try: call_type = CallType.objects.get( name__iexact=row[ "CallType" ].strip().upper() ) #print "FOUND call_type: %s" % call_type except: print bail() try: call = Call.objects.get( event_num__iexact = row[ "EventNum" ].strip() ) action = "UPDATE" except: call = Call() action = "INSERT" call.description = row[ "Description" ] call.event_num = row[ "EventNum" ] call.report_num = row[ "ReportNum" ] call.response = row[ "Response" ] call.address = row[ "Address" ] call.zip_code = row[ "Zip" ] call.call_time = row[ "CallTime" ] call.call_type = call_type call.calltype_id = call.beat = beat if ( row[ "Lng" ] is not None or row[ "Lng" ] != "" ) and ( row[ "Lat" ] is not None or row[ "Lng" ] != "" ): try: call.geom = fromstr('POINT(' + row[ "Lng"] + " " + row[ "Lat" ] +')', srid=4326) except: print "ERROR setting the geometry! for %s" % row[ "EventNum" ] #print "UPDATING call: %s" % call[ "event_num" ] #update_count += 1 #else: skip_count +=1 print "SKIPPING call: %s" % call[ "event_num" ] except: try: new_call = Call() print "creating call for " + call[ "event_num" ] #call was created. lets set all our shit about it new_call.calltype = calltype new_call.beat = beat new_call.jurisdiction = juri new_call.event_num = call[ "event_num" ] new_call.response = call[ "response" ] new_call.description = call[ "description" ] if call[ "address" ] != "" and call[ "address" ] is not None: call[ "address" ] = call[ "address" ].replace( "&", " & ") call[ "address" ] = call[ "address" ].replace( "US65", "US 65" ) call[ "address" ] = call[ "address" ].replace( "JRF","James River Freeway" ) #for some reason there is a bunch of addresses that are like "N; Boonville instead of just N Boonville" call[ "address" ] = call[ "address" ].replace( ";", "" ) new_call.address = call[ "address" ] new_call.report_num = call[ "report_num" ] call_time = time.strptime(call[ "call_time" ],"%m/%d/%y %I:%M:%S %p") new_call.call_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",call_time) try: