def test_fill_dataset_with_kochin_functions():
    solver = Nemoh()
    test_matrix = xr.Dataset(
            'omega': [1.0],
            'theta': np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 5),
            'radiating_dof': list(sphere.dofs.keys()),
    ds = solver.fill_dataset(test_matrix, [sphere])
    assert 'theta' in ds.coords
    assert 'kochin' in ds
def test_fill_dataset():
    solver = Nemoh()
    test_matrix = xr.Dataset(
            'omega': np.linspace(0.1, 4.0, 3),
            'wave_direction': np.linspace(0.0, pi, 3),
            'radiating_dof': list(sphere.dofs.keys()),
            'rho': [1025.0],
            'water_depth': [np.infty, 10.0]
    dataset = solver.fill_dataset(test_matrix, [sphere])

    # Tests on the coordinates
    assert list(dataset.coords['influenced_dof']) == list(
        dataset.coords['radiating_dof']) == list(sphere.dofs.keys())
    assert dataset.body_name ==
    assert dataset.rho == test_matrix.rho

    # Tests on the results
    assert 'added_mass' in dataset
    assert 'radiation_damping' in dataset
    assert 'Froude_Krylov_force' in dataset
    assert 'diffraction_force' in dataset

    # Test the attributes
    assert dataset.attrs['capytaine_version'] == __version__
    assert 'start_of_computation' in dataset.attrs
    assert 'cache_rankine_matrices' in dataset.attrs
    assert 'incoming_waves_convention' in dataset.attrs

    # Try to strip out the outputs and recompute
    naked_data = dataset.drop([
        "added_mass", "radiation_damping", "diffraction_force",
    recomputed_dataset = solver.fill_dataset(naked_data, [sphere])
    assert recomputed_dataset.rho == dataset.rho
    assert "added_mass" in recomputed_dataset
    assert np.allclose(recomputed_dataset["added_mass"].data,