def checkResultAndExportStations(tdb, cmdenv, result): if not result: cmdenv.NOTE("No changes.") return None if cmdenv.noExport: cmdenv.DEBUG0("no-export set, not exporting stations") return None lines, csvPath = csvexport.exportTableToFile(tdb, cmdenv, "Station") cmdenv.NOTE("{} updated.", csvPath) if cmdenv.remove: if cmdenv.stationItemCount: cmdenv.NOTE("Station had items, regenerating .prices file") cache.regeneratePricesFile(tdb, cmdenv) return None
def run(self): tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv #Create the /eddb folder for downloading the source files if it doesn't exist. try: Path(str(self.dataPath)).mkdir() except FileExistsError: pass # Run 'listings' by default: # If no options, or if only 'progbar', 'force', 'skipvend', and/or 'fallback', # have been passed, enable 'listings'. default = True for option in self.options: if not ((option == 'force') or (option == 'fallback') or (option == 'skipvend') or (option == 'progbar')): default = False if default: self.options["listings"] = True # We can probably safely assume that the plugin has never been run if # the prices file doesn't exist, since the plugin always generates it. firstRun = not (tdb.dataPath / Path("TradeDangerous.prices")).exists() if firstRun: self.options["clean"] = True try: self.execute("ALTER TABLE Station ADD type_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL") except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e: self.options['clean'] = True tdenv.NOTE("Cleaning database: ",str(e)) if self.getOption("clean"): # Rebuild the tables from scratch. Must be done on first run of plugin. # Can be done at anytime with the "clean" option. for name in [ "Category", "Item", "Ship", "ShipVendor", "Station", "System", "Upgrade", "UpgradeVendor", ]: file = tdb.dataPath / Path(name + ".csv") try: os.remove(str(file)) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.remove(str(tdb.dataPath) + "/TradeDangerous.db") except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.remove(str(tdb.dataPath) + "/TradeDangerous.prices") except FileNotFoundError: pass # Because this is a clean run, we need to temporarily rename the RareItem.csv, # otherwise TD will crash trying to insert the rare items to the database, # because there's nothing in the Station table it tries to pull from. ri_path = tdb.dataPath / Path("RareItem.csv") rib_path = ri_path.with_suffix(".tmp") if rib_path.exists() and ri_path.exists(): rib_path.unlink() if ri_path.exists(): ri_path.rename(rib_path) tdb.reloadCache() # Now it's safe to move RareItems back. if ri_path.exists(): ri_path.unlink() if rib_path.exists(): rib_path.rename(ri_path) self.options["all"] = True self.options["force"] = True tdenv.ignoreUnknown = True success = False while not success: try: tdb.load(maxSystemLinkLy = tdenv.maxSystemLinkLy) success = True except sqlite3.OperationalError: print("Database is locked, waiting for access.", end = "\r") time.sleep(1) #Select which options will be updated if self.getOption("listings"): self.options["item"] = True self.options["station"] = True if self.getOption("shipvend"): self.options["ship"] = True self.options["station"] = True if self.getOption("upvend"): self.options["upgrade"] = True self.options["station"] = True if self.getOption("station"): self.options["system"] = True if self.getOption("all"): self.options["item"] = True self.options["ship"] = True self.options["shipvend"] = True self.options["station"] = True self.options["system"] = True self.options["upgrade"] = True self.options["upvend"] = True self.options["listings"] = True if self.getOption("solo"): self.options["listings"] = False self.options["skipvend"] = True if self.getOption("skipvend"): self.options["shipvend"] = False self.options["upvend"] = False # Download required files and update tables. if self.getOption("upgrade"): if self.downloadFile(UPGRADES, self.upgradesPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importUpgrades() if self.getOption("ship"): if self.downloadFile(SHIPS_URL, self.shipsPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importShips() if self.getOption("system"): if self.downloadFile(SYSTEMS, self.systemsPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importSystems() if self.getOption("station"): if self.downloadFile(STATIONS, self.stationsPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importStations() if self.getOption("item"): if self.downloadFile(COMMODITIES, self.commoditiesPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importCommodities() success = False while not success: try: tdb.getDB().commit() success = True except sqlite3.OperationalError: print("(commit) Database is locked, waiting for access.", end = "\r") time.sleep(1) #Remake the .csv files with the updated info. self.regenerate() if self.getOption("listings"): if self.downloadFile(LISTINGS, self.listingsPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importListings(self.listingsPath) if self.downloadFile(LIVE_LISTINGS, self.liveListingsPath) or self.getOption("force"): self.importListings(self.liveListingsPath) success = False while not success: try: tdb.getDB().commit() success = True except sqlite3.OperationalError: print("(commit) Database is locked, waiting for access.", end = "\r") time.sleep(1) tdb.close() if self.updated['Listings']: tdenv.NOTE("Regenerating .prices file.") cache.regeneratePricesFile(tdb, tdenv) tdenv.NOTE("Import completed.") # TD doesn't need to do anything, tell it to just quit. return False
def run(results, cmdenv, tdb): # If we're using a plugin, initialize that first. if cmdenv.plug: if cmdenv.pluginOptions: cmdenv.pluginOptions = chain.from_iterable( opt.split(',') for opt in cmdenv.pluginOptions) try: pluginClass = plugins.load(cmdenv.plug, "ImportPlugin") except plugins.PluginException as e: raise CommandLineError("Plugin Error: " + str(e)) # Initialize the plugin plugin = pluginClass(tdb, cmdenv) # Run the plugin. If it returns False, then it did everything # that needs doing and we can stop now. # If it returns True, it is returning control to the module. if not return None tdb.reloadCache() tdb.close() if cmdenv.filename: if re.match(r"^https?://", cmdenv.filename, re.IGNORECASE): cmdenv.url, cmdenv.filename = cmdenv.filename, None if cmdenv.url: cmdenv.filename = cmdenv.filename or "import.prices", cmdenv.url, cmdenv.filename) if return None # If the filename specified was "-" or None, then go ahead # and present the user with an open file dialog. if not cmdenv.filename and hasTkInter: tk = tkinter.Tk() tk.withdraw() filetypes = ( ("TradeDangerous '.prices' Files", "*.prices"), ("All Files", "*.*"), ) filename = tkfd.askopenfilename( title="Select the file to import", initialfile="TradeDangerous.prices", filetypes=filetypes, initialdir='.', ) if not filename: raise SystemExit("Aborted") cmdenv.filename = filename # check the file exists. if cmdenv.filename != "-": fh = None filePath = Path(cmdenv.filename) if not filePath.is_file(): raise CommandLineError("File not found: {}".format(str(filePath))) else: filePath = "stdin" fh = sys.stdin if cmdenv.plug: if not plugin.finish(): cache.regeneratePricesFile() return None cache.importDataFromFile(tdb, cmdenv, filePath, pricesFh=fh, reset=cmdenv.reset) return None
def run(results, cmdenv, tdb): # If we're using a plugin, initialize that first. if cmdenv.plug: if cmdenv.pluginOptions: cmdenv.pluginOptions = chain.from_iterable( opt.split(',') for opt in cmdenv.pluginOptions ) try: pluginClass = plugins.load(cmdenv.plug, "ImportPlugin") except plugins.PluginException as e: raise CommandLineError("Plugin Error: "+str(e)) # Initialize the plugin plugin = pluginClass(tdb, cmdenv) # Run the plugin. If it returns False, then it did everything # that needs doing and we can stop now. # If it returns True, it is returning control to the module. if not return None tdb.reloadCache() tdb.close() if cmdenv.filename: if re.match(r"^https?://", cmdenv.filename, re.IGNORECASE): cmdenv.url, cmdenv.filename = cmdenv.filename, None if cmdenv.url: cmdenv.filename = cmdenv.filename or "import.prices", cmdenv.url, cmdenv.filename) if return None # If the filename specified was "-" or None, then go ahead # and present the user with an open file dialog. if not cmdenv.filename and hasTkInter: tk = tkinter.Tk() tk.withdraw() filetypes = ( ("TradeDangerous '.prices' Files", "*.prices"), ("All Files", "*.*"), ) filename = tkfd.askopenfilename( title="Select the file to import", initialfile="TradeDangerous.prices", filetypes=filetypes, initialdir='.', ) if not filename: raise SystemExit("Aborted") cmdenv.filename = filename # check the file exists. if cmdenv.filename != "-": fh = None filePath = Path(cmdenv.filename) if not filePath.is_file(): raise CommandLineError("File not found: {}".format( str(filePath) )) else: filePath = "stdin" fh = sys.stdin if cmdenv.plug: if not plugin.finish(): cache.regeneratePricesFile() return None cache.importDataFromFile(tdb, cmdenv, filePath, pricesFh=fh, reset=cmdenv.reset) return None