import yaml from import Data from canonicalwebteam.store_api.stores.snapstore import SnapStore from canonicalwebteam.launchpad import Launchpad from geolite2 import geolite2 from requests.exceptions import HTTPError # Local from webapp.login import empty_session, user_info from webapp.advantage import AdvantageContracts ip_reader = geolite2.reader() session = talisker.requests.get_session() store_api = SnapStore(session=talisker.requests.get_session()) def download_thank_you(category): context = {"http_host":} version = flask.request.args.get("version", "") architecture = flask.request.args.get("architecture", "") # Sanitise for paths # ( version_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d+(?:\.\d+)+).*") architecture = architecture.replace("..", "") architecture = architecture.replace("/", "+").replace(" ", "+") if architecture and version_pattern.match(version):
def store_blueprint(store_query=None): api = SnapStore(session, store_query) store = flask.Blueprint( "store", __name__, template_folder="/templates", static_folder="/static", ) def _handle_error(api_error: StoreApiError): status_code = 502 error = {"message": str(api_error)} if type(api_error) is StoreApiTimeoutError: status_code = 504 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiResponseDecodeError: status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiResponseErrorList: error["errors"] = api_error.errors status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiResponseError: status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiConnectionError: status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiCircuitBreaker: # Special case for this one, because it is the only case where we # don't want the user to be able to access the page. return flask.abort(503) return status_code, error snap_details_views(store, api, _handle_error) @store.route("/discover") def discover(): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".homepage")) def store_view(): error_info = {} status_code = 200 try: categories_results = api.get_categories() except StoreApiError: categories_results = [] categories = logic.get_categories(categories_results) try: featured_snaps = api.get_featured_items()["results"] except (StoreApiError, ApiError) as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) return flask.abort(status_code) if not featured_snaps: return flask.abort(503) # if the first snap (banner snap) doesn't have an icon, remove the last # snap from the list to avoid a hanging snap (grid of 9) if len(featured_snaps) == 10 and featured_snaps[0]["icon_url"] == "": featured_snaps = featured_snaps[:-1] for index in range(len(featured_snaps)): featured_snaps[index] = logic.get_snap_banner_url( featured_snaps[index]) livestream = snapcraft_logic.get_livestreams() return ( flask.render_template( "store/store.html", categories=categories, has_featured=True, featured_snaps=featured_snaps, error_info=error_info, livestream=livestream, ), status_code, ) def brand_store_view(): error_info = {} status_code = 200 try: snaps = api.get_all_items(size=16)["results"] except (StoreApiError, ApiError) as api_error: snaps = [] status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) return ( flask.render_template("brand-store/store.html", snaps=snaps, error_info=error_info), status_code, ) def search_snap(): snap_searched = flask.request.args.get("q", default="", type=str) snap_category = flask.request.args.get("category", default="", type=str) page = flask.request.args.get("page", default=1, type=int) if snap_category: snap_category_display = snap_category.capitalize().replace( "-", " ") else: snap_category_display = None if not snap_searched and not snap_category: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".homepage")) # The default size is 44 # (11 rows of 4) - on search results pages # or (1 + 5 rows of 3 + 7 rows of 4) - on category page 1 size = 44 try: searched_results = snap_searched, category=snap_category, size=size, page=page, ) except (StoreApiError, ApiError) as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) return flask.abort(status_code) total_pages = None if "total" in searched_results: total_results_count = searched_results["total"] total_pages = ceil(total_results_count / size) else: total_results_count = None snaps_results = searched_results["results"] links = {} if page > 1: links["first"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=1, ) links["prev"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=page - 1, ) if not total_pages or page < total_pages: links["next"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=page + 1, ) if total_pages: links["last"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=total_pages, ) featured_snaps = [] # These are the hand-selected "featured snaps" in each category. # We don't have this information on the API, so it's hardcoded. number_of_featured_snaps = 16 if snap_category_display and page == 1: if snaps_results and snaps_results[0]: if snaps_results[0]["icon_url"] == "": snaps_results = logic.promote_snap_with_icon(snaps_results) snaps_results[0] = logic.get_snap_banner_url(snaps_results[0]) if (snap_category == "featured" or len(snaps_results) < number_of_featured_snaps): featured_snaps = snaps_results snaps_results = [] else: featured_snaps = snaps_results[:number_of_featured_snaps] snaps_results = snaps_results[number_of_featured_snaps:] context = { "query": snap_searched, "category": snap_category, "category_display": snap_category_display, "searched_snaps": snaps_results, "featured_snaps": featured_snaps, "total": total_results_count, "links": links, "page": page, } return flask.render_template("store/search.html", **context) def brand_search_snap(): status_code = 200 snap_searched = flask.request.args.get("q", default="", type=str) if not snap_searched: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".homepage")) size = flask.request.args.get("limit", default=25, type=int) offset = flask.request.args.get("offset", default=0, type=int) try: page = floor(offset / size) + 1 except ZeroDivisionError: size = 10 page = floor(offset / size) + 1 error_info = {} searched_results = [] try: searched_results =, size=size, page=page) except (StoreApiError, ApiError) as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) snaps_results = searched_results["results"] links = logic.get_pages_details( flask.request.base_url, (searched_results["_links"] if "_links" in searched_results else []), ) context = { "query": snap_searched, "snaps": snaps_results, "links": links, "error_info": error_info, } return ( flask.render_template("brand-store/search.html", **context), status_code, ) @store.route("/youtube/<video_id>") def get_video_thumbnail_data(video_id): thumbnail_url = "" thumbnail_data = session.get( f"{thumbnail_url}?id={video_id}&part=snippet&key={YOUTUBE_API_KEY}" ) if thumbnail_data: return thumbnail_data.json() return {} @store.route("/publisher/<regex('[a-z0-9-]*[a-z][a-z0-9-]*'):publisher>") def publisher_details(publisher): """ A view to display the publisher details page for specific publisher. """ publisher_content_path = flask.current_app.config["CONTENT_DIRECTORY"][ "PUBLISHER_PAGES"] context = helpers.get_yaml(publisher_content_path + publisher + ".yaml", typ="safe") if not context: flask.abort(404) if "publishers" in context: context["snaps"] = [] for publisher in context["publishers"]: snaps_results = [] try: snaps_results = api.get_publisher_items(publisher, size=500, page=1)["results"] except StoreApiError: pass context["snaps"].extend( [snap for snap in snaps_results if snap["apps"]]) if "snaps" not in context: snaps = helpers.get_yaml(publisher_content_path + publisher + "-snaps.yaml", typ="safe") context["snaps"] = snaps["snaps"] featured_snaps = [ snap["package_name"] for snap in context["featured_snaps"] ] context["snaps"] = [ snap for snap in context["snaps"] if snap["package_name"] not in featured_snaps ] return flask.render_template("store/publisher-details.html", **context) @store.route("/store/categories/<category>") def store_category(category): status_code = 200 error_info = {} snaps_results = [] try: snaps_results = api.get_category_items(category=category, size=10, page=1)["results"] except (StoreApiError, ApiError) as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) # if the first snap (banner snap) doesn't have an icon, remove the last # snap from the list to avoid a hanging snap (grid of 9) if len(snaps_results) == 10 and snaps_results[0]["icon_url"] == "": snaps_results = snaps_results[:-1] for index in range(len(snaps_results)): snaps_results[index] = logic.get_snap_banner_url( snaps_results[index]) context = { "category": category, "has_featured": True, "snaps": snaps_results, "error_info": error_info, } return ( flask.render_template("store/_category-partial.html", **context), status_code, ) @store.route("/store/featured-snaps/<category>") def featured_snaps_in_category(category): snaps_results = [] try: snaps_results = api.get_category_items(category=category, size=3, page=1)["results"] except (StoreApiError, ApiError) as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) return ( flask.jsonify({"error": error_info}), status_code, ) return flask.jsonify(snaps_results) @store.route("/store/sitemap.xml") def sitemap(): base_url = "" snaps = [] page = 0 url = f"{page}" while url: response = session.get(url) try: snaps_response = response.json() except Exception: continue for snap in snaps_response["_embedded"]["clickindex:package"]: try: last_udpated = (parser.parse(snap["last_updated"]).replace( tzinfo=None).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) snaps.append({ "url": "" + snap["package_name"], "last_udpated": last_udpated, }) except Exception: continue if "next" in snaps_response["_links"]: url = snaps_response["_links"]["next"]["href"] else: url = None xml_sitemap = flask.render_template( "sitemap/sitemap.xml", base_url=base_url, links=snaps, ) response = flask.make_response(xml_sitemap) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public, max-age=43200" return response if store_query: store.add_url_rule("/", "homepage", brand_store_view) store.add_url_rule("/search", "search", brand_search_snap) else: store.add_url_rule("/store", "homepage", store_view) store.add_url_rule("/search", "search", search_snap) return store
from webapp import helpers from webapp.api import dashboard as api from webapp.api import requests from webapp.api.exceptions import ApiError, ApiResponseErrorList from webapp.decorators import login_required from webapp.markdown import parse_markdown_description from webapp.publisher.snaps import logic, preview_data from webapp.publisher.views import _handle_error, _handle_error_list from import ( filter_screenshots, get_categories, get_icon, get_videos, ) store_api = SnapStore(talisker.requests.get_session(requests.Session)) def get_market_snap(snap_name): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for(".get_listing_snap", snap_name=snap_name)) def redirect_post_market_snap(snap_name): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for(".post_listing_snap", snap_name=snap_name)) @login_required def get_listing_snap(snap_name): try:
# Local from webapp import helpers from webapp.helpers import api_publisher_session from webapp.api.exceptions import ApiError from webapp.decorators import login_required from webapp.markdown import parse_markdown_description from webapp.publisher.snaps import logic, preview_data from webapp.publisher.views import _handle_error, _handle_error_list from import ( filter_screenshots, get_categories, get_icon, get_video, ) store_api = SnapStore(api_publisher_session) publisher_api = SnapPublisher(api_publisher_session) def get_market_snap(snap_name): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for(".get_listing_snap", snap_name=snap_name)) def redirect_post_market_snap(snap_name): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for(".post_listing_snap", snap_name=snap_name)) @login_required def get_listing_snap(snap_name):
def store_blueprint(store_query=None, testing=False): if testing: session = talisker.requests.get_session(requests.Session) else: session = talisker.requests.get_session(requests.CachedSession) api = SnapStore(session, store_query) store = flask.Blueprint( "store", __name__, template_folder="/templates", static_folder="/static", ) def _handle_error(api_error: StoreApiError): status_code = 502 error = {"message": str(api_error)} if type(api_error) is StoreApiTimeoutError: status_code = 504 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiResponseDecodeError: status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiResponseErrorList: error["errors"] = api_error.errors status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiResponseError: status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiConnectionError: status_code = 502 elif type(api_error) is StoreApiCircuitBreaker: # Special case for this one, because it is the only case where we # don't want the user to be able to access the page. return flask.abort(503) return status_code, error snap_details_views(store, api, _handle_error) @store.route("/discover") def discover(): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".homepage")) def store_view(): error_info = {} status_code = 200 try: categories_results = api.get_categories() except StoreApiError: categories_results = [] categories = logic.get_categories(categories_results) try: featured_snaps_results = api.get_featured_items() except StoreApiError as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) return flask.abort(status_code) featured_snaps = logic.get_searched_snaps(featured_snaps_results) if not featured_snaps: return flask.abort(503) # if the first snap (banner snap) doesn't have an icon, remove the last # snap from the list to avoid a hanging snap (grid of 9) if len(featured_snaps) == 10 and featured_snaps[0]["icon_url"] == "": featured_snaps = featured_snaps[:-1] for index in range(len(featured_snaps)): featured_snaps[index] = logic.get_snap_banner_url( featured_snaps[index]) livestream = snapcraft_logic.get_livestreams() return ( flask.render_template( "store/store.html", categories=categories, has_featured=True, featured_snaps=featured_snaps, error_info=error_info, livestream=livestream, ), status_code, ) def brand_store_view(): error_info = {} status_code = 200 try: snaps_results = api.get_all_items(size=16) except StoreApiError as api_error: snaps_results = [] status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) snaps = logic.get_searched_snaps(snaps_results) return ( flask.render_template("brand-store/store.html", snaps=snaps, error_info=error_info), status_code, ) def search_snap(): status_code = 200 snap_searched = flask.request.args.get("q", default="", type=str) snap_category = flask.request.args.get("category", default="", type=str) page = flask.request.args.get("page", default=1, type=int) if snap_category: snap_category_display = snap_category.capitalize().replace( "-", " ") else: snap_category_display = None if not snap_searched and not snap_category: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".homepage")) # The default size is 44 # (11 rows of 4) - on search results pages # or (1 + 5 rows of 3 + 7 rows of 4) - on category page 1 size = 44 error_info = {} searched_results = [] try: searched_results = quote_plus(snap_searched), category=snap_category, size=size, page=page, ) except StoreApiError as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) total_pages = None if "total" in searched_results: total_results_count = searched_results["total"] total_pages = ceil(total_results_count / size) else: total_results_count = None snaps_results = logic.get_searched_snaps(searched_results) links = {} if page > 1: links["first"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=1, ) links["prev"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=page - 1, ) if not total_pages or page < total_pages: links["next"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=page + 1, ) if total_pages: links["last"] = logic.build_pagination_link( snap_searched=snap_searched, snap_category=snap_category, page=total_pages, ) featured_snaps = [] # These are the hand-selected "featured snaps" in each category. # We don't have this information on the API, so it's hardcoded. number_of_featured_snaps = 16 if snap_category_display and page == 1: if snaps_results and snaps_results[0]: if snaps_results[0]["icon_url"] == "": snaps_results = logic.promote_snap_with_icon(snaps_results) snaps_results[0] = logic.get_snap_banner_url(snaps_results[0]) if (snap_category == "featured" or len(snaps_results) < number_of_featured_snaps): featured_snaps = snaps_results snaps_results = [] else: featured_snaps = snaps_results[:number_of_featured_snaps] snaps_results = snaps_results[number_of_featured_snaps:] context = { "query": snap_searched, "category": snap_category, "category_display": snap_category_display, "searched_snaps": snaps_results, "featured_snaps": featured_snaps, "total": total_results_count, "links": links, "page": page, "error_info": error_info, } return ( flask.render_template("store/search.html", **context), status_code, ) def brand_search_snap(): status_code = 200 snap_searched = flask.request.args.get("q", default="", type=str) if not snap_searched: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".homepage")) size = flask.request.args.get("limit", default=25, type=int) offset = flask.request.args.get("offset", default=0, type=int) try: page = floor(offset / size) + 1 except ZeroDivisionError: size = 10 page = floor(offset / size) + 1 error_info = {} searched_results = [] try: searched_results =, size=size, page=page) except StoreApiError as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) snaps_results = logic.get_searched_snaps(searched_results) links = logic.get_pages_details( flask.request.base_url, (searched_results["_links"] if "_links" in searched_results else []), ) context = { "query": snap_searched, "snaps": snaps_results, "links": links, "error_info": error_info, } return ( flask.render_template("brand-store/search.html", **context), status_code, ) @store.route("/publisher/<regex('[a-z0-9-]*[a-z][a-z0-9-]*'):publisher>") def publisher_details(publisher): """ A view to display the publisher details page for specific publisher. """ publisher_content_path = flask.current_app.config["CONTENT_DIRECTORY"][ "PUBLISHER_PAGES"] context = helpers.get_yaml(publisher_content_path + publisher + ".yaml", typ="safe") if not context: flask.abort(404) if "publishers" in context: context["snaps"] = [] for publisher in context["publishers"]: searched_results = [] try: searched_results = api.get_publisher_items(publisher, size=500, page=1) except StoreApiError: pass snaps_results = logic.get_searched_snaps(searched_results) context["snaps"].extend( [snap for snap in snaps_results if snap["apps"]]) if "snaps" not in context: snaps = helpers.get_yaml(publisher_content_path + publisher + "-snaps.yaml", typ="safe") context["snaps"] = snaps["snaps"] featured_snaps = [ snap["package_name"] for snap in context["featured_snaps"] ] context["snaps"] = [ snap for snap in context["snaps"] if snap["package_name"] not in featured_snaps ] return flask.render_template("store/publisher-details.html", **context) @store.route("/store/categories/<category>") def store_category(category): status_code = 200 error_info = {} category_results = [] try: category_results = api.get_category_items(category=category, size=10, page=1) except StoreApiError as api_error: status_code, error_info = _handle_error(api_error) snaps_results = logic.get_searched_snaps(category_results) # if the first snap (banner snap) doesn't have an icon, remove the last # snap from the list to avoid a hanging snap (grid of 9) if len(snaps_results) == 10 and snaps_results[0]["icon_url"] == "": snaps_results = snaps_results[:-1] for index in range(len(snaps_results)): snaps_results[index] = logic.get_snap_banner_url( snaps_results[index]) context = { "category": category, "has_featured": True, "snaps": snaps_results, "error_info": error_info, } return ( flask.render_template("store/_category-partial.html", **context), status_code, ) if store_query: store.add_url_rule("/", "homepage", brand_store_view) store.add_url_rule("/search", "search", brand_search_snap) else: store.add_url_rule("/store", "homepage", store_view) store.add_url_rule("/search", "search", search_snap) return store
def setUp(self): # configure self.attribute self.client = SnapStore() return super(SnapStoreTest, self).setUp()
# Local from webapp import helpers from webapp.helpers import api_session from webapp.api.exceptions import ApiError from webapp.decorators import login_required from webapp.markdown import parse_markdown_description from webapp.publisher.snaps import logic, preview_data from webapp.publisher.views import _handle_error, _handle_error_list from import ( filter_screenshots, get_categories, get_icon, get_videos, ) store_api = SnapStore(api_session) publisher_api = SnapPublisher(api_session) def get_market_snap(snap_name): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for(".get_listing_snap", snap_name=snap_name) ) def redirect_post_market_snap(snap_name): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for(".post_listing_snap", snap_name=snap_name) )