class ExportVoucherForm(SerializeDataMixin, GovNotifyEmailActionMixin, forms.Form): company_name = forms.CharField() companies_house_number = forms.CharField( label='Companies House number', required=False, container_css_classes='js-disabled-only', ) first_name = forms.CharField(label='First name') last_name = forms.CharField(label='Last name') email = forms.EmailField() exported_to_eu = TypedChoiceField( label='Have you exported to the EU in the last 12 months?', label_suffix='', coerce=lambda x: x == 'True', choices=[(True, 'Yes'), (False, 'No')], widget=forms.RadioSelect(), required=False, ) captcha = ReCaptchaField(label='', label_suffix='', widget=ReCaptchaV3()) terms_agreed = forms.BooleanField(label=TERMS_LABEL)
class ContactForm(forms.Form): contact_name = forms.CharField( label=(''), required=True, max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder': 'Name'}) ) contact_email = forms.EmailField( label=(''), required=True, max_length=150, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder': 'Email'}) ) message = forms.CharField( label=(''), required=True, max_length=500, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 4, 'placeholder': 'Message'}) ) captcha = ReCaptchaField( widget=ReCaptchaV3(attrs={'required_score':0.75}), label=('') )
class CommentForm(forms.ModelForm): name = forms.CharField(required=True, max_length=20) text = forms.CharField(required=True, max_length=200) # captcha = ReCaptchaField() # captcha = ReCaptchaField( # widget=ReCaptchaV2Checkbox( # attrs={ # # 'data-theme': 'dark', # "data-size": "compact", # } # ) # ) # captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV2Invisible) captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3(attrs={ "required_score": 0.85, })) class Meta: model = Comment fields = ("name", "text", "captcha")
class BaseShortForm(forms.Form): comment = forms.CharField( label='Please give us as much detail as you can', widget=Textarea, ) given_name = forms.CharField(label='First name') family_name = forms.CharField(label='Last name') email = forms.EmailField() company_type = forms.ChoiceField( label='Company type', label_suffix='', widget=forms.RadioSelect(), choices=COMPANY_TYPE_CHOICES, ) company_type_other = forms.ChoiceField( label='Type of organisation', label_suffix='', choices=(('', 'Please select'), ) + COMPANY_TYPE_OTHER_CHOICES, required=False, ) organisation_name = forms.CharField() postcode = forms.CharField() captcha = ReCaptchaField(label='', label_suffix='', widget=ReCaptchaV3()) terms_agreed = forms.BooleanField(label=TERMS_LABEL)
class contact_f(forms.Form): captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3(attrs={ 'required_score': 0.85, }))
class CommentDetailsForm(CommentSecurityForm): """ Handles the specific details of the comment (name, comment, etc.). """ name = forms.CharField(label=pgettext_lazy("Person name", "Name"), max_length=50) email = forms.EmailField(label=_("Email address")) url = forms.URLField(label=_("URL"), required=False) # Translators: 'Comment' is a noun here. comment = forms.CharField(label=_('Comment'), widget=forms.Textarea, max_length=COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH) captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3()) # /** custom change **\ def get_comment_object(self, site_id=None): """ Return a new (unsaved) comment object based on the information in this form. Assumes that the form is already validated and will throw a ValueError if not. Does not set any of the fields that would come from a Request object (i.e. ``user`` or ``ip_address``). """ if not self.is_valid(): raise ValueError( "get_comment_object may only be called on valid forms") CommentModel = self.get_comment_model() new = CommentModel(**self.get_comment_create_data(site_id=site_id)) new = self.check_for_duplicate_comment(new) return new def get_comment_model(self): """ Get the comment model to create with this form. Subclasses in custom comment apps should override this, get_comment_create_data, and perhaps check_for_duplicate_comment to provide custom comment models. """ return get_model() def get_comment_create_data(self, site_id=None): """ Returns the dict of data to be used to create a comment. Subclasses in custom comment apps that override get_comment_model can override this method to add extra fields onto a custom comment model. """ return dict( content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.target_object), object_pk=force_text(self.target_object._get_pk_val()), user_name=self.cleaned_data["name"], user_email=self.cleaned_data["email"], user_url=self.cleaned_data["url"], comment=self.cleaned_data["comment"],, site_id=site_id or getattr(settings, "SITE_ID", None), is_public=True, is_removed=False, ) def check_for_duplicate_comment(self, new): """ Check that a submitted comment isn't a duplicate. This might be caused by someone posting a comment twice. If it is a dup, silently return the *previous* comment. """ possible_duplicates = self.get_comment_model()._default_manager.using( self.target_object._state.db).filter( content_type=new.content_type, object_pk=new.object_pk, user_name=new.user_name, user_email=new.user_email, user_url=new.user_url, ) for old in possible_duplicates: if == ) and old.comment == new.comment: return old return new def clean_comment(self): """ If COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES is False, check that the comment doesn't contain anything in PROFANITIES_LIST. """ comment = self.cleaned_data["comment"] if (not getattr(settings, 'COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES', False) and getattr(settings, 'PROFANITIES_LIST', False)): bad_words = [ w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in comment.lower() ] if bad_words: raise forms.ValidationError( ungettext( "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here.", "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here.", len(bad_words)) % get_text_list([ '"%s%s%s"' % (i[0], '-' * (len(i) - 2), i[-1]) for i in bad_words ], ugettext('and'))) return comment
class ExportSupportForm(GovNotifyEmailActionMixin, forms.Form): EMPLOYEES_NUMBER_CHOICES = ( ('1-9', '1 to 9'), ('10-49', '10 to 49'), ('50-249', '50 to 249'), ('250-499', '250 to 499'), ('500plus', 'More than 500'), ) first_name = forms.CharField( label='First name', min_length=2, max_length=50, error_messages={'required': 'Enter your first name'}) last_name = forms.CharField( label='Last name', min_length=2, max_length=50, error_messages={'required': 'Enter your last name'}) email = forms.EmailField( label='Email address', error_messages={ 'required': 'Enter an email address in the correct format, like [email protected]', 'invalid': 'Enter an email address in the correct format, like [email protected]', }) phone_number = forms.CharField( label='UK telephone number', min_length=8, help_text='This can be a landline or mobile number', error_messages={ 'max_length': 'Figures only, maximum 16 characters, minimum 8 characters excluding spaces', 'min_length': 'Figures only, maximum 16 characters, minimum 8 characters excluding spaces', 'required': 'Enter a UK phone number', 'invalid': 'Please enter a UK phone number', }) job_title = forms.CharField(label='Job title', max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': 'Enter your job title', }) company_name = forms.CharField(label='Business name', max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': 'Enter your business name', }) company_postcode = forms.CharField( label='Business postcode', max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': 'Enter your business postcode', 'invalid': 'Please enter a UK postcode' }, validators=[is_valid_postcode], ) annual_turnover = forms.ChoiceField( label='Annual turnover', help_text= ('This information will help us tailor our response and advice on the services we can provide.' ), choices=(('Less than £500K', 'Less than £500K'), ('£500K to £2M', '£500K to £2M'), ('£2M to £5M', '£2M to £5M'), ('£5M to £10M', '£5M to £10M'), ('£10M to £50M', '£10M to £50M'), ('£50M or higher', '£50M or higher')), widget=forms.RadioSelect, required=False, ) employees_number = forms.ChoiceField(label='Number of employees', choices=EMPLOYEES_NUMBER_CHOICES, widget=forms.RadioSelect, error_messages={ 'required': 'Choose a number', }) currently_export = forms.ChoiceField( label='Do you currently export?', choices=(('yes', 'Yes'), ('no', 'No')), widget=forms.RadioSelect, error_messages={'required': 'Please answer this question'}) terms_agreed = forms.BooleanField( label=TERMS_LABEL, error_messages={ 'required': 'You must agree to the terms and conditions before registering', }) comment = forms.CharField( label='Please give us as much detail as you can on your enquiry', widget=Textarea, ) captcha = ReCaptchaField(label='', label_suffix='', widget=ReCaptchaV3()) def clean_phone_number(self): phone_number = self.cleaned_data['phone_number'].replace(' ', '') if not PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX.match(phone_number): raise ValidationError('Please enter a UK phone number') return phone_number def clean_company_postcode(self): return self.cleaned_data['company_postcode'].replace(' ', '').upper() @property def serialized_data(self): data = super().serialized_data employees_number_mapping = dict(self.EMPLOYEES_NUMBER_CHOICES) data['employees_number_label'] = employees_number_mapping.get( data['employees_number']) return data
class UserLoginForm(AuthenticationForm): captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3()) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UserLoginForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ContactFormCaptcha(ContactForm): """Recaptcha contact form.""" captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3(api_params={"hl": "nl"}), label="")
class OrganizationCreateForm(forms.ModelForm): captcha = ReCaptchaField( widget=ReCaptchaV3(attrs={ "required_score": 0.3, "action": "register" }), label="", ) field_order = ORG_FIELD_ORDER class Meta: model = models.Organization exclude = [ "user", "status", "status_changed", "report_2019", "report_2018", "report_2017", "fiscal_certificate", "statement", "politic_members", ] widgets = { "email": EmailInput(), "legal_representative_email": EmailInput(), "city": forms.Select(attrs={ "data-url": reverse_lazy("city-autocomplete"), }), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not settings.RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY: del self.fields["captcha"] self.fields["city"].queryset = models.City.objects.none() if "city" not in self.fields["city"].widget.attrs.update({"disabled": "true"}) if "county" in try: county ="county") self.fields["city"].queryset = models.City.objects.filter( county__iexact=county) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # invalid input, fallback to empty queryset self.fields["accept_terms_and_conditions"].label = mark_safe( _('I agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a> ' "of the VotONG platform")) def clean_accept_terms_and_conditions(self): if not self.cleaned_data.get("accept_terms_and_conditions"): raise ValidationError( _("You need to accept terms and conditions.")) return self.cleaned_data.get("accept_terms_and_conditions")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AuthenticationFormWithCaptchaV3, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not getattr(settings, 'DEBUG', False): self.fields['captcha'] = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3())
class MyResetPasswordForm(auth_forms.PasswordResetForm, BootstrapMixin): captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3(attrs=captcha_attrs)) pass
class MyAuthenticationForm(auth_forms.AuthenticationForm, BootstrapMixin): """Authentication form which uses bootstrap CSS & ReCaptcha.""" captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3(attrs=captcha_attrs), label='captcha')
class CommunityJoinForm(GovNotifyEmailActionMixin, Form): name = forms.CharField( label=_('Full name'), min_length=2, max_length=50, error_messages={'required': _('Enter your full name')}) email = forms.EmailField( label=_('Email address'), error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter an email address in the correct format,' ' like [email protected]'), 'invalid': _('Enter an email address in the correct format,' ' like [email protected]'), }) phone_number_regex = re.compile(r'^(\+\d{1,3}[- ]?)?\d{8,16}$') phone_number = forms.CharField( label=_('UK telephone number'), min_length=8, help_text=_('This can be a landline or mobile number'), error_messages={ 'max_length': _('Figures only, maximum 16 characters,' ' minimum 8 characters excluding spaces'), 'min_length': _('Figures only, maximum 16 characters,' ' minimum 8 characters excluding spaces'), 'required': _('Enter an UK phone number'), 'invalid': _('Please enter an UK phone number') }) company_name = forms.CharField(label=_('Business name'), max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter your business name'), }) company_location = forms.CharField(label=_('Business location'), max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter your business location'), }) sector = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Sector'), choices=INDUSTRY_CHOICES, error_messages={ 'required': _('Choose a sector'), }) sector_other = forms.CharField( label=_('Please specify'), widget=TextInput(attrs={'class': 'js-field-other'}), required=False, ) company_website = forms.CharField( label=_('Website'), max_length=255, help_text=_('Enter the home page address'), error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter a website address in the correct format, ' 'like or'), 'invalid': _('Enter a website address in the correct format, ' 'like or') }, required=False) employees_number = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Number of employees'), choices=constants.EMPLOYEES_NUMBER_CHOISES, error_messages={ 'required': _('Choose a number'), }) currently_export = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Do you currently export?'), choices=(('yes', 'Yes'), ('no', 'No')), widget=forms.RadioSelect, error_messages={'required': _('Please answer this question')}) advertising_feedback = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Where did you hear about becoming an Export Advocate?'), choices=constants.HEARD_ABOUT_CHOISES, error_messages={ 'required': _('Please tell us where you heard about' ' becoming an Export Advocate'), }) advertising_feedback_other = forms.CharField( label=_('Please specify'), widget=TextInput(attrs={'class': 'js-field-other'}), required=False, ) terms_agreed = forms.BooleanField( label=TERMS_LABEL, error_messages={ 'required': _('You must agree to the terms and conditions' ' before registering'), }) captcha = ReCaptchaField(label='', label_suffix='', widget=ReCaptchaV3()) def clean_phone_number(self): phone_number = self.cleaned_data.get('phone_number', '').replace(' ', '') if not self.phone_number_regex.match(phone_number): raise ValidationError(_('Please enter an UK phone number')) return phone_number def clean_employees_number(self): value = self.cleaned_data['employees_number'] self.cleaned_data[ 'employees_number_label'] = constants.EMPLOYEES_NUMBER_MAP[value] return value def clean_sector_other(self): if self.cleaned_data['sector_other']: self.cleaned_data['sector_label'] = self.cleaned_data[ 'sector_other'] return self.cleaned_data['sector_other'] def clean_advertising_feedback_other(self): if self.cleaned_data['advertising_feedback_other']: self.cleaned_data[ 'advertising_feedback_label'] = self.cleaned_data[ 'advertising_feedback_other'] return self.cleaned_data['advertising_feedback_other'] def clean(self): data = super().clean() if 'sector_label' not in data and 'sector' in data: self.cleaned_data['sector_label'] = INDUSTRY_MAP[data['sector']] if 'advertising_feedback_label' not in data and 'advertising_feedback' in data: self.cleaned_data[ 'advertising_feedback_label'] = constants.HEARD_ABOUT_MAP[ data['advertising_feedback']] return data
class UKEFContactForm(GovNotifyEmailActionMixin, forms.Form): full_name = forms.CharField( label=_('Full name'), min_length=2, max_length=50, error_messages={'required': _('Enter your full name')}) job_title = forms.CharField(label=_('Job title'), max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter your job title'), }) email = forms.EmailField( label=_('Business email address'), error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter an email address in the correct format,' ' like [email protected]'), 'invalid': _('Enter an email address in the correct format,' ' like [email protected]'), }) business_name = forms.CharField(label=_('Business name'), max_length=50, error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter your business name'), }) business_website = forms.CharField( label=_('Business website'), max_length=255, error_messages={ 'required': _('Enter a website address in the correct format, ' 'like or'), 'invalid': _('Enter a website address in the correct format, ' 'like or') }, required=False) country = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Which country are you based in?'), widget=Select(), choices=COUNTRIES) like_to_discuss = forms.ChoiceField(label=_( 'Do you have a specific project or proposal you’d like to discuss?'), choices=( ('no', 'No'), ('yes', 'Yes'), ), widget=forms.RadioSelect, error_messages={ 'required': _('Please answer this question') }) like_to_discuss_other = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Which country is the project located in?'), widget=Select(), choices=COUNTRIES, required=False) how_can_we_help = forms.CharField( label=_('How can we help?'), help_text=_( 'Please tell us briefly what type of support you’re looking for'), widget=Textarea) terms_agreed = forms.BooleanField( label=TERMS_LABEL, error_messages={ 'required': _('You must agree to the terms and conditions' ' before registering'), }) captcha = ReCaptchaField(label='', label_suffix='', widget=ReCaptchaV3()) @property def serialized_data(self): data = super().serialized_data countries_mapping = dict(COUNTRY_CHOICES) country_label = countries_mapping.get(data['country']) data['country_label'] = country_label data['like_to_discuss_country'] = '' if data.get('like_to_discuss') == 'yes': data['like_to_discuss_country'] = countries_mapping.get( data['like_to_discuss_other']) return data
class CreateForm(forms.Form): def validate_username(value): try: u = User.objects.get(username=value) except User.DoesNotExist: return value raise ValidationError(_("A user with that username already exists.")) def validate_unique_email(value): try: u = User.objects.get(email=value) except User.DoesNotExist: return value raise ValidationError(_("A user with that e-mail already exists.")) def validate_referral_id(value): try: u = User.objects.get(referral_id=value) except User.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError(_("There's no user with such referral ID")) return value last_name = forms.CharField( max_length=30, required=True, label=_('Last name'), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'placeholder': _('Last name'), "class": "form-control form-control-gold"} ) ) first_name = forms.CharField( max_length=30, required=True, label=_('First name'), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'placeholder': _('First name'), "class": "form-control form-control-gold"} ) ) middle_name = forms.CharField( max_length=30, required=True, label=_('Last name'), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'placeholder': _('Last name'), "class": "form-control form-control-gold"} ) ) username = forms.CharField( max_length=32, required=True, validators=[UnicodeUsernameValidator, validate_username,], label=_('Username'), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'placeholder': _('Username'), "class": "form-control form-control-gold"} ) ) email = forms.EmailField( required=True, validators=[validate_unique_email,], label=_('E-mail'), widget=forms.EmailInput( attrs={'placeholder': _('E-mail'), "class": "form-control form-control-gold"} ) ) password = PasswordField( max_length=32, required=True, label=_('Password'), widget=PasswordStrengthInput( attrs={'placeholder': _('Password'), "class": "form-control form-control-gold"} ) ) rules_accepted = forms.BooleanField(required=True) captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3())
class Captcha(forms.Form): captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3())