예제 #1
파일: users.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
def update_user_activity(dbo, user, timenow = True):
    If timenow is True, updates this user's last activity time to now.
    If timenow is False, removes this user from the active list.
    if dbo is None or user is None: return
    cachekey = "%s_activity" % dbo.database
    ac = utils.nulltostr(cachemem.get(cachekey))
    # Prune old activity and remove the current user
    nc = []
    for a in ac.split(","):
        # If there are any errors reading or parsing
        # the entry, skip it
            if a != "":
                u, d = a.split("=")
                # if the last seen value was more than an hour ago, 
                # don't bother adding that user
                p = i18n.parse_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", d)
                if i18n.subtract_hours(i18n.now(dbo.timezone), 1) > p:
                # Don't add the current user
                if u == user:
    # Add this user with the new time 
    if timenow: 
        nc.append("%s=%s" % (user, i18n.format_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", i18n.now(dbo.timezone))))
    cachemem.put(cachekey, ",".join(nc), 3600 * 8)
예제 #2
파일: users.py 프로젝트: tgage/asm3
def update_user_activity(dbo, user, timenow=True):
    If timenow is True, updates this user's last activity time to now.
    If timenow is False, removes this user from the active list.
    if dbo is None or user is None: return
    cachekey = "%s_activity" % dbo.database
    ac = utils.nulltostr(cachemem.get(cachekey))
    # Prune old activity and remove the current user
    nc = []
    for a in ac.split(","):
        # If there are any errors reading or parsing
        # the entry, skip it
            if a != "":
                u, d = a.split("=")
                # if the last seen value was more than an hour ago,
                # don't bother adding that user
                p = i18n.parse_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", d)
                if i18n.subtract_hours(i18n.now(dbo.timezone), 1) > p:
                # Don't add the current user
                if u == user:
    # Add this user with the new time
    if timenow:
            "%s=%s" %
            (user, i18n.format_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", i18n.now(
    cachemem.put(cachekey, ",".join(nc), 3600 * 8)
예제 #3
파일: db.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
def _get_id_cache(dbo, table):
    cache_key = "db:%s:as:%s:tb:%s" % (dbo.database, dbo.alias, table)
    nextid = cachemem.increment(cache_key)
    if nextid is None: 
        nextid = query_int(dbo, "SELECT MAX(ID) FROM %s" % table) + 1
        cachemem.put(cache_key, nextid, 600)
    return nextid
예제 #4
def get_lat_long(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country=None):
    Looks up a latitude and longitude from an address using the set geocoding provider 
    and returns them as lat,long,hash
    If no results were found, a zero lat and long are returned so that
    we know not to try and look this up again until the address hash changes.
    NB: dbo is only used for contextual reference in logging and obtaining locale, 
        no database calls are made by any of this code.

    if address.strip() == "":
        return None

        # Synchronise this process to a single thread to prevent
        # abusing our geo provider

        if country is None:
            country = i18n.get_country(dbo.locale)

        g = None
        if GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            g = Nominatim(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
        elif GEO_PROVIDER == "google":
            g = Google(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
        elif GEO_PROVIDER == "smcom":
            g = Smcom(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
            al.error("unrecognised geo provider: %s" % GEO_PROVIDER,
                     "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return None

        # Check the cache in case we already requested this address
        cachekey = "nom:" + g.q
        v = cachemem.get(cachekey)
        if v is not None:
            al.debug("cache hit for address: %s = %s" % (cachekey, v),
                     "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return v

        # Call the service to get the data

        # Parse the response to a lat/long value
        latlon = g.parse()
        cachemem.put(cachekey, latlon, 86400)

        if GEO_SLEEP_AFTER > 0:

        return latlon

    except Exception as err:
        al.error(str(err), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        return None

예제 #5
def db_lock(dbo):
    Locks the database for updates, returns True if the lock was
    cache_key = "%s_db_update_lock" % dbo.database
    if cachemem.get(cache_key): return False
    cachemem.put(cache_key, "YES", 60 * 5)
    return True
예제 #6
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
def get_lat_long(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country = None):
    Looks up a latitude and longitude from an address using GEOCODE_URL
    and returns them as lat,long,(first 3 chars of address)
    Returns None if no results were found.
    NB: dbo is only used for contextual reference in logging, no database
        calls are made by any of this code.

    if address.strip() == "":
        return None

        # Synchronise this process to a single thread to prevent
        # abusing our geo provider and concurrent requests for the
        # same address when opening an animal with the same
        # original/brought in by owner, etc.

        url = ""
        if country is None: 
            country = LOCALE_COUNTRY_NAME_MAP[dbo.locale]
        if BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            q = normalise_nominatim(address, town, county, postcode, country)
            url = BULK_GEO_NOMINATIM_URL.replace("{q}", q)
        elif BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "google":
            q = normalise_google(address, town, county, postcode, country)
            url = BULK_GEO_GOOGLE_URL.replace("{q}", q)            
            al.error("unrecognised geo provider: %s" % BULK_GEO_PROVIDER, "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)

        al.debug("looking up geocode for address: %s" % q, "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        key = "nom:" + q
        v = cachemem.get(key)
        if v is not None:
            al.debug("cache hit for address: %s = %s" % (q, v), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return v

        jr = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout = BULK_GEO_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT).read()
        j = json.loads(jr)

        latlon = None
        if BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            latlon = parse_nominatim(dbo, jr, j, q)
        elif BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "google":
            latlon = parse_google(dbo, jr, j, q)

        if BULK_GEO_SLEEP_AFTER > 0:

        cachemem.put(key, latlon, 86400)
        return latlon

    except Exception,err:
        al.error(str(err), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        return None
예제 #7
def get_map(dbo):
    """ Returns a map of the config items, using a read-through cache to save database calls """
    CACHE_KEY = "%s_config" % dbo.database
    cmap = cachemem.get(CACHE_KEY)
    if cmap is None:
        rows = dbo.query("SELECT ItemName, ItemValue FROM configuration ORDER BY ItemName")
        cmap = DEFAULTS.copy()
        for r in rows:
            cmap[r.itemname] = r.itemvalue
        cachemem.put(CACHE_KEY, cmap, 3600) # one hour cache means direct database updates show up eventually
    return cmap
예제 #8
def get_account(alias):
    Returns the smcom account object for alias/db
    Uses a read through 48 hour cache to save unnecessary calls
    TTL = 86400 * 2
    cachekey = "smcom_dbinfo_%s" % alias
    a = cachemem.get(cachekey)
    if a is None:
        a = smcom_client.get_account(alias)
        if a is not None and "user" in a:
            cachemem.put(cachekey, a, TTL)
    return a
예제 #9
def get_account(alias):
    Returns the smcom account object for alias/db
    Uses a read through 48 hour cache to save unnecessary calls
    # Attackers have tried to overflow alias in the past, we'll never use more than 20 chars
    # fail fast and save us a load of processing.
    if len(alias) > 20: return None
    TTL = 86400 * 2
    cachekey = "smcom_dbinfo_%s" % alias
    a = cachemem.get(cachekey)
    if a is None:
        a = smcom_client.get_account(alias)
        if a is not None and "user" in a:
            cachemem.put(cachekey, a, TTL)
    return a
예제 #10
파일: base.py 프로젝트: tgage/asm3
 def query_cache(self, sql, params=None, age=60, limit=0, distincton=""):
     Runs the query given and caches the result
     for age seconds. If there's already a valid cached
     entry for the query, returns the cached result
     If CACHE_COMMON_QUERIES is set to false, just runs the query
     without doing any caching and is equivalent to Database.query()
     if not CACHE_COMMON_QUERIES: return self.query(sql, params=params, limit=limit)
     cache_key = utils.md5_hash("%s:%s:%s" % (self.database, sql, params))
     results = cachemem.get(cache_key)
     if results is not None:
         return results
     results = self.query(sql, params=params, limit=limit, distincton=distincton)
     cachemem.put(cache_key, results, age)
     return results
예제 #11
파일: service.py 프로젝트: tgage/asm3
def flood_protect(method, remoteip, ttl, message = ""):
    """ Checks to see if we've had a request for method from remoteip since ttl seconds ago.
    If we haven't, we record this as the last time we saw a request
    from this ip address for that method. Otherwise, an error is thrown.
    method: The service method we're protecting
    remoteip: The ip address of the caller
    ttl: The protection period (one request per ttl seconds)
    cache_key = "m%sr%s" % (method, str(remoteip).replace(", ", "")) # X-FORWARDED-FOR can be a list, remove commas
    v = cachemem.get(cache_key)
    #al.debug("method: %s, remoteip: %s, ttl: %d, cacheval: %s" % (method, remoteip, ttl, v), "service.flood_protect")
    if v is None:
        cachemem.put(cache_key, "x", ttl)
        if message == "":
            message = "You have already called '%s' in the last %d seconds, please wait before trying again." % (method, ttl)
        raise utils.ASMError(message)
예제 #12
파일: db.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
def query_cache(dbo, sql, age = 60):
    Runs the query given and caches the result
    for age seconds. If there's already a valid cached
    entry for the query, returns the cached result
    If CACHE_COMMON_QUERIES is set to false, just runs the query
    without doing any caching and is equivalent to db.query()
    if not CACHE_COMMON_QUERIES: return query(dbo, sql)
    cache_key = utils.md5_hash("%s:%s:%s" % (dbo.alias, dbo.database, sql.replace(" ", "_")))
    results = cachemem.get(cache_key)
    if results is not None:
        return results
    results = query(dbo, sql)
    cachemem.put(cache_key, results, age)
    return results
예제 #13
파일: service.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
def flood_protect(method, remoteip, ttl, message = ""):
    Checks to see if we've had a request for method from 
    remoteip since ttl seconds ago.
    If we haven't, we record this as the last time we saw a request
    from this ip address for that method. Otherwise, an error is thrown.
    method: The service method we're protecting
    remoteip: The ip address of the caller
    ttl: The protection period (one request per ttl seconds)
    cache_key = "m%sr%s" % (method, str(remoteip).replace(", ", "")) # X-FORWARDED-FOR can be a list, remove commas
    v = cachemem.get(cache_key)
    #al.debug("method: %s, remoteip: %s, ttl: %d, cacheval: %s" % (method, remoteip, ttl, v), "service.flood_protect")
    if v is None:
        cachemem.put(cache_key, "x", ttl)
        if message == "":
            message = "You have already called '%s' in the last %d seconds, please wait before trying again." % (method, ttl)
        raise utils.ASMError(message)
예제 #14
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: rutaq/asm3
def get_lat_long(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country=""):
    Looks up a latitude and longitude from an address using the set geocoding provider 
    and returns them as lat,long,hash
    If no results were found, a zero lat and long are returned so that
    we know not to try and look this up again until the address hash changes.

    if address.strip() == "":
        return None

        # Synchronise this process to a single thread to prevent
        # abusing our geo provider

        # Use the country passed. If no country was passed, check
        # if one has been set with the shelter details in settings,
        # otherwise use the country from the user's locale.
        if country is None or country == "":
            country = configuration.organisation_country(dbo)
            if country == "": country = i18n.get_country(dbo.locale)

        g = None
        if GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            g = Nominatim(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
        elif GEO_PROVIDER == "google":
            g = Google(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
        elif GEO_PROVIDER == "smcom":
            g = Smcom(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
            al.error("unrecognised geo provider: %s" % GEO_PROVIDER,
                     "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return None

        # Check the cache in case we already requested this address
        cachekey = "nom:" + g.q
        v = cachemem.get(cachekey)
        if v is not None:
            al.debug("cache hit for address: %s = %s" % (cachekey, v),
                     "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return v

        # Call the service to get the data

        # Parse the response to a lat/long value
        latlon = g.parse()
        cachemem.put(cachekey, latlon, 86400)

        if GEO_SLEEP_AFTER > 0:

        return latlon

    except Exception as err:
        al.error(str(err), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        return None

예제 #15
파일: asynctask.py 프로젝트: tgage/asm3
def put(dbo, k, v):
    """ Store a task value for this database """
    cachemem.put("%s.%s" % (dbo.database, k), v, 3600)