예제 #1
def create_test_card(fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Card:
    Creates a test card with fields from the given dict
    :param fields: The fields to populate
    :return: A card object
    card = Card()
    card.scryfall_oracle_id = uuid.uuid4()
    card.name = uuid.uuid1()
    card.cmc = 0
    card.num_power = 0
    card.num_toughness = 0
    card.num_loyalty = 0
    card.colour_flags = 0
    card.colour_identity_flags = 0
    card.colour_count = 0
    card.colour_identity_count = 0
    card.colour_sort_key = 0
    card.colour_weight = 0
    card.layout = "normal"
    card.is_reserved = False
    card.is_token = False
    card.converted_mana_cost = 0

    for key, value in (fields or {}).items():
        assert hasattr(card, key)
        setattr(card, key, value)

    return card