def test_cart_int_get(self): """Testing the cart interface get method""" saved_state = {} def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '200 OK') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/octet-stream') def file_wrapper(rfd, blksize): """stub for file_wrapper to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(blksize, 1 << 20) self.assertEqual(type(rfd), file) saved_state['fd'] = rfd return iter(lambda:, '') env = { 'PATH_INFO': '/123', 'wsgi.file_wrapper': file_wrapper, 'QUERY_STRING': 'filename=my_file.tar' } with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): sample_cart = Cart() sample_cart.cart_uid = 123 sample_cart.bundle_path = mkdtemp() sample_cart.status = 'ready' self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() tarfile_read = cgen.get(env, start_response) for buf in tarfile_read: self.assertTrue(len(buf) > 0) saved_state['fd'].close()
def test_cart_int_stage_ioerror(self): """Testing the cart interface stage""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '400 Bad Request') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') one_up_self = self #pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class FakeReader(object): """fake reader class for wsgi.input""" size = 47 def read(self, size): """Fake out the wsgi.input object bits""" one_up_self.assertEqual(size, self.size) raise IOError('failed to read') #pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods env = { 'PATH_INFO': '/123', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': FakeReader.size, 'QUERY_STRING': '', 'wsgi.input': FakeReader() } with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() data = cgen.stage(env, start_response) self.assertEqual( loads(data)['message'], 'JSON content could not be read')
def test_cart_int_stage_invalid_uid(self): """Testing the cart interface stage invalid cart uid""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '400 Bad Request') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') one_up_self = self #pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class FakeReader(object): """fake reader class for wsgi.input""" sent_content = {'fileids': [1]} def read(self, size): """Fake out the wsgi.input object bits""" one_up_self.assertEqual(size, len(dumps(self.sent_content))) return dumps(self.sent_content) #pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods env = { 'PATH_INFO': '/', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(dumps(FakeReader.sent_content)), 'QUERY_STRING': '', 'wsgi.input': FakeReader() } with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() data = cgen.stage(env, start_response) self.assertEqual(loads(data)['message'], 'The uid was not valid')
def test_read_cart_ioerrror(self): """Testing the cart interface get against not ready cart""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '404 Not Found') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') env = {'PATH_INFO': '/123', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): sample_cart = Cart() sample_cart.cart_uid = 123 sample_cart.bundle_path = mkdtemp() sample_cart.status = 'ready' self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() orig_fork = os.fork def bad_fork(): """The get method trys to fork so replacing it with a method that fails. """ raise IOError('failed to fork') os.fork = bad_fork data = cgen.get(env, start_response) self.assertEqual( loads(data)['message'], 'The cart bundle does not exist') os.fork = orig_fork
def test_pacifica_ci_bad_request(self): """test pacifica cart interface bad request method""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '501 Not Implemented') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') env = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'IMNOTREAL', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} cgen = CartGenerator() message = cgen.pacifica_cartinterface(env, start_response) self.assertEqual(loads(message)['message'], 'Unknown request method')
def test_invalid_cart_uid(self): """Testing the cart interface get against not valid cart uid""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '400 Bad Request') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') env = {'PATH_INFO': '/', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() data = cgen.get(env, start_response) self.assertEqual(loads(data)['message'], 'The uid was not valid')
def test_not_ready_cart(self): """Testing the cart interface get against not ready cart""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '202 Accepted') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') env = {'PATH_INFO': '/123', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): sample_cart = Cart() sample_cart.cart_uid = 123 sample_cart.bundle_path = mkdtemp() self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() data = cgen.get(env, start_response) self.assertEqual( loads(data)['message'], 'The cart is not ready for download')
def test_cart_int_get_no_file_fd(self): """Testing the cart interface get method w/o file_wrapper""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '200 OK') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/octet-stream') env = {'PATH_INFO': '/123', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): sample_cart = Cart() sample_cart.cart_uid = 123 sample_cart.bundle_path = mkdtemp() sample_cart.status = 'ready' self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() tarfile_read = cgen.get(env, start_response) for buf in tarfile_read: self.assertTrue(len(buf) > 0)
def test_pacifica_ci_throw_error(self): """test pacifica cart interface throw exception""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '500 Internal Server Error') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') def fake_get(other_self, env, other_start_response): """fake the get method""" self.assertTrue(not other_self is None) self.assertEqual(env['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'GET') self.assertEqual(start_response, other_start_response) raise CartInterfaceError('This is an error') env = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} cgen = CartGenerator() cgen.get = MethodType(fake_get, cgen) message = cgen.pacifica_cartinterface(env, start_response) self.assertEqual( loads(message)['message'], 'Unknown Exception Occured')
def test_cart_int_delete(self): """Testing the cart interface delete""" def start_response(*args): """stub for start_response to do some checking""" self.assertEqual(args[0], '200 OK') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][0], 'Content-Type') self.assertEqual(args[1][0][1], 'application/json') env = {'PATH_INFO': '/123', 'QUERY_STRING': ''} with test_database(self.sqlite_db, (Cart, File)): sample_cart = Cart() sample_cart.cart_uid = 123 sample_cart.bundle_path = mkdtemp() sample_cart.status = 'ready' sample_cart.reload() path_to_files = os.path.join(VOLUME_PATH, str( os.makedirs(path_to_files) self.sqlite_db.close() cgen = CartGenerator() data = cgen.delete_cart(env, start_response) self.assertEqual( loads(data)['message'], 'Cart Deleted Successfully')
def main(): """Main function when running from the command line.""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='Run the cart interface.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', metavar='PORT', type=int, default=8080, dest='port', help='port to listen on') parser.add_argument('-a', '--address', metavar='ADDRESS', default='localhost', dest='address', help='address to listen on') args = parser.parse_args() generator = CartGenerator() #make sure the database is up database_setup() srv = make_server(args.address, args.port, generator.pacifica_cartinterface) srv.serve_forever()
def test_pacifica_cartinterface(self): """test pacifica cart interface""" #### # this is going to be tricky we need to override the methods we tested # above so we don't need to make an super test harness # used to validate start_response, not actually calling it so no coverage # Stubs out the response #### # pylint: disable=unused-argument def start_response(*args): # pragma no cover """stub for start_response to do some checking""" pass # pylint: enable=unused-argument env = { 'REQUEST_METHOD': '', 'called_get': False, 'called_status': False, 'called_stage': False, 'called_delete': False } def fake_get(other_self, env, other_start_response): """fake the get method""" self.assertTrue(not other_self is None) self.assertEqual(env['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'GET') self.assertEqual(start_response, other_start_response) env['called_get'] = True return 'this is get()' def fake_status(other_self, env, other_start_response): """fake the get method""" self.assertTrue(not other_self is None) self.assertEqual(env['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(start_response, other_start_response) env['called_status'] = True return 'this is status()' def fake_stage(other_self, env, other_start_response): """fake the stage method""" self.assertTrue(not other_self is None) self.assertEqual(env['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'POST') self.assertEqual(start_response, other_start_response) env['called_stage'] = True return 'this is stage()' def fake_delete(other_self, env, other_start_response): """fake the delete method""" self.assertTrue(not other_self is None) self.assertEqual(env['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(start_response, other_start_response) env['called_delete'] = True return 'this is delete()' cgen = CartGenerator() cgen.get = MethodType(fake_get, cgen) cgen.status = MethodType(fake_status, cgen) cgen.stage = MethodType(fake_stage, cgen) cgen.delete_cart = MethodType(fake_delete, cgen) for method, message in [('GET', 'this is get()'), ('HEAD', 'this is status()'), ('POST', 'this is stage()'), ('DELETE', 'this is delete()')]: env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = method chk_message = cgen.pacifica_cartinterface(env, start_response) self.assertEqual(message, chk_message) self.assertTrue(env['called_get']) self.assertTrue(env['called_stage']) self.assertTrue(env['called_status']) self.assertTrue(env['called_delete'])
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_handler) def main(): """Main function when running from the command line.""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='Run the cart interface.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', metavar='PORT', type=int, default=8080, dest='port', help='port to listen on') parser.add_argument('-a', '--address', metavar='ADDRESS', default='localhost', dest='address', help='address to listen on') args = parser.parse_args() generator = CartGenerator() #make sure the database is up database_setup() srv = make_server(args.address, args.port, generator.pacifica_cartinterface) srv.serve_forever() # pylint doesn't realize that application is actually a callable # pylint: disable=invalid-name application = CartGenerator().pacifica_cartinterface # pylint: enable=invalid-name if __name__ == '__main__': main()