예제 #1
def global_rpc_endpoint_badges(composition, end, configuration):
    Enumerate the badge value for a connection that uses the global-rpc-endpoint endpoint object.

    Return a list of badges, one for each end on the other side of the connection from the
    supplied end. This means that for a connection with 1 server and 3 clients, if the server
    is using the global-rpc-endpoint, then this will allocate 3 badge values for the server.
    Given that this object exists across multiple connections, we enumerate all connections
    in the composition to find all the connections that contain the component instance that
    owns the endpoint. Then we assign badges based on a consistent order of all of the
    selected connections. Badges are allocated by starting at 1 and then incrementing but skipping
    any bits not covered by ${instance}.global_rpc_endpoint_mask in the
    configuration. Finally the badge value is bitwise or'd with ${instance}.global_rpc_endpoint_base.
    This is to allow the component to reserve different badge values for usages outside of this
    def set_next_badge(next_badge, mask):
        if (next_badge >= min(2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits'),
            raise Exception("Couldn't allocate endpoint badge for %s" % end)
        if not ((next_badge & mask) == next_badge):
            # If the badge has some bits that the mask doesn't allow, add them on.
            # This caluclation requires that only 1 bit is wrong at a time. The way
            # that we increment badges should ensure this.
            next_badge = set_next_badge((~mask & next_badge) + next_badge,
        return next_badge

    instance = end.instance
    base = configuration[instance.name].get("global_rpc_endpoint_base", 0)
    mask = configuration[instance.name].get(
        2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits') - 2)
    next_badge = set_next_badge(1, mask)
    badges = []
    for c in composition.connections:
        if c.type.get_attribute(
                "from_global_rpc_endpoint") and c.type.get_attribute(
            for i in c.from_ends:
                if i.instance is instance:
                    for i2 in c.to_ends:
                        badges.append(next_badge | base)
                        next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge + 1, mask)
                    if end is i:
                        return badges
                    badges = []
        if c.type.get_attribute(
                "to_global_rpc_endpoint") and c.type.get_attribute(
            for i in c.to_ends:
                if i.instance is instance:
                    for i2 in c.from_ends:
                        badges.append(next_badge | base)
                        next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge + 1, mask)
                    if end is i:
                        return badges
                    badges = []

    raise Exception("Couldn't allocate notification badge for %s" % end)
예제 #2
 def set_next_badge(next_badge, mask):
     if (next_badge >= 2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits')):
         raise Exception("Couldn't allocate notification badge for %s" % end)
     next_badge = next_badge << 1
     if not next_badge & mask:
         next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)
     return next_badge
예제 #3
 def set_next_badge(next_badge, mask):
     if (next_badge >= min(2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits'),
         raise Exception("Couldn't allocate endpoint badge for %s" % end)
     if not ((next_badge & mask) == next_badge):
         # If the badge has some bits that the mask doesn't allow, add them on.
         # This caluclation requires that only 1 bit is wrong at a time. The way
         # that we increment badges should ensure this.
         next_badge = set_next_badge((~mask & next_badge) + next_badge,
     return next_badge
예제 #4
def global_endpoint_badges(composition, end, configuration):
    Enumerate the badge value for a connection that uses the global-endpoint notification.

    Given that this object exists across multiple connections, we enumerate all connections
    in the composition to find all the connections that contain the component instance that
    owns the notification. Then we assign badges based on a consistent order of all of the
    selected connections. Badges are allocated by starting at 1 and then left shifting for
    each increment but skipping any bits covered by ${instance}.global_endpoint_mask in the
    configuration. Finally the badge value is bitwise or'd with ${instance}.global_endpoint_base.
    This is to allow the component to reserve different badge values for usages outside of this
    def set_next_badge(next_badge, mask):
        if (next_badge >= 2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits')):
            raise Exception("Couldn't allocate notification badge for %s" % end)
        next_badge = next_badge << 1
        if not next_badge & mask:
            next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)
        return next_badge

    instance = end.instance
    mask = configuration[instance.name].get(
        "global_endpoint_mask", 2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits')-1)
    base = configuration[instance.name].get("global_endpoint_base", 0)
    next_badge = set_next_badge(1, mask)

    for c in composition.connections:
        if c.type.get_attribute("from_global_endpoint") and c.type.get_attribute("from_global_endpoint").default:
            for i in c.from_ends:
                if i.instance is instance:
                    if end is i:
                        return next_badge | base
                    next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)
        if c.type.get_attribute("to_global_endpoint") and c.type.get_attribute("to_global_endpoint").default:
            for i in c.to_ends:
                if i.instance is instance:
                    if end is i:
                        return next_badge | base
                    next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)

    raise Exception("Couldn't allocate notification badge for %s" % end)
예제 #5
def global_endpoint_badges(composition, end, configuration, arch):
    Enumerate the badge value for a connection that uses the global-endpoint notification.

    Given that this object exists across multiple connections, we enumerate all connections
    in the composition to find all the connections that contain the component instance that
    owns the notification. Then we assign badges based on a consistent order of all of the
    selected connections. Badges are allocated by starting at 1 and then left shifting for
    each increment but skipping any bits not covered by ${instance}.global_endpoint_mask in the
    configuration. Finally the badge value is bitwise or'd with ${instance}.global_endpoint_base.
    This is to allow the component to reserve different badge values for usages outside of this
    def set_next_badge(next_badge, mask):
        if (next_badge >= 2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits')):
            raise Exception("Couldn't allocate notification badge for %s" %
        if next_badge == 0:
            next_badge = 1
            next_badge = next_badge << 1
        if not next_badge & mask:
            next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)
        return next_badge

    instance = end.instance
    base = configuration[instance.name].get("global_endpoint_base", 1)
    mask = configuration[instance.name].get(
        (2**get_libsel4_constant('seL4_Value_BadgeBits') - 1) & (~base))
    next_badge = set_next_badge(0, mask)

    for c in composition.connections:
        if c.type.name in [
                "seL4DTBHardwareThreadless", "seL4DTBHWThreadless"
        ] and instance in [to_end.instance for to_end in c.to_ends]:
            for to_end in c.to_ends:
                if not configuration[str(to_end)].get("generate_interrupts",
                dtb = configuration[str(to_end)].get("dtb").get('query')[0]
                irqs = parse_dtb_node_interrupts(dtb, -1, arch)
                irq_badges = []
                for i in irqs:
                    irq_badges.append(next_badge | base)
                    next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)
                if end is to_end:
                    return irq_badges
        if c.type.get_attribute(
                "from_global_endpoint") and c.type.get_attribute(
            for i in c.from_ends:
                if i.instance is instance:
                    if end is i:
                        return next_badge | base
                    next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)
        if c.type.get_attribute("to_global_endpoint") and c.type.get_attribute(
            for i in c.to_ends:
                if i.instance is instance:
                    if end is i:
                        return next_badge | base
                    next_badge = set_next_badge(next_badge, mask)

    raise Exception("Couldn't allocate notification badge for %s" % end)