예제 #1
def parse_html(markup):
    from calibre.ebooks.chardet import strip_encoding_declarations, xml_to_unicode, substitute_entites
    from calibre.utils.cleantext import clean_xml_chars
    if isinstance(markup, unicode_type):
        markup = strip_encoding_declarations(markup)
        markup = substitute_entites(markup)
        markup = xml_to_unicode(markup, strip_encoding_pats=True, resolve_entities=True)[0]
    markup = clean_xml_chars(markup)
    from html5_parser.soup import parse
    return parse(markup, return_root=False)
예제 #2
def smarten_punctuation(html, log=None):
    from calibre.utils.smartypants import smartyPants
    from calibre.ebooks.chardet import substitute_entites
    from calibre.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor
    preprocessor = HeuristicProcessor(log=log)
    from uuid import uuid4
    start = 'calibre-smartypants-'+str(uuid4())
    stop = 'calibre-smartypants-'+str(uuid4())
    html = html.replace('<!--', start)
    html = html.replace('-->', stop)
    html = preprocessor.fix_nbsp_indents(html)
    html = smartyPants(html)
    html = html.replace(start, '<!--')
    html = html.replace(stop, '-->')
    return substitute_entites(html)
예제 #3
def smarten_punctuation(html, log):
    from calibre.utils.smartypants import smartyPants
    from calibre.ebooks.chardet import substitute_entites
    from calibre.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor
    preprocessor = HeuristicProcessor(log=log)
    from uuid import uuid4
    start = 'calibre-smartypants-' + str(uuid4())
    stop = 'calibre-smartypants-' + str(uuid4())
    html = html.replace('<!--', start)
    html = html.replace('-->', stop)
    html = preprocessor.fix_nbsp_indents(html)
    html = smartyPants(html)
    html = html.replace(start, '<!--')
    html = html.replace(stop, '-->')
    # convert ellipsis to entities to prevent wrapping
    html = re.sub(r'(?u)(?<=\w)\s?(\.\s?){2}\.', '&hellip;', html)
    # convert double dashes to em-dash
    html = re.sub(r'\s--\s', u'\u2014', html)
    return substitute_entites(html)
예제 #4
def smarten_punctuation(html, log):
    from calibre.utils.smartypants import smartyPants
    from calibre.ebooks.chardet import substitute_entites
    from calibre.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor
    preprocessor = HeuristicProcessor(log=log)
    from uuid import uuid4
    start = 'calibre-smartypants-'+str(uuid4())
    stop = 'calibre-smartypants-'+str(uuid4())
    html = html.replace('<!--', start)
    html = html.replace('-->', stop)
    html = preprocessor.fix_nbsp_indents(html)
    html = smartyPants(html)
    html = html.replace(start, '<!--')
    html = html.replace(stop, '-->')
    # convert ellipsis to entities to prevent wrapping
    html = re.sub(r'(?u)(?<=\w)\s?(\.\s?){2}\.', '&hellip;', html)
    # convert double dashes to em-dash
    html = re.sub(r'\s--\s', u'\u2014', html)
    return substitute_entites(html)
예제 #5
def smarten_punctuation(html, log):
    from calibre.utils.smartypants import smartyPants
    from calibre.ebooks.chardet import substitute_entites
    from calibre.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor

    preprocessor = HeuristicProcessor(log=log)
    from uuid import uuid4

    start = "calibre-smartypants-" + str(uuid4())
    stop = "calibre-smartypants-" + str(uuid4())
    html = html.replace("<!--", start)
    html = html.replace("-->", stop)
    html = preprocessor.fix_nbsp_indents(html)
    html = smartyPants(html)
    html = html.replace(start, "<!--")
    html = html.replace(stop, "-->")
    # convert ellipsis to entities to prevent wrapping
    html = re.sub(r"(?u)(?<=\w)\s?(\.\s?){2}\.", "&hellip;", html)
    # convert double dashes to em-dash
    html = re.sub(r"\s--\s", u"\u2014", html)
    return substitute_entites(html)