def add_card_to_player_group_random() -> None: """Add a card to a group. """ for key in player_card_group: if player_card_group[key] == 'Hello world': print('action begin') possible_choices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] chosen = random.choice(possible_choices) location = ((key - 1) * 2, 7) if chosen == 1: player_card_group[key] = miniguner(location) elif chosen == 2: player_card_group[key] = charger(location) elif chosen == 3: player_card_group[key] = sniper(location) elif chosen == 4: player_card_group[key] = rocketer(location) elif chosen == 5: player_card_group[key] = doctor(location) elif chosen == 6: player_card_group[key] = nijia(location) elif chosen == 7: player_card_group[key] = fireball(location) elif chosen == 8: player_card_group[key] = lightening(location) elif chosen == 9: player_card_group[key] = mine(location) elif chosen == 10: player_card_group[key] = autogun(location) print(player_card_group[key], player_card_group[key].location)
def add_card_to_player_group_random() -> None: """Add a card to PLAYER_CARD_GROUP. """ for key in PLAYER_CARD_GROUP: if PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] == 'Hello world': possible_choices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] chosen = random.choice(possible_choices) location = ((key - 1) * 2, 7.1) if chosen == 1: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = miniguner(location) elif chosen == 2: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = charger(location) elif chosen == 3: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = sniper(location) elif chosen == 4: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = rocketer(location) elif chosen == 5: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = doctor(location) elif chosen == 6: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = ninja(location) elif chosen == 7: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = fireball(location) elif chosen == 8: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = lightening(location) elif chosen == 9: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = mine(location) elif chosen == 10: PLAYER_CARD_GROUP[key] = autogun(location)
def set_init_player_card_random() -> None: """setup the card group randomly. """ for key in range(1, 7): possible_choices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] chosen = random.choice(possible_choices) location = ((key - 1) * 2, 7) if chosen == 1: player_card_group[key] = miniguner(location) elif chosen == 2: player_card_group[key] = charger(location) elif chosen == 3: player_card_group[key] = sniper(location) elif chosen == 4: player_card_group[key] = rocketer(location) elif chosen == 5: player_card_group[key] = doctor(location) elif chosen == 6: player_card_group[key] = nijia(location) elif chosen == 7: player_card_group[key] = fireball(location) elif chosen == 8: player_card_group[key] = lightening(location) elif chosen == 9: player_card_group[key] = mine(location) elif chosen == 10: player_card_group[key] = autogun(location)
def refresh_visual_image(c: Card) -> None: """Refresh visual image by input. """ global CLICKED_MAP, TURN_END, CLICKED_CARD, DECISION_ACT, SELECTED_CARD, MONEY if DECISION_ACT is True: (x, y) = pygame.mouse.get_pos() local_x = int(x // SQUARE_SIZE[0]) local_y = int(y // SQUARE_SIZE[1]) # is put in 3 square in front of basement on map on x? situation_1 = SQUARE_SIZE[0] < pygame.mouse.get_pos( )[0] < SQUARE_SIZE[0] * 4 # is it put in the game_map_graph on y? situation_2 = SQUARE_SIZE[1] <= pygame.mouse.get_pos( )[1] <= SQUARE_SIZE[1] * 7 # is the selected_square empty? situation_3 = GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex( (local_x, local_y)).item is None # is selected_card a magic? situation_4 = isinstance(c, (fireball, lightening)) # situation_5 = SQUARE_SIZE[0] < pygame.mouse.get_pos( )[0] < SQUARE_SIZE[0] * 11 if situation_4 is False and situation_1 is False and situation_2 is True: print('You put the card out of range! Reput the card') DECISION_ACT = False CLICKED_MAP = False return None if situation_4 is False and situation_3 is False: print( 'You put the card on a square which already have one. Reput the card' ) DECISION_ACT = False CLICKED_MAP = False return None CLICKED_MAP = False TURN_END = True CLICKED_CARD = False if situation_1 and situation_2 and situation_3 and not situation_4: if isinstance(c, miniguner): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = miniguner( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, charger): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = charger( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, sniper): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = sniper( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, rocketer): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = rocketer( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, doctor): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = doctor( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, ninja): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = ninja( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, mine): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = mine( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, autogun): GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = autogun( (local_x, local_y), 'right') remove_from_player_group(PLAYER_CARD_GROUP, c.location[0] // 2 + 1) GAME_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex( (local_x, local_y)).item.get_real_location() elif situation_4 and situation_5: if isinstance(c, fireball): MAGIC_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex((local_x, local_y)).item = fireball( (local_x, local_y), 'right') elif isinstance(c, lightening): MAGIC_MAP_GRAPH.get_vertex( (local_x, local_y)).item = lightening((local_x, local_y), 'right') remove_from_player_group(PLAYER_CARD_GROUP, c.location[0] // 2 + 1) all_magic_explode() clear_all_dead_body() SELECTED_CARD = None DECISION_ACT = False