예제 #1
def test_post_sanitize_header_pc():
    test_subject = FITSHelper(io.BytesIO(), io.BytesIO())
    data = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)
    header = Header()
    wcs = WCS(fix=False)
    wcs.wcs.pc = [[0.9, 0.8], [0.7, 0.6]]
    header.set('REMAIN1', 'VALUE1')
    header.set('DQ1', 'dqvalue1')
    header.set('NAXIS', 2)
    header.set('NAXIS1', 88)
    header.set('NAXIS2', 212)
    header.set('CRPIX1', 77.0)
    header.set('WCSAXES', 2)
    header.set('CTYPE1', 'ctype1value')

    assert header.get('PC1_1') is None, 'Should not contain PC1_1'
    assert header.get('PC2_1') is None, 'Should not contain PC2_1'
    assert header.get('PC1_2') is None, 'Should not contain PC1_2'
    assert header.get('PC2_2') is None, 'Should not contain PC2_2'

    result = CutoutResult(data, wcs=wcs)

    assert header.index('WCSAXES') > header.index('CRPIX1'), \
        'Start with bad indexes...'

    test_subject._post_sanitize_header(header, result)

    assert header.get('PC1_1') == 0.9, 'Wrong PC1_1 value.'
    assert header.get('PC2_1') == 0.7, 'Wrong PC2_1 value.'
    assert header.get('PC1_2') == 0.8, 'Wrong PC1_2 value.'
    assert header.get('PC2_2') == 0.6, 'Wrong PC2_2 value.'

    assert 'VALUE1' == header.get('REMAIN1'), 'REMAIN1 should still be there.'
예제 #2
def test_post_sanitize_header():
    test_subject = FITSHelper(io.BytesIO(), io.BytesIO())
    data = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)
    header = Header()
    wcs = WCS(fix=False)
    header.set('REMAIN1', 'VALUE1')
    header.set('DQ1', 'dqvalue1')
    header.set('NAXIS', 2)
    header.set('NAXIS1', 88)
    header.set('NAXIS2', 212)

    result = CutoutResult(data, wcs=wcs)

    test_subject._post_sanitize_header(header, result)

    assert 'VALUE1' == header.get('REMAIN1'), 'REMAIN1 should still be there.'
예제 #3
def test_cd_pc_header_fix():
    test_subject = FITSHelper(io.BytesIO(), io.BytesIO())
    data = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)
    header = Header()
    wcs = WCS()
    header.set('NAXIS', 2)
    header.set('NAXIS1', 88)
    header.set('NAXIS2', 212)
    header.set('CD1_1', 44)
    header.set('CD1_2', 88)
    header.set('CD2_1', 22)
    header.set('CD2_2', 33)

    result = CutoutResult(data, wcs=wcs)

    test_subject._post_sanitize_header(header, result)

    assert not header.get('CD1_2'), 'CD1_2 should be renamed.'
    assert not header.get('CD1_1'), 'CD1_1 should be renamed.'
    assert 44 == header.get('PC1_1'), 'PC1_1 should be 44.'
    assert 33 == header.get('PC2_2'), 'PC2_2 should be 33.'
예제 #4
def test_pc_leading_zeroes_header_fix():
    test_subject = FITSHelper(io.BytesIO(), io.BytesIO())
    data = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)
    header = Header()
    wcs = WCS()
    header.set('NAXIS', 2)
    header.set('NAXIS1', 88)
    header.set('NAXIS2', 212)
    header.set('PC01_01', 44)
    header.set('PC01_02', 88)
    header.set('PC02_01', 22)
    header.set('PC02_02', 33)

    result = CutoutResult(data, wcs=wcs)

    test_subject._post_sanitize_header(header, result)

    assert not header.get('PC01_02'), 'PC01_02 should be renamed.'
    assert not header.get('PC01_01'), 'PC01_01 should be renamed.'
    assert 22 == header.get('PC2_1'), 'PC2_1 should be 22.'
    assert 88 == header.get('PC1_2'), 'PC1_2 should be 88.'
예제 #5
def test_post_sanitize_header_crpix():
    test_subject = FITSHelper(io.BytesIO(), io.BytesIO())
    data = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)
    header = Header()
    wcs = WCS(fix=False)
    header.set('REMAIN1', 'VALUE1')
    header.set('DQ1', 'dqvalue1')
    header.set('NAXIS', 2)
    header.set('NAXIS1', 88)
    header.set('NAXIS2', 212)
    header.set('CRPIX1', 77.0)
    header.set('WCSAXES', 2)
    header.set('CTYPE1', 'ctype1value')

    result = CutoutResult(data, wcs=wcs)

    assert header.index('WCSAXES') > header.index('CRPIX1'), \
        'Start with bad indexes...'

    test_subject._post_sanitize_header(header, result)

    assert 'VALUE1' == header.get('REMAIN1'), 'REMAIN1 should still be there.'