예제 #1
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #if total votes is not None, then we calc our rating
        if self.rating_total_votes is not None and self.rating_total_votes > 0:
            self.rating = ( float(self.rating_sum) / float(self.rating_total_votes)  )

        self.address = clean_address(self.address)
        # if self.address is not None:
        #     try:
        #         #try to geocode
        #         place, ( lat, lng ) = g.geocode( self.address + "," + self.city + " " + self.state, exactly_one=False )[0]
        #         #if lat and lgn aren't blank
        #         if ( lng is not None or lng != "" ) and ( lat is not None or lng != "" ):
        #             #set geom for our address
        #             self.geom = fromstr( 'POINT(' + str(lng) + " " + str(lat) +')', srid = 4326 )
        #             self.geocoder = "Google"
        #     except:
        #         #if errors are thrown then we throw an validation error
        #         raise ValidationError     
        super(Restaurant, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Call the "real" save() method.
			noncritical_violations_text += str( soup ) + ", "
		#checking for a comma to remove
		if noncritical_violations_text.strip()[-1:] == ",":
			noncritical_violations_text = noncritical_violations_text.strip()[:-1]

		#print "noncritical_violations_text = " + str( noncritical_violations_text )
	print "-----------------------"

	#now that we have the info broke out.. lets try to match it to a restaurant.
	print "name = " + name
	print "address = " + address
	print "trying to find an entry for this restaurant"
	#query for the restaurant based on name and address. 
	#i need to come up with a secondary way of searching for the restaurant as well. too easy to miss the restaurant due to slight changes.
 	temp_restaurant,created = Restaurant.objects.get_or_create(name__iexact=name,address__iexact=clean_address(address))
	#get all the restaurants that match the name a filter through them
	#if we create the restaurant, we need to set some vars
	if created is True:
		print "*********************************** CREATED NEW RESTAURANT **********************************"
		#setting various vars for the restaurant
		temp_restaurant.name = name
		temp_restaurant.address = clean_address(address)
		temp_restaurant.city = city
		temp_restaurant.state = "MO"
		temp_restaurant.hours = None
		temp_restaurant.geocoder = None
		temp_restaurant.active = True
		#get the geometry
		print "geocoding restaurant since it isn't tagged"