def collection_finished(self): self.do_one = self.do_one_write ensure_unique_components(self.collected_data) self.ids_to_write = iter(self.collected_data) self.pd.title = _('Copying files and writing metadata...' ) if self.opts.update_metadata else _( 'Copying files...') self.pd.max = len(self.collected_data) self.pd.value = 0 if self.opts.update_metadata: all_fmts = { fmt for data in self.collected_data.itervalues() for fmt in data[2] } plugboards_cache = { fmt: find_plugboard(plugboard_save_to_disk_value, fmt, self.plugboards) for fmt in all_fmts } self.pool = Pool( name='SaveToDisk') if self.pool is None else self.pool try: self.pool.set_common_data(plugboards_cache) except Failure as err: error_dialog( self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _('Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information' ), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.do_one_signal.emit()
def monitor_scan(self): self.scan_thread.join(0.05) if self.scan_thread.is_alive(): self.do_one_signal.emit() return if self.scan_error is not None: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=self.scan_error, show=True) self.break_cycles() return if not self.file_groups: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Could not add'), _( 'No ebook files were found in %s') % self.source, show=True) self.break_cycles() return self.pd.max = len(self.file_groups) self.pd.title = _('Reading metadata and adding to library (%d books)...') % self.pd.max self.pd.msg = '' self.pd.value = 0 self.pool = Pool(name='AddBooks') if self.pool is None else self.pool if self.db is not None: if self.add_formats_to_existing: self.find_identical_books_data = self.db.data_for_find_identical_books() else: try: self.pool.set_common_data(self.db.data_for_has_book()) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=as_unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + as_unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.groups_to_add = iter(self.file_groups) self.do_one = self.do_one_group self.do_one_signal.emit()
def monitor_scan(self): self.scan_thread.join(0.05) if self.scan_thread.is_alive(): self.do_one_signal.emit() return if self.scan_error is not None: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=self.scan_error, show=True) self.break_cycles() return if not self.file_groups: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Could not add'), _( 'No ebook files were found in %s') % self.source, show=True) self.break_cycles() return self.pd.max = len(self.file_groups) self.pd.title = _('Reading metadata and adding to library (%d books)...') % self.pd.max self.pd.msg = '' self.pd.value = 0 self.pool = Pool(name='AddBooks') if self.pool is None else self.pool if self.db is not None: if self.add_formats_to_existing: self.find_identical_books_data = self.db.data_for_find_identical_books() else: try: self.pool.set_common_data(self.db.data_for_has_book()) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.groups_to_add = iter(self.file_groups) self.do_one = self.do_one_group self.do_one_signal.emit()
def collection_finished(self): self.do_one = self.do_one_write ensure_unique_components(self.collected_data) self.ids_to_write = iter(self.collected_data) self.pd.title = _('Copying files and writing metadata...') if self.opts.update_metadata else _( 'Copying files...') self.pd.max = len(self.collected_data) self.pd.value = 0 if self.opts.update_metadata: all_fmts = {fmt for data in itervalues(self.collected_data) for fmt in data[2]} plugboards_cache = {fmt:find_plugboard(plugboard_save_to_disk_value, fmt, self.plugboards) for fmt in all_fmts} self.pool = Pool(name='SaveToDisk') if self.pool is None else self.pool try: self.pool.set_common_data(plugboards_cache) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information'), det_msg=unicode_type(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode_type(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.do_one_signal.emit()
def create_spare_pool(self, *args): if self._spare_pool is None: num = min(detect_ncpus(), int(config['worker_limit'] / 2.0)) self._spare_pool = Pool(max_workers=num, name='GUIPool')
class Main( MainWindow, MainWindowMixin, DeviceMixin, EmailMixin, # {{{ TagBrowserMixin, CoverFlowMixin, LibraryViewMixin, SearchBoxMixin, SavedSearchBoxMixin, SearchRestrictionMixin, LayoutMixin, UpdateMixin, EbookDownloadMixin): 'The main GUI' proceed_requested = pyqtSignal(object, object) book_converted = pyqtSignal(object, object) shutting_down = False def __init__(self, opts, parent=None, gui_debug=None): global _gui MainWindow.__init__(self, opts, parent=parent, disable_automatic_gc=True) self.setWindowIcon(QApplication.instance().windowIcon()) self.jobs_pointer = Pointer(self) self.proceed_requested.connect(self.do_proceed, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.proceed_question = ProceedQuestion(self) self.job_error_dialog = JobError(self) self.keyboard = Manager(self) _gui = self self.opts = opts self.device_connected = None self.gui_debug = gui_debug self.iactions = OrderedDict() # Actions for action in interface_actions(): if opts.ignore_plugins and action.plugin_path is not None: continue try: ac = self.init_iaction(action) except: # Ignore errors in loading user supplied plugins import traceback traceback.print_exc() if action.plugin_path is None: raise continue ac.plugin_path = action.plugin_path ac.interface_action_base_plugin = action self.add_iaction(ac) self.load_store_plugins() def init_iaction(self, action): ac = action.load_actual_plugin(self) ac.plugin_path = action.plugin_path ac.interface_action_base_plugin = action action.actual_iaction_plugin_loaded = True return ac def add_iaction(self, ac): acmap = self.iactions if in acmap: if ac.priority >= acmap[].priority: acmap[] = ac else: acmap[] = ac def load_store_plugins(self): from import Stores self.istores = Stores() for store in available_store_plugins(): if self.opts.ignore_plugins and store.plugin_path is not None: continue try: st = self.init_istore(store) self.add_istore(st) except: # Ignore errors in loading user supplied plugins import traceback traceback.print_exc() if store.plugin_path is None: raise continue self.istores.builtins_loaded() def init_istore(self, store): st = store.load_actual_plugin(self) st.plugin_path = store.plugin_path st.base_plugin = store store.actual_istore_plugin_loaded = True return st def add_istore(self, st): stmap = self.istores if in stmap: if st.priority >= stmap[].priority: stmap[] = st else: stmap[] = st def initialize(self, library_path, db, listener, actions, show_gui=True): opts = self.opts self.preferences_action, self.quit_action = actions self.library_path = library_path self.content_server = None self._spare_pool = None self.must_restart_before_config = False self.listener = Listener(listener) self.check_messages_timer = QTimer() self.check_messages_timer.timeout.connect( self.another_instance_wants_to_talk) self.check_messages_timer.start(1000) for ac in self.iactions.values(): try: ac.do_genesis() except Exception: # Ignore errors in third party plugins import traceback traceback.print_exc() if getattr(ac, 'plugin_path', None) is None: raise self.donate_action = QAction(QIcon(I('donate.png')), _('&Donate to support calibre'), self) for st in self.istores.values(): st.do_genesis() MainWindowMixin.init_main_window_mixin(self, db) # Jobs Button {{{ self.job_manager = JobManager() self.jobs_dialog = JobsDialog(self, self.job_manager) self.jobs_button = JobsButton(horizontal=True, parent=self) self.jobs_button.initialize(self.jobs_dialog, self.job_manager) # }}} LayoutMixin.init_layout_mixin(self) DeviceMixin.init_device_mixin(self) self.progress_indicator = ProgressIndicator(self) self.progress_indicator.pos = (0, 20) self.verbose = opts.verbose self.get_metadata = GetMetadata() self.upload_memory = {} self.metadata_dialogs = [] self.default_thumbnail = None self.tb_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=40) self.viewers = collections.deque() self.system_tray_icon = None if config['systray_icon']: self.system_tray_icon = factory( app_id='com.calibre-ebook.gui').create_system_tray_icon( parent=self, title='calibre') if self.system_tray_icon is not None: self.system_tray_icon.setIcon( QIcon(I('lt.png', allow_user_override=False))) if not (iswindows or isosx): self.system_tray_icon.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('calibre-gui', self.system_tray_icon.icon())) self.system_tray_icon.setToolTip(self.jobs_button.tray_tooltip()) self.system_tray_icon.setVisible(True) self.jobs_button.tray_tooltip_updated.connect( self.system_tray_icon.setToolTip) elif config['systray_icon']: prints( 'Failed to create system tray icon, your desktop environment probably does not support the StatusNotifier spec' ) self.system_tray_menu = QMenu(self) self.toggle_to_tray_action = self.system_tray_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('page.png')), '') self.toggle_to_tray_action.triggered.connect( self.system_tray_icon_activated) self.system_tray_menu.addAction(self.donate_action) self.donate_button.clicked.connect(self.donate_action.trigger) self.donate_button.setToolTip(self.donate_action.text().replace( '&', '')) self.donate_button.setIcon(self.donate_action.icon()) self.donate_button.setStatusTip(self.donate_button.toolTip()) self.eject_action = self.system_tray_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('eject.png')), _('&Eject connected device')) self.eject_action.setEnabled(False) self.addAction(self.quit_action) self.system_tray_menu.addAction(self.quit_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('quit calibre', _('Quit calibre'), default_keys=('Ctrl+Q', ), action=self.quit_action) if self.system_tray_icon is not None: self.system_tray_icon.setContextMenu(self.system_tray_menu) self.system_tray_icon.activated.connect( self.system_tray_icon_activated) self.quit_action.triggered[bool].connect(self.quit) self.donate_action.triggered[bool].connect(self.donate) self.minimize_action = QAction(_('Minimize the calibre window'), self) self.addAction(self.minimize_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('minimize calibre', self.minimize_action.text(), default_keys=(), action=self.minimize_action) self.minimize_action.triggered.connect(self.showMinimized) self.esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('clear current search', _('Clear the current search'), default_keys=('Esc', ), action=self.esc_action) self.esc_action.triggered.connect(self.esc) self.shift_esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.shift_esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('focus book list', _('Focus the book list'), default_keys=('Shift+Esc', ), action=self.shift_esc_action) self.shift_esc_action.triggered.connect(self.shift_esc) self.ctrl_esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.ctrl_esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('clear virtual library', _('Clear the virtual library'), default_keys=('Ctrl+Esc', ), action=self.ctrl_esc_action) self.ctrl_esc_action.triggered.connect(self.ctrl_esc) self.alt_esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.alt_esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('clear additional restriction', _('Clear the additional restriction'), default_keys=('Alt+Esc', ), action=self.alt_esc_action) self.alt_esc_action.triggered.connect( self.clear_additional_restriction) # ###################### Start spare job server ######################## QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.create_spare_pool) # ###################### Location Manager ######################## self.location_manager.location_selected.connect(self.location_selected) self.location_manager.unmount_device.connect( self.device_manager.umount_device) self.location_manager.configure_device.connect( self.configure_connected_device) self.location_manager.update_device_metadata.connect( self.update_metadata_on_device) self.eject_action.triggered.connect(self.device_manager.umount_device) # ################### Update notification ################### UpdateMixin.init_update_mixin(self, opts) # ###################### Search boxes ######################## SearchRestrictionMixin.init_search_restriction_mixin(self) SavedSearchBoxMixin.init_saved_seach_box_mixin(self) # ###################### Library view ######################## LibraryViewMixin.init_library_view_mixin(self, db) SearchBoxMixin.init_search_box_mixin(self) # Requires current_db if show_gui: if self.system_tray_icon is not None and self.system_tray_icon.isVisible( ) and opts.start_in_tray: self.hide_windows() self.library_view.model().count_changed_signal.connect( self.iactions['Choose Library'].count_changed) if not gprefs.get('quick_start_guide_added', False): try: add_quick_start_guide(self.library_view) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() for view in ('library', 'memory', 'card_a', 'card_b'): v = getattr(self, '%s_view' % view) v.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.update_status_bar) v.model().count_changed_signal.connect(self.update_status_bar) self.library_view.model().count_changed() self.bars_manager.database_changed(self.library_view.model().db) self.library_view.model().database_changed.connect( self.bars_manager.database_changed, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) # ########################## Tags Browser ############################## TagBrowserMixin.init_tag_browser_mixin(self, db) # ######################## Search Restriction ########################## if db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']: self.apply_virtual_library(db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']) self.rebuild_vl_tabs() # ########################## Cover Flow ################################ CoverFlowMixin.init_cover_flow_mixin(self) self._calculated_available_height = min(max_available_height() - 15, self.height()) self.resize(self.width(), self._calculated_available_height) self.build_context_menus() for ac in self.iactions.values(): try: ac.gui_layout_complete() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if ac.plugin_path is None: raise if config['autolaunch_server']: self.start_content_server() self.read_settings() self.finalize_layout() if self.bars_manager.showing_donate: self.donate_button.start_animation() self.set_window_title() for ac in self.iactions.values(): try: ac.initialization_complete() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if ac.plugin_path is None: raise self.set_current_library_information(current_library_name(), db.library_id, db.field_metadata) register_keyboard_shortcuts() self.keyboard.finalize() self.auto_adder = AutoAdder(gprefs['auto_add_path'], self) self.save_layout_state() # Collect cycles now gc.collect() QApplication.instance().shutdown_signal_received.connect(self.quit) if show_gui and self.gui_debug is not None: QTimer.singleShot(10, self.show_gui_debug_msg) self.iactions['Connect Share'].check_smartdevice_menus() QTimer.singleShot(1, self.start_smartdevice) QTimer.singleShot(100, self.update_toggle_to_tray_action) def show_gui_debug_msg(self): info_dialog(self, _('Debug mode'), '<p>' + _('You have started calibre in debug mode. After you ' 'quit calibre, the debug log will be available in ' 'the file: %s<p>The ' 'log will be displayed automatically.') % self.gui_debug, show=True) def esc(self, *args): def shift_esc(self): self.current_view().setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) def ctrl_esc(self): self.apply_virtual_library() self.current_view().setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) def start_smartdevice(self): message = None if self.device_manager.get_option('smartdevice', 'autostart'): try: message = self.device_manager.start_plugin('smartdevice') except: message = 'start smartdevice unknown exception' prints(message) import traceback traceback.print_exc() if message: if not self.device_manager.is_running('Wireless Devices'): error_dialog( self, _('Problem starting the wireless device'), _('The wireless device driver had problems starting. ' 'It said "%s"') % message, show=True) self.iactions['Connect Share'].set_smartdevice_action_state() def start_content_server(self, check_started=True): from calibre.library.server.main import start_threaded_server from calibre.library.server import server_config self.content_server = start_threaded_server( self.library_view.model().db, server_config().parse()) self.content_server.state_callback = Dispatcher( self.iactions['Connect Share'].content_server_state_changed) if check_started: self.content_server.start_failure_callback = \ Dispatcher(self.content_server_start_failed) def content_server_start_failed(self, msg): error_dialog(self, _('Failed to start Content Server'), _('Could not start the content server. Error:\n\n%s') % msg, show=True) def resizeEvent(self, ev): MainWindow.resizeEvent(self, ev) - 150) def create_spare_pool(self, *args): if self._spare_pool is None: num = min(detect_ncpus(), int(config['worker_limit'] / 2.0)) self._spare_pool = Pool(max_workers=num, name='GUIPool') def spare_pool(self): ans, self._spare_pool = self._spare_pool, None QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.create_spare_pool) return ans def do_proceed(self, func, payload): if callable(func): func(payload) def no_op(self, *args): pass def system_tray_icon_activated(self, r=False): if r in (QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger, QSystemTrayIcon.MiddleClick, False): if self.isVisible(): if self.isMinimized(): self.showNormal() else: self.hide_windows() else: self.show_windows() if self.isMinimized(): self.showNormal() @property def is_minimized_to_tray(self): return getattr(self, '__systray_minimized', False) def ask_a_yes_no_question(self, title, msg, det_msg='', show_copy_button=False, ans_when_user_unavailable=True, skip_dialog_name=None, skipped_value=True): if self.is_minimized_to_tray: return ans_when_user_unavailable return question_dialog(self, title, msg, det_msg=det_msg, show_copy_button=show_copy_button, skip_dialog_name=skip_dialog_name, skip_dialog_skipped_value=skipped_value) def update_toggle_to_tray_action(self, *args): if hasattr(self, 'toggle_to_tray_action'): self.toggle_to_tray_action.setText( _('Hide main window') if self.isVisible( ) else _('Show main window')) def hide_windows(self): for window in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if isinstance(window, (MainWindow, QDialog)) and \ window.isVisible(): window.hide() setattr(window, '__systray_minimized', True) self.update_toggle_to_tray_action() def show_windows(self, *args): for window in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if getattr(window, '__systray_minimized', False): setattr(window, '__systray_minimized', False) self.update_toggle_to_tray_action() def test_server(self, *args): if self.content_server is not None and \ self.content_server.exception is not None: error_dialog(self, _('Failed to start content server'), unicode(self.content_server.exception)).exec_() @property def current_db(self): return self.library_view.model().db def another_instance_wants_to_talk(self): try: msg = self.listener.queue.get_nowait() except Empty: return if msg.startswith('launched:'): import json try: argv = json.loads(msg[len('launched:'):]) except ValueError: prints('Failed to decode message from other instance: %r' % msg) if DEBUG: error_dialog( self, 'Invalid message', 'Received an invalid message from other calibre instance.' ' Do you have multiple versions of calibre installed?', det_msg='Invalid msg: %r' % msg, show=True) argv = () if isinstance(argv, (list, tuple)) and len(argv) > 1: files = [ os.path.abspath(p) for p in argv[1:] if not os.path.isdir(p) and os.access(p, os.R_OK) ] if files: self.iactions['Add Books'].add_filesystem_book(files) self.setWindowState(self.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized | Qt.WindowActive) self.show_windows() self.raise_() self.activateWindow() elif msg.startswith('refreshdb:'): m = self.library_view.model() m.db.new_api.reload_from_db(), do_search=False) m.resort() m.research() self.tags_view.recount() elif msg.startswith('shutdown:'): self.quit(confirm_quit=False) elif msg.startswith('bookedited:'): parts = msg.split(':')[1:] try: book_id, fmt, library_id = parts[:3] book_id = int(book_id) m = self.library_view.model() db = m.db.new_api if m.db.library_id == library_id and db.has_id(book_id): db.format_metadata(book_id, fmt, allow_cache=False, update_db=True) db.update_last_modified((book_id, )) m.refresh_ids((book_id, )) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() else: print msg def current_view(self): '''Convenience method that returns the currently visible view ''' idx = self.stack.currentIndex() if idx == 0: return self.library_view if idx == 1: return self.memory_view if idx == 2: return self.card_a_view if idx == 3: return self.card_b_view def booklists(self): return self.memory_view.model().db, self.card_a_view.model( ).db, self.card_b_view.model().db def library_moved(self, newloc, copy_structure=False, call_close=True, allow_rebuild=False): if newloc is None: return default_prefs = None try: olddb = self.library_view.model().db if copy_structure: default_prefs = olddb.prefs except: olddb = None try: db = LibraryDatabase(newloc, default_prefs=default_prefs) except apsw.Error: if not allow_rebuild: raise import traceback repair = question_dialog( self, _('Corrupted database'), _('The library database at %s appears to be corrupted. Do ' 'you want calibre to try and rebuild it automatically? ' 'The rebuild may not be completely successful.') % force_unicode(newloc, filesystem_encoding), det_msg=traceback.format_exc()) if repair: from calibre.gui2.dialogs.restore_library import repair_library_at if repair_library_at(newloc, parent=self): db = LibraryDatabase(newloc, default_prefs=default_prefs) else: return else: return if self.content_server is not None: self.content_server.set_database(db) self.library_path = newloc prefs['library_path'] = self.library_path self.book_on_device(None, reset=True) db.set_book_on_device_func(self.book_on_device) self.library_view.set_database(db) self.tags_view.set_database(db, self.alter_tb) self.library_view.model().set_book_on_device_func(self.book_on_device) self.status_bar.clear_message() self.saved_search.clear() self.book_details.reset_info() # self.library_view.model().count_changed() db = self.library_view.model().db self.iactions['Choose Library'].count_changed(db.count()) self.set_window_title() self.apply_named_search_restriction('') # reset restriction to null self.saved_searches_changed( recount=False) # reload the search restrictions combo box if db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']: self.apply_virtual_library(db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']) self.rebuild_vl_tabs() for action in self.iactions.values(): action.library_changed(db) if olddb is not None: try: if call_close: olddb.close() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() olddb.break_cycles() if self.device_connected: self.set_books_in_library(self.booklists(), reset=True) self.refresh_ondevice() self.memory_view.reset() self.card_a_view.reset() self.card_b_view.reset() self.set_current_library_information(current_library_name(), db.library_id, db.field_metadata) self.library_view.set_current_row(0) # Run a garbage collection now so that it does not freeze the # interface later gc.collect() def set_window_title(self): db = self.current_db restrictions = [ x for x in (, if x ] restrictions = ' :: '.join(restrictions) font = QFont() if restrictions: restrictions = ' :: ' + restrictions font.setBold(True) font.setItalic(True) self.virtual_library.setFont(font) title = u'{0} - || {1}{2} ||'.format( __appname__, self.iactions['Choose Library'].library_name(), restrictions) self.setWindowTitle(title) def location_selected(self, location): ''' Called when a location icon is clicked (e.g. Library) ''' page = 0 if location == 'library' else 1 if location == 'main' else 2 if location == 'carda' else 3 self.stack.setCurrentIndex(page) self.book_details.reset_info() for x in ('tb', 'cb'): splitter = getattr(self, x + '_splitter') splitter.button.setEnabled(location == 'library') for action in self.iactions.values(): action.location_selected(location) if location == 'library': self.virtual_library_menu.setEnabled(True) self.highlight_only_button.setEnabled(True) self.vl_tabs.setEnabled(True) else: self.virtual_library_menu.setEnabled(False) self.highlight_only_button.setEnabled(False) self.vl_tabs.setEnabled(False) # Reset the view in case something changed while it was invisible self.current_view().reset() self.set_number_of_books_shown() self.update_status_bar() def job_exception(self, job, dialog_title=_('Conversion Error'), retry_func=None): if not hasattr(self, '_modeless_dialogs'): self._modeless_dialogs = [] minz = self.is_minimized_to_tray if self.isVisible(): for x in list(self._modeless_dialogs): if not x.isVisible(): self._modeless_dialogs.remove(x) try: if 'calibre.ebooks.DRMError' in job.details: if not minz: from calibre.gui2.dialogs.drm_error import DRMErrorMessage d = DRMErrorMessage( self, _('Cannot convert') + ' ' + job.description.split(':')[-1].partition('(')[-1][:-1]) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return if 'calibre.ebooks.oeb.transforms.split.SplitError' in job.details: title = job.description.split(':')[-1].partition('(')[-1][:-1] msg = _('<p><b>Failed to convert: %s') % title msg += '<p>' + _(''' Many older ebook reader devices are incapable of displaying EPUB files that have internal components over a certain size. Therefore, when converting to EPUB, calibre automatically tries to split up the EPUB into smaller sized pieces. For some files that are large undifferentiated blocks of text, this splitting fails. <p>You can <b>work around the problem</b> by either increasing the maximum split size under EPUB Output in the conversion dialog, or by turning on Heuristic Processing, also in the conversion dialog. Note that if you make the maximum split size too large, your ebook reader may have trouble with the EPUB. ''') if not minz: d = error_dialog(self, _('Conversion Failed'), msg, det_msg=job.details) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return if 'calibre.web.feeds.input.RecipeDisabled' in job.details: if not minz: msg = job.details msg = msg[msg. find('calibre.web.feeds.input.RecipeDisabled:'):] msg = msg.partition(':')[-1] d = error_dialog(self, _('Recipe Disabled'), '<p>%s</p>' % msg) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return if 'calibre.ebooks.conversion.ConversionUserFeedBack:' in job.details: if not minz: import json payload = job.details.rpartition( 'calibre.ebooks.conversion.ConversionUserFeedBack:' )[-1] payload = json.loads('{' + payload.partition('{')[-1]) d = { 'info': info_dialog, 'warn': warning_dialog, 'error': error_dialog }.get(payload['level'], error_dialog) d = d(self, payload['title'], '<p>%s</p>' % payload['msg'], det_msg=payload['det_msg']) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return except: pass if job.killed: return try: prints(job.details, file=sys.stderr) except: pass if not minz: self.job_error_dialog.show_error(dialog_title, _('<b>Failed</b>') + ': ' + unicode(job.description), det_msg=job.details, retry_func=retry_func) def read_settings(self): geometry = config['main_window_geometry'] if geometry is not None: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) self.read_layout_settings() def write_settings(self): with gprefs: # Only write to gprefs once config.set('main_window_geometry', self.saveGeometry()) dynamic.set('sort_history', self.library_view.model().sort_history) self.save_layout_state() def quit(self, checked=True, restart=False, debug_on_restart=False, confirm_quit=True): if self.shutting_down: return if confirm_quit and not self.confirm_quit(): return try: self.shutdown() except: pass self.restart_after_quit = restart self.debug_on_restart = debug_on_restart QApplication.instance().quit() def donate(self, *args): open_url(QUrl('')) def confirm_quit(self): if self.job_manager.has_jobs(): msg = _('There are active jobs. Are you sure you want to quit?') if self.job_manager.has_device_jobs(): msg = '<p>'+__appname__ + \ _(''' is communicating with the device!<br> Quitting may cause corruption on the device.<br> Are you sure you want to quit?''')+'</p>' if not question_dialog(self, _('Active jobs'), msg): return False if self.proceed_question.questions: msg = _( 'There are library updates waiting. Are you sure you want to quit?' ) if not question_dialog(self, _('Library Updates Waiting'), msg): return False from calibre.db.delete_service import has_jobs if has_jobs(): msg = _('Some deleted books are still being moved to the Recycle ' 'Bin, if you quit now, they will be left behind. Are you ' 'sure you want to quit?') if not question_dialog(self, _('Active jobs'), msg): return False return True def shutdown(self, write_settings=True): self.shutting_down = True self.show_shutdown_message() from calibre.customize.ui import has_library_closed_plugins if has_library_closed_plugins(): self.show_shutdown_message( _('Running database shutdown plugins. This could take a few seconds...' )) self.grid_view.shutdown() db = None try: db = self.library_view.model().db cf = db.clean except: pass else: cf() # Save the current field_metadata for applications like calibre2opds # Goes here, because if cf is valid, db is valid. db.new_api.set_pref('field_metadata', db.field_metadata.all_metadata()) db.commit_dirty_cache() db.prefs.write_serialized(prefs['library_path']) for action in self.iactions.values(): if not action.shutting_down(): return if write_settings: self.write_settings() self.check_messages_timer.stop() if hasattr(self, 'update_checker'): self.update_checker.shutdown() self.listener.close() self.job_manager.server.close() self.job_manager.threaded_server.close() self.device_manager.keep_going = False self.auto_adder.stop() # Do not report any errors that happen after the shutdown # We cannot restore the original excepthook as that causes PyQt to # call abort() on unhandled exceptions import traceback def eh(t, v, tb): try: traceback.print_exception(t, v, tb, file=sys.stderr) except: pass sys.excepthook = eh mb = self.library_view.model().metadata_backup if mb is not None: mb.stop() if db is not None: db.close() try: try: if self.content_server is not None: # If the content server has any sockets being closed then # this can take quite a long time (minutes). Tell the user that it is # happening. self.show_shutdown_message( _('Shutting down the content server. This could take a while ...' )) s = self.content_server self.content_server = None s.exit() except: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.hide_windows() if self._spare_pool is not None: self._spare_pool.shutdown() from calibre.db.delete_service import shutdown shutdown() time.sleep(2) self.istores.join() return True def run_wizard(self, *args): if self.confirm_quit(): self.run_wizard_b4_shutdown = True self.restart_after_quit = True try: self.shutdown(write_settings=False) except: pass QApplication.instance().quit() def closeEvent(self, e): if self.shutting_down: return self.write_settings() if self.system_tray_icon is not None and self.system_tray_icon.isVisible( ): if not dynamic['systray_msg'] and not isosx: info_dialog( self, 'calibre', 'calibre ' + _('will keep running in the system tray. To close it, ' 'choose <b>Quit</b> in the context menu of the ' 'system tray.'), show_copy_button=False).exec_() dynamic['systray_msg'] = True self.hide_windows() e.ignore() else: if self.confirm_quit(): try: self.shutdown(write_settings=False) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() e.accept() else: e.ignore()
def create_spare_pool(self, *args): if self._spare_pool is None: num = min(detect_ncpus(), int(config['worker_limit']/2.0)) self._spare_pool = Pool(max_workers=num, name='GUIPool')
class Main(MainWindow, MainWindowMixin, DeviceMixin, EmailMixin, # {{{ TagBrowserMixin, CoverFlowMixin, LibraryViewMixin, SearchBoxMixin, SavedSearchBoxMixin, SearchRestrictionMixin, LayoutMixin, UpdateMixin, EbookDownloadMixin ): 'The main GUI' proceed_requested = pyqtSignal(object, object) book_converted = pyqtSignal(object, object) def __init__(self, opts, parent=None, gui_debug=None): global _gui MainWindow.__init__(self, opts, parent=parent, disable_automatic_gc=True) self.jobs_pointer = Pointer(self) self.proceed_requested.connect(self.do_proceed, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.proceed_question = ProceedQuestion(self) self.job_error_dialog = JobError(self) self.keyboard = Manager(self) _gui = self self.opts = opts self.device_connected = None self.gui_debug = gui_debug self.iactions = OrderedDict() # Actions for action in interface_actions(): if opts.ignore_plugins and action.plugin_path is not None: continue try: ac = self.init_iaction(action) except: # Ignore errors in loading user supplied plugins import traceback traceback.print_exc() if action.plugin_path is None: raise continue ac.plugin_path = action.plugin_path ac.interface_action_base_plugin = action self.add_iaction(ac) self.load_store_plugins() def init_iaction(self, action): ac = action.load_actual_plugin(self) ac.plugin_path = action.plugin_path ac.interface_action_base_plugin = action action.actual_iaction_plugin_loaded = True return ac def add_iaction(self, ac): acmap = self.iactions if in acmap: if ac.priority >= acmap[].priority: acmap[] = ac else: acmap[] = ac def load_store_plugins(self): from import Stores self.istores = Stores() for store in available_store_plugins(): if self.opts.ignore_plugins and store.plugin_path is not None: continue try: st = self.init_istore(store) self.add_istore(st) except: # Ignore errors in loading user supplied plugins import traceback traceback.print_exc() if store.plugin_path is None: raise continue self.istores.builtins_loaded() def init_istore(self, store): st = store.load_actual_plugin(self) st.plugin_path = store.plugin_path st.base_plugin = store store.actual_istore_plugin_loaded = True return st def add_istore(self, st): stmap = self.istores if in stmap: if st.priority >= stmap[].priority: stmap[] = st else: stmap[] = st def initialize(self, library_path, db, listener, actions, show_gui=True): opts = self.opts self.preferences_action, self.quit_action = actions self.library_path = library_path self.content_server = None self._spare_pool = None self.must_restart_before_config = False self.listener = Listener(listener) self.check_messages_timer = QTimer() self.check_messages_timer.timeout.connect(self.another_instance_wants_to_talk) self.check_messages_timer.start(1000) for ac in self.iactions.values(): try: ac.do_genesis() except Exception: # Ignore errors in third party plugins import traceback traceback.print_exc() if getattr(ac, 'plugin_path', None) is None: raise self.donate_action = QAction(QIcon(I('donate.png')), _('&Donate to support calibre'), self) for st in self.istores.values(): st.do_genesis() MainWindowMixin.init_main_window_mixin(self, db) # Jobs Button {{{ self.job_manager = JobManager() self.jobs_dialog = JobsDialog(self, self.job_manager) self.jobs_button = JobsButton(horizontal=True, parent=self) self.jobs_button.initialize(self.jobs_dialog, self.job_manager) # }}} LayoutMixin.init_layout_mixin(self) DeviceMixin.init_device_mixin(self) self.progress_indicator = ProgressIndicator(self) self.progress_indicator.pos = (0, 20) self.verbose = opts.verbose self.get_metadata = GetMetadata() self.upload_memory = {} self.metadata_dialogs = [] self.default_thumbnail = None self.tb_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=40) self.viewers = collections.deque() self.system_tray_icon = None if config['systray_icon']: self.system_tray_icon = factory(app_id='com.calibre-ebook.gui').create_system_tray_icon(parent=self, title='calibre') if self.system_tray_icon is not None: self.system_tray_icon.setIcon(QIcon(I('lt.png'))) self.system_tray_icon.setToolTip(self.jobs_button.tray_tooltip()) self.system_tray_icon.setVisible(True) self.jobs_button.tray_tooltip_updated.connect(self.system_tray_icon.setToolTip) elif config['systray_icon']: prints('Failed to create system tray icon, your desktop environment probably does not support the StatusNotifier spec') self.system_tray_menu = QMenu(self) self.toggle_to_tray_action = self.system_tray_menu.addAction(QIcon(I('page.png')), '') self.toggle_to_tray_action.triggered.connect(self.system_tray_icon_activated) self.system_tray_menu.addAction(self.donate_action) self.donate_button.setDefaultAction(self.donate_action) self.donate_button.setStatusTip(self.donate_button.toolTip()) self.eject_action = self.system_tray_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('eject.png')), _('&Eject connected device')) self.eject_action.setEnabled(False) self.addAction(self.quit_action) self.system_tray_menu.addAction(self.quit_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('quit calibre', _('Quit calibre'), default_keys=('Ctrl+Q',), action=self.quit_action) if self.system_tray_icon is not None: self.system_tray_icon.setContextMenu(self.system_tray_menu) self.system_tray_icon.activated.connect(self.system_tray_icon_activated) self.quit_action.triggered[bool].connect(self.quit) self.donate_action.triggered[bool].connect(self.donate) self.esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('clear current search', _('Clear the current search'), default_keys=('Esc',), action=self.esc_action) self.esc_action.triggered.connect(self.esc) self.shift_esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.shift_esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('focus book list', _('Focus the book list'), default_keys=('Shift+Esc',), action=self.shift_esc_action) self.shift_esc_action.triggered.connect(self.shift_esc) self.ctrl_esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.ctrl_esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('clear virtual library', _('Clear the virtual library'), default_keys=('Ctrl+Esc',), action=self.ctrl_esc_action) self.ctrl_esc_action.triggered.connect(self.ctrl_esc) self.alt_esc_action = QAction(self) self.addAction(self.alt_esc_action) self.keyboard.register_shortcut('clear additional restriction', _('Clear the additional restriction'), default_keys=('Alt+Esc',), action=self.alt_esc_action) self.alt_esc_action.triggered.connect(self.clear_additional_restriction) # ###################### Start spare job server ######################## QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.create_spare_pool) # ###################### Location Manager ######################## self.location_manager.location_selected.connect(self.location_selected) self.location_manager.unmount_device.connect(self.device_manager.umount_device) self.location_manager.configure_device.connect(self.configure_connected_device) self.location_manager.update_device_metadata.connect(self.update_metadata_on_device) self.eject_action.triggered.connect(self.device_manager.umount_device) # ################### Update notification ################### UpdateMixin.init_update_mixin(self, opts) # ###################### Search boxes ######################## SearchRestrictionMixin.init_search_restirction_mixin(self) SavedSearchBoxMixin.init_saved_seach_box_mixin(self) # ###################### Library view ######################## LibraryViewMixin.init_library_view_mixin(self, db) SearchBoxMixin.init_search_box_mixin(self) # Requires current_db if show_gui: if self.system_tray_icon is not None and self.system_tray_icon.isVisible() and opts.start_in_tray: self.hide_windows() self.library_view.model().count_changed_signal.connect( self.iactions['Choose Library'].count_changed) if not gprefs.get('quick_start_guide_added', False): try: add_quick_start_guide(self.library_view) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() for view in ('library', 'memory', 'card_a', 'card_b'): v = getattr(self, '%s_view' % view) v.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.update_status_bar) v.model().count_changed_signal.connect(self.update_status_bar) self.library_view.model().count_changed() self.bars_manager.database_changed(self.library_view.model().db) self.library_view.model().database_changed.connect(self.bars_manager.database_changed, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) # ########################## Tags Browser ############################## TagBrowserMixin.init_tag_browser_mixin(self, db) # ######################## Search Restriction ########################## if db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']: self.apply_virtual_library(db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']) self.rebuild_vl_tabs() # ########################## Cover Flow ################################ CoverFlowMixin.init_cover_flow_mixin(self) self._calculated_available_height = min(max_available_height()-15, self.height()) self.resize(self.width(), self._calculated_available_height) self.build_context_menus() for ac in self.iactions.values(): try: ac.gui_layout_complete() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if ac.plugin_path is None: raise if config['autolaunch_server']: self.start_content_server() self.keyboard_interrupt.connect(self.quit, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.read_settings() self.finalize_layout() if self.bars_manager.showing_donate: self.donate_button.start_animation() self.set_window_title() for ac in self.iactions.values(): try: ac.initialization_complete() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if ac.plugin_path is None: raise self.set_current_library_information(current_library_name(), db.library_id, db.field_metadata) register_keyboard_shortcuts() self.keyboard.finalize() self.auto_adder = AutoAdder(gprefs['auto_add_path'], self) self.save_layout_state() # Collect cycles now gc.collect() if show_gui and self.gui_debug is not None: info_dialog(self, _('Debug mode'), '<p>' + _('You have started calibre in debug mode. After you ' 'quit calibre, the debug log will be available in ' 'the file: %s<p>The ' 'log will be displayed automatically.')%self.gui_debug, show=True) self.iactions['Connect Share'].check_smartdevice_menus() QTimer.singleShot(1, self.start_smartdevice) QTimer.singleShot(100, self.update_toggle_to_tray_action) def esc(self, *args): def shift_esc(self): self.current_view().setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) def ctrl_esc(self): self.apply_virtual_library() self.current_view().setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) def start_smartdevice(self): message = None if self.device_manager.get_option('smartdevice', 'autostart'): try: message = self.device_manager.start_plugin('smartdevice') except: message = 'start smartdevice unknown exception' prints(message) import traceback traceback.print_exc() if message: if not self.device_manager.is_running('Wireless Devices'): error_dialog(self, _('Problem starting the wireless device'), _('The wireless device driver had problems starting. ' 'It said "%s"')%message, show=True) self.iactions['Connect Share'].set_smartdevice_action_state() def start_content_server(self, check_started=True): from calibre.library.server.main import start_threaded_server from calibre.library.server import server_config self.content_server = start_threaded_server( self.library_view.model().db, server_config().parse()) self.content_server.state_callback = Dispatcher( self.iactions['Connect Share'].content_server_state_changed) if check_started: self.content_server.start_failure_callback = \ Dispatcher(self.content_server_start_failed) def content_server_start_failed(self, msg): error_dialog(self, _('Failed to start Content Server'), _('Could not start the content server. Error:\n\n%s')%msg, show=True) def resizeEvent(self, ev): MainWindow.resizeEvent(self, ev) def create_spare_pool(self, *args): if self._spare_pool is None: num = min(detect_ncpus(), int(config['worker_limit']/2.0)) self._spare_pool = Pool(max_workers=num, name='GUIPool') def spare_pool(self): ans, self._spare_pool = self._spare_pool, None QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.create_spare_pool) return ans def do_proceed(self, func, payload): if callable(func): func(payload) def no_op(self, *args): pass def system_tray_icon_activated(self, r=False): if r in (QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger, QSystemTrayIcon.MiddleClick, False): if self.isVisible(): if self.isMinimized(): self.showNormal() else: self.hide_windows() else: self.show_windows() if self.isMinimized(): self.showNormal() @property def is_minimized_to_tray(self): return getattr(self, '__systray_minimized', False) def ask_a_yes_no_question(self, title, msg, det_msg='', show_copy_button=False, ans_when_user_unavailable=True, skip_dialog_name=None, skipped_value=True): if self.is_minimized_to_tray: return ans_when_user_unavailable return question_dialog(self, title, msg, det_msg=det_msg, show_copy_button=show_copy_button, skip_dialog_name=skip_dialog_name, skip_dialog_skipped_value=skipped_value) def update_toggle_to_tray_action(self, *args): if hasattr(self, 'toggle_to_tray_action'): self.toggle_to_tray_action.setText( _('Hide main window') if self.isVisible() else _('Show main window')) def hide_windows(self): for window in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if isinstance(window, (MainWindow, QDialog)) and \ window.isVisible(): window.hide() setattr(window, '__systray_minimized', True) self.update_toggle_to_tray_action() def show_windows(self, *args): for window in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if getattr(window, '__systray_minimized', False): setattr(window, '__systray_minimized', False) self.update_toggle_to_tray_action() def test_server(self, *args): if self.content_server is not None and \ self.content_server.exception is not None: error_dialog(self, _('Failed to start content server'), unicode(self.content_server.exception)).exec_() @property def current_db(self): return self.library_view.model().db def another_instance_wants_to_talk(self): try: msg = self.listener.queue.get_nowait() except Empty: return if msg.startswith('launched:'): import json try: argv = json.loads(msg[len('launched:'):]) except ValueError: prints('Failed to decode message from other instance: %r' % msg) if DEBUG: error_dialog(self, 'Invalid message', 'Received an invalid message from other calibre instance.' ' Do you have multiple versions of calibre installed?', det_msg='Invalid msg: %r' % msg, show=True) argv = () if isinstance(argv, (list, tuple)) and len(argv) > 1: files = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in argv[1:] if not os.path.isdir(p) and os.access(p, os.R_OK)] if files: self.iactions['Add Books'].add_filesystem_book(files) self.setWindowState(self.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized|Qt.WindowActive) self.show_windows() self.raise_() self.activateWindow() elif msg.startswith('refreshdb:'): m = self.library_view.model() m.db.new_api.reload_from_db(), do_search=False) m.resort() m.research() self.tags_view.recount() elif msg.startswith('shutdown:'): self.quit(confirm_quit=False) elif msg.startswith('bookedited:'): parts = msg.split(':')[1:] try: book_id, fmt, library_id = parts[:3] book_id = int(book_id) m = self.library_view.model() db = m.db.new_api if m.db.library_id == library_id and db.has_id(book_id): db.format_metadata(book_id, fmt, allow_cache=False, update_db=True) db.update_last_modified((book_id,)) m.refresh_ids((book_id,)) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() else: print msg def current_view(self): '''Convenience method that returns the currently visible view ''' idx = self.stack.currentIndex() if idx == 0: return self.library_view if idx == 1: return self.memory_view if idx == 2: return self.card_a_view if idx == 3: return self.card_b_view def booklists(self): return self.memory_view.model().db, self.card_a_view.model().db, self.card_b_view.model().db def library_moved(self, newloc, copy_structure=False, call_close=True, allow_rebuild=False): if newloc is None: return default_prefs = None try: olddb = self.library_view.model().db if copy_structure: default_prefs = olddb.prefs from calibre.utils.formatter_functions import unload_user_template_functions unload_user_template_functions(olddb.library_id) except: olddb = None try: db = LibraryDatabase(newloc, default_prefs=default_prefs) except apsw.Error: if not allow_rebuild: raise import traceback repair = question_dialog(self, _('Corrupted database'), _('The library database at %s appears to be corrupted. Do ' 'you want calibre to try and rebuild it automatically? ' 'The rebuild may not be completely successful.') % force_unicode(newloc, filesystem_encoding), det_msg=traceback.format_exc() ) if repair: from calibre.gui2.dialogs.restore_library import repair_library_at if repair_library_at(newloc, parent=self): db = LibraryDatabase(newloc, default_prefs=default_prefs) else: return else: return if self.content_server is not None: self.content_server.set_database(db) self.library_path = newloc prefs['library_path'] = self.library_path self.book_on_device(None, reset=True) db.set_book_on_device_func(self.book_on_device) self.library_view.set_database(db) self.tags_view.set_database(db, self.alter_tb) self.library_view.model().set_book_on_device_func(self.book_on_device) self.status_bar.clear_message() self.saved_search.clear() self.book_details.reset_info() # self.library_view.model().count_changed() db = self.library_view.model().db self.iactions['Choose Library'].count_changed(db.count()) self.set_window_title() self.apply_named_search_restriction('') # reset restriction to null self.saved_searches_changed(recount=False) # reload the search restrictions combo box if db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']: self.apply_virtual_library(db.prefs['virtual_lib_on_startup']) self.rebuild_vl_tabs() for action in self.iactions.values(): action.library_changed(db) if olddb is not None: try: if call_close: olddb.close() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() olddb.break_cycles() if self.device_connected: self.set_books_in_library(self.booklists(), reset=True) self.refresh_ondevice() self.memory_view.reset() self.card_a_view.reset() self.card_b_view.reset() self.set_current_library_information(current_library_name(), db.library_id, db.field_metadata) self.library_view.set_current_row(0) # Run a garbage collection now so that it does not freeze the # interface later gc.collect() def set_window_title(self): db = self.current_db restrictions = [x for x in (, if x] restrictions = ' :: '.join(restrictions) font = QFont() if restrictions: restrictions = ' :: ' + restrictions font.setBold(True) font.setItalic(True) self.virtual_library.setFont(font) title = u'{0} - || {1}{2} ||'.format( __appname__, self.iactions['Choose Library'].library_name(), restrictions) self.setWindowTitle(title) def location_selected(self, location): ''' Called when a location icon is clicked (e.g. Library) ''' page = 0 if location == 'library' else 1 if location == 'main' else 2 if location == 'carda' else 3 self.stack.setCurrentIndex(page) self.book_details.reset_info() for x in ('tb', 'cb'): splitter = getattr(self, x+'_splitter') splitter.button.setEnabled(location == 'library') for action in self.iactions.values(): action.location_selected(location) if location == 'library': self.virtual_library_menu.setEnabled(True) self.highlight_only_button.setEnabled(True) self.vl_tabs.setEnabled(True) else: self.virtual_library_menu.setEnabled(False) self.highlight_only_button.setEnabled(False) self.vl_tabs.setEnabled(False) # Reset the view in case something changed while it was invisible self.current_view().reset() self.set_number_of_books_shown() self.update_status_bar() def job_exception(self, job, dialog_title=_('Conversion Error'), retry_func=None): if not hasattr(self, '_modeless_dialogs'): self._modeless_dialogs = [] minz = self.is_minimized_to_tray if self.isVisible(): for x in list(self._modeless_dialogs): if not x.isVisible(): self._modeless_dialogs.remove(x) try: if 'calibre.ebooks.DRMError' in job.details: if not minz: from calibre.gui2.dialogs.drm_error import DRMErrorMessage d = DRMErrorMessage(self, _('Cannot convert') + ' ' + job.description.split(':')[-1].partition('(')[-1][:-1]) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return if 'calibre.ebooks.oeb.transforms.split.SplitError' in job.details: title = job.description.split(':')[-1].partition('(')[-1][:-1] msg = _('<p><b>Failed to convert: %s')%title msg += '<p>'+_(''' Many older ebook reader devices are incapable of displaying EPUB files that have internal components over a certain size. Therefore, when converting to EPUB, calibre automatically tries to split up the EPUB into smaller sized pieces. For some files that are large undifferentiated blocks of text, this splitting fails. <p>You can <b>work around the problem</b> by either increasing the maximum split size under EPUB Output in the conversion dialog, or by turning on Heuristic Processing, also in the conversion dialog. Note that if you make the maximum split size too large, your ebook reader may have trouble with the EPUB. ''') if not minz: d = error_dialog(self, _('Conversion Failed'), msg, det_msg=job.details) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return if 'calibre.web.feeds.input.RecipeDisabled' in job.details: if not minz: msg = job.details msg = msg[msg.find('calibre.web.feeds.input.RecipeDisabled:'):] msg = msg.partition(':')[-1] d = error_dialog(self, _('Recipe Disabled'), '<p>%s</p>'%msg) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return if 'calibre.ebooks.conversion.ConversionUserFeedBack:' in job.details: if not minz: import json payload = job.details.rpartition( 'calibre.ebooks.conversion.ConversionUserFeedBack:')[-1] payload = json.loads('{' + payload.partition('{')[-1]) d = {'info':info_dialog, 'warn':warning_dialog, 'error':error_dialog}.get(payload['level'], error_dialog) d = d(self, payload['title'], '<p>%s</p>'%payload['msg'], det_msg=payload['det_msg']) d.setModal(False) self._modeless_dialogs.append(d) return except: pass if job.killed: return try: prints(job.details, file=sys.stderr) except: pass if not minz: self.job_error_dialog.show_error(dialog_title, _('<b>Failed</b>')+': '+unicode(job.description), det_msg=job.details, retry_func=retry_func) def read_settings(self): geometry = config['main_window_geometry'] if geometry is not None: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) self.read_layout_settings() def write_settings(self): with gprefs: # Only write to gprefs once config.set('main_window_geometry', self.saveGeometry()) dynamic.set('sort_history', self.library_view.model().sort_history) self.save_layout_state() def quit(self, checked=True, restart=False, debug_on_restart=False, confirm_quit=True): if confirm_quit and not self.confirm_quit(): return try: self.shutdown() except: pass self.restart_after_quit = restart self.debug_on_restart = debug_on_restart QApplication.instance().quit() def donate(self, *args): open_url(QUrl('')) def confirm_quit(self): if self.job_manager.has_jobs(): msg = _('There are active jobs. Are you sure you want to quit?') if self.job_manager.has_device_jobs(): msg = '<p>'+__appname__ + \ _(''' is communicating with the device!<br> Quitting may cause corruption on the device.<br> Are you sure you want to quit?''')+'</p>' if not question_dialog(self, _('Active jobs'), msg): return False from calibre.db.delete_service import has_jobs if has_jobs(): msg = _('Some deleted books are still being moved to the Recycle ' 'Bin, if you quit now, they will be left behind. Are you ' 'sure you want to quit?') if not question_dialog(self, _('Active jobs'), msg): return False return True def shutdown(self, write_settings=True): self.grid_view.shutdown() try: db = self.library_view.model().db cf = db.clean except: pass else: cf() # Save the current field_metadata for applications like calibre2opds # Goes here, because if cf is valid, db is valid. db.new_api.set_pref('field_metadata', db.field_metadata.all_metadata()) db.commit_dirty_cache() db.prefs.write_serialized(prefs['library_path']) for action in self.iactions.values(): if not action.shutting_down(): return if write_settings: self.write_settings() self.check_messages_timer.stop() if hasattr(self, 'update_checker'): self.update_checker.shutdown() self.listener.close() self.job_manager.server.close() self.job_manager.threaded_server.close() self.device_manager.keep_going = False self.auto_adder.stop() mb = self.library_view.model().metadata_backup if mb is not None: mb.stop() self.hide_windows() try: try: if self.content_server is not None: s = self.content_server self.content_server = None s.exit() except: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if self._spare_pool is not None: self._spare_pool.shutdown() from calibre.db.delete_service import shutdown shutdown() time.sleep(2) self.istores.join() self.hide_windows() # Do not report any errors that happen after the shutdown sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ return True def run_wizard(self, *args): if self.confirm_quit(): self.run_wizard_b4_shutdown = True self.restart_after_quit = True try: self.shutdown(write_settings=False) except: pass QApplication.instance().quit() def closeEvent(self, e): self.write_settings() if self.system_tray_icon is not None and self.system_tray_icon.isVisible(): if not dynamic['systray_msg'] and not isosx: info_dialog(self, 'calibre', 'calibre '+ _('will keep running in the system tray. To close it, ' 'choose <b>Quit</b> in the context menu of the ' 'system tray.'), show_copy_button=False).exec_() dynamic['systray_msg'] = True self.hide_windows() e.ignore() else: if self.confirm_quit(): try: self.shutdown(write_settings=False) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() e.accept() else: e.ignore()
class Adder(QObject): do_one_signal = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, source, single_book_per_directory=True, db=None, parent=None, callback=None, pool=None, list_of_archives=False): if not validate_source(source, parent): return QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.single_book_per_directory = single_book_per_directory self.ignore_opf = False self.list_of_archives = list_of_archives self.callback = callback self.add_formats_to_existing = prefs['add_formats_to_existing'] self.do_one_signal.connect(self.tick, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.pool = pool self.pd = ProgressDialog(_('Adding books...'), _('Scanning for files...'), min=0, max=0, parent=parent, icon='add_book.png') self.db = getattr(db, 'new_api', None) if self.db is not None: self.dbref = weakref.ref(db) self.source = source self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory('_add_books') self.scan_error = None self.file_groups = OrderedDict() self.abort_scan = False self.duplicates = [] = [] self.items = [] self.added_book_ids = set() self.merged_books = set() self.added_duplicate_info = set() self.scan_thread = Thread(target=self.scan, name='ScanBooks') self.scan_thread.daemon = True self.scan_thread.start() self.do_one = self.monitor_scan self.do_one_signal.emit() if DEBUG: self.start_time = time.time() def break_cycles(self): self.abort_scan = True self.pd.close() self.pd.deleteLater() if self.pool is not None: self.pool.shutdown() if not self.items: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.setParent(None) self.find_identical_books_data = self.merged_books = self.added_duplicate_info = self.pool = self.items = self.duplicates = self.pd = self.db = self.dbref = self.tdir = self.file_groups = self.scan_thread = None # noqa self.deleteLater() def tick(self): if self.pd.canceled: try: if callable(self.callback): self.callback(self) finally: self.break_cycles() return self.do_one() # Filesystem scan {{{ def scan(self): def find_files(root): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root): for files in find_books_in_directory(dirpath, self.single_book_per_directory): if self.abort_scan: return self.file_groups[len(self.file_groups)] = files def extract(source): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_archive', dir=self.tdir) if source.lower().endswith('.zip'): from calibre.utils.zipfile import ZipFile try: with ZipFile(source) as zf: zf.extractall(tdir) except Exception: prints('Corrupt ZIP file, trying to use local headers') from calibre.utils.localunzip import extractall extractall(source, tdir) elif source.lower().endswith('.rar'): from calibre.utils.unrar import extract extract(source, tdir) return tdir try: if isinstance(self.source, basestring): find_files(self.source) self.ignore_opf = True else: unreadable_files = [] for path in self.source: if self.abort_scan: return if os.access(path, os.R_OK): if self.list_of_archives: find_files(extract(path)) self.ignore_opf = True else: self.file_groups[len(self.file_groups)] = [path] else: unreadable_files.append(path) if unreadable_files: if not self.file_groups: self.scan_error = _('You do not have permission to read the selected file(s).') + '\n' self.scan_error += '\n'.join(unreadable_files) else: a = for f in unreadable_files: a(_('Could not add %s as you do not have permission to read the file' % f)) a('') except Exception: self.scan_error = traceback.format_exc() def monitor_scan(self): self.scan_thread.join(0.05) if self.scan_thread.is_alive(): self.do_one_signal.emit() return if self.scan_error is not None: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=self.scan_error, show=True) self.break_cycles() return if not self.file_groups: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Could not add'), _( 'No ebook files were found in %s') % self.source, show=True) self.break_cycles() return self.pd.max = len(self.file_groups) self.pd.title = _('Reading metadata and adding to library (%d books)...') % self.pd.max self.pd.msg = '' self.pd.value = 0 self.pool = Pool(name='AddBooks') if self.pool is None else self.pool if self.db is not None: if self.add_formats_to_existing: self.find_identical_books_data = self.db.data_for_find_identical_books() else: try: self.pool.set_common_data(self.db.data_for_has_book()) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.groups_to_add = iter(self.file_groups) self.do_one = self.do_one_group self.do_one_signal.emit() # }}} def do_one_group(self): try: group_id = next(self.groups_to_add) except StopIteration: self.do_one = self.monitor_pool self.do_one_signal.emit() return try: self.pool(group_id, 'calibre.ebooks.metadata.worker', 'read_metadata', self.file_groups[group_id], group_id, self.tdir) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.do_one_signal.emit() def monitor_pool(self): try: worker_result = self.pool.results.get(True, 0.05) self.pool.results.task_done() except Empty: try: self.pool.wait_for_tasks(timeout=0.01) except RuntimeError: pass # Tasks still remaining except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add some books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True else: # All tasks completed try: join_with_timeout(self.pool.results, 0.01) except RuntimeError: pass # There are results remaining else: # No results left self.process_duplicates() return else: group_id = if worker_result.is_terminal_failure: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'The read metadata worker process crashed while processing' ' some files. Adding of books is aborted. Click "Show details"' ' to see which files caused the problem.'), show=True, det_msg='\n'.join(self.file_groups[group_id])) self.pd.canceled = True else: try: self.process_result(group_id, worker_result.result) except Exception: self.report_metadata_failure(group_id, traceback.format_exc()) self.pd.value += 1 self.do_one_signal.emit() def report_metadata_failure(self, group_id, details): a = paths = self.file_groups[group_id] a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to read metadata from the file(s):')) [a('\t' + f) for f in paths] a(_('With error:')), a(details) mi = Metadata(_('Unknown')) mi.read_metadata_failed = False return mi def process_result(self, group_id, result): if result.err: mi = self.report_metadata_failure(group_id, result.traceback) paths = self.file_groups[group_id] has_cover = False duplicate_info = set() if self.add_formats_to_existing else False else: paths, opf, has_cover, duplicate_info = result.value try: mi = OPF(BytesIO(opf), basedir=self.tdir, populate_spine=False, try_to_guess_cover=False).to_book_metadata() mi.read_metadata_failed = False except Exception: mi = self.report_metadata_failure(group_id, traceback.format_exc()) if mi.is_null('title'): for path in paths: mi.title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] break if mi.application_id == '__calibre_dummy__': mi.application_id = None self.pd.msg = mi.title cover_path = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%s.cdata' % group_id) if has_cover else None if self.db is None: if paths: self.items.append((mi, cover_path, paths)) return if self.add_formats_to_existing: identical_book_ids = find_identical_books(mi, self.find_identical_books_data) if identical_book_ids: try: self.merge_books(mi, cover_path, paths, identical_book_ids) except Exception: a = a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to merge the book: ') + mi.title) [a('\t' + f) for f in paths] a(_('With error:')), a(traceback.format_exc()) else: self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) else: if duplicate_info or icu_lower(mi.title or _('Unknown')) in self.added_duplicate_info: self.duplicates.append((mi, cover_path, paths)) else: self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) def merge_books(self, mi, cover_path, paths, identical_book_ids): self.merged_books.add((mi.title, ' & '.join(mi.authors))) seen_fmts = set() replace = gprefs['automerge'] == 'overwrite' cover_removed = False for identical_book_id in identical_book_ids: ib_fmts = {fmt.upper() for fmt in self.db.formats(identical_book_id)} seen_fmts |= ib_fmts self.add_formats(identical_book_id, paths, mi, replace=replace) if gprefs['automerge'] == 'new record': incoming_fmts = {path.rpartition(os.extsep)[-1].upper() for path in paths} if incoming_fmts.intersection(seen_fmts): # There was at least one duplicate format so create a new # record and put the incoming formats into it We should # arguably put only the duplicate formats, but no real harm is # done by having all formats self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) cover_removed = True if not cover_removed and cover_path: try: os.remove(cover_path) except Exception: pass def add_book(self, mi, cover_path, paths): if DEBUG: st = time.time() try: cdata = None if cover_path: with open(cover_path, 'rb') as f: cdata = try: os.remove(cover_path) except Exception: pass book_id = self.dbref().create_book_entry(mi, cover=cdata) self.added_book_ids.add(book_id) except Exception: a = a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to add the book: ') + mi.title) [a('\t' + f) for f in paths] a(_('With error:')), a(traceback.format_exc()) return self.add_formats(book_id, paths, mi) try: if self.add_formats_to_existing: self.db.update_data_for_find_identical_books(book_id, self.find_identical_books_data) else: self.added_duplicate_info.add(icu_lower(mi.title or _('Unknown'))) except Exception: # Ignore this exception since all it means is that duplicate # detection/automerge will fail for this book. traceback.print_exc() if DEBUG: prints('Added', mi.title, 'to db in: %.1f' % (time.time() - st)) def add_formats(self, book_id, paths, mi, replace=True): fmap = {p.rpartition(os.path.extsep)[-1].lower():p for p in paths} for fmt, path in fmap.iteritems(): # The onimport plugins have already been run by the read metadata # worker if self.ignore_opf and fmt.lower() == 'opf': continue try: if self.db.add_format(book_id, fmt, path, run_hooks=False, replace=replace): run_plugins_on_postimport(self.dbref(), book_id, fmt) except Exception: a = a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to add the file {0} to the book: {1}').format(path, mi.title)) a(_('With error:')), a(traceback.format_exc()) def process_duplicates(self): if self.duplicates: d = DuplicatesQuestion(self.dbref(), self.duplicates, self.pd) duplicates = tuple(d.duplicates) d.deleteLater() if duplicates: self.do_one = self.process_duplicate self.duplicates_to_process = iter(duplicates) self.pd.title = _('Adding duplicates') self.pd.msg = '' self.pd.max, self.pd.value = len(duplicates), 0 self.do_one_signal.emit() return self.finish() def process_duplicate(self): try: mi, cover_path, paths = next(self.duplicates_to_process) except StopIteration: self.finish() return self.pd.value += 1 self.pd.msg = mi.title self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) self.do_one_signal.emit() def finish(self): if DEBUG: prints('Added %s books in %.1f seconds' % (len(self.added_book_ids or self.items), time.time() - self.start_time)) if added_some = self.items or self.added_book_ids d = warning_dialog if added_some else error_dialog msg = _('There were problems adding some files, click "Show details" for more information') if added_some else _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information') d(self.pd, _('Errors while adding'), msg, det_msg='\n'.join(, show=True) if gprefs['manual_add_auto_convert'] and self.added_book_ids and self.parent() is not None: self.parent().iactions['Convert Books'].auto_convert_auto_add( self.added_book_ids) try: if callable(self.callback): self.callback(self) finally: self.break_cycles() @property def number_of_books_added(self): return len(self.added_book_ids)
class Saver(QObject): do_one_signal = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, book_ids, db, opts, root, parent=None, pool=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.db = db.new_api self.plugboards = self.db.pref('plugboards', {}) self.template_functions = self.db.pref('user_template_functions', []) load_user_template_functions('', self.template_functions) self.collected_data = {} self.errors = defaultdict(list) self._book_id_data = {} self.all_book_ids = frozenset(book_ids) self.pd = ProgressDialog(_('Saving %d books...') % len(self.all_book_ids), _('Collecting metadata...'), min=0, max=0, parent=parent, icon='save.png') self.do_one_signal.connect(self.tick, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.do_one = self.do_one_collect self.ids_to_collect = iter(self.all_book_ids) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory('_save_to_disk') self.pool = pool self.root, self.opts, self.path_length = sanitize_args(root, opts) self.do_one_signal.emit() if DEBUG: self.start_time = time.time() def tick(self): if self.pd.canceled: self.pd.close() self.pd.deleteLater() self.break_cycles() return self.do_one() def break_cycles(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) if self.pool is not None: self.pool.shutdown() self.setParent(None) = self.pool = self.plugboards = self.template_functions = self.collected_data = self.all_book_ids = self.pd = self.db = None # noqa self.deleteLater() def book_id_data(self, book_id): ans = self._book_id_data.get(book_id) if ans is None: try: ans = BookId(self.db.field_for('title', book_id), self.db.field_for('authors', book_id)) except Exception: ans = BookId((_('Unknown') + ' (%d)' % book_id), (_('Unknown'), )) self._book_id_data[book_id] = ans return ans def do_one_collect(self): try: book_id = next(self.ids_to_collect) except StopIteration: self.collection_finished() return try: self.collect_data(book_id) except Exception: self.errors[book_id].append(('critical', traceback.format_exc())) self.do_one_signal.emit() def collect_data(self, book_id): mi = self.db.get_metadata(book_id) self._book_id_data[book_id] = BookId(mi.title, mi.authors) components = get_path_components(self.opts, mi, book_id, self.path_length) self.collected_data[book_id] = (mi, components, { fmt.lower() for fmt in self.db.formats(book_id) }) def collection_finished(self): self.do_one = self.do_one_write ensure_unique_components(self.collected_data) self.ids_to_write = iter(self.collected_data) self.pd.title = _('Copying files and writing metadata...' ) if self.opts.update_metadata else _( 'Copying files...') self.pd.max = len(self.collected_data) self.pd.value = 0 if self.opts.update_metadata: all_fmts = { fmt for data in self.collected_data.itervalues() for fmt in data[2] } plugboards_cache = { fmt: find_plugboard(plugboard_save_to_disk_value, fmt, self.plugboards) for fmt in all_fmts } self.pool = Pool( name='SaveToDisk') if self.pool is None else self.pool try: self.pool.set_common_data(plugboards_cache) except Failure as err: error_dialog( self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _('Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information' ), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.do_one_signal.emit() def do_one_write(self): try: book_id = next(self.ids_to_write) except StopIteration: self.writing_finished() return if not self.opts.update_metadata: self.pd.msg = self.book_id_data(book_id).title self.pd.value += 1 try: self.write_book(book_id, *self.collected_data[book_id]) except Exception: self.errors[book_id].append(('critical', traceback.format_exc())) self.consume_results() self.do_one_signal.emit() def consume_results(self): if self.pool is not None: while True: try: worker_result = self.pool.results.get_nowait() except Empty: break book_id = if worker_result.is_terminal_failure: error_dialog( self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _('The update metadata worker process crashed while processing' ' the book %s. Saving is aborted.') % self.book_id_data(book_id).title, show=True) self.pd.canceled = True return result = worker_result.result self.pd.value += 1 self.pd.msg = self.book_id_data(book_id).title if result.err is not None: self.errors[book_id].append( ('metadata', (None, result.err + '\n' + result.traceback))) if result.value: for fmt, tb in result.value: self.errors[book_id].append(('metadata', (fmt, tb))) def write_book(self, book_id, mi, components, fmts): base_path = os.path.join(self.root, *components) base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_path) if self.opts.formats and self.opts.formats != 'all': asked_formats = { x.lower().strip() for x in self.opts.formats.split(',') } fmts = asked_formats.intersection(fmts) if not fmts: self.errors[book_id].append( ('critical', _('Requested formats not available'))) return if not fmts and not self.opts.write_opf and not self.opts.save_cover: return # On windows python incorrectly raises an access denied exception # when trying to create the root of a drive, like C:\ if os.path.dirname(base_dir) != base_dir: try: os.makedirs(base_dir) except EnvironmentError as err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if self.opts.update_metadata: d = {} d['last_modified'] = mi.last_modified.isoformat() cdata = self.db.cover(book_id) mi.cover, mi.cover_data = None, (None, None) if cdata: fname = None if self.opts.save_cover: fname = base_path + os.extsep + 'jpg' mi.cover = os.path.basename(fname) elif self.opts.update_metadata: fname = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%d.jpg' % book_id) if fname: with lopen(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(cdata) if self.opts.update_metadata: d['cover'] = fname fname = None if self.opts.write_opf: fname = base_path + os.extsep + 'opf' elif self.opts.update_metadata: fname = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%d.opf' % book_id) if fname: opf = metadata_to_opf(mi) with lopen(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(opf) if self.opts.update_metadata: d['opf'] = fname mi.cover, mi.cover_data = None, (None, None) if self.opts.update_metadata: d['fmts'] = [] for fmt in fmts: try: fmtpath = self.write_fmt(book_id, fmt, base_path) if fmtpath and self.opts.update_metadata and can_set_metadata( fmt): d['fmts'].append(fmtpath) except Exception: self.errors[book_id].append( ('fmt', (fmt, traceback.format_exc()))) if self.opts.update_metadata: if d['fmts']: try: self.pool(book_id, 'calibre.library.save_to_disk', 'update_serialized_metadata', d) except Failure as err: error_dialog( self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _('Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information' ), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True else: self.pd.value += 1 self.pd.msg = self.book_id_data(book_id).title def write_fmt(self, book_id, fmt, base_path): fmtpath = base_path + os.extsep + fmt written = False with lopen(fmtpath, 'w+b') as f: try: self.db.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, f) written = True except NoSuchFormat: self.errors[book_id].append( ('fmt', (fmt, _('No %s format file present') % fmt.upper()))) if not written: os.remove(fmtpath) if written: return fmtpath def writing_finished(self): if not self.opts.update_metadata: self.updating_metadata_finished() else: self.do_one = self.do_one_update self.do_one_signal.emit() def do_one_update(self): self.consume_results() try: self.pool.wait_for_tasks(0.1) except Failure as err: error_dialog( self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _('Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information' ), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True except RuntimeError: pass # tasks not completed else: self.consume_results() return self.updating_metadata_finished() self.do_one_signal.emit() def updating_metadata_finished(self): if DEBUG: prints('Saved %d books in %.1f seconds' % (len(self.all_book_ids), time.time() - self.start_time)) self.pd.close() self.pd.deleteLater() self.break_cycles() if gprefs['show_files_after_save']: open_local_file(self.root) def format_report(self): report = [] a = report.append def indent(text): text = force_unicode(text) return '\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0' + '\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0'.join( text.splitlines()) for book_id, errors in self.errors.iteritems(): types = {t for t, data in errors} title, authors = self.book_id_data( book_id).title, authors_to_string( self.book_id_data(book_id).authors[:1]) if report: a('\n' + ('_' * 70) + '\n') if 'critical' in types: a( _('Failed to save: {0} by {1} to disk, with error:'). format(title, authors)) for t, tb in errors: if t == 'critical': a(indent(tb)) else: errs = defaultdict(list) for t, data in errors: errs[t].append(data) for fmt, tb in errs['fmt']: a( _('Failed to save the {2} format of: {0} by {1} to disk, with error:' ).format(title, authors, fmt.upper())) a(indent(tb)), a('') for fmt, tb in errs['metadata']: if fmt: a( _('Failed to update the metadata in the {2} format of: {0} by {1}, with error:' ).format(title, authors, fmt.upper())) else: a( _('Failed to update the metadata in all formats of: {0} by {1}, with error:' ).format(title, authors)) a(indent(tb)), a('') return '\n'.join(report) def report(self): if not self.errors: return err_types = { e[0] for errors in self.errors.itervalues() for e in errors } if err_types == {'metadata'}: msg = _( 'Failed to update metadata in some books, click "Show details" for more information' ) d = warning_dialog elif len(self.errors) == len(self.all_book_ids): msg = _( 'Failed to save any books to disk, click "Show details" for more information' ) d = error_dialog else: msg = _( 'Failed to save some books to disk, click "Show details" for more information' ) d = warning_dialog d(self.parent(), _('Error while saving'), msg, det_msg=self.format_report(), show=True)
class Adder(QObject): do_one_signal = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, source, single_book_per_directory=True, db=None, parent=None, callback=None, pool=None, list_of_archives=False): if not validate_source(source, parent): return QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.author_map_rules = None if gprefs.get('author_map_on_add_rules'): from calibre.ebooks.metadata.author_mapper import compile_rules as acr self.author_map_rules = acr(gprefs['author_map_on_add_rules']) self.single_book_per_directory = single_book_per_directory self.ignore_opf = False self.list_of_archives = list_of_archives self.callback = callback self.add_formats_to_existing = prefs['add_formats_to_existing'] self.do_one_signal.connect(self.tick, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.pool = pool self.pd = ProgressDialog(_('Adding books...'), _('Scanning for files...'), min=0, max=0, parent=parent, icon='add_book.png') self.db = getattr(db, 'new_api', None) if self.db is not None: self.dbref = weakref.ref(db) self.source = source self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory('_add_books') self.scan_error = None self.file_groups = OrderedDict() self.abort_scan = False self.duplicates = [] = [] self.items = [] self.added_book_ids = set() self.merged_books = set() self.added_duplicate_info = set() self.scan_thread = Thread(target=self.scan, name='ScanBooks') self.scan_thread.daemon = True self.scan_thread.start() self.do_one = self.monitor_scan self.do_one_signal.emit() if DEBUG: self.start_time = time.time() def break_cycles(self): self.abort_scan = True self.pd.close() self.pd.deleteLater() if self.pool is not None: self.pool.shutdown() if not self.items: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.setParent(None) self.find_identical_books_data = self.merged_books = self.added_duplicate_info = self.pool = self.items = self.duplicates = self.pd = self.db = self.dbref = self.tdir = self.file_groups = self.scan_thread = None # noqa self.deleteLater() def tick(self): if self.pd.canceled: try: if callable(self.callback): self.callback(self) finally: self.break_cycles() return self.do_one() # Filesystem scan {{{ def scan(self): try: compiled_rules = tuple(map(compile_rule, gprefs.get('add_filter_rules', ()))) except Exception: compiled_rules = () import traceback traceback.print_exc() if iswindows or isosx: def find_files(root): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root): for files in find_books_in_directory(dirpath, self.single_book_per_directory, compiled_rules=compiled_rules): if self.abort_scan: return self.file_groups[len(self.file_groups)] = files else: def find_files(root): if isinstance(root, type(u'')): root = root.encode(filesystem_encoding) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root): try: dirpath = dirpath.decode(filesystem_encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: prints('Ignoring non-decodable directory:', dirpath) continue for files in find_books_in_directory(dirpath, self.single_book_per_directory, compiled_rules=compiled_rules): if self.abort_scan: return self.file_groups[len(self.file_groups)] = files def extract(source): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_archive', dir=self.tdir) if source.lower().endswith('.zip'): from calibre.utils.zipfile import ZipFile try: with ZipFile(source) as zf: zf.extractall(tdir) except Exception: prints('Corrupt ZIP file, trying to use local headers') from calibre.utils.localunzip import extractall extractall(source, tdir) elif source.lower().endswith('.rar'): from calibre.utils.unrar import extract extract(source, tdir) return tdir try: if isinstance(self.source, basestring): find_files(self.source) self.ignore_opf = True else: unreadable_files = [] for path in self.source: if self.abort_scan: return if os.access(path, os.R_OK): if self.list_of_archives: find_files(extract(path)) self.ignore_opf = True else: self.file_groups[len(self.file_groups)] = [path] else: unreadable_files.append(path) if unreadable_files: if not self.file_groups: m = ngettext('You do not have permission to read the selected file.', 'You do not have permission to read the selected files.', len(unreadable_files)) self.scan_error = m + '\n' + '\n'.join(unreadable_files) else: a = for f in unreadable_files: a(_('Could not add %s as you do not have permission to read the file' % f)) a('') except Exception: self.scan_error = traceback.format_exc() def monitor_scan(self): self.scan_thread.join(0.05) if self.scan_thread.is_alive(): self.do_one_signal.emit() return if self.scan_error is not None: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=self.scan_error, show=True) self.break_cycles() return if not self.file_groups: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Could not add'), _( 'No e-book files were found in %s') % self.source, show=True) self.break_cycles() return self.pd.max = len(self.file_groups) self.pd.title = ngettext( 'Reading metadata and adding to library (one book)...', 'Reading metadata and adding to library ({} books)...', self.pd.max).format(self.pd.max) self.pd.msg = '' self.pd.value = 0 self.pool = Pool(name='AddBooks') if self.pool is None else self.pool if self.db is not None: if self.add_formats_to_existing: self.find_identical_books_data = self.db.data_for_find_identical_books() else: try: self.pool.set_common_data(self.db.data_for_has_book()) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=as_unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + as_unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.groups_to_add = iter(self.file_groups) self.do_one = self.do_one_group self.do_one_signal.emit() # }}} def do_one_group(self): try: group_id = next(self.groups_to_add) except StopIteration: self.do_one = self.monitor_pool self.do_one_signal.emit() return try: self.pool(group_id, 'calibre.ebooks.metadata.worker', 'read_metadata', self.file_groups[group_id], group_id, self.tdir) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=as_unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + as_unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.do_one_signal.emit() def monitor_pool(self): try: worker_result = self.pool.results.get(True, 0.05) self.pool.results.task_done() except Empty: try: self.pool.wait_for_tasks(timeout=0.01) except RuntimeError: pass # Tasks still remaining except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Cannot add books'), _( 'Failed to add some books, click "Show details" for more information.'), det_msg=unicode(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True else: # All tasks completed try: join_with_timeout(self.pool.results, 0.01) except RuntimeError: pass # There are results remaining else: # No results left self.process_duplicates() return else: group_id = if worker_result.is_terminal_failure: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'The read metadata worker process crashed while processing' ' some files. Adding of books is aborted. Click "Show details"' ' to see which files caused the problem.'), show=True, det_msg='\n'.join(self.file_groups[group_id])) self.pd.canceled = True else: try: self.process_result(group_id, worker_result.result) except Exception: self.report_metadata_failure(group_id, traceback.format_exc()) self.pd.value += 1 self.do_one_signal.emit() def report_metadata_failure(self, group_id, details): a = paths = self.file_groups[group_id] a(''), a('-' * 70) m = ngettext('Failed to read metadata from the file:', 'Failed to read metadata from the files:', len(paths)) a(m) [a('\t' + f) for f in paths] a(_('With error:')), a(details) mi = Metadata(_('Unknown')) mi.read_metadata_failed = False return mi def process_result(self, group_id, result): if result.err: mi = self.report_metadata_failure(group_id, result.traceback) paths = self.file_groups[group_id] has_cover = False duplicate_info = set() if self.add_formats_to_existing else False else: paths, opf, has_cover, duplicate_info = result.value try: mi = OPF(BytesIO(opf), basedir=self.tdir, populate_spine=False, try_to_guess_cover=False).to_book_metadata() mi.read_metadata_failed = False except Exception: mi = self.report_metadata_failure(group_id, traceback.format_exc()) if mi.is_null('title'): for path in paths: mi.title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] break if mi.application_id == '__calibre_dummy__': mi.application_id = None if gprefs.get('tag_map_on_add_rules'): from calibre.ebooks.metadata.tag_mapper import map_tags mi.tags = map_tags(mi.tags, gprefs['tag_map_on_add_rules']) if self.author_map_rules: from calibre.ebooks.metadata.author_mapper import map_authors new_authors = map_authors(mi.authors, self.author_map_rules) if new_authors != mi.authors: mi.authors = new_authors if self.db is None: mi.author_sort = authors_to_sort_string(mi.authors) else: mi.author_sort = self.db.author_sort_from_authors(mi.authors) self.pd.msg = mi.title cover_path = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%s.cdata' % group_id) if has_cover else None if self.db is None: if paths: self.items.append((mi, cover_path, paths)) return if self.add_formats_to_existing: identical_book_ids = find_identical_books(mi, self.find_identical_books_data) if identical_book_ids: try: self.merge_books(mi, cover_path, paths, identical_book_ids) except Exception: a = a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to merge the book: ') + mi.title) [a('\t' + f) for f in paths] a(_('With error:')), a(traceback.format_exc()) else: self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) else: if duplicate_info or icu_lower(mi.title or _('Unknown')) in self.added_duplicate_info: self.duplicates.append((mi, cover_path, paths)) else: self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) def merge_books(self, mi, cover_path, paths, identical_book_ids): self.merged_books.add((mi.title, ' & '.join(mi.authors))) seen_fmts = set() replace = gprefs['automerge'] == 'overwrite' cover_removed = False for identical_book_id in identical_book_ids: ib_fmts = {fmt.upper() for fmt in self.db.formats(identical_book_id)} seen_fmts |= ib_fmts self.add_formats(identical_book_id, paths, mi, replace=replace) if gprefs['automerge'] == 'new record': incoming_fmts = {path.rpartition(os.extsep)[-1].upper() for path in paths} if incoming_fmts.intersection(seen_fmts): # There was at least one duplicate format so create a new # record and put the incoming formats into it We should # arguably put only the duplicate formats, but no real harm is # done by having all formats self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) cover_removed = True if not cover_removed and cover_path: try: os.remove(cover_path) except Exception: pass def add_book(self, mi, cover_path, paths): if DEBUG: st = time.time() try: cdata = None if cover_path: with open(cover_path, 'rb') as f: cdata = try: os.remove(cover_path) except Exception: pass book_id = self.dbref().create_book_entry(mi, cover=cdata) self.added_book_ids.add(book_id) except Exception: a = a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to add the book: ') + mi.title) [a('\t' + f) for f in paths] a(_('With error:')), a(traceback.format_exc()) return self.add_formats(book_id, paths, mi, is_an_add=True) try: if self.add_formats_to_existing: self.db.update_data_for_find_identical_books(book_id, self.find_identical_books_data) else: self.added_duplicate_info.add(icu_lower(mi.title or _('Unknown'))) except Exception: # Ignore this exception since all it means is that duplicate # detection/automerge will fail for this book. traceback.print_exc() if DEBUG: prints('Added', mi.title, 'to db in: %.1f' % (time.time() - st)) def add_formats(self, book_id, paths, mi, replace=True, is_an_add=False): fmap = {p.rpartition(os.path.extsep)[-1].lower():p for p in paths} fmt_map = {} for fmt, path in fmap.iteritems(): # The onimport plugins have already been run by the read metadata # worker if self.ignore_opf and fmt.lower() == 'opf': continue try: if self.db.add_format(book_id, fmt, path, run_hooks=False, replace=replace): run_plugins_on_postimport(self.dbref(), book_id, fmt) fmt_map[fmt.lower()] = path except Exception: a = a(''), a('-' * 70) a(_('Failed to add the file {0} to the book: {1}').format(path, mi.title)) a(_('With error:')), a(traceback.format_exc()) if is_an_add: run_plugins_on_postadd(self.dbref(), book_id, fmt_map) def process_duplicates(self): if self.duplicates: d = DuplicatesQuestion(self.dbref(), self.duplicates, self.pd) duplicates = tuple(d.duplicates) d.deleteLater() if duplicates: self.do_one = self.process_duplicate self.duplicates_to_process = iter(duplicates) self.pd.title = _('Adding duplicates') self.pd.msg = '' self.pd.max, self.pd.value = len(duplicates), 0 self.do_one_signal.emit() return self.finish() def process_duplicate(self): try: mi, cover_path, paths = next(self.duplicates_to_process) except StopIteration: self.finish() return self.pd.value += 1 self.pd.msg = mi.title self.add_book(mi, cover_path, paths) self.do_one_signal.emit() def finish(self): if DEBUG: prints('Added %s books in %.1f seconds' % (len(self.added_book_ids or self.items), time.time() - self.start_time)) if added_some = self.items or self.added_book_ids d = warning_dialog if added_some else error_dialog msg = _('There were problems adding some files, click "Show details" for more information') if added_some else _( 'Failed to add any books, click "Show details" for more information') d(self.pd, _('Errors while adding'), msg, det_msg='\n'.join(, show=True) if gprefs['manual_add_auto_convert'] and self.added_book_ids and self.parent() is not None: self.parent().iactions['Convert Books'].auto_convert_auto_add( self.added_book_ids) try: if callable(self.callback): self.callback(self) finally: self.break_cycles() @property def number_of_books_added(self): return len(self.added_book_ids)
class Saver(QObject): do_one_signal = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, book_ids, db, opts, root, parent=None, pool=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.db = db.new_api self.plugboards = self.db.pref('plugboards', {}) self.template_functions = self.db.pref('user_template_functions', []) load_user_template_functions('', self.template_functions) self.collected_data = {} self.errors = defaultdict(list) self._book_id_data = {} self.all_book_ids = frozenset(book_ids) self.pd = ProgressDialog(_('Saving %d books...') % len(self.all_book_ids), _('Collecting metadata...'), min=0, max=0, parent=parent, icon='save.png') self.do_one_signal.connect(self.tick, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.do_one = self.do_one_collect self.ids_to_collect = iter(self.all_book_ids) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory('_save_to_disk') self.pool = pool self.root, self.opts, self.path_length = sanitize_args(root, opts) self.do_one_signal.emit() if DEBUG: self.start_time = time.time() def tick(self): if self.pd.canceled: self.pd.close() self.pd.deleteLater() self.break_cycles() return self.do_one() def break_cycles(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) if self.pool is not None: self.pool.shutdown() self.setParent(None) = self.pool = self.plugboards = self.template_functions = self.collected_data = self.all_book_ids = self.pd = self.db = None # noqa self.deleteLater() def book_id_data(self, book_id): ans = self._book_id_data.get(book_id) if ans is None: try: ans = BookId(self.db.field_for('title', book_id), self.db.field_for('authors', book_id)) except Exception: ans = BookId((_('Unknown') + ' (%d)' % book_id), (_('Unknown'),)) self._book_id_data[book_id] = ans return ans def do_one_collect(self): try: book_id = next(self.ids_to_collect) except StopIteration: self.collection_finished() return try: self.collect_data(book_id) except Exception: self.errors[book_id].append(('critical', traceback.format_exc())) self.do_one_signal.emit() def collect_data(self, book_id): mi = self.db.get_metadata(book_id) self._book_id_data[book_id] = BookId(mi.title, mi.authors) components = get_path_components(self.opts, mi, book_id, self.path_length) self.collected_data[book_id] = (mi, components, {fmt.lower() for fmt in self.db.formats(book_id)}) def collection_finished(self): self.do_one = self.do_one_write ensure_unique_components(self.collected_data) self.ids_to_write = iter(self.collected_data) self.pd.title = _('Copying files and writing metadata...') if self.opts.update_metadata else _( 'Copying files...') self.pd.max = len(self.collected_data) self.pd.value = 0 if self.opts.update_metadata: all_fmts = {fmt for data in itervalues(self.collected_data) for fmt in data[2]} plugboards_cache = {fmt:find_plugboard(plugboard_save_to_disk_value, fmt, self.plugboards) for fmt in all_fmts} self.pool = Pool(name='SaveToDisk') if self.pool is None else self.pool try: self.pool.set_common_data(plugboards_cache) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information'), det_msg=unicode_type(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode_type(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True self.do_one_signal.emit() def do_one_write(self): try: book_id = next(self.ids_to_write) except StopIteration: self.writing_finished() return if not self.opts.update_metadata: self.pd.msg = self.book_id_data(book_id).title self.pd.value += 1 try: self.write_book(book_id, *self.collected_data[book_id]) except Exception: self.errors[book_id].append(('critical', traceback.format_exc())) self.consume_results() self.do_one_signal.emit() def consume_results(self): if self.pool is not None: while True: try: worker_result = self.pool.results.get_nowait() except Empty: break book_id = if worker_result.is_terminal_failure: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'The update metadata worker process crashed while processing' ' the book %s. Saving is aborted.') % self.book_id_data(book_id).title, show=True) self.pd.canceled = True return result = worker_result.result self.pd.value += 1 self.pd.msg = self.book_id_data(book_id).title if result.err is not None: self.errors[book_id].append(('metadata', (None, result.err + '\n' + result.traceback))) if result.value: for fmt, tb in result.value: self.errors[book_id].append(('metadata', (fmt, tb))) def write_book(self, book_id, mi, components, fmts): base_path = os.path.join(self.root, *components) base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_path) if self.opts.formats and self.opts.formats != 'all': asked_formats = {x.lower().strip() for x in self.opts.formats.split(',')} fmts = asked_formats.intersection(fmts) if not fmts: self.errors[book_id].append(('critical', _('Requested formats not available'))) return if not fmts and not self.opts.write_opf and not self.opts.save_cover: return # On windows python incorrectly raises an access denied exception # when trying to create the root of a drive, like C:\ if os.path.dirname(base_dir) != base_dir: try: os.makedirs(base_dir) except EnvironmentError as err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if self.opts.update_metadata: d = {} d['last_modified'] = mi.last_modified.isoformat() cdata = self.db.cover(book_id) mi.cover, mi.cover_data = None, (None, None) if cdata: fname = None if self.opts.save_cover: fname = base_path + os.extsep + 'jpg' mi.cover = os.path.basename(fname) elif self.opts.update_metadata: fname = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%d.jpg' % book_id) if fname: with lopen(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(cdata) if self.opts.update_metadata: d['cover'] = fname fname = None if self.opts.write_opf: fname = base_path + os.extsep + 'opf' elif self.opts.update_metadata: fname = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%d.opf' % book_id) if fname: opf = metadata_to_opf(mi) with lopen(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(opf) if self.opts.update_metadata: d['opf'] = fname mi.cover, mi.cover_data = None, (None, None) if self.opts.update_metadata: d['fmts'] = [] for fmt in fmts: try: fmtpath = self.write_fmt(book_id, fmt, base_path) if fmtpath and self.opts.update_metadata and can_set_metadata(fmt): d['fmts'].append(fmtpath) except Exception: self.errors[book_id].append(('fmt', (fmt, traceback.format_exc()))) if self.opts.update_metadata: if d['fmts']: try: self.pool(book_id, 'calibre.library.save_to_disk', 'update_serialized_metadata', d) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information'), det_msg=unicode_type(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode_type(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True else: self.pd.value += 1 self.pd.msg = self.book_id_data(book_id).title def write_fmt(self, book_id, fmt, base_path): fmtpath = base_path + os.extsep + fmt written = False with lopen(fmtpath, 'w+b') as f: try: self.db.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, f) written = True except NoSuchFormat: self.errors[book_id].append(('fmt', (fmt, _('No %s format file present') % fmt.upper()))) if not written: os.remove(fmtpath) if written: return fmtpath def writing_finished(self): if not self.opts.update_metadata: self.updating_metadata_finished() else: self.do_one = self.do_one_update self.do_one_signal.emit() def do_one_update(self): self.consume_results() try: self.pool.wait_for_tasks(0.1) except Failure as err: error_dialog(self.pd, _('Critical failure'), _( 'Could not save books to disk, click "Show details" for more information'), det_msg=unicode_type(err.failure_message) + '\n' + unicode_type(err.details), show=True) self.pd.canceled = True except RuntimeError: pass # tasks not completed else: self.consume_results() return self.updating_metadata_finished() self.do_one_signal.emit() def updating_metadata_finished(self): if DEBUG: prints('Saved %d books in %.1f seconds' % (len(self.all_book_ids), time.time() - self.start_time)) self.pd.close() self.pd.deleteLater() self.break_cycles() if gprefs['show_files_after_save']: open_local_file(self.root) def format_report(self): report = [] a = report.append def indent(text): text = force_unicode(text) return '\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0' + '\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0'.join(text.splitlines()) for book_id, errors in iteritems(self.errors): types = {t for t, data in errors} title, authors = self.book_id_data(book_id).title, authors_to_string(self.book_id_data(book_id).authors[:1]) if report: a('\n' + ('_'*70) + '\n') if 'critical' in types: a(_('Failed to save: {0} by {1} to disk, with error:').format(title, authors)) for t, tb in errors: if t == 'critical': a(indent(tb)) else: errs = defaultdict(list) for t, data in errors: errs[t].append(data) for fmt, tb in errs['fmt']: a(_('Failed to save the {2} format of: {0} by {1} to disk, with error:').format(title, authors, fmt.upper())) a(indent(tb)), a('') for fmt, tb in errs['metadata']: if fmt: a(_('Failed to update the metadata in the {2} format of: {0} by {1}, with error:').format(title, authors, fmt.upper())) else: a(_('Failed to update the metadata in all formats of: {0} by {1}, with error:').format(title, authors)) a(indent(tb)), a('') return '\n'.join(report) def report(self): if not self.errors: return err_types = {e[0] for errors in itervalues(self.errors) for e in errors} if err_types == {'metadata'}: msg = _('Failed to update metadata in some books, click "Show details" for more information') d = warning_dialog elif len(self.errors) == len(self.all_book_ids): msg = _('Failed to save any books to disk, click "Show details" for more information') d = error_dialog else: msg = _('Failed to save some books to disk, click "Show details" for more information') d = warning_dialog d(self.parent(), _('Error while saving'), msg, det_msg=self.format_report(), show=True)