def initialization_complete(self): ''' An InterfaceAction method ''' # @todo : create Casanova managers here = CasanovaMetadataManager(self.gui) = CasanovaDownloadManager(self.gui, = CasanovaAddManager(self.gui) self.rebuild_menus()
class CasanovaUI(InterfaceAction): name = "Casanova" action_spec = (_('Casanova'), None, None, None) action_type = 'current' popup_type = QToolButton.InstantPopup def genesis(self): # This method is called once per plugin, do initial setup here = QMenu(self.gui) self.old_actions_unique_map = {} icon_resources = self.load_resources(PLUGIN_ICONS) self.qaction.setMenu( #self.qaction.setIcon(get_icon(PLUGIN_ICONS[0])) def initialization_complete(self): ''' An InterfaceAction method ''' # @todo : create Casanova managers here = CasanovaMetadataManager(self.gui) = CasanovaDownloadManager(self.gui, = CasanovaAddManager(self.gui) self.rebuild_menus() def about_to_show_menu(self): ''' Just before the menu is displayed ''' if hasattr(self, 'casanova_book_submenu'): selected_linked = self.is_one_casanova_book_selected() self.casanova_book_submenu.setEnabled(selected_linked) if hasattr(self, 'author_menu_item'): author_selected_linked = self.is_one_casanova_book_selected(include_non_casanova=True) self.author_menu_item.setEnabled(author_selected_linked) if hasattr(self, 'add_new_menu_item'): add_selected_linked = self.is_one_casanova_book_selected(only_non_casanova=True) self.add_new_menu_item.setEnabled(add_selected_linked) #if hasattr(self, 'casanova_issue_submenu'): # selected_linked = self.is_no_books_selected() # self.casanova_issue_submenu.setEnabled(selected_linked) def is_one_casanova_book_selected(self, include_non_casanova=False, only_non_casanova=False): ''' Checks that there is one and only one casanova book selected (for updating, etc) ''' db = self.gui.current_db rows = self.gui.library_view.selectionModel().selectedRows() if not rows or len(rows) != 1: return False if only_non_casanova: for row in rows: calibre_id = mi = db.get_metadata(calibre_id, index_is_id=True) if not mi.has_identifier('casanova'): return True else: if include_non_casanova: return True for row in rows: calibre_id = mi = db.get_metadata(calibre_id, index_is_id=True) if mi.has_identifier('casanova'): return True return False def is_no_books_selected(self): ''' Checks that there are no books at all currently selected ''' db = self.gui.current_db rows = self.gui.library_view.selectionModel().selectedRows() if not rows or len(rows) == 0: return True return False def get_selected_row(self): rows = self.gui.current_view().selectionModel().selectedRows() if not rows or len(rows) == 0: return None return rows[0].row() def get_selected_casanova_id(self, base_only=False): ''' Gets the selected book's Casanova id (if multiple are selected, it gets the first one) ''' db = self.gui.current_db rows = self.gui.library_view.selectionModel().selectedRows() if not rows or len(rows) == 0: return False for row in rows: calibre_id = mi = db.get_metadata(calibre_id, index_is_id=True) if mi.has_identifier('casanova'): res = mi.identifiers['casanova'].split('.') if (len(res)==2): if base_only: return res[0] else: return {'id':res[0], 'revision':res[1]} return False def rebuild_menus(self): ''' Builds the UI menus ''' print('Rebuilding menus') m = m.clear() self.actions_unique_map = {} if prefs['username']=='guest' and prefs['password']=='guest': foo = True else: self.add_new_menu_item = create_menu_action_unique(self, m, _('&Add to Casanova') + '...', None, shortcut=False, triggered=self.add_book) self.casanova_book_submenu = m.addMenu(get_icon('images/link.png'), 'Linked text') self.create_menu_item_ex(self.casanova_book_submenu, 'Refresh metadata', 'images/update.png', 'Gets any updates to the metadata for this text from the server', triggered=self.refresh_metadata) self.create_menu_item_ex(self.casanova_book_submenu, 'Upload metadata', 'images/commit.png', 'Send your metadata changes for this text to the server', triggered=self.upload_metadata) self.casanova_book_submenu.addSeparator() self.create_menu_item_ex(self.casanova_book_submenu, 'Download', 'images/download.png', 'Download a file format from the Casanova server', triggered=self.download_format) m.addSeparator() self.casanova_issue_submenu = m.addMenu(get_icon('images/link.png'), 'Get metadata') self.create_menu_item_ex(self.casanova_issue_submenu, 'Update issues', 'images/refresh.png', 'Get updates to issues from the Casanova server', triggered=self.update_issues) self.author_menu_item = self.create_menu_item_ex(self.casanova_issue_submenu, 'Get all by author', 'images/download.png', 'Get metadata for all texts by this author', triggered=self.update_author) self.create_menu_item_ex(self.casanova_issue_submenu, 'Search', 'images/download.png', 'Search Casanova titles and authors', m.addSeparator() create_menu_action_unique(self, m, _('&Settings') + '...', None, shortcut=False, triggered=self.show_configuration) # Before we finalize, make sure we delete any actions for menus that are no longer displayed for menu_id, unique_name in self.old_actions_unique_map.iteritems(): if menu_id not in self.actions_unique_map: self.gui.keyboard.unregister_shortcut(unique_name) self.old_actions_unique_map = self.actions_unique_map self.gui.keyboard.finalize() from calibre.gui2 import gprefs if not in gprefs['action-layout-context-menu']: gprefs['action-layout-context-menu'] += (, ) if not in gprefs['action-layout-toolbar']: gprefs['action-layout-toolbar'] += (, ) #gprefs['action-layout-context-menu'] += ('AAAARG', ) #gprefs['action-layout-toolbar'] += ('AAAARG', ) #print(gprefs['action-layout-toolbar']) # force add our menu into the gui toolbar #print(self.gui.tags_view.context_menu) #print(gprefs['action-layout-context-menu']) for x in (self.gui.preferences_action, self.qaction): x.triggered.connect(self.show_configuration) def gui_layout_complete(self): ''' We should add the custom column here, if it doesn't already exist ''' from calibre.gui2 import get_current_db, show_restart_warning do_restart = False # create issue cust_col_id = '#issue' db = get_current_db() cust_cols = db.field_metadata.custom_field_metadata() col = unicode(cust_col_id) if col not in cust_cols: print('Custom column being created') db.create_custom_column( label=cust_col_id[1:], name=unicode('Issues'), datatype='text', is_multiple=True, display = {'is_names': False}) do_restart = show_restart_warning(_('Casanova needed to create a custom column. Please restart now!')) else: print('The issue column already exists, so skip creation') if do_restart: self.gui.quit(restart=True) def add_book(self): ''' Adds a book to Casanova ''' db = self.gui.current_db row = self.get_selected_row() if self.gui.current_view() is self.gui.library_view: book_id = self.gui.library_view.model().id(row) else: book_id = self.gui.current_view().model().id(row) mi = db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True) formats = {} fmts = db.formats(book_id, index_is_id=True, verify_formats=False) if fmts: fmts = fmts.split(',') for fmt in fmts: fpath = db.format(book_id, fmt, index_is_id=True, as_path=True) if fpath is not None: formats[fmt.lower()] = fpath if len(formats)==0: return add_dialog = AddBookDialog(self.gui,, mi) add_dialog.exec_() if add_dialog.result() != add_dialog.Accepted: return, mi, formats, add_dialog.one_line_description) db.commit() def refresh_metadata(self): ''' Download any changes on the Casanova metadata server to an item locally ''' row = self.get_selected_row() if self.gui.current_view() is self.gui.library_view: id = self.gui.library_view.model().id(row) else: id = self.gui.current_view().model().id(row) result = if isinstance(result, dict): return info_dialog(self.gui, 'Metadata retrieved', unicode(result['added']) + ' added and ' + unicode(result['updated']) + ' updated', show=True) elif isinstance(result, str): return info_dialog(self.gui, 'Casanova message', unicode(result), show=True) def upload_metadata(self): ''' Upload any changes we have made locally to the Casanova metadata server ''' row = self.get_selected_row() if self.gui.current_view() is self.gui.library_view: id = self.gui.library_view.model().id(row) else: id = self.gui.current_view().model().id(row) result = if isinstance(result, str): return info_dialog(self.gui, 'Casanova message', unicode(result), show=True) def show_configuration(self): print('Configuration') self.interface_action_base_plugin.do_user_config(self.gui) self.rebuild_menus() def apply_settings(self): pass def download_format(self): ''' Callback for downloading a format for a book ''' casanova_id = self.get_selected_casanova_id(True) if not casanova_id: return error_dialog(self.gui, 'Unable to Sync', 'This doesn\'t seem to be a Casanova text.', show=True) choose_dialog = ChooseFormatToDownloadDialog(self.gui,, casanova_id) choose_dialog.exec_() if choose_dialog.result() != choose_dialog.Accepted: return if choose_dialog.selected_format is None: return error_dialog(self.gui, 'Unable to Sync', 'Unable to download anything.', show=True) if casanova_id in book_id =[casanova_id], choose_dialog.selected_format) else: return error_dialog(self.gui, 'Unable to Sync', 'Mapping is messed up. Sorry!', show=True) def update_issues(self): ''' Callback for syncing an issue ''' choose_dialog = ChooseIssuesToUpdateDialog(self.gui, choose_dialog.exec_() if choose_dialog.result() != choose_dialog.Accepted: return if choose_dialog.selected_issues is None: return error_dialog(self.gui, 'Unable to Sync', 'Unable to retrieve updates to selected issues.', show=True) # @todo: put this in a Dispatcher job result = {'added':0, 'updated':0} for issue in choose_dialog.selected_issues: r = result['added'] = r['added'] result['updated'] = r['updated'] return info_dialog(self.gui, 'Metadata retrieved', unicode(result['added']) + ' added and ' + unicode(result['updated']) + ' updated', show=True) def update_author(self): ''' Gets all metadata for an author from Casanova ''' from calibre.ebooks.metadata import author_to_author_sort row = self.get_selected_row() authors = [] if self.gui.current_view() is self.gui.library_view: a = self.gui.library_view.model().authors(row) authors = a.split(',') else: mi = self.gui.current_view().model().get_book_display_info(row) authors = mi.authors corrected_authors = {} for x in authors: corrected_authors[x] = author_to_author_sort(x) result = {'added':0, 'updated':0} if len(corrected_authors)>1: choose_dialog = ChooseAuthorsToUpdateDialog(self.gui,, corrected_authors) choose_dialog.exec_() if choose_dialog.result() != choose_dialog.Accepted: return if choose_dialog.selected_authors is None: return error_dialog(self.gui, 'Unable to Sync', 'Unable to retrieve updates to selected issues.', show=True) # @todo: put this in a Dispatcher job selected_authors_string = '|'.join(choose_dialog.selected_authors) result = if len(corrected_authors) == 1: for k,v in corrected_authors.items(): result = return info_dialog(self.gui, 'Metadata retrieved', unicode(result['added']) + ' added and ' + unicode(result['updated']) + ' updated', show=True) def search(self): search_dialog = SearchDialog(self.gui, search_dialog.exec_() if search_dialog.result() != search_dialog.Accepted: return if search_dialog.selected_texts is None: return error_dialog(self.gui, 'Unable to Sync', 'No results!', show=True) result = return info_dialog(self.gui, 'Metadata retrieved', unicode(result['added']) + ' added and ' + unicode(result['updated']) + ' updated', show=True) def create_menu_item_ex(self, parent_menu, menu_text, image=None, tooltip=None, shortcut=None, triggered=None, is_checked=None, shortcut_name=None, unique_name=None): ac = create_menu_action_unique(self, parent_menu, menu_text, image, tooltip, shortcut, triggered, is_checked, shortcut_name, unique_name) self.actions_unique_map[ac.calibre_shortcut_unique_name] = ac.calibre_shortcut_unique_name return ac def show_dialog(self): # The base plugin object defined in base_plugin_object = self.interface_action_base_plugin # Show the config dialog # The config dialog can also be shown from within # Preferences->Plugins, which is why the do_user_config # method is defined on the base plugin class do_user_config = base_plugin_object.do_user_config # self.gui is the main calibre GUI. It acts as the gateway to access # all the elements of the calibre user interface, it should also be the # parent of the dialog d = DemoDialog(self.gui, self.qaction.icon(), do_user_config) def show_dialog2(self, *args): ''' Delete selected books from device or library. ''' view = self.gui.current_view() rows = view.selectionModel().selectedRows() if not rows or len(rows) == 0: return # Library view is visible. if self.gui.stack.currentIndex() == 0: to_process_ids = [view.model().id(r) for r in rows] # The following will run if the selected books are not on a connected device. # The user has selected to delete from the library or the device and library. if not confirm('<p>'+_('The selected books will be ' '<b>permanently deleted</b> and the files ' 'removed from your calibre library. Are you sure?') +'</p>', 'library_delete_books', self.gui): return next_id = view.next_id if len(rows) < 5: #view.model().delete_books_by_id(to_process_ids) #self.library_ids_deleted2(to_process_ids, next_id=next_id) print('processing fewer than 5 titles')