예제 #1
    def new_model_distribution(v):
        # The x values have been updated so get a new distribution.
        # If the x value has not been changed and C is set to None
        # and N = I then the mean of the distribution will be the 
        # v.V_model
        A = generate_m_proj(v)
        N = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
        C = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
        d = split_re_im(v.V_obs)
        V = split_re_im(v.get_calibrated_visibilities())

        if C is None:
            inv_C = np.zeros((v.nvis*2, v.nvis*2))
            inv_C = inv(C)
        term1 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A))
        dist_covariance = inv(term1+inv_C)
        term2 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), d)+np.dot(inv_C, V))
        dist_mean = np.dot(dist_covariance, term2)
        sigma_1 = inv(np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A)))
        mu_1 = np.dot(inv(A), d)
        sigma_2 = C
        mu_2 = V
        dist_mean = np.dot(np.dot(sigma_2, inv(sigma_1+sigma_2)), mu_1)+np.dot(np.dot(sigma_1, inv(sigma_1+sigma_2)), mu_2)
        dist_covariance = np.dot(sigma_1, np.dot(inv(sigma_1+sigma_2), sigma_2))

        return dist_mean, dist_covariance
예제 #2
def sample_x():
    v = VisSim(4, random_seed=99)
    # Replace the simulated x with GLS solved x which conforms to
    # the degrees of freedom. One maginary value will be 0.
    # The sampling will also conform to this.
    v.x = gls_solve(v)
    # Setup sampling matrices

    S = None  # np.eye(v.nant*2-1)
    A, where = reduce_dof(generate_proj(v.g_bar, v.V_model), True)
    N = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
    d = split_re_im(v.get_reduced_observed())

    num = 10000
    all_x = np.zeros((num, v.nant*2-1))

    # Take num samples 
    for i in range(num):
        all_x[i] = sample(S, N, A, d)
    # Provide information about the set of samples
    s, var = expected_sample_stats(S, N, A, d)
    print("Expected sampler solution for x", unsplit_re_im(restore_x(s, where)))
    print("Original x", v.x)

    print("Best x vectors")
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogramdd(all_x, bins=10)
    ind = np.where(hist == hist.max())
    for j in range(len(ind[0])):
        x = np.zeros(len(ind))
        for i in range(len(ind)):
            x[i] = (bin_edges[i][ind[i][j]+1]+bin_edges[i][ind[i][j]])/2

    print("Sample stats")
    sample_stats("x", all_x)

    # Make corner plot of samples
    labels = [ r"$re(x_"+str(i)+")$" for i in range(all_x.shape[1]) ]
    figure = corner.corner(all_x, labels=labels, show_titles=True, use_math_text=True, labelpad=0.2)

    # Overplot GLS solution
    # Extract the axes
    axes = np.array(figure.axes).reshape((v.nant*2-1, v.nant*2-1))

    # Loop over the diagonal
    orig_x = split_re_im(v.x)
    for i in range(v.nant*2-1):
        ax = axes[i, i]
        ax.axvline(orig_x[i], color="r", linewidth=0.5)

예제 #3
def sample_model():
    v = VisSim(4, random_seed=99)
    # Setup sampling matrices

    A = np.diag(split_re_im(v.get_baseline_gains()))
    N = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
    C = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
    d = split_re_im(v.V_obs)
    V = split_re_im(v.V_model)
    term1 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A))
    dist_covariance = inv(term1+inv(C))
    term2 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), d))+np.dot(inv(C), V)
    dist_mean = np.dot(dist_covariance, term2)

    num = 10000
    all_v = np.random.multivariate_normal(dist_mean, dist_covariance, num)
    # Provide information about the set of samples
    print("Expected sampler solution for model", dist_mean)
    print("Original model", v.V_model)

    print("Best model vectors")
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogramdd(all_v, bins=10)
    ind = np.where(hist == hist.max())
    for j in range(len(ind[0])):
        v = np.zeros(len(ind))
        for i in range(len(ind)):
            v[i] = (bin_edges[i][ind[i][j]+1]+bin_edges[i][ind[i][j]])/2

    print("Sample stats")
    sample_stats("model", all_v)

    # Make corner plot of samples
    labels = [ r"$re(V_model_{"+str(i)+"})$" for i in range(all_v.shape[1]) ]
    figure = corner.corner(all_v, labels=labels, show_titles=True, use_math_text=True, labelpad=0.2)

    # Overplot GLS solution
    # Extract the axes
    axes = np.array(figure.axes).reshape((v.nvis*2, v.nvis*2))

    # Loop over the diagonal
    orig_v = split_re_im(v.V_model)
    for i in range(v.nvis*2):
        ax = axes[i, i]
        ax.axvline(orig_v[i], color="r", linewidth=0.5)

예제 #4
def estimate_variance(perturb_percent, perturb_this, level):
    Find the variance between the observed visibilities, and visibilities
    obtained from model times gains, after something has been perturbed.
    The variance used in the likelihood is important. This function
    simualtes lots of visivilities using the perturbation that is to be
    used for mcmc, gets all the differences (dy) and calculates the variance
    of them. This is then used when the likelihood is calculated. 
    perturb_percent : float
        Perturb values by this percentage.
    perturb_this: str
        What to perturb. Currently "vis" or "gains".
        The variance on real and imag values.
    nant = 1000
    if perturb_percent == 0: return 1e2
    # Generate lots of simulated visibilities from simulated
    # model, gains, gain offets
    vis_values = VisSim(nant, level=level)
    # Perturb values and calculate the difference between observed
    # visibilities and the originals.
    if perturb_this == "vis":
        vis_values = perturb_vis(vis_values, perturb_percent)
        vis_values = perturb_gains(vis_values, perturb_percent)

    all_dy_values = vis_values.V_obs-vis_values.get_simulated_visibilities()
    return np.mean(np.abs(split_re_im(all_dy_values)**2))    
예제 #5
    def new_x_distribution(v):
        # The model has been updated so get a new distribution.
        # If S is set to None and the model is never changed then
        # the mean of the x distribution will be the GLS solution.

        A, where = reduce_dof(generate_proj(v.g_bar, v.V_model), True)  # depends on model
        N = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
        d = split_re_im(v.get_reduced_observed())                       # depends on model
        S = np.eye(A.shape[1])*1e-8

        if S is None:
            inv_S = np.zeros((A.shape[1], A.shape[1]))
            inv_S = inv(S)
        term1 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A))
        term2 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), d))
        dist_mean = np.dot(inv(inv_S+term1), term2)
        dist_covariance = inv(inv_S+term1)

        return dist_mean, dist_covariance, where
예제 #6
def gls_solve(vis):
    Calculate the generalised least-squares solution for the gain fluctuations. 
    The model is V_ij ~ \bar{g}_i \bar{g}_j V_ij^model (1 + x_i + x_j).
    The x values will be updated in vis.
    vis: VisSim, VisCal, or VisTrue object

    if vis.level != "approx":
        raise RuntimeError(
            "GLS can only operate on offsets used approximately")

    # Convert the variances into an expanded diagonal array
    Ninv = inv(np.diag(np.repeat(vis.obs_variance, 2)))

    # Generate projection matrix
    proj = generate_proj(vis.g_bar, vis.V_model)

    # Now remove a column from the proj matrix, which will reduce the
    # number of x values found by 1. This removes a degree of freedom
    # so a solution can be found.
    proj, where_cut = reduce_dof(proj, True)

    inv_cov = gls_inv_covariance(proj, Ninv)

    #print("RMS", rms(np.dot(Ninv, data)), rms(np.dot(proj.T, np.dot(Ninv, data))))
    # Calculate GLS solution

    xhat = np.dot(
        np.dot(proj.T, np.dot(Ninv, split_re_im(vis.get_reduced_observed()))))

    # Restore the missing x value and set it to zero. Form complex numbers and update vis.
    return unsplit_re_im(restore_x(xhat, where_cut))
예제 #7
def gibbs():
    def new_x_distribution(v):
        # The model has been updated so get a new distribution.
        # If S is set to None and the model is never changed then
        # the mean of the x distribution will be the GLS solution.

        A, where = reduce_dof(generate_proj(v.g_bar, v.V_model), True)  # depends on model
        N = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
        d = split_re_im(v.get_reduced_observed())                       # depends on model
        S = np.eye(A.shape[1])*1e-8

        if S is None:
            inv_S = np.zeros((A.shape[1], A.shape[1]))
            inv_S = inv(S)
        term1 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A))
        term2 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), d))
        dist_mean = np.dot(inv(inv_S+term1), term2)
        dist_covariance = inv(inv_S+term1)

        return dist_mean, dist_covariance, where
    def separate_terms(gi, gj, xi, xj):
        Form 2-D matrix that can be multiplied by re(model), im(model)
        to give re(V_obs), im(V_obs)

        a = gi.real
        b = gi.imag
        c = gj.real
        d = gj.imag
        e = xi.real
        f = xi.imag
        g = xj.real
        h = xj.imag
        return a*c+b*d + a*c*e+b*d*e-b*c*f+a*d*f + a*c*g+b*d*g+b*c*h-a*d*h, \
                -(b*c-a*d) -(a*c*f+b*d*f+b*c*e-a*d*e) - (-a*c*h-b*d*h+b*c*g-a*d*g)
    def generate_m_proj(vis):
        proj = np.zeros((vis.nvis*2, vis.nvis*2))
        k = 0
        for i in range(vis.nant):
            for j in range(i+1, vis.nant):
                term1, term2 = separate_terms(vis.g_bar[i], vis.g_bar[j], vis.x[i], vis.x[j])
                # Put them in the right place in the bigger matrix
                proj[k*2, k*2] = term1
                proj[k*2, k*2+1] = term2
                proj[k*2+1, k*2] = -term2
                proj[k*2+1, k*2+1] = term1
                k += 1
        # Test - first line equal to second
        #print(np.dot(proj, split_re_im(vis.V_model))); exit()
        return proj
    def new_model_distribution(v):
        # The x values have been updated so get a new distribution.
        # If the x value has not been changed and C is set to None
        # and N = I then the mean of the distribution will be the 
        # v.V_model
        A = generate_m_proj(v)
        N = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
        C = np.diag(np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
        d = split_re_im(v.V_obs)
        V = split_re_im(v.get_calibrated_visibilities())

        if C is None:
            inv_C = np.zeros((v.nvis*2, v.nvis*2))
            inv_C = inv(C)
        term1 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A))
        dist_covariance = inv(term1+inv_C)
        term2 = np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), d)+np.dot(inv_C, V))
        dist_mean = np.dot(dist_covariance, term2)
        sigma_1 = inv(np.dot(A.T, np.dot(inv(N), A)))
        mu_1 = np.dot(inv(A), d)
        sigma_2 = C
        mu_2 = V
        dist_mean = np.dot(np.dot(sigma_2, inv(sigma_1+sigma_2)), mu_1)+np.dot(np.dot(sigma_1, inv(sigma_1+sigma_2)), mu_2)
        dist_covariance = np.dot(sigma_1, np.dot(inv(sigma_1+sigma_2), sigma_2))

        return dist_mean, dist_covariance
    v = VisSim(4, random_seed=99)
    # Replace the simulated x with GLS solved x which conforms to
    # the degrees of freedom. One imaginary value will be 0.
    # The sampling will also conform to this.
    v.x = gls_solve(v)
    print("orig x", v.x)
    print("orig model", v.V_model)
    orig_v = copy.deepcopy(v)

    num = 40000

    all_x = np.zeros((num, v.nant*2-1))       # -1 because there'll be a missing imaginary value
    all_model = np.zeros((num, v.nvis*2))
    v_x_sampling = copy.deepcopy(v)      
    v_model_sampling = copy.deepcopy(v) 
    new_x_sample = v_model_sampling.x         # Initialize
    # Take num samples
    for i in range(num):
        # Use the sampled x to change the model sampling distribution, and take a sample
        v_model_sampling.x = new_x_sample
        v_dist_mean, v_dist_covariance = new_model_distribution(v_model_sampling)
        all_model[i] = np.random.multivariate_normal(v_dist_mean, v_dist_covariance, 1)
        new_model_sample = unsplit_re_im(all_model[i])
        # Use the sampled model to change the x sampling distribution, and take a sample
        v_x_sampling.V_model = new_model_sample
        x_dist_mean, x_dist_covariance, which_im_cut = new_x_distribution(v_x_sampling)
        all_x[i] = np.random.multivariate_normal(x_dist_mean, x_dist_covariance, 1)  
        new_x_sample = unsplit_re_im(restore_x(all_x[i], which_im_cut))
    all_data = np.hstack((all_x, all_model))
    # Get log poseterior evaluate interpret similar to chi2
    # Plot compare plot of true vis vs sampled vis      (V_obs)
    print("Sample stats")
    sample_stats("x", all_x)
    sample_stats("model", all_model)
    print("N:", np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
    print("C:", np.repeat(v.obs_variance, 2))
    print("S:", 1e-4)
    # Plot traces
    for i in range(all_model.shape[1]):
        plt.plot(all_model[:, i], linewidth=0.06)

    # Plot x dist
    labels = [ r"$re(x_"+str(i)+")$" for i in range(all_x.shape[1]) ]
    figure = corner.corner(all_x, labels=labels, show_titles=True, use_math_text=True, labelpad=0.2)

    # Overplot GLS solution
    # Extract the axes
    axes = np.array(figure.axes).reshape((v.nant*2-1, v.nant*2-1))

    # Loop over the diagonal
    orig_x = split_re_im(orig_v.x)
    for i in range(v.nant*2-1):
        ax = axes[i, i]
        ax.axvline(orig_x[i], color="r", linewidth=0.5)

    # Plot model dist
    # Make corner plot of samples
    labels = [ r"$re(V_{model}{"+str(i)+"})$" for i in range(all_model.shape[1]) ]

    figure = corner.corner(all_model, labels=labels, show_titles=True, use_math_text=True, labelpad=0.2)

    # Overplot GLS solution
    # Extract the axes
    axes = np.array(figure.axes).reshape((v.nvis*2, v.nvis*2))

    # Loop over the diagonal
    orig_model = split_re_im(orig_v.V_model)
    for i in range(v.nvis*2):
        ax = axes[i, i]
        ax.axvline(orig_model[i], color="r", linewidth=0.5)

    # Plot all dist
    labels = [ r"$re(x_"+str(i)+")$" for i in range(all_x.shape[1]) ] + [ r"$re(V_{model}{"+str(i)+"})$" for i in range(all_model.shape[1]) ]
    figure = corner.corner(all_data, labels=labels, show_titles=True, use_math_text=True, labelpad=0.2)

    # Overplot GLS solution
    # Extract the axes
    #axes = np.array(figure.axes).reshape((v.nant*2-1, v.nant*2-1))

    # Loop over the diagonal
    #orig_x = split_re_im(orig_v.x)
    #for i in range(v.nant*2-1):
    #    ax = axes[i, i]
    #    ax.axvline(orig_x[i], color="r", linewidth=0.5)


    f = open("gibbs_sampling.html", "w")
    f.write("Gibbs sampled x<p><img src=gibbs_x_dist.png width=1200>\n<p>")
    f.write("Gibbs sampled model<p><img src=gibbs_model_dist.png width=1200>\n")
    f.write("Gibbs sampled all<p><img src=gibbs_all_dist.png width=1200>\n<p>")
    for i in range(all_model.shape[1]):
        f.write("Trace<p><img src=model_trace_"+str(i)+".png width=1200>\n")
    plt.hist(all_x[:, 0])
    # Get the peak of the distributions and see if it creates V_obs
    best_x = np.array([ np.mean(all_x[:, i]) for i in range(all_x.shape[1]) ])
    best_model = np.array([ np.mean(all_model[:, i]) for i in range(all_model.shape[1]) ])
    print(best_x, orig_v.x)
    print(best_model, orig_v.V_model)
    v.x = unsplit_re_im(restore_x(best_x, 0))
    v.V_model = unsplit_re_im(best_model)