예제 #1
    def test_create_dataset(self):

        global_data = np.arange(size*5*10, dtype=np.float32)
        local_data = global_data.reshape(size, -1, 10)[rank]
        d_array = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(local_data, axis=0)
        d_array_T = d_array.redistribute(axis=1)

        # Check that we must specify in advance if the dataset is distributed
        g = memh5.MemGroup()
        if comm is not None:
            self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, g.create_dataset, 'data', data=d_array)

        g = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)

        # Create an array from data
        g.create_dataset('data', data=d_array, distributed=True)

        # Create an array from data with a different distribution
        g.create_dataset('data_T', data=d_array, distributed=True, distributed_axis=1)

        # Create an empty array with a specified shape
        g.create_dataset('data2', shape=(size*5, 10), dtype=np.float64, distributed=True, distributed_axis=1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(d_array, g['data'][:]))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(d_array_T, g['data_T'][:]))
        if comm is not None:
            self.assertEqual(d_array_T.local_shape, g['data2'].local_shape)

        # Test global indexing
        self.assertTrue((g['data'][rank*5] == local_data[0]).all())
예제 #2
 def test_nested(self):
     root = memh5.MemGroup()
     l1 = root.create_group("level1")
     l2 = l1.require_group("level2")
     self.assertTrue(root["level1"] == l1)
     self.assertTrue(root["level1/level2"] == l2)
     self.assertEqual(root["level1/level2"].name, "/level1/level2")
예제 #3
파일: test_memh5.py 프로젝트: yodeng/caput
 def test_nested(self):
     root = memh5.MemGroup()
     l1 = root.create_group('level1')
     l2 = l1.require_group('level2')
     self.assertTrue(root['level1'] == l1)
     self.assertTrue(root['level1/level2'] == l2)
     self.assertEqual(root['level1/level2'].name, '/level1/level2')
예제 #4
    def test_failure(self):
        """Test that we get a TypeError if we try to serialize something else"""
        m = memh5.MemGroup()
        m.attrs["non_serializable"] = {"datetime": self}

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
예제 #5
    def test_to_from_hdf5(self):

        udata = np.array(["Test", "this", "works"])
        sdata = udata.astype("S")
        self.assertEqual(udata.dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(sdata.dtype.kind, "S")

        m = memh5.MemGroup()
        udset = m.create_dataset("udata", data=udata)
        sdset = m.create_dataset("sdata", data=sdata)
        self.assertEqual(udset.dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(sdset.dtype.kind, "S")


        with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as fh:
            self.assertEqual(fh["udata"].dtype.kind, "S")
            self.assertEqual(fh["sdata"].dtype.kind, "S")

            self.assertIn("__memh5_unicode", fh["udata"].attrs)
            self.assertNotIn("__memh5_unicode", fh["sdata"].attrs)


        m2 = memh5.MemGroup.from_hdf5(self.fname)

        self.assertEqual(m2["udata"].dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(m2["sdata"].dtype.kind, "S")
        self.assertTrue((m["udata"].data == m2["udata"].data).all())
        self.assertTrue((m["sdata"].data == m2["sdata"].data).all())
예제 #6
파일: test_memh5.py 프로젝트: yodeng/caput
 def test_recursive_create_dataset(self):
     g = memh5.MemGroup()
     data = np.arange(10)
     g.create_dataset('a/ra', data=data)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(g['a/ra'][:] == data))
     g['a'].create_dataset('/ra', data=data)
     print g.keys()
     self.assertTrue(np.all(g['ra'][:] == data))
예제 #7
    def test_failure(self):
        # Test that we fail when trying to write a non ASCII character

        udata = np.array(["\u03B2"])

        m = memh5.MemGroup()
        m.create_dataset("udata", data=udata)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
예제 #8
 def test_recursive_create(self):
     g = memh5.MemGroup()
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, g.create_group, "")
     g2 = g.create_group("level2/")
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, g2.create_group, "/")
     self.assertEqual(set(g.keys()), {"level22", "level2"})
     gd = g["/a/b/c/d/"]
     self.assertEqual(gd.name, "/a/b/c/d")
예제 #9
파일: test_memh5.py 프로젝트: yodeng/caput
 def test_recursive_create(self):
     g = memh5.MemGroup()
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, g.create_group, '')
     g2 = g.create_group('level2/')
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, g2.create_group, '/')
     self.assertEqual(set(g.keys()), {'level22', 'level2'})
     gd = g['/a/b/c/d/']
     self.assertEqual(gd.name, '/a/b/c/d')
예제 #10
    def test_io(self):

        # Create distributed memh5 object
        g = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
        g.attrs['rank'] = rank

        # Create an empty array with a specified shape
        pdset = g.create_dataset('parallel_data', shape=(size, 10), dtype=np.float64, distributed=True, distributed_axis=0)
        pdset[:] = rank
        pdset.attrs['rank'] = rank

        # Create an empty array with a specified shape
        sdset = g.create_dataset('serial_data', shape=(size*5, 10), dtype=np.float64)
        sdset[:] = rank
        sdset.attrs['rank'] = rank

        # Create nested groups


        # Test that the HDF5 file has the correct structure
        with h5py.File(self.fname, 'r') as f:

            # Test that the file attributes are correct
            self.assertTrue(f['parallel_data'].attrs['rank'] == 0)

            # Test that the parallel dataset has been written correctly
            self.assertTrue((f['parallel_data'][:, 0] == np.arange(size)).all())
            self.assertTrue(f['parallel_data'].attrs['rank'] == 0)

            # Test that the common dataset has been written correctly (i.e. by rank=0)
            self.assertTrue((f['serial_data'][:] == 0).all())
            self.assertTrue(f['serial_data'].attrs['rank'] == 0)

            # Check group structure is correct
            self.assertIn('hello', f)
            self.assertIn('world', f['hello'])

        # Test that the read in group has the same structure as the original
        g2 = memh5.MemGroup.from_hdf5(self.fname, distributed=True)

        # Check that the parallel data is still the same
        self.assertTrue((g2['parallel_data'][:] == g['parallel_data'][:]).all())

        # Check that the serial data is all zeros (should not be the same as before)
        self.assertTrue((g2['serial_data'][:] == np.zeros_like(sdset[:])).all())

        # Check group structure is correct
        self.assertIn('hello', g2)
        self.assertIn('world', g2['hello'])

        # Check the attributes
        self.assertTrue(g2['parallel_data'].attrs['rank'] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(g2['serial_data'].attrs['rank'] == 0)
예제 #11
    def test_recursive_create_dataset(self):
        g = memh5.MemGroup()
        data = np.arange(10)
        g.create_dataset("a/ra", data=data)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(g["a/ra"][:] == data))
        g["a"].create_dataset("/ra", data=data)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(g["ra"][:] == data))
        self.assertIsInstance(g["a/ra"].parent, memh5.MemGroup)

        # Check that d keeps g in scope.
        d = g["a/ra"]
        del g
        self.assertTrue(np.all(d.file["ra"][:] == data))
예제 #12
    def test_to_from_hdf5(self):
        json_prefix = "!!_memh5_json:"
        data = {"foo": {"bar": [1, 2, 3], "fu": "1"}}
        time = datetime.datetime.now()

        m = memh5.MemGroup()
        m.attrs["data"] = data
        m.attrs["datetime"] = {"datetime": time}

        with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as f:
            assert f.attrs["data"] == json_prefix + json.dumps(data)
            assert f.attrs["datetime"] == json_prefix + json.dumps(
                {"datetime": time.isoformat()})

        m2 = memh5.MemGroup.from_hdf5(self.fname)
        assert m2.attrs["data"] == data
        assert m2.attrs["datetime"] == {"datetime": time.isoformat()}
예제 #13
    def test_to_from_hdf5(self):

        udata = np.array(["Test", "this", "works"])
        sdata = udata.astype("S")
        self.assertEqual(udata.dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(sdata.dtype.kind, "S")

        m = memh5.MemGroup()
        udset = m.create_dataset("udata", data=udata)
        sdset = m.create_dataset("sdata", data=sdata)
        self.assertEqual(udset.dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(sdset.dtype.kind, "S")

        # Test a write without conversion. This should throw an exception
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # Write with conversion

        with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as fh:
            self.assertEqual(fh["udata"].dtype.kind, "S")
            self.assertEqual(fh["sdata"].dtype.kind, "S")

        # Test a load without conversion, types should be bytestrings
        m2 = memh5.MemGroup.from_hdf5(self.fname)
        self.assertEqual(m2["udata"].dtype.kind, "S")
        self.assertEqual(m2["sdata"].dtype.kind, "S")
        # Check the dtype here, for some reason Python 2 thinks the arrays are equal
        # and Python 3 does not even though both agree that the datatypes are different
        self.assertTrue(m["udata"].dtype != m2["udata"].dtype)
        self.assertTrue((m["sdata"].data == m2["sdata"].data).all())

        # Test a load *with* conversion, types should be unicode
        m3 = memh5.MemGroup.from_hdf5(self.fname,
        self.assertEqual(m3["udata"].dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(m3["sdata"].dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertTrue((m["udata"].data == m3["udata"].data).all())
        self.assertTrue((m["udata"].data == m3["sdata"].data).all())
예제 #14
    def process(self, ts):

        mask_daytime = self.params['mask_daytime']
        mask_time_range = self.params['mask_time_range']
        tsys = self.params['tsys']
        accuracy_boost = self.params['accuracy_boost']
        l_boost = self.params['l_boost']
        bl_range = self.params['bl_range']
        auto_correlations = self.params['auto_correlations']
        time_avg = self.params['time_avg']
        pol = self.params['pol']
        interp = self.params['interp']
        beam_dir = output_path(self.params['beam_dir'])
        use_existed_beam = self.params['use_existed_beam']
        gen_inv = self.params['gen_invbeam']
        noise_weight = self.params['noise_weight']
        ts_dir = output_path(self.params['ts_dir'])
        ts_name = self.params['ts_name']
        no_m_zero = self.params['no_m_zero']
        simulate = self.params['simulate']
        input_maps = self.params['input_maps']
        prior_map = self.params['prior_map']
        add_noise = self.params['add_noise']
        dirty_map = self.params['dirty_map']
        nbin = self.params['nbin']
        method = self.params['method']
        normalize = self.params['normalize']
        threshold = self.params['threshold']
        eps = self.params['epsilon']
        correct_order = self.params['correct_order']

        if use_existed_beam:
            # load the saved telescope from disk
            tel = None
            assert isinstance(ts, Timestream), '%s only works for Timestream object' % self.__class__.__name__


            lat = ts.attrs['sitelat']
            # lon = ts.attrs['sitelon']
            lon = 0.0
            # lon = np.degrees(ts['ra_dec'][0, 0]) # the first ra
            local_origin = False
            freqs = ts.freq[:] # MHz
            nfreq = freqs.shape[0]
            band_width = ts.attrs['freqstep'] # MHz
                ndays = ts.attrs['ndays']
            except KeyError:
                ndays = 1
            feeds = ts['feedno'][:]
            bl_order = mpiutil.gather_array(ts.local_bl, axis=0, root=None, comm=ts.comm)
            bls = [ tuple(bl) for bl in bl_order ]
            az, alt = ts['az_alt'][0]
            az = np.degrees(az)
            alt = np.degrees(alt)
            pointing = [az, alt, 0.0]
            feedpos = ts['feedpos'][:]

            if ts.is_dish:
                from tlpipe.map.drift.telescope import tl_dish

                dish_width = ts.attrs['dishdiam']
                tel = tl_dish.TlUnpolarisedDishArray(lat, lon, freqs, band_width, tsys, ndays, accuracy_boost, l_boost, bl_range, auto_correlations, local_origin, dish_width, feedpos, pointing)
            elif ts.is_cylinder:
                from tlpipe.map.drift.telescope import tl_cylinder

                # factor = 1.2 # suppose an illumination efficiency, keep same with that in timestream_common
                factor = 0.79 # for xx
                # factor = 0.88 # for yy
                cyl_width = factor * ts.attrs['cywid']
                tel = tl_cylinder.TlUnpolarisedCylinder(lat, lon, freqs, band_width, tsys, ndays, accuracy_boost, l_boost, bl_range, auto_correlations, local_origin, cyl_width, feedpos)
                raise RuntimeError('Unknown array type %s' % ts.attrs['telescope'])

            if not simulate:
                # select the corresponding vis and vis_mask
                if pol == 'xx':
                    local_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 0, :]
                    local_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 0, :]
                elif pol == 'yy':
                    local_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 1, :]
                    local_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 1, :]
                elif pol == 'I':
                    xx_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 0, :]
                    xx_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 0, :]
                    yy_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 1, :]
                    yy_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 1, :]

                    local_vis = np.zeros_like(xx_vis)
                    for ti in xrange(local_vis.shape[0]):
                        for fi in xrange(local_vis.shape[1]):
                            for bi in xrange(local_vis.shape[2]):
                                if xx_vis_mask[ti, fi, bi] != yy_vis_mask[ti, fi, bi]:
                                    if xx_vis_mask[ti, fi, bi]:
                                        local_vis[ti, fi, bi] = yy_vis[ti, fi, bi]
                                        local_vis[ti, fi, bi] = xx_vis[ti, fi, bi]
                                    local_vis[ti, fi, bi] = 0.5 * (xx_vis[ti, fi, bi] + yy_vis[ti, fi, bi])
                    local_vis_mask = xx_vis_mask | yy_vis_mask
                    raise ValueError('Invalid pol: %s' % pol)

                if interp != 'none':
                    for fi in xrange(local_vis.shape[1]):
                        for bi in xrange(local_vis.shape[2]):
                            # interpolate for local_vis
                            true_inds = np.where(local_vis_mask[:, fi, bi])[0] # masked inds
                            if len(true_inds) > 0:
                                false_inds = np.where(~local_vis_mask[:, fi, bi])[0] # un-masked inds
                                if len(false_inds) > 0.1 * local_vis.shape[0]:
                # nearest interpolate for local_vis
                                    if interp in ('linear', 'nearest'):
                                        itp_real = interp1d(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].real, kind=interp, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True)
                                        itp_imag = interp1d(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].imag, kind=interp, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True)
                                    elif interp == 'rbf':
                                        itp_real = Rbf(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].real, smooth=10)
                                        itp_imag = Rbf(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].imag, smooth=10)
                                        raise ValueError('Unknown interpolation method: %s' % interp)
                                    local_vis[true_inds, fi, bi] = itp_real(true_inds) + 1.0J * itp_imag(true_inds) # the interpolated vis
                                    local_vis[:, fi, bi] = 0 # TODO: may need to take special care

                # average data
                nt = ts['sec1970'].shape[0]
                phi_size = 2*tel.mmax + 1

                # phi = np.zeros((phi_size,), dtype=ts['ra_dec'].dtype)
                phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, phi_size, endpoint=False)
                vis = np.zeros((phi_size,)+local_vis.shape[1:], dtype=local_vis.dtype)

                if time_avg == 'avg':
                    nt_m = float(nt) / phi_size
                    # roll data to have phi=0 near the first
                    roll_len = np.int(np.around(0.5*nt_m))
                    local_vis[:] = np.roll(local_vis[:], roll_len, axis=0)
                    if interp == 'none':
                        local_vis_mask[:] = np.roll(local_vis_mask[:], roll_len, axis=0)
                    # ts['ra_dec'][:] = np.roll(ts['ra_dec'][:], roll_len, axis=0)

                    repeat_inds = np.repeat(np.arange(nt), phi_size)
                    num, start, end = mpiutil.split_m(nt*phi_size, phi_size)

                    # average over time
                    for idx in xrange(phi_size):
                        inds, weight = unique(repeat_inds[start[idx]:end[idx]], return_counts=True)
                        if interp == 'none':
                            vis[idx] = average(np.ma.array(local_vis[inds], mask=local_vis_mask[inds]), axis=0, weights=weight) # time mean
                            vis[idx] = average(local_vis[inds], axis=0, weights=weight) # time mean
                        # phi[idx] = np.average(ts['ra_dec'][:, 0][inds], axis=0, weights=weight)
                elif time_avg == 'fft':
                    if interp == 'none':
                        raise ValueError('Can not do fft average without first interpolation')
                    Vm = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(local_vis, axis=0), axes=0)
                    vis[:] = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(Vm[nt/2-tel.mmax:nt/2+tel.mmax+1], axes=0), axis=0) / (1.0 * nt / phi_size)

                    # for fi in xrange(vis.shape[1]):
                    #     for bi in xrange(vis.shape[2]):
                    #         # plot local_vis and vis
                    #         import matplotlib
                    #         matplotlib.use('Agg')
                    #         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

                    #         phi0 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nt, endpoint=False)
                    #         phi1 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, phi_size, endpoint=False)
                    #         plt.figure()
                    #         plt.subplot(211)
                    #         plt.plot(phi0, local_vis[:, fi, bi].real, label='v0.real')
                    #         plt.plot(phi1, vis[:, fi, bi].real, label='v1.real')
                    #         plt.legend()
                    #         plt.subplot(212)
                    #         plt.plot(phi0, local_vis[:, fi, bi].imag, label='v0.imag')
                    #         plt.plot(phi1, vis[:, fi, bi].imag, label='v1.imag')
                    #         plt.legend()
                    #         plt.savefig('vis_fft/vis_%d_%d.png' % (fi, bi))
                    #         plt.close()

                    raise ValueError('Unknown time_avg: %s' % time_avg)

                del local_vis
                del local_vis_mask

                # mask daytime data
                if mask_daytime:
                    day_or_night = np.where(ts['local_hour'][:]>=mask_time_range[0] & ts['local_hour'][:]<=mask_time_range[1], True, False)
                    day_inds = np.where(np.repeat(day_or_night, phi_size).reshape(nt, phi_size).astype(np.int).sum(axis=1).astype(bool))[0]
                    vis[day_inds] = 0

                del ts # no longer need ts

                # redistribute vis to time axis
                vis = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(vis, axis=2).redistribute(0).local_array

                allpairs = tel.allpairs
                redundancy = tel.redundancy
                nrd = len(redundancy)

                # reorder bls according to allpairs
                vis_tmp = np.zeros_like(vis)
                for ind, (a1, a2) in enumerate(allpairs):
                        b_ind = bls.index((feeds[a1], feeds[a2]))
                        vis_tmp[:, :, ind] = vis[:, :, b_ind]
                    except ValueError:
                        b_ind = bls.index((feeds[a2], feeds[a1]))
                        vis_tmp[:, :, ind] = vis[:, :, b_ind].conj()

                del vis

                # average over redundancy
                vis_stream = np.zeros(vis_tmp.shape[:-1]+(nrd,), dtype=vis_tmp.dtype)
                red_bin = np.cumsum(np.insert(redundancy, 0, 0)) # redundancy bin
                # average over redundancy
                for ind in xrange(nrd):
                    vis_stream[:, :, ind] = np.sum(vis_tmp[:, :, red_bin[ind]:red_bin[ind+1]], axis=2) / redundancy[ind]

                del vis_tmp

        # beamtransfer
        bt = beamtransfer.BeamTransfer(beam_dir, tel, noise_weight, True)
        if not use_existed_beam:
        if tel is None:
            tel = bt.telescope

        if simulate:
            ndays = 733
            tstream = timestream.simulate(bt, ts_dir, ts_name, input_maps, ndays, add_noise=add_noise)
            # timestream and map-making
            tstream = timestream.Timestream(ts_dir, ts_name, bt, no_m_zero)
            parent_path = os.path.dirname(tstream._fdir(0))

            if os.path.exists(parent_path + '/COMPLETED'):
                if mpiutil.rank0:
                    print 'Use existed timestream_f files in %s' % parent_path
                for fi in mpiutil.mpirange(nfreq):
                    # Make directory if required
                    if not os.path.exists(tstream._fdir(fi)):

                # create memh5 object and write data to temporary file
                vis_h5 = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
                vis_h5.create_dataset('/timestream', data=mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=0))
                tmp_file = parent_path +'/vis_stream_temp.hdf5'
                vis_h5.to_hdf5(tmp_file, hints=False)
                del vis_h5

                # re-organize data as need for tstream
                # make load even among nodes
                for fi in mpiutil.mpirange(nfreq, method='rand'):
                    # read the needed data from the temporary file
                    with h5py.File(tmp_file, 'r') as f:
                        vis_fi = f['/timestream'][:, fi, :]
                    # Write file contents
                    with h5py.File(tstream._ffile(fi), 'w') as f:
                        # Timestream data
                        # allocate space for vis_stream
                        shp = (nrd, phi_size)
                        f.create_dataset('/timestream', data=vis_fi.T)
                        f.create_dataset('/phi', data=phi)

                        # Telescope layout data
                        f.create_dataset('/feedmap', data=tel.feedmap)
                        f.create_dataset('/feedconj', data=tel.feedconj)
                        f.create_dataset('/feedmask', data=tel.feedmask)
                        f.create_dataset('/uniquepairs', data=tel.uniquepairs)
                        f.create_dataset('/baselines', data=tel.baselines)

                        # Telescope frequencies
                        f.create_dataset('/frequencies', data=freqs)

                        # Write metadata
                        f.attrs['beamtransfer_path'] = os.path.abspath(bt.directory)
                        f.attrs['ntime'] = phi_size


                # remove temp file
                if mpiutil.rank0:
                    # mark all frequencies tstream files are saved correctly
                    open(parent_path + '/COMPLETED', 'a').close()

        nside = hputil.nside_for_lmax(tel.lmax, accuracy_boost=tel.accuracy_boost)
        if dirty_map:
            tstream.mapmake_full(nside, 'map_full_dirty.hdf5', nbin, dirty=True, method=method, normalize=normalize, threshold=threshold)
            tstream.mapmake_full(nside, 'map_full.hdf5', nbin, dirty=False, method=method, normalize=normalize, threshold=threshold, eps=eps, correct_order=correct_order, prior_map_file=prior_map)

        # ts.add_history(self.history)

        return tstream
예제 #15
    def test_io(self):

        # Create distributed memh5 object
        g = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
        g.attrs["rank"] = rank

        # Create an empty array with a specified shape
        pdset = g.create_dataset(
            shape=(size, 10),
        pdset[:] = rank
        pdset.attrs["const"] = 17

        # Create an empty array with a specified shape
        sdset = g.create_dataset("serial_data",
                                 shape=(size * 5, 10),
        sdset[:] = rank
        sdset.attrs["const"] = 18

        # Create nested groups

        # Test round tripping unicode data
        g.create_dataset("unicode_data", data=np.array(["hello"]))


        # Test that the HDF5 file has the correct structure
        with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as f:

            # Test that the file attributes are correct
            self.assertTrue(f["parallel_data"].attrs["const"] == 17)

            # Test that the parallel dataset has been written correctly
                                                0] == np.arange(size)).all())
            self.assertTrue(f["parallel_data"].attrs["const"] == 17)

            # Test that the common dataset has been written correctly (i.e. by rank=0)
            self.assertTrue((f["serial_data"][:] == 0).all())
            self.assertTrue(f["serial_data"].attrs["const"] == 18)

            # Check group structure is correct
            self.assertIn("hello", f)
            self.assertIn("world", f["hello"])

        # Test that the read in group has the same structure as the original
        g2 = memh5.MemGroup.from_hdf5(

        # Check that the parallel data is still the same
            (g2["parallel_data"][:] == g["parallel_data"][:]).all())

        # Check that the serial data is all zeros (should not be the same as before)
            (g2["serial_data"][:] == np.zeros_like(sdset[:])).all())

        # Check group structure is correct
        self.assertIn("hello", g2)
        self.assertIn("world", g2["hello"])

        # Check the unicode dataset
        self.assertEqual(g2["unicode_data"].dtype.kind, "U")
        self.assertEqual(g2["unicode_data"][0], "hello")

        # Check the attributes
        self.assertTrue(g2["parallel_data"].attrs["const"] == 17)
        self.assertTrue(g2["serial_data"].attrs["const"] == 18)
예제 #16
파일: map_making1.py 프로젝트: wufq/tlpipe
    def process(self, ts):

        mask_daytime = self.params['mask_daytime']
        mask_time_range = self.params['mask_time_range']
        beam_theta_range = self.params['beam_theta_range']
        tsys = self.params['tsys']
        accuracy_boost = self.params['accuracy_boost']
        l_boost = self.params['l_boost']
        bl_range = self.params['bl_range']
        auto_correlations = self.params['auto_correlations']
        pol = self.params['pol']
        beam_dir = output_path(self.params['beam_dir'])
        gen_inv = self.params['gen_invbeam']
        noise_weight = self.params['noise_weight']
        ts_dir = output_path(self.params['ts_dir'])
        ts_name = self.params['ts_name']
        simulate = self.params['simulate']
        input_maps = self.params['input_maps']
        add_noise = self.params['add_noise']


        lat = ts.attrs['sitelat']
        # lon = ts.attrs['sitelon']
        lon = 0.0
        # lon = np.degrees(ts['ra_dec'][0, 0]) # the first ra
        freqs = ts.freq.data.to_numpy_array(root=None)
        band_width = ts.attrs['freqstep']  # MHz
        ndays = ts.attrs['ndays']
        feeds = ts['feedno'][:]
        az, alt = ts['az_alt'][0]
        az = np.degrees(az)
        alt = np.degrees(alt)
        pointing = [az, alt, 0.0]
        feedpos = ts['feedpos'][:]

        if ts.is_dish:
            dish_width = ts.attrs['dishdiam']
            tel = tl_dish.TlUnpolarisedDishArray(lat, lon, freqs,
                                                 beam_theta_range, tsys, ndays,
                                                 accuracy_boost, l_boost,
                                                 bl_range, auto_correlations,
                                                 dish_width, feedpos, pointing)
        elif ts.is_cylinder:
            # factor = 1.2 # suppose an illumination efficiency, keep same with that in timestream_common
            factor = 0.79  # for xx
            # factor = 0.88 # for yy
            cyl_width = factor * ts.attrs['cywid']
            tel = tl_cylinder.TlUnpolarisedCylinder(
                lat, lon, freqs, beam_theta_range, tsys, ndays, accuracy_boost,
                l_boost, bl_range, auto_correlations, cyl_width, feedpos)
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown array type %s' % ts.attrs['telescope'])

        # import matplotlib
        # matplotlib.use('Agg')
        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # plt.figure()
        # plt.plot(ts['ra_dec'][:])
        # # plt.plot(ts['az_alt'][:])
        # plt.savefig('ra_dec1.png')

        if not simulate:
            # mask daytime data
            if mask_daytime:
                day_inds = np.where(
                        ts['local_hour'][:] >= mask_time_range[0],
                        ts['local_hour'][:] <= mask_time_range[1]))[0]
                    day_inds] = True  # do not change vis directly

            # average data
            nt = ts['sec1970'].shape[0]
            phi_size = tel.phi_size
            nt_m = float(nt) / phi_size

            # roll data to have phi=0 near the first
            roll_len = np.int(np.around(0.5 * nt_m))
            ts.local_vis[:] = np.roll(ts.local_vis[:], roll_len, axis=0)
            ts.local_vis_mask[:] = np.roll(ts.local_vis_mask[:],
            ts['ra_dec'][:] = np.roll(ts['ra_dec'][:], roll_len, axis=0)

            repeat_inds = np.repeat(np.arange(nt), phi_size)
            num, start, end = mpiutil.split_m(nt * phi_size, phi_size)

            # phi = np.zeros((phi_size,), dtype=ts['ra_dec'].dtype)
            phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, phi_size, endpoint=False)
            vis = np.zeros((phi_size, ) + ts.local_vis.shape[1:],
            # average over time
            for idx in xrange(phi_size):
                inds, weight = unique(repeat_inds[start[idx]:end[idx]],
                vis[idx] = average(np.ma.array(ts.local_vis[inds],
                                   weights=weight)  # time mean
                # phi[idx] = np.average(ts['ra_dec'][:, 0][inds], axis=0, weights=weight)

            if pol == 'xx':
                vis = vis[:, :, 0, :]
            elif pol == 'yy':
                vis = vis[:, :, 1, :]
            elif pol == 'I':
                vis = 0.5 * (vis[:, :, 0, :] + vis[:, :, 1, :])
            elif pol == 'all':
                vis = np.sum(vis, axis=2)  # sum over all pol
                raise ValueError('Invalid pol: %s' % pol)

            allpairs = tel.allpairs
            redundancy = tel.redundancy

            # reorder bls according to allpairs
            vis_tmp = np.zeros_like(vis)
            bls = [tuple(bl) for bl in ts['blorder'][:]]
            for ind, (a1, a2) in enumerate(allpairs):
                    b_ind = bls.index((feeds[a1], feeds[a2]))
                    vis_tmp[:, :, ind] = vis[:, :, b_ind]
                except ValueError:
                    b_ind = bls.index((feeds[a2], feeds[a1]))
                    vis_tmp[:, :, ind] = vis[:, :, b_ind].conj()

            # average over redundancy
            vis_stream = np.zeros(vis.shape[:-1] + (len(redundancy), ),
            red_bin = np.cumsum(np.insert(redundancy, 0, 0))  # redundancy bin
            # average over redundancy
            for ind in xrange(len(redundancy)):
                vis_stream[:, :,
                           ind] = np.sum(
                               vis_tmp[:, :, red_bin[ind]:red_bin[ind + 1]],
                               axis=2) / redundancy[ind]

            del vis
            del vis_tmp

            vis_stream = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=1)
            vis_h5 = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/timestream', data=vis_stream)
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/phi', data=phi)

            # Telescope layout data
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmap', data=tel.feedmap)
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedconj', data=tel.feedconj)
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmask', data=tel.feedmask)
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/uniquepairs', data=tel.uniquepairs)
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/baselines', data=tel.baselines)

            # Telescope frequencies
            vis_h5.create_dataset('/frequencies', data=freqs)

            # Write metadata
            # vis_h5.attrs['beamtransfer_path'] = os.path.abspath(bt.directory)
            vis_h5.attrs['ntime'] = phi_size

        # beamtransfer
        bt = beamtransfer.BeamTransfer(beam_dir, tel, gen_inv, noise_weight)

        if simulate:
            ndays = 733
            print ndays
            ts = timestream.simulate(bt,
            # timestream and map-making
            ts = timestream.Timestream(ts_dir, ts_name, bt)
            # Make directory if required
            except OSError:
                # directory exists
        # ts.generate_mmodes(vis_stream.to_numpy_array(root=None))
        nside = hputil.nside_for_lmax(tel.lmax,
        ts.mapmake_full(nside, 'full')

        # ts.add_history(self.history)

        return ts
예제 #17
    def process(self, ts):

        calibrator = self.params['calibrator']
        catalog = self.params['catalog']
        span = self.params['span']
        save_gain = self.params['save_gain']
        gain_file = self.params['gain_file']


        lfreq = ts.local_freq[:]  # local freq

        feedno = ts['feedno'][:].tolist()
        pol = ts['pol'][:].tolist()
        bl = ts.bl[:]
        bls = [tuple(b) for b in bl]
        # # antpointing = np.radians(ts['antpointing'][-1, :, :]) # radians
        # transitsource = ts['transitsource'][:]
        # transit_time = transitsource[-1, 0] # second, sec1970
        # int_time = ts.attrs['inttime'] # second

        # calibrator
        srclist, cutoff, catalogs = a.scripting.parse_srcs(calibrator, catalog)
        cat = a.src.get_catalog(srclist, cutoff, catalogs)
        assert (len(cat) == 1), 'Allow only one calibrator'
        s = cat.values()[0]
        if mpiutil.rank0:
            print 'Calibrating for source %s with' % calibrator,
            print 'strength', s._jys, 'Jy',
            print 'measured at', s.mfreq, 'GHz',
            print 'with index', s.index

        # get transit time of calibrator
        # array
        aa = ts.array
        aa.set_jultime(ts['jul_date'][0])  # the first obs time point
        next_transit = aa.next_transit(s)
        transit_time = a.phs.ephem2juldate(next_transit)  # Julian date
        if transit_time > ts['jul_date'][-1]:
            local_next_transit = ephem.Date(next_transit + 8.0 * ephem.hour)
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Data does not contain local transit time %s of source %s' %
                (local_next_transit, calibrator))

        # the first transit index
        transit_inds = [np.searchsorted(ts['jul_date'][:], transit_time)]
        # find all other transit indices
        aa.set_jultime(ts['jul_date'][0] + 1.0)
        transit_time = a.phs.ephem2juldate(aa.next_transit(s))  # Julian date
        cnt = 2
        while (transit_time <= ts['jul_date'][-1]):
                np.searchsorted(ts['jul_date'][:], transit_time))
            aa.set_jultime(ts['jul_date'][0] + 1.0 * cnt)
            transit_time = a.phs.ephem2juldate(
                aa.next_transit(s))  # Julian date
            cnt += 1

        print transit_inds

        ### now only use the first transit point to do the cal
        ### may need to improve in the future
        transit_ind = transit_inds[0]
        int_time = ts.attrs['inttime']  # second
        start_ind = transit_ind - np.int(span / int_time)
        end_ind = transit_ind + np.int(span / int_time)

        nt = end_ind - start_ind
        nfeed = len(feedno)
        eigval = np.empty((nt, nfeed, 2, len(lfreq)), dtype=np.float64)
        eigval[:] = np.nan
        gain = np.empty((nt, nfeed, 2, len(lfreq)), dtype=np.complex128)
        gain[:] = complex(np.nan, np.nan)

        # construct visibility matrix for a single time, pol, freq
        Vmat = np.zeros((nfeed, nfeed), dtype=ts.main_data.dtype)
        for ind, ti in enumerate(range(start_ind, end_ind)):
            # when noise on, just pass
            if 'ns_on' in ts.iterkeys() and ts['ns_on'][ti]:
            # get fluxes vs. freq of the calibrator
            Sc = s.get_jys()
            # get the topocentric coordinate of the calibrator at the current time
            s_top = s.get_crds('top', ncrd=3)
                'eq', ncrd=3))  # for compute bm_response and sim
            for pi in [pol.index('xx'), pol.index('yy')]:  # xx, yy
                for fi, freq in enumerate(lfreq):  # mpi among freq
                    for i, ai in enumerate(feedno):
                        for j, aj in enumerate(feedno):
                            # uij = aa.gen_uvw(i, j, src='z').squeeze() # (rj - ri)/lambda
                            uij = aa.gen_uvw(i, j,
                                                      0, :]  # (rj - ri)/lambda
                            # bmij = aa.bm_response(i, j).squeeze() # will get error for only one local freq
                            # import pdb
                            # pdb.set_trace()
                            bmij = aa.bm_response(i, j).reshape(-1)
                                bi = bls.index((ai, aj))
                                # Vmat[i, j] = ts.local_vis[ti, fi, pi, bi] / (Sc[fi] * bmij[fi] * np.exp(-2.0J * np.pi * np.dot(s_top, uij[:, fi]))) # xx, yy
                                Vmat[i, j] = ts.local_vis[ti, fi, pi, bi] / (
                                    Sc[fi] * bmij[fi] *
                                    np.exp(2.0J * np.pi * np.dot(
                                        s_top, uij[:, fi])))  # xx, yy
                            except ValueError:
                                bi = bls.index((aj, ai))
                                # Vmat[i, j] = np.conj(ts.local_vis[ti, fi, pi, bi] / (Sc[fi] * bmij[fi] * np.exp(-2.0J * np.pi * np.dot(s_top, uij[:, fi])))) # xx, yy
                                Vmat[i, j] = np.conj(
                                    ts.local_vis[ti, fi, pi, bi] /
                                    (Sc[fi] * bmij[fi] *
                                     np.exp(2.0J * np.pi * np.dot(
                                         s_top, uij[:, fi]))))  # xx, yy

                    # Eigen decomposition

                    Vmat = np.where(np.isfinite(Vmat), Vmat, 0)

                    e, U = eigh(Vmat)
                    eigval[ind, :, pi, fi] = e[::-1]  # descending order
                    # max eigen-val
                    lbd = e[-1]  # lambda
                    # the gain vector for this freq
                    gvec = np.sqrt(
                    ) * U[:,
                          -1]  # only eigen-vector corresponding to the maximum eigen-val
                    gain[ind, :, pi, fi] = gvec

        # apply gain to vis
        # get the time mean gain
        tgain = np.ma.mean(np.ma.masked_invalid(gain), axis=0)  # time mean
        tgain = mpiutil.gather_array(tgain, axis=-1, root=None)

        ts.pol_and_bl_data_operate(cal, tgain=tgain)

        # save gain if required:
        if save_gain:
            gain_file = output_path(gain_file)
            eigval = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(eigval, axis=3)
            gain = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(gain, axis=3)
            mem_gain = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
            mem_gain.create_dataset('eigval', data=eigval)
            mem_gain.create_dataset('gain', data=gain)
            # add attris
            mem_gain.attrs['jul_data'] = ts['jul_date'][start_ind:end_ind]
            mem_gain.attrs['feed'] = np.array(feedno)
            mem_gain.attrs['pol'] = np.array(['xx', 'yy'])
            mem_gain.attrs['freq'] = ts.freq[:]  # freq should be common

            # save to file
            mem_gain.to_hdf5(gain_file, hints=False)

        return super(PsCal, self).process(ts)
예제 #18
 def test_create_dataset(self):
     g = memh5.MemGroup()
     data = np.arange(100, dtype=np.float32)
     g.create_dataset("data", data=data)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(data, g["data"]))
예제 #19
def simulate(beamtransfer,
    """Create a simulated timestream and save it to disk.

    beamtransfer : fmmode.core.beamtransfer.BeamTransfer
        BeamTransfer object containing the analysis products.
    outdir : directoryname
        Directory that we will save the timestream into.
    maps : list
        List of map filenames. The sum of these form the simulated sky.
    ndays : int, optional
        Number of days of observation. Setting `ndays = None` (default) uses
        the default stored in the telescope object; `ndays = 0`, assumes the
        observation time is infinite so that the noise is zero.
    resolution : scalar, optional
        Approximate time resolution in seconds. Setting `resolution = 0`
        (default) calculates the value from the mmax.
    add_noise : bool, optional
        Weather to add random noise to the simulated visibilities. Default True.

    timestream : Timestream

    # Create timestream object
    tstream = Timestream(outdir, tsname, beamtransfer)

    completed_file = tstream._tsdir + '/COMPLETED_TIMESTREAM'
    if os.path.exists(completed_file):
        if mpiutil.rank0:
            print "******* timestream-files already generated ********"
        return tstream

    # Make directory if required
    except OSError:
        # directory exists

    if mpiutil.rank0:
        # if not os.path.exists(tstream._tsdir):
        #     os.makedirs(tstream._tsdir)


    ## Read in telescope system
    bt = beamtransfer
    tel = bt.telescope

    lmax = tel.lmax
    mmax = tel.mmax
    nfreq = tel.nfreq
    nbl = tel.nbase
    npol = tel.num_pol_sky

    # If ndays is not set use the default value.
    if ndays is None:
        ndays = tel.ndays

    # Calculate the number of timesamples from the resolution
    if resolution == 0:
        # Set the minimum resolution required for the sky.
        ntime = 2 * mmax + 1
        # Set the cl
        ntime = int(np.round(24 * 3600.0 / resolution))

    indices = list(itertools.product(np.arange(nfreq), np.arange(npol)))
    lind, sind, eind = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq * npol)

    # local section of the Tm array
    theta_size = tel.theta_size
    phi_size = tel.phi_size
    Tm = np.zeros((lind, theta_size, phi_size), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ind, (f_ind, p_ind) in enumerate(indices[sind:eind]):
        hp_map = None
        for idx, mapfile in enumerate(maps):
            with h5py.File(mapfile, 'r') as f:
                if idx == 0:
                    hp_map = f['map'][f_ind, p_ind, :]
                    hp_map += f['map'][f_ind, p_ind, :]
        if hp_map is not None:
            cart_map = hpproj.cartesian_proj(hp_map, tel.cart_projector)
            # Calculate the Tm's for the local sections
            Tm[ind] = np.fft.ifft(cart_map,
                                  axis=1)  # / phi_size # m = 0 is at left

    Tm = MPIArray.wrap(Tm, axis=0)
    # redistribute along different m
    Tm = Tm.redistribute(axis=2)
    Tm = Tm.reshape((nfreq, npol, theta_size, None))
    Tm = Tm.reshape((nfreq, npol * theta_size, None))

    ms = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, mmax + 1), np.arange(-mmax, 0)])
    lm, sm, em = mpiutil.split_local(phi_size)
    # local section of mmode
    # mmode = np.zeros((lm, nbl, nfreq), dtype=np.complex128)
    mmode = np.zeros((lm, nfreq, nbl), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ind, mi in enumerate(ms[sm:em]):
        mmode[ind] = bt.project_vector_sky_to_telescope(
            mi, Tm[:, :, ind].view(np.ndarray))

    mmode = MPIArray.wrap(mmode, axis=0)
    mmode = mmode.redistribute(axis=2)  # distribute along bl

    # add noise if required
    if add_noise:
        lbl, sbl, ebl = mpiutil.split_local(nbl)
        # Fetch the noise powerspectrum
        noise_ps = tel.noisepower(np.arange(sbl, ebl)[:, np.newaxis],
                                  np.arange(nfreq)[np.newaxis, :],
                                      lbl, nfreq).T[np.newaxis, :, :]

        # Seed random number generator to give consistent noise
        if seed is not None:
            # Must include rank such that we don't have massive power deficit from correlated noise
            np.random.seed(seed + mpiutil.rank)

        # Create and weight complex noise coefficients
        noise_mode = (np.array([1.0, 1.0J]) *
                      np.random.standard_normal(mmode.shape +
                                                (2, ))).sum(axis=-1)
        noise_mode *= (noise_ps / 2.0)**0.5

        mmode += noise_mode

        del noise_mode

        # Reset RNG
        if seed is not None:

    # The time samples the visibility is calculated at
    tphi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, ntime, endpoint=False)

    # inverse FFT to get timestream
    vis_stream = np.fft.ifft(mmode, axis=0) * ntime
    vis_stream = MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=2)

    # save vis_stream to file
    vis_h5 = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/timestream', data=vis_stream)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/phi', data=tphi)

    # Telescope layout data
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmap', data=tel.feedmap)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedconj', data=tel.feedconj)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmask', data=tel.feedmask)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/uniquepairs', data=tel.uniquepairs)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/baselines', data=tel.baselines)

    # Telescope frequencies
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/frequencies', data=tel.frequencies)

    # Write metadata
    vis_h5.attrs['beamtransfer_path'] = os.path.abspath(bt.directory)
    vis_h5.attrs['ntime'] = ntime

    # save to file

    if mpiutil.rank0:
        # Make file marker that the m's have been correctly generated:
        open(completed_file, 'a').close()


    return tstream