def CaptureImage(): path = 'ImagesTaken' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) camera_port = 0 imgNameDigitized = os.path.join( path, format='%b-%d-%Y-%I-%M-%S-%p_DIGI.png')) imgNameColorized = os.path.join( path, format='%b-%d-%Y-%I-%M-%S-%p_COLOR.png')) # CAPTURE IMAGE camera = cv2.VideoCapture( camera_port) #, cv2.CAP_DSHOW removed because of ERROR time.sleep(0.1) return_value, img = camera.release() cv2.imwrite(imgNameColorized, img) # BINARIZE IMAGE grayscaled = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) binarizedImage = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(grayscaled, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 115, 1) cv2.imwrite(imgNameDigitized, binarizedImage) return imgNameDigitized, imgNameColorized
def calibrate(): print 'Calibrate.' # get homography img = gray = vis.gray(img) H = hom.get_H(gray) dis.set_H(H)
def update(self): if self.current_state == STATE_ROLL: #State 1) Roll a card, wait for photo sensor to trigger stepper.turn(6) if photo_resistor.isActive() == True: self.current_state = STATE_IMAGE_PROCESSING stepper.stop() print('------------------------') elif self.current_state == STATE_IMAGE_PROCESSING: #State 2) take a picture, do stuff with it time.sleep(0.9) #We need to wait for the camera to update properly #1) Take a picture camera.camera_handler.toggleShowOutput(False) captured = if captured is None: return #2) Pre-process image for Tesseract camera.to_display = captured.copy() processed_path = image_processing.process(captured) if processed_path is None: return #3) Pass image threw Tesseract ocr_string = ocr_processing.processImage(processed_path) #4) Parse result string card_data = mtg.parsing.parse(ocr_string) self.last_processed_data = card_data print(card_data, ocr_string) self.log.append(card_data) self.processed_count += 1 self.current_state = STATE_FILTER elif self.current_state == STATE_FILTER: #State 3) Move filter into position #TODO - Cleanup this #if (self.last_processed_data['extention'] == 'AKH'): # #elif (self.last_processed_data['extention'] == 'BFZ'): # #elif (self.last_processed_data['extention'] == 'KLD'): # #elif (self.last_processed_data['extention'] == 'ORI'): # #else: # filters.close() self.current_state = STATE_DROP elif self.current_state == STATE_DROP: #State 4) Roll gently to drop a card, wait for second sensor to trigger #Slight static movEment to trigger drop for i in range(0, 5): stepper.step() #A few stepsis all it takes time.sleep(0.05) if photo_resistor.isActive() == False: time.sleep(0.5) self.current_state = STATE_ROLL else: stepper.turn(30) return False
def main(): aWeight = 0.5 camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) top, right, bottom, left = 100, 400, 300, 600 num_frames = 0 image_num = 0 start_recording = False while(True): (grabbed, frame) = if (grabbed == True): frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=700) frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) clone = frame.copy() (height, width) = frame.shape[:2] roi = frame[top:bottom, right:left] gray = cv2.cvtColor(roi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7, 7), 0) if num_frames < 30: run_avg(gray, aWeight) print(num_frames) else: hand = segment(gray) if hand is not None: (thresholded, segmented) = hand cv2.drawContours(clone, [segmented + (right, top)], -1, (0, 0, 255)) if start_recording: cv2.imwrite("Dataset/YoImages/yo_" + str(image_num) + '.png', thresholded) image_num += 1 cv2.imshow("Thesholded", thresholded) cv2.rectangle(clone, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2) num_frames += 1 cv2.imshow("Video Feed", clone) keypress = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF print(image_num) if keypress == ord("q") or image_num > 999: break if keypress == ord("s"): start_recording = True else: print("Error, Check Camera") break
def main(): cam.init() #dis.init(1920, 1080) while(True): # capture frame-by-frame img = # our operations on the frame come here gray = vis.gray(img) # display the resulting frame # handle key input if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): # quit break if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('c'): # calibrate calibrate() # clean up camera cam.destroy()
import camera camera = camera.Camera(False) while True: frame = print len(frame.getvalue())
def update(self): if self.state == STATE_CALIBRATE_SENSOR_ON: #1) Calibrate unblocked photo sensor light reception ok = '\033[92m' + 'DETECT LIGHT' + '\033[0m' not_ok = '\033[91m' + 'IN THE DARK ' + '\033[0m' #photo resistor active = in the dark sensor_state = not_ok if photo_resistor.isActive() == True else ok if photo_resistor.isActive( ) != True: #It was good at one point, check over time sensor_state = ok for i in range( 0, 100 ): #Check a 100 times over a second, must stay inactive if photo_resistor.isActive() == True: sensor_state = not_ok break time.sleep(0.01) print('Photosensor calibration mode, sensor state is ' + sensor_state, end='\r') if sensor_state == ok: print( 'Photosensor light calibration ok, test with a card over it' ) self.state = STATE_CALIBRATE_SENSOR_OFF time.sleep(0.1) elif self.state == STATE_CALIBRATE_SENSOR_OFF: #2) Roll a card over photo sensor to calibrate light block if photo_resistor.isActive( ) != True: #While there is nothing over it ,roll a card stepper.turn(6) print('Wait for a card ...', end='\r') time.sleep(0.001) else: print( 'Detected a card, is the calibration ok ? type y/n and press enter', end='\n') while True: choice = input("> ") if choice == 'y': print('Sensor off clibration is ok') self.state = STATE_CALIBRATE_CAMERA break elif choice == 'n': print( 'Ok, manually remove card and move sensor, will resume operation in 10 seconds' ) time.sleep(10) print('Resume') break elif self.state == STATE_CALIBRATE_CAMERA: #3) Calibrate camera focus, roll a card if removed print('Manually calibrate camera focus') print( "Press CTRL-C to exit this mode, manually remove a card to roll a new one" ) try: while True: while photo_resistor.isActive( ) != True: #While there is nothing over it ,roll a card stepper.turn(6) time.sleep(0.01) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.state = STATE_CALIBRATE_ANGLE print("\nCamera calibration is ok, check angle") camera.camera_handler.toggleShowOutput(False) pass elif self.state == STATE_CALIBRATE_ANGLE: #4) Calibrate angle, test a card ,ask if angle is ok, roll another card. If ok 3 times in a row, save angle. #4.1) Roll card if needed while photo_resistor.isActive( ) != True: #While there is nothing over it ,roll a card stepper.turn(6) time.sleep(0.01) #4.2) Display angled image for i in range(0, 25): time.sleep(0.1) image = if image is None: return print('Detect angle ...') angle = image_processing.detectAngle(image) image = image_processing.rotate(image, angle) camera.to_display = image print( 'Detected angle of', angle, ' enter \'y\' if image is displayed correctly and \'n\' if not' ) while True: choice = input("> ") if choice == 'y': self.angles.append(angle) if len(self.angles) >= 3: config.set("angle", (sum(self.angles) / len(self.angles))) print('Calibration is over !') return True else: print(len(self.angles), '/ 3', 'Angle added to pile, go to next card') while photo_resistor.isActive(): stepper.turn(6) break elif choice == 'n': print('Try with another card') while photo_resistor.isActive(): stepper.turn(6) break else: return False
if remote: if remote.up: acceleration += 8 * dt if remote.down: acceleration -= 5 * dt if remote.right: steering -= 4.0 * dt if remote.left: steering += 4.0 * dt # Slow down acceleration *= (1.0 - (2.5 * dt)) steering *= (1.0 - (1.5 * dt)) # Get a frame newFrame = if newFrame is None: frame = cv2.imread('test_images/test320.jpg') else: frame = newFrame # Send the frame to vision vision.camera_frame = frame # Read the latest processed frame frame = vision.frame vision_steering = vision.steer vision_speed = vision.speed # Set steering #steering += vision_steering/15