOOTSTRAPPING', 'RUNNING', 'STARTING']
        enum_spec = ('list_clusters', 'Clusters', {
            'ClusterStates': cluster_states
예제 #16
class Snapshot(QueryResourceManager):

    resource_type = "aws.ec2.snapshot"
    filter_registry = FilterRegistry('ebs-snapshot.filters')
    action_registry = ActionRegistry('ebs-snapshot.actions')
예제 #17
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from concurrent.futures import as_completed

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, OPERATORS
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n import tags
from c7n.utils import (type_schema, local_session, snapshot_identifier, chunks,

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.rds-cluster')

filters = FilterRegistry('rds-cluster.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('rds-cluster.actions')

filters.register('tag-count', tags.TagCountFilter)
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

class RDSCluster(QueryResourceManager):
    """Resource manager for RDS clusters.
    class resource_type(object):

        service = 'rds'
        type = 'cluster'
        enum_spec = ('describe_db_clusters', 'DBClusters', None)
        name = id = 'DBClusterIdentifier'
예제 #18
from c7n.filters import (Filter, FilterRegistry, DefaultVpcBase, MetricsFilter,
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters
from c7n import tags
from c7n.manager import resources

from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager, DescribeSource, ConfigSource
from c7n.utils import (local_session, chunks, type_schema, get_retry,

from c7n.resources.shield import IsShieldProtected, SetShieldProtection

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.app-elb')

filters = FilterRegistry('app-elb.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('app-elb.actions')

filters.register('tag-count', tags.TagCountFilter)
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

class AppELB(QueryResourceManager):
    """Resource manager for v2 ELBs (AKA ALBs).
    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'elbv2'
        type = 'loadbalancer/app'
        enum_spec = ('describe_load_balancers', 'LoadBalancers', None)
        name = 'LoadBalancerName'
        id = 'LoadBalancerArn'
예제 #19
# limitations under the License.
"""AWS Account as a custodian resource.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
from dateutil.tz import tzutc

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry
from c7n.filters import Filter, FilterRegistry, ValueFilter
from c7n.manager import ResourceManager, resources
from c7n.utils import local_session, get_account_id, type_schema

filters = FilterRegistry('aws.account.actions')
actions = ActionRegistry('aws.account.filters')

def get_account(session_factory):
    session = local_session(session_factory)
    client = session.client('iam')
    aliases = client.list_account_aliases().get('AccountAliases', ('', ))
    name = aliases and aliases[0] or ""
    return {'account_id': get_account_id(session), 'account_name': name}

class Account(ResourceManager):

    filter_registry = filters
    action_registry = actions
예제 #20
from c7n.filters import (
    FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, ValueFilter, Filter, OPERATORS, DefaultVpcBase
from c7n.filters.offhours import OffHour, OnHour
from c7n.filters.health import HealthEventFilter
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n import query

from c7n import utils
from c7n.utils import type_schema

filters = FilterRegistry('ec2.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('ec2.actions')

filters.register('health-event', HealthEventFilter)

class EC2(query.QueryResourceManager):

    class resource_type(object):
        service = 'ec2'
        type = 'instance'
        enum_spec = ('describe_instances', 'Reservations[].Instances[]', None)
        detail_spec = None
        id = 'InstanceId'
        filter_name = 'InstanceIds'
        filter_type = 'list'
예제 #21
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
from dateutil.parser import parse

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, OPERATORS
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n import tags
from c7n.utils import (local_session, get_account_id, generate_arn, get_retry,
                       chunks, snapshot_identifier, type_schema)

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.elasticache')

filters = FilterRegistry('elasticache.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('elasticache.actions')
#registered marked-for-op filter
filters.register('marked-for-op', tags.TagActionFilter)

TTYPE = re.compile('cache.t')

class ElastiCacheCluster(QueryResourceManager):

    resource_type = 'aws.elasticache.cluster'
    filter_registry = filters
    action_registry = actions
    _generate_arn = _account_id = None
    retry = staticmethod(get_retry(('Throttled', )))
예제 #22
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager, ResourceQuery
from c7n.tags import RemoveTag, Tag, TagActionFilter, TagDelayedAction
from c7n.utils import (
    chunks, local_session, set_annotation, type_schema, dumps, get_account_id)

 - How does replication status effect in place encryption.
 - Test glacier support

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.s3')

filters = FilterRegistry('s3.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('s3.actions')
filters.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter)
actions.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser)

MAX_COPY_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2

class S3(QueryResourceManager):

    #resource_type = "aws.s3.bucket"

    class resource_type(ResourceQuery.resolve("aws.s3.bucket")):
        dimension = 'BucketName'

    executor_factory = executor.ThreadPoolExecutor
예제 #23
 def test_error_bad_action_type(self):
                       ActionRegistry("test.actions").factory, {}, None)