예제 #1
class Table(object):

    def __init__(self, minimum=1, maximum=500, payout=1, hit_soft_17=True, 
                 insurance_allowed=True, insurance_payout=2,
                 num_decks=6, reshuffle_each_hand=True,
                 blackjack_payout=1.5, max_split_hands=3, 
                 surrender_allowed=True, hit_split_ace=False,
                 resplit_aces=False, split_A10_is_blackjack=False,
                 double_after_split=False, double_after_hit= False):
        # Establish table rules
        self.min = minimum if minimum > 0 else 1
        self.standard_bet = self.min
        self.max = maximum if maximum > minimum else 500
        self.payout = payout if payout > 0 else 1
        self.hit_soft_17 = hit_soft_17
        self.insurance_allowed = insurance_allowed
        self.insurance_payout = insurance_payout if insurance_payout > 0 else 2
        self.num_decks = num_decks if num_decks > 0 else 6
        self.reshuffle_each_hand = reshuffle_each_hand
        self.blackjack_payout = blackjack_payout if blackjack_payout > 0 else 1.5
        self.max_split_hands = max_split_hands if max_split_hands >= 2 else 3
        self.surrender_allowed = surrender_allowed
        self.hit_split_ace = hit_split_ace
        self.resplit_aces = resplit_aces
        self.split_A10_is_blackjack = split_A10_is_blackjack
        self.double_after_split = double_after_split
        self.double_after_hit = double_after_hit
        # Initialize necessary variables
        if debug:
            print "Established table"
        self.dealer_hand = Hand("Dealer")
    def init_deck(self):
        self.deck = Deck(self.num_decks)

    def buy_in(self, name, chips, bet_method, play_method):
        if debug:
            print name + " bought into the table with $" + str(chips)
        self.player_name = name
        self.player_chips = chips
        self.player_hands = [Hand(name)]
        self.player_surrendered = False
        self.bets = []
        self.win_streak = 0
        self.in_play = [False]
        self.bet_method = bet_method
        self.play_method = play_method
        self.doubled = [False]

    def add_funds(self, chips):
        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + chips

    def __str__(self):
        if len(self.dealer_hand.cards) > 0:
            ret = "Dealer is showing: " + str(self.dealer_hand.cards[0]) + "\n"
            for h in range(len(self.player_hands)):
                ret = ret + str(self.player_hands[h]) + " w/ value " + str(hand_value(self.player_hands[h])) + " and $" + str(self.bets[h]) + " bet"
            return ret
            return "Waiting for hand to be dealt\n"

    def deal(self):
        if self.reshuffle_each_hand or self.deck.cards_left() < 4:
            # if debug:
                # print "Shuffling decks"
        # if debug:
            # print "Dealing"
        self.deck.move_cards(self.dealer_hand, 2)
        self.deck.move_cards(self.player_hands[0], 2)
        self.in_play[0] = True

    def get_bets(self):
        bet = self.bet_method(self.player_chips)
        if bet == "rebet":
            while not self.place_bet(bet):
                bet = self.bet_method()
                if bet == "rebet":

    def place_bet(self, bet):
        if bet < self.min:
            if debug:
                print "Must bet at least the minimum: " + str(self.min)
            return False
        elif bet > self.max:
            if debug:
                print "Must bet less than the maximum: " + str(self.max)
            return False
        elif bet > self.player_chips:
            if debug:
                print "Don't have funds to place bet. Current chip count: " + str(self.player_chips)
            return False
            self.player_chips = self.player_chips - bet
            self.standard_bet = bet
            if debug:
                print self.player_name + " placed bet: " + str(bet)
        return True

    def handle_player(self):
        while any(self.in_play):
            for h in range(len(self.in_play)):
                if self.in_play[h]:
            hand = self.player_hands[h]
            completed_hand = False
            minimum, maximum = hand_value(hand)
            if minimum == 21 or maximum == 21:
                completed_hand = True
                self.in_play[h] = False
            dealer_min, dealer_max = hand_value(self.dealer_hand)
            if dealer_max == 21:
                completed_hand = True
                self.in_play[h] = False
            while not completed_hand:
                insurance = False
                surrender = False
                split = False
                double = False
                stand = True
                hit = True
                if len(hand.cards) == 2:
                    if self.dealer_hand.cards[0].rank == 1:
                        insurance = True
                    if len(self.player_hands) == 1:
                        surrender = True
                    double = True
                if hand.cards[0].rank == hand.cards[1].rank:
                    if h == 0 or ((h > 0 and hand.cards[0].rank != 1) or (self.resplit_aces and hand.cards[0].rank == 1)):
                        if len(self.player_hands) < self.max_split_hands: 
                            split = True
                possible_plays = [insurance, surrender, split, double, stand, hit]
                choice = self.play_method(self.dealer_hand.cards[0], hand, possible_plays)
                if choice == "dh":
                    choice = "d" if double else "h"
                if choice == "ds":
                    choice = "d" if double else "s"
                if choice == "rh":
                    if not surrender:
                        choice = "h"
                if choice == "sp" or choice == "split":
                    choice = "h"

                if choice == "hit" or choice == "h":
                elif choice == "split" or choice == "sp":
                    if split:
                        self.split(hand, self.bets[h])
                    elif hand.cards[0].rank == 1:
                        if debug:
                            print "Can't split on split Aces"
                    elif len(self.player_hands) == self.max_split_hands:
                        if debug:
                            print "Can't split hands more than " + str(self.max_split_hands) + " times"
                        if debug:
                            print "Can only split on matching cards"
                elif choice == "double" or choice == "d":
                elif choice == "stand" or choice == "s":
                    completed_hand = True
                    self.in_play[h] = False
                elif choice == "rh":
                    self.player_surrendered = True
                    completed_hand = True
                    self.in_play[h] = False
                    if debug:
                        print "Invalid operation"
                minimum, maximum = hand_value(hand)
                if minimum > 21:
                    completed_hand = True
                    self.in_play[h] = False

    def hit(self, hand):
        self.deck.move_cards(hand, 1)
        minimum, maximum = hand_value(hand)
        if debug:
            print str(hand) + " " + str((minimum, maximum))
        if minimum > 21:
            if debug:
                print "Busted...\n"

    def split(self, hand, bet):
        new_hand = Hand("Split")
        self.deck.move_cards(hand, 1)
        self.deck.move_cards(new_hand, 1)
        self.player_chips = self.player_chips - bet

    def double(self, hand_index):
        self.player_chips = self.player_chips - self.bets[hand_index]
        self.bets[hand_index] = 2 * self.bets[hand_index]
        self.doubled[hand_index] = True

    def handle_dealer(self):
        if debug:
            print str(self.dealer_hand) + str(hand_value(self.dealer_hand))
        minimum, maximum = hand_value(self.dealer_hand)

        if maximum == 21:
            if debug:
                print "Dealer hit blackjack..."
        elif maximum > 17:
            if debug:
                print "Dealer stands"
            while maximum < 17 or (minimum + 10 <= 17  and [c.rank for c in self.dealer_hand.cards].count(1) >= 1):
                if debug:
                    print "Dealer hits"
                self.deck.move_cards(self.dealer_hand, 1)
                if debug:
                    print str(self.dealer_hand) + str(hand_value(self.dealer_hand))
                minimum, maximum = hand_value(self.dealer_hand)

    def check_bets(self):
        wins = 0
        pushes = 0
        losses = 0
        dealer_min, dealer_max = hand_value(self.dealer_hand)
        dealer_bust = False
        if dealer_min > 21:
            dealer_bust = True
            if debug:
                print "Dealer Busted!"
        for h in range(len(self.player_hands)):
            if self.player_surrendered:
                if debug:
                    print "Player surrendered"
                self.player_chips = self.player_chips + 0.5 * self.bets[h]
                self.player_surrendered = False
                losses = 1
            hand = self.player_hands[h]
            minimum, maximum = hand_value(hand)
            if minimum == 21 or maximum == 21:
                if len(self.player_hands) == 1 and len(hand.cards) == 2:
                    if dealer_max == 21 and len(self.dealer_hand.cards) == 2:
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " hit Blackjack but so did dealer, so a push"
                        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + self.bets[h]
                        pushes = pushes + 1
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " hit Blackjack!"
                        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + 5*self.bets[h]/2
                        wins = wins + 1
                        if self.doubled[h]:
                            wins = wins + 1
                    if dealer_max == 21 and len(self.dealer_hand.cards) == 2:
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " hit 21 but so did dealer, so a push"
                        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + self.bets[h]
                        pushes = pushes + 1
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " hit 21!"
                        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + 2*self.bets[h]
                        wins = wins + 1
                        if self.doubled[h]:
                            wins = wins + 1
            elif dealer_bust and minimum < 21:
                if debug:
                    print str(hand) + " wins " + str(self.bets[h])
                self.player_chips = self.player_chips + 2*self.bets[h]
                wins = wins + 1
                if self.doubled[h]:
                    wins = wins + 1
                if dealer_max > 22:
                    dealer_max = dealer_min
                if maximum > 21:
                    maximum = minimum
                if maximum < 21:
                    if maximum > dealer_max:
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " wins " + str(self.bets[h])
                        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + 2*self.bets[h]
                        wins = wins + 1
                        if self.doubled[h]:
                            wins = wins + 1
                    elif maximum == dealer_max:
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " pushed"
                        self.player_chips = self.player_chips + self.bets[h]
                        pushes = pushes + 1
                        if debug:
                            print str(hand) + " lost"
                        losses = losses + 1
                    if debug:
                        print str(hand) + " busted and lost"
                    losses = losses + 1
        if losses == 0:
            self.win_streak = self.win_streak + wins
            self.win_streak = 0

    def reset(self):
        self.player_hands = [Hand(self.player_name)]
        self.in_play = [True]
        self.doubled = [False]
        self.dealer_hand = Hand("Dealer")
        self.bets = []
예제 #2
class Blackjack:
	def __init__(self,h,n=5,b=1):
		self.Stat = Stats()
		self.number_of_decks = n
		self.house = h
		self.players = []
		self.deck = Deck(self.number_of_decks)
		self.minimum_bet = b

	def throw_all_hands(self):
		for a in self.players:

	def add_player(self,p):

	def remove_player(self,p):
		[a for a in self.players if a.name == p]

	def play(self,silent=False):
		#Check if house is bankrupt
		if (self.house.money <= 0):
			print "House is bankrupt"
			return True

		print "*** Game started ***"
		all_players_lost = self.play_round(silent)
		print "cards left %d" %	(self.deck.cards_left())
		print "*** Game End ***\n"

		return all_players_lost

	def pop_card(self):
		#All cards are used create an new deck of cards
		if self.deck.cards_left() == 0:
			self.deck = Deck(self.number_of_decks)

		return self.deck.pop_card()

	def start_deal(self,silent):
		#Has all player money left
		for a in self.players:
			if a.money <= 0:
				print "%s lost all money" % (a.name)

		#Check if all players busted
		if (len(self.players) == 0):
			print "House has won!"
			return True

		#Players gets their first cards
		for a in self.players:
			c = self.pop_card()
			if not silent:
				print "%s hand %d=[%s]" % (a.name,a.sum_hand(),a.get_hand())

		#House gets it's first card
		c = self.pop_card()
		if not silent:
			print "House hand %d" % (c.value)

		#Let players know what card house got
		for a in self.players:

		#House gets it's second card but is not
		#showed to players.
		c = self.pop_card()

		return False

	def play_round(self,silent):

		all_players_lost = self.start_deal(silent)

		#Now players can decide if they should
		#have more cards or stop
		for a in self.players:
			while a.more_cards():
				c = self.pop_card()
				if not silent:
					print "%s hand %d=[%s]" % (a.name,a.sum_hand(),a.get_hand())

		#House turn to pick cards
		while self.house.more_cards():
			self.house.take_card( self.pop_card())

		#Track all stats

		#Round is over throw the cards holding
		#and clear all bets.

		return all_players_lost

	def show_results(self):
		print "not implemented yet"