예제 #1
def open(rootdir, mode='a'):
    open(rootdir, mode='a')

    Open a disk-based carray/ctable.

    rootdir : pathname (string)
        The directory hosting the carray/ctable object.
    mode : the open mode (string)
        Specifies the mode in which the object is opened.  The supported
        values are:

          * 'r' for read-only
          * 'w' for emptying the previous underlying data
          * 'a' for allowing read/write on top of existing data

    out : a carray/ctable object or None (if not objects are found)

    # First try with a carray
    obj = None
        obj = carray(rootdir=rootdir, mode=mode)
    except IOError:
        # Not a carray.  Now with a ctable
            obj = ctable(rootdir=rootdir, mode=mode)
        except IOError:
            # Not a ctable
    return obj
예제 #2
def fill(shape, dflt=None, dtype=np.float, **kwargs):
    fill(shape, dtype=float, dflt=None, **kwargs)

    Return a new carray object of given shape and type, filled with `dflt`.

    shape : int
        Shape of the new array, e.g., ``(2,3)``.
    dflt : Python or NumPy scalar
        The value to be used during the filling process.  If None, values are
        filled with zeros.  Also, the resulting carray will have this value as
        its `dflt` value.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        The desired data-type for the array, e.g., `numpy.int8`.  Default is
    kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
        Any parameter supported by the carray constructor.

    out : carray
        Array filled with `dflt` values with the given shape and dtype.

    See Also
    ones, zeros


    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if type(shape) in (int, long, float):
        shape = (int(shape),)
        shape = tuple(shape)
        if len(shape) > 1:
            # Multidimensional shape.
            # The atom will have shape[1:] dims (+ the dtype dims).
            dtype = np.dtype((dtype.base, shape[1:]+dtype.shape))
    length = shape[0]

    # Create the container
    expectedlen = kwargs.pop("expectedlen", length)
    if dtype.kind == "V" and dtype.shape == ():
        raise ValueError, "fill does not support ctables objects"
    obj = carray([], dtype=dtype, dflt=dflt, expectedlen=expectedlen,
    chunklen = obj.chunklen

    # Then fill it
    # We need an array for the defaults so as to keep the atom info
    dflt = np.array(obj.dflt, dtype=dtype)
    # Making strides=(0,) below is a trick to create the array fast and
    # without memory consumption
    chunk = np.ndarray(length, dtype=dtype, buffer=dflt, strides=(0,))
    return obj
예제 #3
 def read_meta_and_open(self):
     """Read the meta-information and initialize structures."""
     # Get the directories of the columns
     rootsfile = os.path.join(self.rootdir, ROOTDIRS)
     with open(rootsfile, 'rb') as rfile:
         data = json.loads(rfile.read())
     # JSON returns unicode (?)
     self.names = [str(name) for name in data['names']]
     # Initialize the cols by instatiating the carrays
     for name, dir_ in data['dirs'].items():
         self._cols[str(name)] = carray(rootdir=dir_, mode=self.mode)
예제 #4
def walk(dir, classname=None, mode='a'):
    """walk(dir, classname=None, mode='a')

    Recursively iterate over carray/ctable objects hanging from `dir`.

    dir : string
        The directory from which the listing starts.
    classname : string
        If specified, only object of this class are returned.  The values
        supported are 'carray' and 'ctable'.
    mode : string
        The mode in which the object should be opened.

    out : iterator
        Iterator over the objects found.


    # First, iterate over the carray objects in current dir
    names = os.path.join(dir, '*')
    dirs = []
    for node in glob.glob(names):
        if os.path.isdir(node):
                obj = carray(rootdir=node, mode=mode)
                    obj = ctable(rootdir=node, mode=mode)
                    obj = None
            if obj:
                if classname:
                    if obj.__class__.__name__ == classname:
                        yield obj
                    yield obj

    # Then recurse into the true directories
    for dir_ in dirs:
        for node in walk(dir_, classname, mode):
            yield node
예제 #5
def fromiter(iterable, dtype, count, **kwargs):
    fromiter(iterable, dtype, count, **kwargs)

    Create a carray/ctable from an `iterable` object.

    iterable : iterable object
        An iterable object providing data for the carray.
    dtype : numpy.dtype instance
        Specifies the type of the outcome object.
    count : int
        The number of items to read from iterable. If set to -1, means that
        the iterable will be used until exhaustion (not recommended, see note
    kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
        Any parameter supported by the carray/ctable constructors.

    out : a carray/ctable object

    Please specify `count` to both improve performance and to save memory.  It
    allows `fromiter` to avoid looping the iterable twice (which is slooow).
    It avoids memory leaks to happen too (which can be important for large
    from ctable import ctable

    # Check for a true iterable
    if not hasattr(iterable, "next"):
        iterable = iter(iterable)

    # Try to guess the final length
    expected = count
    if count == -1:
        # Try to guess the size of the iterable length
        if hasattr(iterable, "__length_hint__"):
            count = iterable.__length_hint__()
            expected = count
            # No guess
            count = sys.maxint
            # If we do not have a hint on the iterable length then
            # create a couple of iterables and use the second when the
            # first one is exhausted (ValueError will be raised).
            iterable, iterable2 = it.tee(iterable)
            expected = 1000*1000   # 1 million elements

    # First, create the container
    expectedlen = kwargs.pop("expectedlen", expected)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if dtype.kind == "V":
        # A ctable
        obj = ctable(np.array([], dtype=dtype),
                     expectedlen=expectedlen, **kwargs)
        chunklen = sum(obj.cols[name].chunklen
                       for name in obj.names) // len(obj.names)
        # A carray
        obj = carray(np.array([], dtype=dtype),
                     expectedlen=expectedlen, **kwargs)
        chunklen = obj.chunklen

    # Then fill it
    nread, blen = 0, 0
    while nread < count:
        if nread + chunklen > count:
            blen = count - nread
            blen = chunklen
        if count != sys.maxint:
            chunk = np.fromiter(iterable, dtype=dtype, count=blen)
                chunk = np.fromiter(iterable, dtype=dtype, count=blen)
            except ValueError:
                # Positionate in second iterable
                iter2 = it.islice(iterable2, nread, None, 1)
                # We are reaching the end, use second iterable now
                chunk = np.fromiter(iter2, dtype=dtype, count=-1)
        nread += len(chunk)
        # Check the end of the iterable
        if len(chunk) < chunklen:
    return obj
예제 #6
    def addcol(self, newcol, name=None, pos=None, **kwargs):
        addcol(newcol, name=None, pos=None, **kwargs)

        Add a new `newcol` object as column.

        newcol : carray, ndarray, list or tuple
            If a carray is passed, no conversion will be carried out.
            If conversion to a carray has to be done, `kwargs` will
        name : string, optional
            The name for the new column.  If not passed, it will
            receive an automatic name.
        pos : int, optional
            The column position.  If not passed, it will be appended
            at the end.
        kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
            Any parameter supported by the carray constructor.

        You should not specificy both `name` and `pos` arguments,
        unless they are compatible.

        See Also


        # Check params
        if pos is None:
            pos = len(self.names)
            if pos and type(pos) != int:
                raise ValueError, "`pos` must be an int"
            if pos < 0 or pos > len(self.names):
                raise ValueError, "`pos` must be >= 0 and <= len(self.cols)"
        if name is None:
            name = "f%d" % pos
            if type(name) != str:
                raise ValueError, "`name` must be a string"
        if name in self.names:
            raise ValueError, "'%s' column already exists" % name
        if len(newcol) != self.len:
            raise ValueError, "`newcol` must have the same length than ctable"

        if isinstance(newcol, np.ndarray):
            if 'cparams' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['cparams'] = self.cparams
            newcol = carray(newcol, **kwargs)
        elif type(newcol) in (list, tuple):
            if 'cparams' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['cparams'] = self.cparams
            newcol = carray(newcol, **kwargs)
        elif type(newcol) != carray:
            raise ValueError(
                """`newcol` type not supported""")

        # Insert the column
        self.cols.insert(name, pos, newcol)
        # Update _arr1
        self._arr1 = np.empty(shape=(1,), dtype=self.dtype)
예제 #7
    def create_ctable(self, columns, names, **kwargs):
        """Create a ctable anew."""

        # Create the rootdir if necessary
        if self.rootdir:
            self.mkdir_rootdir(self.rootdir, self.mode)

        # Get the names of the columns
        if names is None:
            if isinstance(columns, np.ndarray):  # ratype case
                if columns.dtype.names is None:
                    raise ValueError("dtype should be structured")
                    names = list(columns.dtype.names)
                names = ["f%d"%i for i in range(len(columns))]
            if type(names) == tuple:
                names = list(names)
            if type(names) != list:
                raise ValueError(
                    "`names` can only be a list or tuple")
            if len(names) != len(columns):
                raise ValueError(
                    "`columns` and `names` must have the same length")
        # Check names validity
        nt = namedtuple('_nt', names, verbose=False)
        names = list(nt._fields)

        # Guess the kind of columns input
        calist, nalist, ratype = False, False, False
        if type(columns) in (tuple, list):
            calist = [type(v) for v in columns] == [carray for v in columns]
            nalist = [type(v) for v in columns] == [np.ndarray for v in columns]
        elif isinstance(columns, np.ndarray):
            ratype = hasattr(columns.dtype, "names")
            if ratype:
                if len(columns.shape) != 1:
                    raise ValueError, "only unidimensional shapes supported"
            raise ValueError, "`columns` input is not supported"
        if not (calist or nalist or ratype):
            # Try to convert the elements to carrays
                columns = [carray(col) for col in columns]
                calist = True
                raise ValueError, "`columns` input is not supported"

        # Populate the columns
        clen = -1
        for i, name in enumerate(names):
            if self.rootdir:
                # Put every carray under each own `name` subdirectory
                kwargs['rootdir'] = os.path.join(self.rootdir, name)
            if calist:
                column = columns[i]
                if self.rootdir:
                    # Store this in destination
                    column = column.copy(**kwargs)
            elif nalist:
                column = columns[i]
                if column.dtype == np.void:
                    raise ValueError,(
                        "`columns` elements cannot be of type void")
                column = carray(column, **kwargs)
            elif ratype:
                column = carray(columns[name], **kwargs)
            self.cols[name] = column
            if clen >= 0 and clen != len(column):
                raise ValueError, "all `columns` must have the same length"
            clen = len(column)

        self.len = clen