def comparing_wh():
    # this is similar to comparative analysis except the input also a WH site
    # result will exclude the site itself
    # note wdpaid is a string
    wdpaid = request.args[0]

    ## WWF realm-biome combination
    rb = dict()

    # no need to run intersection    
    bids = ca.get_bids_by_wdpaid(wdpaid, ca.REALMBIOME)
        # lookup needed
    for bid in bids:
        rb[ca.lookup_bid(bid, ca.REALMBIOME)] = \
        [ca.div_wh_row(row) for row in ca.get_wh_rows_by_bid(bid, ca.REALMBIOME) if row.wdpaid!=int(wdpaid)]

    ## KBA
    kba = dict()

    bids = ca.get_bids_by_wdpaid(wdpaid, ca.KBA)
        # lookup needed
    for bid in bids:
        kba[ca.lookup_bid(bid, ca.KBA)] = \
        [ca.div_wh_row(row) for row in ca.get_wh_rows_by_bid(bid, ca.KBA) if row.wdpaid!=int(wdpaid)]

    ## HS
    hs = dict()

    bids = ca.get_bids_by_wdpaid(wdpaid, ca.HS)
    for bid in bids:
        hs[bid] = \
        [ca.div_wh_row(row) for row in ca.get_wh_rows_by_bid(bid, ca.HS) if row.wdpaid!=int(wdpaid)]

    return dict(rb=rb, kba=kba, hs=hs)
def comparative_analysis():
    # this is the page showing the result of the comparative analysis
    tempid = request.args[0]

    ## WWF realm-biome combination
    rb = dict()

        # run intersection
    ca.run_intersection(tempid, ca.REALMBIOME)
    bids = ca.get_bids_by_tempid(tempid, ca.REALMBIOME)
        # lookup needed
    for bid in bids:
        rb[ca.lookup_bid(bid, ca.REALMBIOME)] = [ca.div_wh_row(row) for row in ca.get_wh_rows_by_bid(bid, ca.REALMBIOME)]

    ## KBA
    kba = dict()

        # run intersection
    ca.run_intersection(tempid, ca.KBA)
    bids = ca.get_bids_by_tempid(tempid, ca.KBA)
        # lookup needed
    for bid in bids:
        kba[ca.lookup_bid(bid, ca.KBA)] = [ca.div_wh_row(row) for row in ca.get_wh_rows_by_bid(bid, ca.KBA)]

    ## HS
    hs = dict()

        # run intersection
    ca.run_intersection(tempid, ca.HS)
    bids = ca.get_bids_by_tempid(tempid, ca.HS)

    for bid in bids:
        hs[bid] = [ca.div_wh_row(row) for row in ca.get_wh_rows_by_bid(bid, ca.HS)]

    return dict(rb=rb, hs=hs, kba=kba)