예제 #1
    def openglDrawOnScreenDetection(self, detection, cubeModel, camera):
        # Invert OpenGL's (implicit) viewport matrix and set it as the
        # projection matrix to allow drawing directly onto the screen in units
        # of pixels.
        # Note: The viewport matrix has been set previously using:
        #    glViewport(0, 0, fbs_x, fbs_y);
        proj = np.linalg.inv(viewPortMatrix(camera.framebufferSize))
        self.openglScene.flatProgram.setUniformMat4('proj', proj)
        # print 'proj', proj

        # Draw an axis-aligned cube scaled to the size of the detection:
        cubeModel.pos = np.array([detection.trans.x, detection.trans.y, 0])
        cubeModel.dir = np.array([1, 0, 0])
        cubeModel.up = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        cubeModel.scale = np.array([detection.size[0], detection.size[1], 0.1])

        # p = camera.P*np.mat([0,0,0, 1]).T
        # print 'mul', p
        # p = p/p[2]
        # print 'div', p
        # p = camera.project(np.mat([0,0,0, 1]).T)
        # cubeModel.pos = np.array([p[0], p[1], 0])
        # cubeModel.scale = np.array([5, 5, 0.1])


        # Reset the projection matrix to the camera's projection matrix:
        proj = camera.getOpenGlCameraMatrix()
        self.openglScene.flatProgram.setUniformMat4('proj', proj)
예제 #2
    def getGroundProjectedDetection(self, detection, camera):
        dc = np.array([detection.trans.x, detection.trans.y, 0], np.float32)
        dhw = np.array([detection.size[0]*0.5, 0, 0])
        dhh = np.array([0, detection.size[1]*0.5, 0])
        vertices = [
            dc - dhw + dhh,
            dc + dhw + dhh,
            dc + dhw - dhh,
            dc - dhw - dhh

        vpInv = np.linalg.inv(viewPortMatrix(camera.framebufferSize))
        def unvp(u):
            x = vpInv*np.row_stack([np.mat(u).T, [1]])
            x = x[:3]
            # return np.array(x.T)
            return np.array([x[0,0], x[1,0], x[2,0]])

        vertices = [unvp(v) for v in vertices]
        gpverts = [camera.projectPointToGround(v) for v in vertices]

        return gpverts