def _make_neg(what): """makes a negative shape to be cut out of the parent walls""" # this copies some logic in the eachpoint() function so that we can use each() which is safer base_plane = self.plane base = base_plane.location if isinstance(what, (cq.Vector, cq.Shape)): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what.Center()) elif isinstance(what, cq.Sketch): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what._faces.Center()) else: loc = what # fastener threaded holes # TODO: mark these holes as "M3-0.5 threaded" in the engineering drawing fhs = CQ().pushPoints(fhps).circle(fix_scr.tap_hole_diameters["Soft"] / 2).extrude(-wall_depth + pt_fix_wall_buffer) nwp = CQ().add(through_face) through = nwp.wires().toPending().extrude(-wall_depth) nwp2 = CQ().add(recess_face) recess = nwp2.wires().toPending().extrude(-part_thickness) neg = recess.union(through).union(fhs) return neg.findSolid().moved(base * loc)
def _make_pt(what): """build a passthrough component""" # this copies some logic in the eachpoint() function so that we can use each() which is safer base_plane = self.plane base = base_plane.location if isinstance(what, (cq.Vector, cq.Shape)): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what.Center()) elif isinstance(what, cq.Sketch): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what._faces.Center()) else: loc = what hardware = cadquery.Assembly() passthrough = CQ().add(passthrough_face) passthrough = passthrough.wires().toPending().extrude( -part_thickness) # extrude the bulk slotd = pcbt + 2 * min_gap passthrough = passthrough.workplane( centerOption="ProjectedOrigin").slot2D( length=board_width + slotd / 2, diameter=slotd, angle=0).cutThruAll() # cut the pcb slot # TODO: retool some geometry because this cutout could possibly interfere with the oring gland for thick PCBs # cut the oring groove cq.Workplane.mk_groove = groovy.mk_groove oring_path = o_face.outerWire().translate((0, 0, -part_thickness)) passthrough = passthrough.faces("<<Z").workplane( **u.copo).add(oring_path).toPending().mk_groove(ring_cs=oring_cs, hardware=hardware) # cut the fastening screw holes passthrough = passthrough.faces(">Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).pushPoints(fhps).clearanceHole(fix_scr, fit="Close", baseAssembly=hardware) # add the support towers in_post_length = wall_depth + board_inner_depth passthrough = passthrough.faces(">Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).sketch().push(sbpts).rect( *support_block).finalize().extrude(-in_post_length) passthrough = passthrough.faces(">Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).sketch().push(sbpts).rect( *support_block).finalize().extrude(board_outer_depth) # mount holes pcb_center_z = ((board_outer_depth) - (wall_depth + board_inner_depth)) / 2 passthrough = passthrough.faces("+Y").faces(">>Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, pcb_center_z)).rarray( board_width - 2 * pt_pcb_mount_hole_offset[1], board_inner_depth + board_outer_depth + wall_depth - 2 * pt_pcb_mount_hole_offset[0], 2, 2).clearanceHole(pcb_scr, fit="Close", counterSunk=False) passthrough = passthrough.edges("<<Z or >>Z").edges("|Y").fillet( pcb_corner) passthrough = passthrough.edges( "<<Z[-1] or <<Z[-2] or <<Z[-3] or >>Z[-1] or >>Z[-2] or >>Z[-3]" ).chamfer(0.5) if hw_asy is not None: hw_asy.add(hardware, loc=base * loc) return passthrough.findSolid().moved(base * loc)
def make_oringer( self: cq.Workplane, board_width: float = 84.12, board_inner_depth: float = 9.271, board_outer_depth: float = 9.271, part_thickness: float = 0, wall_depth: float = 0, screw="M3-0.5", pt_asy: cadquery.Assembly = None, pcb_asy: cadquery.Assembly = None, hw_asy: cadquery.Assembly = None, ) -> cq.Workplane: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if wall_depth == 0: # if depth is not given do our best to find it wall_depth = u.find_length(self, along="normal", bb_method=False) if part_thickness == 0: # if thickness is not given, use half the wall thickness part_thickness = wall_depth / 2 pcbt = 1.6 # pcb thickness washert = 0.5 # washer thickness screw_nominal_d = 3 screw_head_nominal_d = 6 # header specific for making the pin0 holes, probably doesn't belong here, but it's too convenient... non_notch_side_chunk_width = 0.381 # is 0.15 in non_chunk_con_width = 8.89 # is 0.35 in pin0_offsetx = non_chunk_con_width / 2 + non_notch_side_chunk_width + 2.54 / 2 pin0_offsety_25 = 2.54 * (25 - 1) / 2 pin0_offsety_20 = 2.54 * (20 - 1) / 2 pin0_holed = 1 p0pts = [ ] # the pin pin 1 points for the two connectors (for checking the correctness of the PCB designs) p0pts.append((pin0_offsety_25, pin0_offsetx)) p0pts.append((-pin0_offsety_20 + 2.5 * 2.54, -(wall_depth + pin0_offsetx))) block_width = 7 block_height_nominal = 6 support_block = (block_width, block_height_nominal - washert ) # actual support block (leaves room for washer) pcb_corner = 2 pt_pcb_mount_hole_offset = (4.445, block_width / 2) # from corners pcb_scr_len = 12 # SHP-M3-12-V2-A2, round(block_height_nominal + pcbt + 4) pt_fix_scr_len = 10 # SHK-M3-10-V2-A2, round(wall_depth * 0.8) pt_fix_wall_buffer = 1 # amount of wall to leave behind the threaded screw hole fix_scr = CounterSunkScrew(size=screw, fastener_type="iso14581", length=pt_fix_scr_len) pcb_scr = PanHeadScrew(size=screw, fastener_type="iso14583", length=pcb_scr_len) # washer = CheeseHeadWasher(size=screw, fastener_type="iso7092") # nylock nut = HNN-M3-A2 oring_cs = 1 # oring thickness min_radius = oring_cs * 3 # min inner bend radius min_wall = 0.8 # walls should not be mfg'd thinner than this min_gap = 0.25 # cutting tolerances prevent smaller gaps between things gland_width = groovy.get_gland_width(oring_cs) # effective_gland_width = (round(gland_width * 100) + 1) / 100 # rounded up to the nearest 0.01mm #"Using {effective_gland_width=}") # some important radii for construction to ensure we don't overbend the o-ring minr1 = min_radius - min_wall minr2 = min_radius + min_wall + gland_width # actual support block centers sbpts = [] sbx = board_width / 2 - block_width / 2 sby = ((-pcbt / 2 - washert) + (-pcbt / 2 - block_height_nominal)) / 2 sbpts.append((sbx, sby)) sbpts.append((-sbx, sby)) in_off = minr1 * 2**-0.5 - min_gap * 2**0.5 / 2 # exact inward offset to get min_gap spacing with minr1 fillets ffo = minr1 * (1 - 2**-0.5) + min_gap * (2**0.5 / 2) co_tw = minr1 * 2 + min_gap # width of the thin part of the cutout (so that the cutting tool can easily fit) max_slot_y = ffo + pcbt + block_height_nominal + ffo # width at the slot at its max if co_tw > max_slot_y: co_tw = max_slot_y scy = -pcbt / 2 - block_height_nominal + in_off # y coordinate for the inner, small radius circle scx = board_width / 2 - block_width + in_off # small, inner circle x value tcy = pcbt / 2 - in_off # top circles center y value tcx = board_width / 2 - in_off # top circles center c values tcpts = [] # top circle points tcpts.append((tcx, tcy)) tcpts.append((-tcx, tcy)) ocpts1 = [] # outer circle points for positive x ocpts1.append((tcx, tcy)) ocpts1.append((tcx, scy)) ocpts2 = [] # outer circle points for negative x ocpts2.append((-tcx, tcy)) ocpts2.append((-tcx, scy)) bcpts1 = [] # bottom circle points for positive x bcpts1.append((tcx, scy)) bcpts1.append((scx, scy)) bcpts2 = [] # bottom circle points for negative x bcpts2.append((-tcx, scy)) bcpts2.append((-scx, scy)) icpts1 = [] # inner circle points for positive x icpts1.append((scx, scy)) icpts1.append((scx, tcy)) icpts2 = [] # inner circle points for negative x icpts2.append((-scx, scy)) icpts2.append((-scx, tcy)) swp = CQ().sketch() # need support block shapes to fill in gaps swp.push(sbpts).rect(*support_block) # the fillets at the bottom collide and should be unified with a circle, but the ones at the sides don't if (2 * minr1 > 2 * ffo + block_width) and (2 * minr1 < max_slot_y): scx = board_width / 2 - block_width / 2 # new center point for circles tcpts = [] # top circle points tcpts.append((scx, tcy)) tcpts.append((-scx, tcy)) ocpts1 = [] # outer circle points for positive x ocpts1.append((scx, tcy)) ocpts1.append((scx, scy)) ocpts2 = [] # outer circle points for negative x ocpts2.append((-scx, tcy)) ocpts2.append((-scx, scy)) # make the right circle hull swp.push(ocpts1).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="c").reset().edges(tag="c").hull().clean().reset() # make the left circle hull swp.push(ocpts2).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="d").reset().edges(tag="d").hull().clean().reset() # the fillets at the side collide and should be unified with a circle elif 2 * minr1 >= max_slot_y: cpts = [] # center points for new circles scy = (pcbt / 2 + (-pcbt / 2 - block_height_nominal)) / 2 tcpts = [] # top circle points tcpts.append((tcx, scy)) tcpts.append((-tcx, scy)) # normal case, no fillets collide else: # make the right outer circle hull swp.push(ocpts1).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="c").reset().edges(tag="c").hull().clean().reset() # make the left outer circle hull swp.push(ocpts2).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="d").reset().edges(tag="d").hull().clean().reset() # make the right bottom circle hull swp.push(bcpts1).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="e").reset().edges(tag="e").hull().clean().reset() # make the left bottom circle hull swp.push(bcpts2).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="f").reset().edges(tag="f").hull().clean().reset() bcy = pcbt / 2 + ffo - (co_tw + minr2 ) # y coordinate for the large radius circle # make the top circle hull swp.push(tcpts).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="g").reset().edges(tag="g").hull().clean().reset() # do all the big circle stuff only if the outer fillets haven't merged if not (2 * minr1 > max_slot_y): o = scy - bcy # opposite triangle side length (along y) h = minr2 + minr1 # hypotenuse if o < 0: # the circles have moved apart: big one above small one (and the trig breaks) a = h elif o > h: # the circles have moved apart (and the trig breaks) a = h # adjacent (along x) else: a = h * math.cos(math.asin(o / h)) # a = o/math.tan(math.asin(o/h)) # adjacent (along x) bcx = scx - a # big circle x # bcy = pcbt/2+ffo-(co_tw+minr2) bcpts = [] bcpts.append((-bcx, bcy)) bcpts.append((bcx, bcy)) swp.push([(-scx, scy), (scx, scy)]).circle(minr1).clean().reset() if o < 0: # the circles have moved apart: big one above small one scy = bcy if 2 * minr1 < 2 * ffo + block_width: # the bottom fillets haven't merged # make the left inner circle hull swp.push(icpts1).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="h").reset().edges(tag="h").hull().clean().reset() # make the right inner circle hull swp.push(icpts2).circle( minr1, mode="c", tag="i").reset().edges(tag="i").hull().clean().reset() swp.polygon([(-bcx, bcy), (bcx, bcy), (scx, scy), (scx, 0), (-scx, 0), (-scx, scy), (-bcx, bcy)]).clean().reset() swp.push(bcpts).circle( minr2, mode="s").clean().reset() # cut away the large circles swp.push([(0, bcy)]).rect( 2 * bcx, minr2 * 2, mode="s").clean().reset() # cut away the space between the circles through_face = swp.finalize().extrude(-1).faces( ">>Z").val() # get just the face for the through cut swp = swp.wires().offset(min_wall + gland_width / 2).clean().reset() # inner edge of ogland o_face = swp.finalize().extrude(-1).faces( ">>Z").val() # get just the face for the oring path wire # passthrough face pfw = min_wall + gland_width + min_wall + ffo + board_width + ffo + min_wall + gland_width + min_wall # passthrough face width pfha = min_wall + gland_width + min_wall + screw_nominal_d + ( screw_head_nominal_d / 2 - screw_nominal_d / 2) + min_wall # passthrough face height above cutout top edge pfhb1 = co_tw + min_wall + gland_width + min_wall + screw_nominal_d + ( screw_head_nominal_d / 2 - screw_nominal_d / 2) + min_wall # passthrough face height below cutout top edge pfhb2 = ffo + pcbt + block_height_nominal + ffo + min_wall + gland_width + min_wall # passthrough face height below cutout top edge if limited by support block clearance if pfhb2 > pfhb1: # if the part below the support blocks would be lower, use that to determine the face height pfhb = pfhb2 else: pfhb = pfhb1 pfha_pcb = pfha + pcbt / 2 + ffo # passthrough face height above PCB middle pfh = pfha + pfhb # passthrough face height pfx = 0 pfy = -pfh / 2 + pfha_pcb pf_ctr = (pfx, pfy) # passthrough face center pfdim = (pfw, pfh) # passthrough face dims pf_fillets = 5 # fillets to corners of passthrough face pfwp = CQ().sketch() # make passthrough face sketch workplane pfwp = pfwp.push([pf_ctr]).rect(*pfdim).reset() pfwp = pfwp.vertices().fillet(pf_fillets).clean().reset() # swp = swp.wires().offset(gland_width / 2 + min_wall).clean().reset() # edge of passthrough part # + screw_nominal_d + (screw_head_nominal_d / 2 - screw_nominal_d / 2) + min_wall passthrough_face = pfwp.finalize().extrude(-1).faces( ">>Z").val() # get just the face for the passthrough part pfwp = pfwp.wires().offset(min_gap).clean().reset() # edge of recess_cut recess_face = pfwp.finalize().extrude(-1).faces( ">>Z").val() # get just the face for the recess # fastening screw hole points fhps = [] fhps.append(((board_width - 2 * block_width / 2) / 2, pcbt / 2 + ffo + min_wall + gland_width + min_wall + fix_scr.clearance_hole_diameters["Close"] / 2)) fhps.append((-(board_width - 2 * block_width / 2) / 2, pcbt / 2 + ffo + min_wall + gland_width + min_wall + fix_scr.clearance_hole_diameters["Close"] / 2)) fhps.append((bcx, pcbt / 2 + ffo - co_tw - min_wall - gland_width - min_wall - fix_scr.clearance_hole_diameters["Close"] / 2)) fhps.append((-bcx, pcbt / 2 + ffo - co_tw - min_wall - gland_width - min_wall - fix_scr.clearance_hole_diameters["Close"] / 2)) def _make_pcb(what): """build the actual passthrough PCB""" # this copies some logic in the eachpoint() function so that we can use each() which is safer base_plane = self.plane base = base_plane.location if isinstance(what, (cq.Vector, cq.Shape)): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what.Center()) elif isinstance(what, cq.Sketch): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what._faces.Center()) else: loc = what pcb = CQ().workplane(offset=-wall_depth - board_inner_depth) pcb = pcb.rect(board_width, pcbt).extrude(until=board_inner_depth + wall_depth + board_outer_depth) pcb = pcb.edges("|Y").fillet(pcb_corner) # put in screws with holes hardware = cadquery.Assembly() pcb = pcb.faces(">Y").workplane(**u.cobb).rarray( board_width - 2 * block_width / 2, board_inner_depth + board_outer_depth + wall_depth - 2 * pt_pcb_mount_hole_offset[0], 2, 2).clearanceHole(pcb_scr, fit="Close", counterSunk=False, baseAssembly=hardware) if hw_asy is not None: hw_asy.add(hardware, loc=base * loc) # put in pin0 holes pcb = pcb.faces(">Y").workplane(**u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).pushPoints(p0pts).circle( pin0_holed / 2).cutThruAll() return pcb.findSolid().moved(base * loc) def _make_pt(what): """build a passthrough component""" # this copies some logic in the eachpoint() function so that we can use each() which is safer base_plane = self.plane base = base_plane.location if isinstance(what, (cq.Vector, cq.Shape)): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what.Center()) elif isinstance(what, cq.Sketch): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what._faces.Center()) else: loc = what hardware = cadquery.Assembly() passthrough = CQ().add(passthrough_face) passthrough = passthrough.wires().toPending().extrude( -part_thickness) # extrude the bulk slotd = pcbt + 2 * min_gap passthrough = passthrough.workplane( centerOption="ProjectedOrigin").slot2D( length=board_width + slotd / 2, diameter=slotd, angle=0).cutThruAll() # cut the pcb slot # TODO: retool some geometry because this cutout could possibly interfere with the oring gland for thick PCBs # cut the oring groove cq.Workplane.mk_groove = groovy.mk_groove oring_path = o_face.outerWire().translate((0, 0, -part_thickness)) passthrough = passthrough.faces("<<Z").workplane( **u.copo).add(oring_path).toPending().mk_groove(ring_cs=oring_cs, hardware=hardware) # cut the fastening screw holes passthrough = passthrough.faces(">Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).pushPoints(fhps).clearanceHole(fix_scr, fit="Close", baseAssembly=hardware) # add the support towers in_post_length = wall_depth + board_inner_depth passthrough = passthrough.faces(">Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).sketch().push(sbpts).rect( *support_block).finalize().extrude(-in_post_length) passthrough = passthrough.faces(">Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, 0)).sketch().push(sbpts).rect( *support_block).finalize().extrude(board_outer_depth) # mount holes pcb_center_z = ((board_outer_depth) - (wall_depth + board_inner_depth)) / 2 passthrough = passthrough.faces("+Y").faces(">>Z").workplane( **u.copo, origin=(0, 0, pcb_center_z)).rarray( board_width - 2 * pt_pcb_mount_hole_offset[1], board_inner_depth + board_outer_depth + wall_depth - 2 * pt_pcb_mount_hole_offset[0], 2, 2).clearanceHole(pcb_scr, fit="Close", counterSunk=False) passthrough = passthrough.edges("<<Z or >>Z").edges("|Y").fillet( pcb_corner) passthrough = passthrough.edges( "<<Z[-1] or <<Z[-2] or <<Z[-3] or >>Z[-1] or >>Z[-2] or >>Z[-3]" ).chamfer(0.5) if hw_asy is not None: hw_asy.add(hardware, loc=base * loc) return passthrough.findSolid().moved(base * loc) def _make_neg(what): """makes a negative shape to be cut out of the parent walls""" # this copies some logic in the eachpoint() function so that we can use each() which is safer base_plane = self.plane base = base_plane.location if isinstance(what, (cq.Vector, cq.Shape)): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what.Center()) elif isinstance(what, cq.Sketch): loc = base.inverse * cq.Location(base_plane, what._faces.Center()) else: loc = what # fastener threaded holes # TODO: mark these holes as "M3-0.5 threaded" in the engineering drawing fhs = CQ().pushPoints(fhps).circle(fix_scr.tap_hole_diameters["Soft"] / 2).extrude(-wall_depth + pt_fix_wall_buffer) nwp = CQ().add(through_face) through = nwp.wires().toPending().extrude(-wall_depth) nwp2 = CQ().add(recess_face) recess = nwp2.wires().toPending().extrude(-part_thickness) neg = recess.union(through).union(fhs) return neg.findSolid().moved(base * loc) rslt = self.each(_make_neg, useLocalCoordinates=False, combine="cut", clean=True) # pass out the passthrough geometry if pt_asy is not None: passthroughs = self.each(_make_pt, useLocalCoordinates=False, combine=False).vals() for i, passthrough in enumerate(passthroughs): pt_asy.add(passthrough.Solids()[0], name=f"passthrough {i}") # pass out the pcb geometry if pcb_asy is not None: # pcbs = self.eachpoint(lambda loc: _make_pcb().moved(loc), useLocalCoordinates=True, combine=False).vals() pcbs = self.each(_make_pcb, useLocalCoordinates=False, combine=False).vals() for i, pcb in enumerate(pcbs): pcb_asy.add(pcb.Solids()[0], name=f"pcb {i}") return rslt