def __init__(self, htmlWriter, context): OsisHandler.__init__(self, htmlWriter, context) self._bibleHtmlOpen = False self._bibleIntroWritten = False # A Bible introduction has been written self._bibleStarting = True # Not yet found first Bible chapter self._bookTitle = '' # Book title either from config or found in OSIS self._bookHtmlOpen = False self._bookTitleFound = False # Found title which will be used as book title self._bookTitleWritten = False # Title of current book written to output file self._canonicalTitleWritten = False # Last output written was a canonical title self._chFootnoteMarker = '' # Footnote marker in a chapter title self._chNumWritten = False # Chapter number written before current verse self._chHeadingWritten = False # Found or generated a title at the start of a chapter self._chapterTitle = '' # HTML for chapter title ready to be written to output self._chTitleWritten = False # Chapter title has been written to output self._docStructure = DocStructure() self._firstBook = True # First book of testament self._firstTitle = False # Next title found will be first in book self._firstVerse = False # Current verse is first in chapter self._footnoteMarkerWritten = False # Marker for current footnote has been written (and any scripture reference processed) self._groupEmpty = False # No books yet found in current book group self._groupIndex = 0 # Used to check for start of new testament where separate book groups not used self._groupIntroWritten = False # A testament introduction has been written for current testament self._groupHtmlOpen = False self._groupTitle = '' # Title for current testament, obtained from config self._groupTitleWritten = False # The current testament title has been written self._inCanonicalTitle = False # Currently processing a canonical title self._inChapterTitle = False # Currently processing a chapter title self._ignoreChEnd = False # Processing <chapter> tag which is a milestone tag self._ignoreDivEnd = False # Processing <div> tag which is a milestone tag self._inFootnoteRef = False # Processing initial reference in a footnote self._inIntro = False # Processing an introduction rather than scripture self._introDivTextFound = False # Some text has been processed for current introduction <div> self._introStyleStarted = False # Found first occurrence of 'x-introduction' (sub)type in current introduction self._introText = '' # Html generated for current introduction self._introTextFound = False # Some text has been processed for current introduction self._introTitleWritten = False # A title for the current introduction has been written self._inVerse = False # Currently within a scripture verse and not within a canonical title self._lineSpan = False # Current poetic line in first line of chapter, to the right of a chapter number self._psDivTitle = False # Title being processed had been identified as a Psalm division title or subtitle self._psDivTitleFound = False # Last title processed was a Psalm division title, so next may be corresponding subtitle self._readyForSubtitle = False # Last title processed was a book title, so next may be corresponding subtitle self._singleChapterBook = False # Current book should have only one chapter self._startingChapter = False # <chapter> tag processed, but initial <verse> tag not yet found self._verseEmpty = True # Not yet processed any text in this verse (excluding canonical title) self._verseNumWritten = False # Html for the number of the current verse has been generater self._verseText = '' # Text of verse currently beeing processed # For fb2, we need chapter/psalm titles. # If no format has been provided, set up format as the chapter/psalm number only if self._context.outputFmt == 'fb2': if self._context.config.chapterTitle == '': self._context.config.chapterTitle = '%s' if self._context.config.psalmTitle == '': self._context.config.psalmTitle = '%s'
class BibleHandler(OsisHandler): def __init__(self, htmlWriter, context): OsisHandler.__init__(self, htmlWriter, context) self._bibleHtmlOpen = False self._bibleIntroWritten = False # A Bible introduction has been written self._bibleStarting = True # Not yet found first Bible chapter self._bookTitle = '' # Book title either from config or found in OSIS self._bookHtmlOpen = False self._bookTitleFound = False # Found title which will be used as book title self._bookTitleWritten = False # Title of current book written to output file self._canonicalTitleWritten = False # Last output written was a canonical title self._chFootnoteMarker = '' # Footnote marker in a chapter title self._chNumWritten = False # Chapter number written before current verse self._chHeadingWritten = False # Found or generated a title at the start of a chapter self._chapterTitle = '' # HTML for chapter title ready to be written to output self._chTitleWritten = False # Chapter title has been written to output self._docStructure = DocStructure() self._firstBook = True # First book of testament self._firstTitle = False # Next title found will be first in book self._firstVerse = False # Current verse is first in chapter self._footnoteMarkerWritten = False # Marker for current footnote has been written (and any scripture reference processed) self._groupEmpty = False # No books yet found in current book group self._groupIndex = 0 # Used to check for start of new testament where separate book groups not used self._groupIntroWritten = False # A testament introduction has been written for current testament self._groupHtmlOpen = False self._groupTitle = '' # Title for current testament, obtained from config self._groupTitleWritten = False # The current testament title has been written self._inCanonicalTitle = False # Currently processing a canonical title self._inChapterTitle = False # Currently processing a chapter title self._ignoreChEnd = False # Processing <chapter> tag which is a milestone tag self._ignoreDivEnd = False # Processing <div> tag which is a milestone tag self._inFootnoteRef = False # Processing initial reference in a footnote self._inIntro = False # Processing an introduction rather than scripture self._introDivTextFound = False # Some text has been processed for current introduction <div> self._introStyleStarted = False # Found first occurrence of 'x-introduction' (sub)type in current introduction self._introText = '' # Html generated for current introduction self._introTextFound = False # Some text has been processed for current introduction self._introTitleWritten = False # A title for the current introduction has been written self._inVerse = False # Currently within a scripture verse and not within a canonical title self._lineSpan = False # Current poetic line in first line of chapter, to the right of a chapter number self._psDivTitle = False # Title being processed had been identified as a Psalm division title or subtitle self._psDivTitleFound = False # Last title processed was a Psalm division title, so next may be corresponding subtitle self._readyForSubtitle = False # Last title processed was a book title, so next may be corresponding subtitle self._singleChapterBook = False # Current book should have only one chapter self._startingChapter = False # <chapter> tag processed, but initial <verse> tag not yet found self._verseEmpty = True # Not yet processed any text in this verse (excluding canonical title) self._verseNumWritten = False # Html for the number of the current verse has been generater self._verseText = '' # Text of verse currently beeing processed # For fb2, we need chapter/psalm titles. # If no format has been provided, set up format as the chapter/psalm number only if self._context.outputFmt == 'fb2': if self._context.config.chapterTitle == '': self._context.config.chapterTitle = '%s' if self._context.config.psalmTitle == '': self._context.config.psalmTitle = '%s' def startDocument(self): OsisHandler.startDocument(self) self._bibleHtmlOpen = False self._bibleIntroWritten = False self._bibleStarting = True self._bookHtmlOpen = False self._bookTitle = '' self._canonicalTitleWritten = False self._chapterTitle = '' self._chFootnoteMarker = '' self._chNumWritten = False self._chHeadingWritten = False self._firstBook = True self._groupEmpty = False self._groupHtmlOpen = False self._groupIndex = 0 self._inCanonicalTitle = False self._inChapterTitle = False self._ignoreChEnd = False self._ignoreDivEnd = False self._inFootnoteRef = False self._inIntro = False self._introDivTextFound = False self._introStyleStarted = False self._introText = '' self._introTextFound = False self._introTitleWritten = False self._inVerse = False self._psDivTitle = False self._psDivTitleFound = False self._readyForSubtitle = False self._verseNumWritten = False self._verseText = '' self._verseTextFound = False self._defaultHeaderLevel = 3 def endElement(self, name): if name == 'chapter': if self._ignoreChEnd: self._ignoreChEnd = False else: self._docStructure.endChapter(self._docStructure.chapterRef) self._writeBreak(True) elif name == 'div': if self._ignoreDivEnd: self._ignoreDivEnd = False else: divType = self._docStructure.endDiv(None) if divType == self._docStructure.BOOK: self._footnotes.writeFootnotes() elif divType == self._docStructure.GROUP: if self._groupEmpty: print 'Ignoring empty book group' self._docStructure.groupNumber -= 1 self._htmlWriter.closeAndRemove() self._groupHtmlOpen = False elif divType == self._docStructure.INTRO: if self._bibleHtmlOpen: self._bibleIntroWritten = True elif self._groupHtmlOpen: self._groupIntroWritten = True elif name == 'figure': if self._inIntro: self._introTextFound = True OsisHandler.endElement(self, name) elif name == 'l': if self._lineSpan: self._writeHtml('</span>\n') else: if self._inIntro: self._writeHtml('</span>') OsisHandler.endElement(self, name) elif name == 'note': if self._inFootnote: self._inFootnoteRef = False OsisHandler.endElement(self, name) elif name == 'reference': if self._inFootnoteRef: self._inFootnoteRef = False else: OsisHandler.endElement(self, name) elif name == 'title': if self._inTitle: self._inTitle = False if self._ignoreTitle: self._ignoreTitle = False elif self._headerProcessed: titleWritten = False if not self._docStructure.inBook: titleWritten = self._processIntroTitle() elif self._inIntro: titleWritten = self._processBookIntroTitle() else: titleWritten = self._processScriptureTitle() if titleWritten: self._breakCount = 2 self._psDivTitle = False self._canonicalTitleWritten = False if'chapter', self._titleTag) is not None: self._chHeadingWritten = True elif self._inCanonicalTitle: closingTag = '' if self._context.canonicalClassDefined: closingTag = '</span>' else: closingTag = '</i>' self._inCanonicalTitle = False self._writeHtml(closingTag + '<br />\n') self._breakCount = 1 self._canonicalTitleWritten = True if self._docStructure.verse != '': self._inVerse = True self._verseEmpty = True if self._chTitleWritten or self._docStructure.verse != '1': self._verseText = '<sup>' + self._docStructure.verse + '</sup>' self._verseNumWritten = True elif self._inChapterTitle: chAttribute ='' if not self._chHeadingWritten: chAttribute = 'chapter="%s" ' % self._docStructure.chapter self._chapterTitle = '<h3 %s class="x-chapter-title">%s</h3>' % (chAttribute, self._chapterTitle) if self._chFootnoteMarker != '': self._chapterTitle += self._chFootnoteMarker self._chFootnoteMarker = '' self._chapterTitle += '<br />' self._chHeadingWritten = True self._inChapterTitle = False else: OsisHandler.endElement(self, name) def characters(self, content): text = content.strip() if self._inFootnoteRef: self._footnotes.changeVerseId(text) elif self._inTitle: if self._headerProcessed: if not self._ignoreTitle: if self._inFootnote: self._handleFootnoteTextInTitle(text) else: self._titleText += content self._breakCount = 0 elif self._context.title == '': self._context.title = content elif self._inChapterTitle: if self._inFootnote: self._handleFootnoteTextInTitle(text) else: self._chapterTitle += text else : if self._headerProcessed: if self._inIntro or not self._docStructure.inBook: if len(text) > 0: self._introTextFound = True self._introDivTextFound = True self._readyForSubtitle = False if self._inFootnote and not self._footnoteMarkerWritten: # Footnote in introduction self._startFootnoteAndWriteMarker('') self._checkGeneratePara() self._writeHtml(content) else: if self._inVerse and self._firstVerse and self._verseEmpty and not self._verseNumWritten: if not self._bookTitleWritten: self._writeBookTitle() if not self._chTitleWritten and not self._singleChapterBook: self._writeChapterTitleOrNumber() if not self._chNumWritten or self._docStructure.verse != '1': verseNumber = '<sup>' + self._docStructure.verse + '</sup>' self._verseText += verseNumber self._verseNumWritten = True if not self._ignoreText: if len(text) > 0: if not self._inCanonicalTitle: self._checkGeneratePara() if self._inVerse and not self._inFootnote: self._verseTextFound = True # Write book/chapter title if not already written if not self._bookTitleWritten: self._writeBookTitle() if self._chapterTitle != '': self._writeChapterTitle() # Deal with verse numbers supplied as "[nn]" # First of all, check for such a number right at the start of the verse # This needs to replace the verse number obtained from osisID if self._verseEmpty and self._verseNumWritten: match = re.match(r'\[([0-9-]+)\]',content) if match and != self._docStructure.verse: # Remove the existing verse number (<sup>nn</sup>) verseLen = len(self._docStructure.verse) + 11 self._verseText = self._verseText[:-verseLen] self._verseEmpty = False content = re.sub(r'\['+self._docStructure.verse+r'\]\s*', '', content) content = re.sub(r'\[([0-9-]+)\]\s*', r'<sup>\1</sup>', content) if self._inFootnote and not self._footnoteMarkerWritten: # This is a footnote without a reference verseRef = '%s:%s' % (self._docStructure.chapter, self._docStructure.verse) self._startFootnoteAndWriteMarker(verseRef) self._writeHtml(content) # The _processBodyTag function is called from the base class startElement def _processBodyTag(self, name, attrs): if name == 'chapter': osisId = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'osisID') if osisId is not None: # Start of a chapter # If this is the first chapter of the book, write book title and any intro if self._inIntro: if len(self._introText) > 0: # Remove unwanted breaks at start of intro before writing while self._introText.startswith('<br />'): self._introText = self._introText[6:] if self._bibleStarting and self._context.config.bibleIntro and not self._bibleIntroWritten:'bible') self._bibleHtmlOpen = True self._closeParagraph() self._writeIntroText() self._bibleIntroWritten = True self._introText = '' elif self._firstBook and self._context.config.testamentIntro and not self._groupIntroWritten: self._openGroupHtml() self._closeParagraph() self._writeIntroText() self._introText = '' self._groupIntroWritten = True # Ensure testament title is written if self._firstBook and not self._groupTitleWritten and self._groupTitle != '': self._openGroupHtml() self._openBookHtml() if self._bookTitleFound or not self._context.config.bookTitlesInOSIS: self._writeBookTitle() if len(self._introText) > 0: if not self._bookTitleWritten: self._writeBookTitle() self._introText += '<br />\n' self._writeIntroText() self._introText = '' self._inIntro = False self._introStyleStarted = False chId = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'sID') if chId is not None: self._ignoreChEnd = True # This is a milestone tag else: self._ignoreChEnd = False # This is an enclosing tag chId = osisId self._docStructure.newChapter(chId) # If a chapter/psalm heading format is defined, then write the heading self._chapterTitle = '' self._chTitleWritten = False self._chHeadingWritten = False self._startingChapter = True titleFormat = '' bookId = self._docStructure.bookId if bookId == 'Ps': titleFormat = self._context.config.psalmTitle elif not self._singleChapterBook: titleFormat = self._context.config.chapterTitle if titleFormat != '': title = titleFormat % self._docStructure.chapter self._chapterTitle = '<h3 chapter="%s" class="x-chapter-title">%s</h3><br />' % (self._docStructure.chapter, title) self._bibleStarting = False self._firstBook = False # Do not write chapter number yet, in case there is a heading to write else: chId = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'eID') if chId is not None: self._docStructure.endChapter(chId) self._writeBreak(True) else: print 'Chapter tag does not have expected attributes - ignoring' elif name == 'div': divType = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'type') if divType == 'bookGroup': if self._docStructure.startGroup(): groupNumber = self._docStructure.groupNumber self._startGroup(groupNumber) elif divType == 'book': self._groupEmpty = False # Finish off any preceding Bible or testament introduction if self._bibleHtmlOpen or self._groupHtmlOpen: self._footnotes.writeFootnotes() self._htmlWriter.close() self._bibleHtmlOpen = False self._groupHtmlOpen = False # See which book is starting bookRef = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'osisID') if self._docStructure.startBook(bookRef): if not self._context.config.testamentGroups: groupIndex = self._context.config.bookGroup(bookRef) if not self._firstBook and groupIndex != self._groupIndex: self._docStructure.groupNumber += 1 self._startGroup(self._docStructure.groupNumber) self._groupIndex = groupIndex self._bookTitle = self._context.config.bookTitle(bookRef) self._inIntro = True self._introText = '' self._introTextFound = False self._introTitleWritten = False self._bookTitleFound = False self._bookTitleWritten = False self._firstTitle = True self._verseTextFound = False print 'Processing book ', bookRef if bookRef == 'Phlm' or bookRef == '2John' or bookRef == '3John' or bookRef == 'Jude' or bookRef == 'Obad': self._singleChapterBook = True else: self._singleChapterBook = False # Don't open book HTML yet, in case there is a testament introduction to write elif divType == 'section': secRef = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'sID') self._docStructure.startSection(secRef) if secRef is not None: self._ignoreDivEnd = True # Milestone tag elif divType == 'introduction' or divType == 'preface' or divType == 'coverPage' or divType == 'titlePage': if self._bibleStarting and not self._docStructure.inGroup: self._introDivTextFound = False if not self._bibleHtmlOpen:'bible') self._bibleHtmlOpen = True self._introTextFound = False self._bibleIntroWritten = True self._docStructure.startIntro() elif self._docStructure.inGroup and self._groupEmpty: self._introDivTextFound = False if not self._groupHtmlOpen: self._openGroupHtml() self._introTextFound = False self._docStructure.startIntro() else: self._docStructure.otherDiv() else: secRef = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'eID') if secRef is not None: divType = self._docStructure.endDiv(secRef) self._ignoreDivEnd = True else: self._docStructure.otherDiv() elif name == 'foreign': verseEmpty = self._verseEmpty if self._inVerse: # prevents style being applied to verse number self._verseEmpty = False self._writeHtml('<span class="foreign">') self._verseEmpty = verseEmpty elif name == 'hi': verseEmpty = self._verseEmpty if self._inVerse: self._verseEmpty = False # Prevents highlight being applied to verse number OsisHandler._handleHi(self, attrs) self._verseEmpty = verseEmpty elif name == 'l': self._lineSpan = False htmlTag = self._lineHtml(attrs) if self._inVerse and self._verseEmpty: if self._chNumWritten: self._lineSpan = True self._verseText = self._verseText + '<span class="first-line">' else: self._verseText = htmlTag + self._verseText else: self._verseEmpty = False self._writeHtml(htmlTag) if self._introStyleStarted: self._writeHtml('<span class="x-introduction">') elif name == 'lg': if not self._inIntro and not self._bookTitleWritten and self._bookHtmlOpen: self._writeBookTitle() if self._firstVerse and not self._chTitleWritten and not self._singleChapterBook: self._writeChapterTitleOrNumber() OsisHandler._processBodyTag(self, name, attrs) elif name == 'list': listType = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'subType') if listType is None and self._inIntro and self._introStyleStarted: htmlTag = '<ul class="x-introduction">\n' self._writeHtml(htmlTag) else: OsisHandler._processBodyTag(self, name, attrs) elif name == 'p': self._endGeneratedPara() if not self._inIntro and not self._bookTitleWritten and self._bookHtmlOpen: self._writeBookTitle() if self._firstVerse and not self._chTitleWritten and not self._singleChapterBook: self._writeChapterTitleOrNumber() overrideSubType = None if self._inVerse and self._verseEmpty and self._chNumWritten: overrideSubType='first-para' elif self._introStyleStarted: overrideSubType = 'x-introduction' paraTag = self._generateParaTag(attrs, overrideSubType) if 'x-introduction' in paraTag and self._inIntro: self._introStyleStarted = True self._inParagraph = True if self._inVerse and self._verseEmpty: self._verseText = paraTag + self._verseText else: self._writeHtml(paraTag) elif name == 'reference': # reference tags are expected but are ignored # apart from glossary references and references in footnotes refType = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'type') if refType == "x-glossary": verseEmpty = self._verseEmpty if self._inVerse: # prevents style being applied to verse number self._verseEmpty = False OsisHandler._processReference(self, attrs) self._verseEmpty = verseEmpty elif self._inFootnote and not self._footnoteMarkerWritten: self._inFootnoteRef = True osisRef = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'osisRef') if osisRef is None: # reference not supplied as an attribute verseRef = '%s:%s' % (self._docStructure.chapter, self._docStructure.verse) self._startFootnoteAndWriteMarker(verseRef) elif not self._footnoteRef(osisRef): # We already have a reference, so do not process contents of this reference tag self._inFootnoteRef = False self._inFootnote = False self._ignoreText = True elif self._figHtml != '': self._ignoreText = True elif name == 'title': canonical = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'canonical') if canonical == 'true': # A canonical title has special treatment # Make sure Psalm title or number is written before the cannonical title if not self._bookTitleWritten: self._writeBookTitle() if self._startingChapter and not self._chTitleWritten: self._writeChapterTitleOrNumber() self._startingChapter = False if self._inVerse: # A canonical title is not part of the verse self._inVerse = False self._verseText = '' if self._firstVerse and not self._chTitleWritten: self._writeChapterTitleOrNumber() if self._context.canonicalClassDefined: self._writeHtml('<span class="canonical">') else: self._writeHtml('<i>') self._inCanonicalTitle = True else: titleType = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'type') if titleType == 'runningHead': self._inTitle = True self._ignoreTitle = True elif titleType == 'x-chapterLabel': if self._singleChapterBook: self._inTitle = True self._ignoreTitle = True else: self._chapterTitle = '' self._inChapterTitle = True else: level = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'level') if level is not None: # Header levels 1 and 2 are for testaments and books, so titles start at 3 headerLevel = int(level) + 2 else: headerLevel = self._defaultHeaderLevel subType = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'subType') chapter = '' if (self._context.outputFmt != 'fb2'): if (not self._singleChapterBook) and (self._startingChapter or (self._inVerse and self._firstVerse and self._verseEmpty and not self._canonicalTitleWritten)): if not self._chHeadingWritten: chapter = ' chapter="%s"' % self._docStructure.chapter if self._readyForSubtitle and headerLevel == 4: self._titleTag = '<h4 class="book-subtitle">' elif subType is not None: self._titleTag = '<h%d class="%s"%s>' % (headerLevel, subType, chapter) else: self._titleTag = '<h%d%s>' % (headerLevel, chapter) self._inTitle = True self._titleText = '' self._readyForSubtitle = False elif name == 'transChange': verseEmpty = self._verseEmpty if self._inVerse: # prevents style being applied to verse number self._verseEmpty = False self._writeHtml('<span class="transChange">') self._verseEmpty = verseEmpty elif name == 'verse': verse = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'sID') if verse is not None: self._startVerse(verse) else: verse = self._getAttributeValue(attrs,'eID') if verse is not None: self._docStructure.endVerse(verse) if not self._lineGroupPara: self._endGeneratedPara() if not self._verseEmpty: if self._chHeadingWritten: # remove chapter attribute from chapter number if a chapter heading has been written self._verseText = re.sub(r'span chapter="\d+"', 'span', self._verseText) # Add a break if immediately following a canonical title if self._canonicalTitleWritten: self._htmlWriter.write('<br />') self._canonicalTitleWritten = False self._htmlWriter.write(self._verseText + '\n') self._firstVerse = False self._chHeadingWritten = False self._inVerse = False self._verseText ='' else: OsisHandler._processBodyTag(self, name, attrs) def _openGroupHtml(self): if not self._groupHtmlOpen: if self._bibleHtmlOpen: # Write out any footnotes in the preceding Bible introduction self._footnotes.writeFootnotes() else: self._footnotes.reinit() groupNumber = self._docStructure.groupNumber htmlName = 'group%d' % groupNumber self._groupHtmlOpen = True self._bookHtmlOpen = False self._bibleHtmlOpen = False if self._groupTitle != '': self._htmlWriter.write('<h1>%s</h1>\n' % self._groupTitle) self._groupTitleWritten = True def _openBookHtml(self): if self._groupHtmlOpen or self._bibleHtmlOpen: # Write out any footnotes in the Bible or Testament introduction self._footnotes.writeFootnotes() bookId = self._docStructure.bookId self._groupHtmlOpen = False self._bookHtmlOpen = True self._bibleHtmlOpen = False def _writeHtml(self, html): if self._inFootnote and not self._writingFootnoteMarker: OsisHandler._writeHtml(self, html) elif not self._inTitle and not self._inCaption: self._suppressBreaks = False if self._inIntro: self._introText += html elif self._inVerse and not self._verseEmpty: self._verseText += html else: OsisHandler._writeHtml(self, html) self._breakCount = 0 # will be overwritten if called from _writeBreak() else: OsisHandler._writeHtml(self, html) def _writeTitle(self): if len(self._titleText) > 0: origInVerse = self._inVerse if self._psDivTitle: self._inVerse = False # causes title to be written before Psalm heading titleWritten = OsisHandler._writeTitle(self) self._inVerse = origInVerse return titleWritten else: return False def _writeChapterNumber(self): chAttribute = '' if not self._chHeadingWritten: chAttribute = 'chapter="%s"' % self._docStructure.chapter if self._context.chNumClassDefined: spanHtml = '<span %s class="x-chapter-number">%s</span>' % (chAttribute, self._docStructure.chapter) else: spanHtml = '<span %s style="font-size:36pt; float:left; line-height:1">%s</span>' % (chAttribute, self._docStructure.chapter) if self._inVerse: self._verseText += spanHtml else: self._writeHtml(spanHtml) self._chNumWritten = True def _writeChapterTitle(self): self._htmlWriter.write(self._chapterTitle) self._chapterTitle = '' self._chTitleWritten = True self._chHeadingWritten = True self._breakCount = 2 def _startVerse(self, verse): self._docStructure.newVerse(verse) self._inVerse = True self._verseText = '' self._verseEmpty = True self._chNumWritten = False self._verseNumWritten = False self._psDivTitleFound = False if self._startingChapter: self._firstVerse = True else: verseNumber = '<sup>' + self._docStructure.verse + '</sup>' self._firstVerse = False self._verseText = verseNumber self._verseNumWritten = True self._startingChapter = False def _startGeneratedPara(self): paraTag = '<p class="x-indent-0">' if self._inVerse and self._firstVerse and self._verseEmpty and self._chNumWritten: paraTag = '<p class="first-para">' self._writeHtml(paraTag) self._inGeneratedPara = True def _writeIntroText(self): self._htmlWriter.write(self._introText) def _handlePsDivHeading(self, text): self._psDivTitle = False if self._docStructure.bookId == 'Ps' and self._context.config.psalmDivTitle != '': if self._context.config.psalmDivSubtitle != '' and self._psDivTitleFound: m = re.match(self._context.config.psalmDivSubtitle, text, re.UNICODE) if m: self._psDivTitle = True self._psDivTitleFound = False if not self._psDivTitle: m = re.match(self._context.config.psalmDivTitle, text, re.UNICODE) if m: self._psDivTitle = True self._psDivTitleFound = True if (self._psDivTitle): # This is a psalm division title or subtitle # Apply approriate style and make sure this is not marked as a chapter heading self._titleTag = re.sub(' chapter=".+"', '', self._titleTag) self._titleTag = re.sub(' class=".+"', '', self._titleTag) self._titleTag = re.sub('>', ' class="psalm-div-heading">', self._titleTag) def _processIntroTitle(self): rawText = re.sub('<.*>', ' ', self._titleText) writeTitle = True titleWritten = False if not self._introTextFound: self._introTextFound = True self._introDivTextFound = True # This is the initial title if self._docStructure.inGroup and self._groupEmpty and self._groupTitle != '' and rawText.lower() == self._groupTitle.lower(): # Do not write initial title which duplicates the testament heading writeTitle = False self._introTextFound = False self._introDivTextFound = False elif self._context.config.introInContents or not self._docStructure.inGroup or self._groupTitle == '': # Adjust initial title level to create the appropriete TOC entry headerLevel = self._context.topHeaderLevel if self._docStructure.inGroup and self._groupTitle != '': headerLevel = 2 self._titleTag = re.sub(r'<h\d+','<h%d' % headerLevel, self._titleTag) elif not self._introDivTextFound: self._introDivTextFound = True if self._context.config.introInContents: headerLevel = self._context.topHeaderLevel if self._docStructure.inGroup: headerLevel = 2 self._titleTag = re.sub(r'<h\d+','<h%d' % headerLevel, self._titleTag) if writeTitle: titleWritten = self._writeTitle() def _processBookIntroTitle(self): titleWritten = False rawText = re.sub('<.*>', ' ', self._titleText) if rawText.lower() == self._groupTitle.lower(): if self._context.config.bibleIntro and self._docStructure.groupNumber == 1 and self._introTextFound: # If testament title is found in Bible intro, this is division between Bible and testament intro self._closeParagraph() self._introText += '\n''bible') self._bibleHtmlOpen = True self._writeIntroText() self._bibleIntroWritten = True self._introText = '' self._introTextFound = False self._introTitleWritten = False self._openGroupHtml() elif rawText.lower() == self._bookTitle.lower(): self._bookTitleFound = True if self._firstBook and self._introTextFound: # For the first book in a group, anything before this is assumed to be a Bible/testament introduction self._closeParagraph() self._introText += '\n' self._openGroupHtml() self._writeIntroText() self._groupIntroWritten = True self._introText = '' self._introTextFound = False self._introTitleWritten = False self._openBookHtml() # # If title is at the start of the intro, it is the book title # Do not include this in intro text as book title will be included anyway if self._introTextFound: titleWritten = self._writeTitle() else: self._introText = '' if self._context.config.bookTitlesInOSIS: self._bookTitle = self._titleText if self._context.config.bookSubtitles: self._readyForSubtitle = True elif not self._bookTitleFound and self._context.config.bookTitlesInOSIS and not self._introTextFound: # # This is the book title self._bookTitle = self._titleText self._bookTitleFound = True if self._context.config.bookSubtitles: self._readyForSubtitle = True else: if not self._introTextFound and not self._introTitleWritten and not self._singleChapterBook: # Intro title may be needed in toc - but make sure this is not a book subtitle titleTag = self._titleTag if self._context.config.introInContents and not 'book-subtitle' in titleTag: self._titleTag = titleTag.replace('>', ' chapter="'+rawText+'">') self._introTitleWritten = True else: # An initial psalm division title may occur at the end of the intro - handle this self._handlePsDivHeading(rawText) # Terminate any current paragraph to avoid an unwanted introduction style from being applied if self._inParagraph: self._writeHtml('</p>\n') self._inParagraph = False titleWritten = self._writeTitle() return titleWritten def _processScriptureTitle(self): titleWritten = False rawText = re.sub('<.*>', ' ', self._titleText) if rawText.lower() == self._bookTitle.lower() and not self._bookTitleFound: self._bookTitleFound = True if self._verseTextFound or not self._firstTitle: titleWritten = self._writeTitle() elif self._context.config.bookSubtitles: self._readyForSubtitle = True elif self._firstTitle and not self._bookTitleFound and self._context.config.bookTitlesInOSIS and not self._verseTextFound and not self._docStructure.inSection: # # This is the book title self._bookTitle = self._titleText self._bookTitleFound = True self._firstTitle = True if self._context.config.bookSubtitles: self._readyForSubtitle = True else: # Write book title before any others if not self._bookTitleWritten: self._writeBookTitle() # Check for Psalm division titles self._handlePsDivHeading(rawText) if (self._psDivTitle): # This is a psalm division title or subtitle titleWritten = self._writeTitle() else: # Write any chapter title before this title if self._chapterTitle != '': self._writeChapterTitle() self._psDivTitleFound = False titleWritten = self._writeTitle() self._firstTitle = False return titleWritten def _footnoteRef(self, osisRef): isRange = False endRef = '' scriptureFootnote = True colonPos = osisRef.find(':') if colonPos >= 0: workRef = osisRef[:colonPos] if workRef == self._osisIDWork: reference = osisRef[colonPos+1:] else: # Footnote is not linked to scripture scriptureFootnote = False else: reference = osisRef if (scriptureFootnote): separatorPos = reference.find('-') if separatorPos >= 0: isRange = True endRef = reference[separatorPos+1:] reference = reference[:separatorPos] refParts = re.split('[.!]', reference) refBook = refParts[0] refVerse = '%s:%s' % (refParts[1], refParts[2]) if isRange: refVerse += '-' endParts = re.split('.', endRef) if endParts[1] != refParts[1]: refVerse += '%s:' % endParts[1] refVerse += endParts[2] footnoteNo = self._footnotes.newFootnote(refBook, refVerse) self._writeFootnoteMarker(refBook, footnoteNo) return scriptureFootnote def _writeFootnoteMarker(self, refBook, noteRef): if self._inChapterTitle: refString = self._footnoteMarker(refBook, noteRef) self._chFootnoteMarker += refString else: OsisHandler._writeFootnoteMarker(self, refBook, noteRef) self._footnoteMarkerWritten = True def _writeBookTitle(self): self._bookTitle = re.sub(r'(\S)<br />(\S)', r'\1 <br />\2', self._bookTitle) self._htmlWriter.write('<h2>%s</h2>' % self._bookTitle) self._bookTitleWritten = True self._breakCount = 2 def _startGroup(self, groupNumber): self._groupTitle = self._context.config.groupTitle(groupNumber) self._groupIntroWritten = False self._groupTitleWritten = False self._firstBook = True self._groupEmpty = True if self._groupTitle != '' and (groupNumber != 1 or not self._context.config.bibleIntro): self._openGroupHtml() self._introTextFound = False def _writeChapterTitleOrNumber(self): if self._chapterTitle != '': self._writeChapterTitle() elif not self._chNumWritten: self._writeChapterNumber() def _startFootnoteAndWriteMarker(self, verseRef): book = self._docStructure.bookRef() footnoteNo = self._footnotes.newFootnote(book, verseRef) self._writeFootnoteMarker(book, footnoteNo) def _handleFootnoteTextInTitle(self, content): if not self._footnoteMarkerWritten: verseRef = '%s:%s' % (self._docStructure.chapter, self._docStructure.verse) if verseRef == ':': # Not in a verse verseRef = '' self._startFootnoteAndWriteMarker(verseRef) self._footnotes.addFootnoteText(content) def _startFootnote(self, attrs): # This function will be called from the base class _processBodyTag function osisRef = self._getAttributeValue(attrs, 'osisID') if osisRef is not None: self._inFootnoteRef = True self._inFootnote = self._footnoteRef(osisRef) else: self._footnoteMarkerWritten = False self._inFootnote = True self._inFootnoteRef = False