예제 #1
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        application = appmanager.Application(
            calvinuuid.uuid('APP'), "test_app",
             calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')], calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), None)

        self.storage.add_application(application, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse
                          ) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.OK

        self.storage.get_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == application.name

        self.storage.delete_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse
                          ) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.OK

        self.storage.get_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse
                          ) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.NOT_FOUND
예제 #2
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        application = appmanager.Application(calvinuuid.uuid(
            'APP'), "test_app", [calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR'), calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')], calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), None)

        self.storage.add_application(application, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.OK

        self.storage.get_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == application.name

        self.storage.delete_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.OK

        self.storage.get_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.NOT_FOUND
예제 #3
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        application = appmanager.Application(
            calvinuuid.uuid('APP'), "test_app",
             calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')], calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), None)

        self.storage.add_application(application, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        # print value

        self.storage.get_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        # print value
        assert value["key"] == application.id and value["value"][
            "name"] == application.name

        self.storage.delete_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert application.id not in self.storage.localstore
예제 #4
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)

        application = appmanager.Application(calvinuuid.uuid(
            'APP'), "test_app", [calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR'), calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')])

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.add_application, application, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_application, application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == application.name

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.delete_application, application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_application, application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is None
예제 #5
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        application = appmanager.Application(calvinuuid.uuid(
            'APP'), "test_app", [calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR'), calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')], calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), None)

        self.storage.add_application(application, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        # print value

            application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        # print value
        assert value["key"] == application.id and value[
            "value"]["name"] == application.name

        self.storage.delete_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert application.id not in self.storage.localstore
예제 #6
def obtain_cert_node_info(name):
    """ Obtain node id based on name and domain from config
        Return dict with domain, node name and node id
    _log.debug("obtain_cert_node_info: node_name={}".format(name))
    domain = _conf.get("security", "security_domain_name")
    if domain is None or name is None:
        # No security or name specified just use standard node UUID
        _log.debug("OBTAINING no security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
        return {'domain': None, 'name': name, 'id': calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")}

    runtime_dir = get_own_credentials_path(name)
    # Does existing signed runtime certificate exist, return info
        filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(runtime_dir, "mine"))
        content = open(os.path.join(runtime_dir, "mine", filenames[0]), 'rt').read()
        cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
        subject = cert.get_subject()
        if subject.commonName != name or subject.organizationName != domain:
            raise Exception("names of cert incorrect")
        _log.debug("OBTAINING existing security domain={}, name={}, id={}".format(domain, name, subject.dnQualifier))
        return {'domain': domain, 'name': name, 'id': subject.dnQualifier}
        #_log.exception("OBTAINING fail existing security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
    # No valid signed cert available, create new node id and let user create certificate later
    nodeid = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
    return {'domain': domain, 'name': name, 'id': nodeid}
예제 #7
def obtain_cert_node_info(name, security_dir=None):
    """ Obtain node id based on name and domain from config
        Return dict with domain, node name and node id
    _log.debug("obtain_cert_node_info: node_name={}".format(name))
    domain = _conf.get("security", "domain_name")
    if domain is None or name is None:
        # No security or name specified just use standard node UUID
        _log.debug("OBTAINING no security domain={}, name={}".format(
            domain, name))
        return {'domain': None, 'name': name, 'id': calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")}

    runtime_dir = get_own_credentials_path(name, security_dir=security_dir)
    # Does existing signed runtime certificate exist, return info
        filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(runtime_dir, "mine"))
        content = open(os.path.join(runtime_dir, "mine", filenames[0]),
        cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
        subject = cert.get_subject()
        if subject.commonName != name or subject.organizationName != domain:
            raise Exception("names of cert incorrect")
            "OBTAINING existing security domain={}, name={}, id={}".format(
                domain, name, subject.dnQualifier))
        return {'domain': domain, 'name': name, 'id': subject.dnQualifier}
        #_log.exception("OBTAINING fail existing security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
    # No valid signed cert available, create new node id and let user create certificate later
    nodeid = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
    return {'domain': domain, 'name': name, 'id': nodeid}
예제 #8
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)

        application = appmanager.Application(calvinuuid.uuid(
            'APP'), "test_app", [calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR'), calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')])

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.add_application, application, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_application, application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == application.name

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.delete_application, application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_application, application.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is None
예제 #9
    def test_actor_and_port_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        port1 = TestPort("out", "out")
        port2 = TestPort("in", "in", )

        port1.peers = [("local", port2.id)]
        port2.peer = ("local", port1.id)

        actor1 = TestActor("actor1", "type1", {}, {port1.name: port1})
        actor2 = TestActor("actor2", "type2", {port2.name: port2}, {})

        self.storage.add_actor(actor1, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"))
        value = self.storage.get_actor(actor1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == actor1.id and value[
            "value"]["name"] == actor1.name

        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor1.name
        assert value["value"]["type"] == actor1._type
        assert value["value"]["inports"] == []
        assert value["value"]["outports"][0]["id"] == port1.id

        value = self.storage.get_port(port1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == port1.id
        assert value["value"]["name"] == port1.name
        assert value["value"]["direction"] == port1.direction
        assert value["value"]["peers"] == [["local", port2.id]]

        self.storage.add_actor(actor2, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"))
        value = self.storage.get_actor(actor2.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == actor2.id
        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor2.name
        assert value["value"]["type"] == actor2._type
        assert value["value"]["inports"][0]["id"] == port2.id
        assert value["value"]["outports"] == []

        value = self.storage.get_port(port2.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == port2.id
        assert value["value"]["name"] == port2.name
        assert value["value"]["direction"] == port2.direction
        assert value["value"]["peer"] == ["local", port1.id]

        self.storage.delete_actor(actor1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value
        assert actor1.id not in self.storage.localstore

        self.storage.delete_port(port1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value
        assert port1.id not in self.storage.localstore
예제 #10
    def test_actor_and_port_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        port1 = TestPort("out", "out")
        port2 = TestPort("in", "in", )

        port1.peers = [("local", port2.id)]
        port2.peers = [("local", port1.id)]

        actor1 = TestActor("actor1", "type1", {}, {port1.name: port1})
        actor2 = TestActor("actor2", "type2", {port2.name: port2}, {})

        self.storage.add_actor(actor1, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"))
        value = self.storage.get_actor(actor1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == actor1.id and value[
            "value"]["name"] == actor1.name

        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor1.name
        assert value["value"]["type"] == actor1._type
        assert value["value"]["inports"] == []
        assert value["value"]["outports"][0]["id"] == port1.id

        value = self.storage.get_port(port1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == port1.id
        assert value["value"]["name"] == port1.name
        assert value["value"]["properties"]["direction"] == port1.direction
        assert value["value"]["peers"] == [["local", port2.id]]

        self.storage.add_actor(actor2, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"))
        value = self.storage.get_actor(actor2.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == actor2.id
        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor2.name
        assert value["value"]["type"] == actor2._type
        assert value["value"]["inports"][0]["id"] == port2.id
        assert value["value"]["outports"] == []

        value = self.storage.get_port(port2.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == port2.id
        assert value["value"]["name"] == port2.name
        assert value["value"]["properties"]["direction"] == port2.direction
        assert value["value"]["peers"] == ["local", port1.id]

        self.storage.delete_actor(actor1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value
        assert actor1.id not in self.storage.localstore

        self.storage.delete_port(port1.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value
        assert port1.id not in self.storage.localstore
예제 #11
파일: actor.py 프로젝트: PStahl/calvin-base
    def replication_args(self):
        """Returns args with a name with a random postfix based.

        The name must not contain '-', this will break the web interface
        args = self._get_managed()

        args['name'] = calvinuuid.remove_uuid(self.name) + calvinuuid.uuid("REPLICA")
        args['id'] = calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")

        return args
예제 #12
 def replicate(self, actor_id, dst_node_id, callback):
         actor = self.node.am.actors[actor_id]
         if callback:
     if not actor._replication_data.is_master(actor.id):
         # Only replicate master actor
         if callback:
     if actor._replication_data.status != REPLICATION_STATUS.READY:
         if callback:
     _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+", {'actor_id': actor_id, 'dst_node_id': dst_node_id})
     actor._replication_data.status = REPLICATION_STATUS.REPLICATING
     cb_status = CalvinCB(self._replication_status_cb, replication_data=actor._replication_data, cb=callback)
     # TODO make name a property that combine name and counter in actor
     new_id = uuid("ACTOR")
     actor._replication_data.check_instances = time.time()
     new_name = actor.name + "/{}".format(actor._replication_data.counter)
     actor_type = actor._type
     ports = actor.connections(self.node.id)
     ports['actor_name'] = new_name
     ports['actor_id'] = new_id
     remap_ports = {pid: uuid("PORT") for pid in ports['inports'].keys() + ports['outports'].keys()}
     actor._replication_data.set_remaped_ports(new_id, remap_ports, ports)
     ports['inports'] = {remap_ports[pid]: v for pid, v in ports['inports'].items()}
     ports['outports'] = {remap_ports[pid]: v for pid, v in ports['outports'].items()}
     _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ GET STATE", remap_ports)
     state = actor.state(remap_ports)
     state['_name'] = new_name
     state['_id'] = new_id
     # Make copy to make sure no objects are shared between actors or master actor state is changed 
     state = copy.deepcopy(state)
     actor.will_replicate(ActorState(state, actor._replication_data))
     if dst_node_id == self.node.id:
         # Make copy to make sure no objects are shared between actors
         ports = copy.deepcopy(ports)
             actor_type, state=state, prev_connections=ports, callback=CalvinCB(
                 actor_id=new_id, callback=cb_status, master_id=actor.id, dst_node_id=dst_node_id))
             dst_node_id, CalvinCB(self._replicated, replication_id=actor._replication_data.id,
                                      actor_id=new_id, callback=cb_status, master_id=actor.id,
             actor_type, state, ports)
예제 #13
    def testGlobalIndex(self):
        lindex = {}
        lindex['Harald'] = [calvinuuid.uuid("NODE") for i in range(1,5)]
        lindex['Per'] = [calvinuuid.uuid("NODE") for i in range(1,5)]
        common = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")

        for n, node_ids in lindex.items():
            for id_ in node_ids:
                #print "ADD", n, id_
                utils.add_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/" + n, id_)

        h = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert(set(h['result']) == set(lindex["Harald"]))
        assert(set(p['result']) == set(lindex["Per"]))
        assert(set(e['result']) == set(lindex["Per"] + lindex["Harald"]))

        for n, node_ids in lindex.items():
            utils.remove_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/" + n, node_ids[0])

        h = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert(set(h['result']) == set(lindex["Harald"][1:]))
        assert(set(p['result']) == set(lindex["Per"][1:]))
        assert(set(e['result']) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + lindex["Harald"][1:]))

        utils.add_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald", common)
        utils.add_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per", common)

        h = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert(set(h['result']) == set(lindex["Harald"][1:] + [common]))
        assert(set(p['result']) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + [common]))
        assert(set(e['result']) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + lindex["Harald"][1:] + [common]))

        for node_id in lindex['Harald']:
            utils.remove_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald", node_id)

        h = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = utils.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert(set(h['result']) == set([common]))
        assert(set(p['result']) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + [common]))
        assert(set(e['result']) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + [common]))
예제 #14
    def testGlobalIndex(self):
        lindex = {}
        lindex["Harald"] = [calvinuuid.uuid("NODE") for i in range(1, 5)]
        lindex["Per"] = [calvinuuid.uuid("NODE") for i in range(1, 5)]
        common = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")

        for n, node_ids in lindex.items():
            for id_ in node_ids:
                # print "ADD", n, id_
                request_handler.add_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/" + n, id_)

        h = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert set(h["result"]) == set(lindex["Harald"])
        assert set(p["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"])
        assert set(e["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"] + lindex["Harald"])

        for n, node_ids in lindex.items():
            request_handler.remove_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/" + n, node_ids[0])

        h = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert set(h["result"]) == set(lindex["Harald"][1:])
        assert set(p["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"][1:])
        assert set(e["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + lindex["Harald"][1:])

        request_handler.add_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald", common)
        request_handler.add_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per", common)

        h = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert set(h["result"]) == set(lindex["Harald"][1:] + [common])
        assert set(p["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + [common])
        assert set(e["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + lindex["Harald"][1:] + [common])

        for node_id in lindex["Harald"]:
            request_handler.remove_index(self.rt1, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald", node_id)

        h = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Harald")
        p = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson/Per")
        e = request_handler.get_index(self.rt2, "node/affiliation/owner/com.ericsson")

        assert set(h["result"]) == set([common])
        assert set(p["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + [common])
        assert set(e["result"]) == set(lindex["Per"][1:] + [common])
예제 #15
    def test_actor_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)

        port1 = TestPort("out", "out")
        port2 = TestPort("in", "in", )

        port1.peers = [("local", port2.id)]
        port2.peers = [("local", port1.id)]

        actor = TestActor("actor1", "type1", {}, {port1.name: port1})

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.add_actor, actor, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_actor, actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor.name

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.delete_actor, actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_actor, actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is None
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, name, type, inports, outports):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
     self.name = name
     self._type = type
     self.inports = inports
     self.outports = outports
     self._replication_id = _DummyRepSet()
예제 #17
 def __init__(self):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.control_uri = "http://localhost:5001"
     self.pm = Mock()
     self.storage = Mock()
     self.control = Mock()
     self.attributes = attribute_resolver.AttributeResolver({})
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, links, tunnels, peer_node_id, tunnel_type, policy, rt_id=None, id=None):
     """ links: the calvin networks dictionary of links
         peer_node_id: the id of the peer that we use
         tunnel_type: what is the usage of the tunnel
         policy: TODO not used currently
         id: Tunnel objects on both nodes will use the same id number hence only supply if provided from other side
     super(CalvinTunnel, self).__init__()
     # The tunnel only use one link (links[peer_node_id]) at a time but it can switch at any point
     self.links = links
     self.tunnels = tunnels
     self.peer_node_id = peer_node_id
     self.tunnel_type = tunnel_type
     self.policy = policy
     self.rt_id = rt_id
     # id may change while status is PENDING, but is fixed in WORKING
     self.id = id if id else calvinuuid.uuid("TUNNEL")
     # If id supplied then we must be the second end and hence working
     self.status = CalvinTunnel.STATUS.WORKING if id else CalvinTunnel.STATUS.PENDING
     # Add the tunnel to the dictionary
     if self.peer_node_id:
         if self.peer_node_id in self.tunnels:
             self.tunnels[self.peer_node_id] = {self.id: self}
     # The callbacks recv for incoming message, down for tunnel failed or died, up for tunnel working 
     self.recv_handler = None
     self.down_handler = None
     self.up_handler = None
예제 #19
 def __init__(self):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.control_uri = "http://localhost:5001"
     self.pm = Mock()
     self.storage = Mock()
     self.control = Mock()
     self.attributes = attribute_resolver.AttributeResolver({})
예제 #20
파일: actor.py 프로젝트: PStahl/calvin-base
    def __init__(self, actor_type, name='', allow_invalid_transitions=True, disable_transition_checks=False,
                 disable_state_checks=False, actor_id=None, app_id=""):
        """Should _not_ be overridden in subclasses."""
        super(Actor, self).__init__()
        self._type = actor_type
        self.name = name  # optional: human_readable_name
        self.id = actor_id or calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
        self.master_nodes = []
        _log.debug("New actor id: %s, supplied actor id %s" % (self.id, actor_id))
        self.app_id = app_id
        self._deployment_requirements = []
        self._signature = None
        self._component_members = set([self.id])  # We are only part of component if this is extended
        self._managed = set(('id', 'name', '_deployment_requirements', '_signature', 'master_nodes'))
        self._calvinsys = None
        self._using = {}
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        self.metering = metering.get_metering()
        self._migrating_to = None  # During migration while on the previous node set to the next node id
        self._last_time_warning = 0.0

        self.inports = {p: actorport.InPort(p, self) for p in self.inport_names}
        self.outports = {p: actorport.OutPort(p, self) for p in self.outport_names}

        hooks = {
            (Actor.STATUS.PENDING, Actor.STATUS.ENABLED): self.will_start,
            (Actor.STATUS.ENABLED, Actor.STATUS.PENDING): self.will_stop,
        self.fsm = Actor.FSM(Actor.STATUS, Actor.STATUS.LOADED, Actor.VALID_TRANSITIONS, hooks,
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
예제 #22
 def _set_state(self, state):
     """Set port state."""
     self.name = state.get('name')
     self.id = state.get('id', calvinuuid.uuid("PORT"))
     self.properties.update(state.get('properties', {}))
     if 'queue' in state:
예제 #23
    def __init__(self, actor_type, name='', allow_invalid_transitions=True, disable_transition_checks=False,
                 disable_state_checks=False, actor_id=None):
        """Should _not_ be overridden in subclasses."""
        super(Actor, self).__init__()
        self._type = actor_type
        self.name = name  # optional: human_readable_name
        self.id = actor_id or calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
        self._deployment_requirements = []
        self._managed = set(('id', 'name', '_deployment_requirements'))
        self._calvinsys = None
        self._using = {}
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        self._migrating_to = None  # During migration while on the previous node set to the next node id

        self.inports = {p: actorport.InPort(p, self) for p in self.inport_names}
        self.outports = {p: actorport.OutPort(p, self) for p in self.outport_names}

        hooks = {
            (Actor.STATUS.PENDING, Actor.STATUS.ENABLED): self.will_start,
            (Actor.STATUS.ENABLED, Actor.STATUS.PENDING): self.will_stop,
        self.fsm = Actor.FSM(Actor.STATUS, Actor.STATUS.LOADED, Actor.VALID_TRANSITIONS, hooks,
예제 #24
 def __init__(self, name, direction):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("PORT")
     self.name = name
     self.direction = direction
     self.peers = None
     self.properties = {}
     self.queue = FanoutFIFO({'queue_length': 4, 'direction': direction}, {})
예제 #25
    def __init__(self,
        """Should _not_ be overridden in subclasses."""
        super(Actor, self).__init__()
        self._type = actor_type
        self._name = name  # optional: human_readable_name
        self._id = actor_id or calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
        _log.debug("New actor id: %s, supplied actor id %s" %
                   (self._id, actor_id))
        self._deployment_requirements = []
        self._port_property_capabilities = None
        self._signature = None
        self._component_members = set(
            [self._id])  # We are only part of component if this is extended
        self._managed = set(
            ('_id', '_name', '_has_started', '_deployment_requirements',
             '_signature', '_subject_attributes', '_migration_info',
             "_port_property_capabilities", "_replication_data"))
        self._has_started = False
        self._calvinsys = None
        self._using = {}
        # self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        # self.metering = metering.get_metering()
        self._migration_info = None
        self._migrating_to = None  # During migration while on the previous node set to the next node id
        self._last_time_warning = 0.0
        self.sec = security
        self._subject_attributes = self.sec.get_subject_attributes(
        ) if self.sec is not None else None
        self.authorization_checks = None
        self._replication_data = ReplicationData(initialize=False)
        self._exhaust_cb = None

        self.inports = {
            p: actorport.InPort(p, self, pp)
            for p, pp in self.inport_properties.items()
        self.outports = {
            p: actorport.OutPort(p, self, pp)
            for p, pp in self.outport_properties.items()

        hooks = {
            (Actor.STATUS.PENDING, Actor.STATUS.ENABLED): self._will_start,
            (Actor.STATUS.ENABLED, Actor.STATUS.PENDING): self.will_stop,
        self.fsm = Actor.FSM(
예제 #26
 def __init__(self, name, direction):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("PORT")
     self.name = name
     self.direction = direction
     self.peers = None
     self.properties = {}
     self.queue = FanoutFIFO({'queue_length': 4, 'direction': direction}, {})
예제 #27
    def test_actor_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        port1 = calvin.tests.TestPort("out", "out")
        port2 = calvin.tests.TestPort("in", "in", )

        port1.peers = [("local", port2.id)]
        port2.peers = [("local", port1.id)]

        actor = calvin.tests.TestActor("actor1", "type1", {}, {port1.name: port1})

        self.storage.add_actor(actor, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.OK

        self.storage.get_actor(actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor.name

        self.storage.delete_actor(actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.OK

        self.storage.get_actor(actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield wait_for(self.q.empty, condition=lambda x: not x())
        value = self.q.get(timeout=.001)
        assert isinstance(value["value"], calvinresponse.CalvinResponse) and value["value"] == calvinresponse.NOT_FOUND
예제 #28
 def __init__(self, name, direction):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("PORT")
     self.name = name
     self.direction = direction
     self.peer = None
     self.peers = None
     self.fifo = FIFO(5)
예제 #29
    def test_actor_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)

        port1 = TestPort("out", "out")
        port2 = TestPort("in", "in", )

        port1.peers = [("local", port2.id)]
        port2.peer = ("local", port1.id)

        actor = TestActor("actor1", "type1", {}, {port1.name: port1})

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.add_actor, actor, calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"), cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_actor, actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"]["name"] == actor.name

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.delete_actor, actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is True

        yield threads.defer_to_thread(self.storage.get_actor, actor.id, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
        yield threads.defer_to_thread(time.sleep, 2)
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["value"] is None
예제 #30
 def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
     super(Node, self).__init__()
     self.uri = uri
     self.control_uri = control_uri
     self.attributes = attributes
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     _log.debug("Calvin init 1")
     self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
     _log.debug("Calvin init 2")
     self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 3")
     self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
     _log.debug("Calvin init 4")
     self.sched = scheduler.Scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 5")
     self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
     self.async_msg_ids = {}
     _log.debug("Calvin init 6")
     self.storage = storage.Storage()
     _log.debug("Calvin init 7")
     self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 8")
     self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
     self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 9")
     self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 10")
     # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
     async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 11")
예제 #31
 def _set_state(self, state):
     """Set port state."""
     self.name = state.get('name')
     self.id = state.get('id', calvinuuid.uuid("PORT"))
     self.properties.update(state.get('properties', {}))
     if 'queue' in state:
예제 #32
 def __init__(self, name, type, inports, outports):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
     self.name = name
     self._type = type
     self.inports = inports
     self.outports = outports
     self._replication_id = _DummyRepSet()
예제 #33
 def send_with_reply(self, callback, msg):
     """ Adds a message id to the message and send it,
         also registers the callback for the reply.
     msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("MSGID")
     self.replies[msg_id] = callback
     msg['msg_uuid'] = msg_id
def uuids(request):
    if request.param == "prefixed":
        return {
            "trace_id": calvinuuid.uuid("TRACE"),
            "app_id": calvinuuid.uuid("APP"),
            "port_id": calvinuuid.uuid("PORT"),
            "node_id": calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"),
            "actor_id": calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
    elif request.param == "non-prefixed":
        return {
            "trace_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "app_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "port_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "node_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "actor_id": calvinuuid.uuid("")
예제 #35
 def register(self, user_id=None):
     if not user_id:
         user_id = calvinuuid.uuid("METERING")
     if user_id in self.users:
         raise Exception("User id already in use")
     self.users[user_id] = time.time()
     self.active = True
     return user_id
예제 #36
 def register(self, user_id=None):
     if not user_id:
         user_id = calvinuuid.uuid("METERING")
     if user_id in self.users:
         raise Exception("User id already in use")
     self.users[user_id] = time.time()
     self.active = True
     return user_id
예제 #37
def uuids(request):
    if request.param == "prefixed":
        return {
            "trace_id": calvinuuid.uuid("TRACE"),
            "app_id": calvinuuid.uuid("APP"),
            "port_id": calvinuuid.uuid("PORT"),
            "node_id": calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"),
            "actor_id": calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
    elif request.param == "non-prefixed":
        return {
            "trace_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "app_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "port_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "node_id": calvinuuid.uuid(""),
            "actor_id": calvinuuid.uuid("")
예제 #38
 def send_with_reply(self, callback, msg):
     """ Adds a message id to the message and send it,
         also registers the callback for the reply.
     msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("MSGID")
     self.replies[msg_id] = callback
     msg['msg_uuid'] = msg_id
예제 #39
 def send_with_reply(self, callback, msg):
     """ Adds a message id to the message and send it,
         also registers the callback for the reply.
     msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("MSGID")
     self.replies[msg_id] = callback
     self.replies_timeout[msg_id] = async.DelayedCall(10.0, CalvinCB(self.reply_timeout, msg_id))
     msg['msg_uuid'] = msg_id
예제 #40
def _get_node_names(runtimes):
    from calvin.utilities.attribute_resolver import AttributeResolver
    from calvin.utilities import calvinuuid
    from copy import deepcopy
    for i in range(len(runtimes)):
        rt_attribute = deepcopy(runtimes[i]["attributes"])
        attributes = AttributeResolver(rt_attribute)
        runtimes[i]["node_name"] = attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        runtimes[i]["id"] = calvinuuid.uuid("")
예제 #41
 def __init__(self, uris, node_name=None, control_uri=None):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.node_name = node_name or self.id
     self.uris = uris
     self.control_uri = control_uri or uris[0]
     self.external_control_uri = self.control_uri
     self.pm = Mock()
     self.storage = Mock()
     self.control = Mock()
     self.attributes = attribute_resolver.AttributeResolver({})
예제 #42
def obtain_cert_node_info(name):
    """ Obtain node id based on name and domain from config
        Return dict with domain, node name and node id
    cert_conffile = _conf.get("security", "certificate_conf")
    domain = _conf.get("security", "certificate_domain")
    if domain is None or name is None:
        # No security or name specified just use standard node UUID
        _log.debug("OBTAINING no security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
        return {'domain': None, 'name': name, 'id': calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")}

    cert_conf = Config(cert_conffile, domain)
    name_dir = os.path.join(cert_conf.configuration["CA_default"]["runtimes_dir"], name)
    # Does existing signed runtime certificate exist, return info
        filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(name_dir, "mine"))
        content = open(os.path.join(name_dir, "mine", filenames[0]), 'rt').read()
        cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
        subject = cert.get_subject()
        if subject.commonName != name or subject.organizationName != domain:
        _log.debug("OBTAINING existing security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
        return {'domain': domain, 'name': name, 'id': subject.dnQualifier}
        #_log.exception("OBTAINING fail existing security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))

    # Create new CSR
    csrfile = new_runtime(cert_conf, name, nodeid=calvinuuid.uuid("NODE"))
    _log.debug("OBTAINING new security csr={}, domain={}, name={}".format(csrfile, domain, name))
        content = open(csrfile, 'rt').read()
        cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate_request(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
        subject = cert.get_subject()
        # TODO multicast signing of CSR, now just sign it assuming local CA
        sign_req(cert_conf, os.path.basename(csrfile), name)
        _log.debug("OBTAINING new security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
        return {'domain': domain, 'name': name, 'id': subject.dnQualifier}
        #_log.exception("OBTAINING fail new security domain={}, name={}".format(domain, name))
        return {'domain': None, 'name': name, 'id': calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")}
예제 #43
 def __init__(self, control_uri):
     super(StorageNode, self).__init__()
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.control_uri = control_uri
     self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
     _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
     self.sched = _scheduler(self, FakeAM(), FakeMonitor())
     self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
     self.storage = storage.Storage(self)
     async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
예제 #44
 def __init__(self, uris, node_name=None, control_uri=None):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.node_name = node_name or self.id
     self.uris = uris
     self.control_uri = control_uri or uris[0]
     self.external_control_uri = self.control_uri
     self.pm = Mock()
     self.storage = Mock()
     self.control = Mock()
     self.attributes = attribute_resolver.AttributeResolver({})
예제 #45
 def send_with_reply(self, callback, msg, dest_peer_id=None):
     """ Adds a message id to the message and send it,
         also registers the callback for the reply.
     msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("MSGID")
     self.replies[msg_id] = {'callback': callback, 'send_time': time.time()}
     self.replies_timeout[msg_id] = async .DelayedCall(
         10.0, CalvinCB(self.reply_timeout, msg_id))
     msg['msg_uuid'] = msg_id
     self.send(msg, dest_peer_id)
예제 #46
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        application = appmanager.Application(calvinuuid.uuid(
            'APP'), "test_app", [calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR'), calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')])

        value = self.storage.get_application(
            application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == application.id and value[
            "value"]["name"] == application.name

        self.storage.delete_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value
        assert application.id not in self.storage.localstore
예제 #47
 def __init__(self, name, owner, fifo_size=5):
     super(Port, self).__init__()
     # Human readable port name
     self.name = name
     # Actor instance to which the port belongs (may change over time)
     self.owner = owner
     # Unique id to universally identify port (immutable)
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("PORT")
     # The token queue. Not all scenarios use it,
     # but needed when e.g. changing from local to remote connection.
     self.fifo = fifo.FIFO(fifo_size)
예제 #48
 def __init__(self, control_uri):
     super(StorageNode, self).__init__()
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.control_uri = control_uri
     self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
     _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel(
     ) <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
     self.sched = _scheduler(self, FakeAM(), FakeMonitor())
     self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
     self.storage = storage.Storage(self)
     async .DelayedCall(0, self.start)
예제 #49
    def test_application_functions(self):
        self.q = Queue.Queue()

        def cb(key, value):
            self.q.put({"key": key, "value": value})

        application = appmanager.Application(calvinuuid.uuid(
            'APP'), "test_app", [calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR'), calvinuuid.uuid('ACTOR')])

        value = self.storage.get_application(
            application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value["key"] == application.id and value[
            "value"]["name"] == application.name

        self.storage.delete_application(application.id, cb=CalvinCB(func=cb))
        value = self.q.get(timeout=0.2)
        assert value
        assert application.id not in self.storage.localstore
예제 #50
 def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
     super(CalvinCB, self).__init__()
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("CB")
     self.func = func
     self.args = list(args)
     self.kwargs = kwargs
     # Ref a functions name if we wrap several CalvinCB and need to take __str__
         self.name = self.func.__name__
         self.name = self.func.name if hasattr(self.func, 'name') else "unknown"
예제 #51
 def __init__(self, name, owner, fifo_size=5):
     super(Port, self).__init__()
     # Human readable port name
     self.name = name
     # Actor instance to which the port belongs (may change over time)
     self.owner = owner
     # Unique id to universally identify port (immutable)
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("PORT")
     # The token queue. Not all scenarios use it,
     # but needed when e.g. changing from local to remote connection.
     self.fifo = fifo.FIFO(fifo_size)
 def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
     super(CalvinCB, self).__init__()
     self._debug_info = get_debug_info()
     self._id = calvinuuid.uuid("CB")
     self.func = func
     self.args = list(args)
     self.kwargs = kwargs
     # Ref a functions name if we wrap several CalvinCB and need to take __str__
         self.name = self.func.__name__
         self.name = self.func.name if hasattr(self.func, 'name') else "unknown"
예제 #53
 def __init__(self, uris, node_name=None, control_uri=None):
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.node_name = node_name or self.id
     self.uris = uris
     self.control_uri = control_uri or uris[0]
     self.external_control_uri = self.control_uri
     self.pm = Mock()
     self._calvinsys = DummySys(self)
     self.storage = Mock()
     self.control = Mock()
     self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
     self.attributes = attribute_resolver.AttributeResolver({})
예제 #54
 def __init__(self, name, owner):
     super(Port, self).__init__()
     # Human readable port name
     self.name = name
     # Actor instance to which the port belongs (may change over time)
     self.owner = owner
     # Unique id to universally identify port (immutable)
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("PORT")
     # The token queue, will be set when connected.
     self.queue = queue.common.QueueNone()
     self.properties = {}
     self.properties['routing'] = 'default'
     self.properties['nbr_peers'] = 1
예제 #55
 def __init__(self, runtime, deployable, node_info=None, node=None):
     super(Deployer, self).__init__()
     self.runtime = runtime
     self.deployable = deployable
     self.actor_map = {}
     self.node_info = node_info if node_info else {}
     self.actor_connections = {}
     self.app_id = calvinuuid.uuid("APP")
     self.node = node
     if "name" in self.deployable:
         self.name = self.deployable["name"]
         self.name = self.app_id
예제 #56
def manage_runtime_create(args):
    if args.domain:
        if not args.attr:
            raise Exception("No runtime attributes supplied")
        if not args.domain:
            raise Exception("No domain name supplied")
        attr = json.loads(args.attr)
        if not all (k in attr['indexed_public']['node_name'] for k in ("organization","name")):
            raise Exception("please supply name and organization of runtime")
        nodeid = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        print "CSR created at:" + certificate.new_runtime(node_name, args.domain, security_dir=args.dir, nodeid=nodeid)
예제 #57
 def __init__(self, actor_id=None, master=None, requirements=None, initialize=True):
     super(ReplicationData, self).__init__()
     self.id = uuid("REPLICATION") if initialize else None
     self.master = master
     self.instances = [] if actor_id is None else [actor_id]
     # TODO requirements should be plugin operation, now just do target number
     self.requirements = requirements
     self.counter = 0
     # {<actor_id>: {'known_peer_ports': [peer-ports id list], <org-port-id: <replicated-port-id>, ...}, ...}
     self.remaped_ports = {}
     self._terminate_with_node = False
     self._one_per_runtime = False