예제 #1
def test_hierarchical_matrix():
    n = 30
    X = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
    Y = np.linspace(10, 11, n)

    def f(i, j):
        return 1 / abs(X[i] - Y[j])

    S = np.array([[f(i, j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)])

    HS = BlockMatrix([
            S[:n // 2, :n // 2],
            LowRankMatrix.from_full_matrix_with_ACA(S[n // 2:, :n // 2],
            LowRankMatrix.from_full_matrix_with_ACA(S[:n // 2, n // 2:],
                                                    tol=1e-5), S[n // 2:,
                                                                 n // 2:]

    assert np.allclose(HS.full_matrix(), S, rtol=2e-1)

    doubled = HS + HS
    assert np.allclose(2 * S, doubled.full_matrix(), rtol=2e-1)
예제 #2
def test_low_rank_blocks():
    n = 10

    # Test initialization
    a, b = np.random.rand(n, 1), np.random.rand(1, n)
    LR = LowRankMatrix(a, b)
    assert LR.shape == LR.full_matrix().shape
    assert matrix_rank(LR.full_matrix()) == LR.rank == 1
    assert LR.density == 2 * n / n**2

    a, b = np.random.rand(n, 2), np.random.rand(2, n)
    LR = LowRankMatrix(a, b)
    assert LR.shape == LR.full_matrix().shape
    assert matrix_rank(LR.full_matrix()) == LR.rank == 2

    # Test creation from SVD
    A = np.arange(n**2).reshape((n, n)) + 1.0
    dumb_low_rank = LowRankMatrix.from_full_matrix_with_SVD(A, n)
    assert np.allclose(dumb_low_rank.full_matrix() - A, 0.0)

    A_rank_1 = LowRankMatrix.from_full_matrix_with_SVD(A, 1)
    assert matrix_rank(A_rank_1.full_matrix()) == A_rank_1.rank == 1

    # Test recompression
    recompressed = dumb_low_rank.recompress(new_rank=2)
    assert recompressed.rank == matrix_rank(recompressed.full_matrix()) == 2

    recompressed = dumb_low_rank.recompress(tol=1e-1)
    assert recompressed.rank <= dumb_low_rank.rank

    # Test multiplication with vector
    b = np.random.rand(n)
    assert np.allclose(A_rank_1 @ b, A_rank_1.full_matrix() @ b)

    # Test creation with ACA
    full_A_rank_1 = A_rank_1.full_matrix()
    A_rank_1_again = LowRankMatrix.from_full_matrix_with_ACA(full_A_rank_1,
    assert matrix_rank(A_rank_1_again.full_matrix()) == 1
    assert np.allclose(A_rank_1_again.full_matrix(), full_A_rank_1)

    # Test creation from function with ACA
    X = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
    Y = np.linspace(10, 11, n)

    def f(i, j):
        return 1 / abs(X[i] - Y[j])

    S = np.array([[f(i, j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)])
    SLR = LowRankMatrix.from_function_with_ACA(f, n, n, max_rank=2, tol=1e-2)
    assert SLR.shape == (n, n)
    assert np.allclose(SLR.full_matrix(), S, atol=1e-2)

    with pytest.raises(NoConvergenceOfACA):
        LowRankMatrix.from_function_with_ACA(f, n, n, max_rank=1, tol=1e-3)

    summed = SLR + A_rank_1
    assert summed.rank == 1