ax1.set_yticks(labels) ax1.set_yticklabels(labels) ax1.set_ybound((400, 1000)) xlims = convertTempToSkew([-10, 30], 1.e3, skew) ax1.set_xbound((xlims[0], xlims[1])) ax1.set_title('littlerock sounding, %s' %var_names[3]) fig1.canvas.draw() #get user inputed coords to draw moist adiabat #ginput(1) returns a list with a tuple containing the coords coords = plt.ginput(1)[0] thePress = coords[1] theTemp = convertSkewToTemp(coords[0], thePress, skew) thetaeVal = thetaes(theTemp + c.Tc, thePress*100) #pressVals in Pa, tempVals in K pressVals, tempVals = calcAdiabat(thePress*100, thetaeVal, 400*100) xtemp = convertTempToSkew(tempVals - c.Tc, pressVals*1e-2, skew) #plot the adiabat plt.semilogy(xtemp, pressVals*1e-2, 'r', linewidth=3) #press must have unique values newPress = nudgePress(press) #interpolators return temp. in deg C given pressure in hPa #newPress must be in increasing order #env. temp. interpolator interpTenv = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], temp[::-1]) #dew point temp. interpolator interpTdenv = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], dewpt[::-1]) #test the interpolator trytemp = interpTenv(pressVals*1e-2) tryxtemp = convertTempToSkew(trytemp, pressVals*1e-2, skew)
plt.xlabel('temperature (deg C)') plt.figure(2) skew, ax2 = convecSkew(2) xtemp=convertTempToSkew(temp,press,skew) xdew=convertTempToSkew(dewpoint,press,skew) plt.semilogy(xtemp,press,'g-',linewidth=4) plt.semilogy(xdew,press,'b-',linewidth=4) #use 900 hPa sounding level for adiabat #array.argmin() finds the index of the min. value of array p900_level = np.abs(900 - press).argmin() thetaeVal=thetaep(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc,temp[p900_level] + c.Tc,press[p900_level]*100.) pressVals,tempVals =calcAdiabat(press[p900_level]*100.,thetaeVal,200.e2) xTemp=convertTempToSkew(tempVals - c.Tc,pressVals*1.e-2,skew) p900_adiabat = plt.semilogy(xTemp,pressVals*1.e-2,'r-',linewidth=4) xleft=convertTempToSkew(-20,1.e3,skew) xright=convertTempToSkew(25.,1.e3,skew) # #interpolator fails if two pressure values are the same # newPress = nudge(press) #independent variable used to interpolate must be in increasing order #pVals must be in hPa interpTenv = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], temp[::-1]) interpTdenv = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], dewpoint[::-1]) interpDirec = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], direct[::-1]) interpSpeed = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], speed[::-1])