def run_text_search(search, current_editor, current_editor_name, searchable_names, gui_parent, show_editor, edit_file): try: pat = get_search_regex(search) except InvalidRegex as e: return error_dialog(gui_parent, _('Invalid regex'), '<p>' + _( 'The regular expression you entered is invalid: <pre>{0}</pre>With error: {1}').format( prepare_string_for_xml(e.regex), error_message(e)), show=True) editor, where, files, do_all, marked = initialize_search_request(search, 'count', current_editor, current_editor_name, searchable_names) with BusyCursor(): if editor is not None: if editor.find_text(pat): return True if not files and editor.find_text(pat, wrap=True): return True for fname, syntax in iteritems(files): ed = editors.get(fname, None) if ed is not None: if ed.find_text(pat, complete=True): show_editor(fname) return True else: root = current_container().parsed(fname) if hasattr(root, 'xpath'): raw = tostring(root, method='text', encoding='unicode', with_tail=True) else: raw = current_container().raw_data(fname) if is not None: edit_file(fname, syntax) if editors[fname].find_text(pat, complete=True): return True msg = '<p>' + _('No matches were found for %s') % ('<pre style="font-style:italic">' + prepare_string_for_xml(search['find']) + '</pre>') return error_dialog(gui_parent, _('Not found'), msg, show=True)