def create_plan_fc(b0, N_sim): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X',repeat=N_sim+1,struct=belief), cat.entry('U',repeat=N_sim,struct=control) ) ]) # Objective function m_bN = V['X',N_sim,'m',ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']] m_cN = V['X',N_sim,'m',ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']] dm_bc = m_bN - m_cN J = 1e2 * ca.mul(dm_bc.T, dm_bc) # m_cN -> m_bN J += 1e-1 * ca.trace(V['X',N_sim,'S']) # Sigma -> 0 # Regularize controls J += 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs g = [] for k in range(N_sim): # Multiple shooting [x_next] = BF([V['X',k], V['U',k]]) g.append(x_next - V['X',k+1]) # Penalize uncertainty J += 1e-1 * ca.trace(V['X',k,'S']) * dt g = ca.vertcat(g) # log-probability, doesn't work with full collocation #Sb = V['X',N_sim,'S',['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']] #J += ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb + 1e-8 * ca.SX.eye(2)), dm_bc ]) + \ # ca.log(ca.det(Sb + 1e-8 * ca.SX.eye(2))) # Formulate the NLP nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g)) # Create solver opts = {} opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97' #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory' solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts) # Define box constraints lbx = V(-ca.inf) ubx = V(ca.inf) # 0 <= v <= v_max lbx['U',:,'v'] = 0; ubx['U',:,'v'] = v_max # -w_max <= w <= w_max lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max # m(t=0) = m0 lbx['X',0,'m'] = ubx['X',0,'m'] = b0['m'] # S(t=0) = S0 lbx['X',0,'S'] = ubx['X',0,'S'] = b0['S'] # Solve the NLP sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx) return V(sol['x'])
def construct_parameters(self): entries = [] for label, child in self.children.items(): entries_child = [] for name, par in child._parameters.items(): entries_child.append(entry(name, shape=par.shape)) entries.append(entry(label, struct=struct(entries_child))) self._par_struct = struct(entries) return struct_symMX(self._par_struct)
def setup_nlp_p_fix(V, model): # fixed system parameters p_fix = cas.struct_symSX([( cas.entry('ref', struct=V), # tracking reference for cost function cas.entry('weights', struct=model.variables) # weights for cost function )]) return p_fix
def create_belief_plan(cls, model, warm_start=False, x0=0, lam_x0=0, lam_g0=0): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X', repeat=model.n+1, struct=model.x), cat.entry('U', repeat=model.n, struct=model.u) ) ]) # Box constraints [lbx, ubx] = cls._create_box_constraints(model, V) # Non-linear constraints [g, lbg, ubg] = cls._create_belief_nonlinear_constraints(model, V) # Objective function J = cls._create_belief_objective_function(model, V) # Formulate non-linear problem nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J, g=g)) op = {# Linear solver #'linear_solver': 'ma57', # Warm start # 'warm_start_init_point': 'yes', # Termination 'max_iter': 1500, 'tol': 1e-6, 'constr_viol_tol': 1e-5, 'compl_inf_tol': 1e-4, # Acceptable termination 'acceptable_tol': 1e-3, 'acceptable_iter': 5, 'acceptable_obj_change_tol': 1e-2, # NLP # 'fixed_variable_treatment': 'make_constraint', # Quasi-Newton 'hessian_approximation': 'limited-memory', 'limited_memory_max_history': 5, 'limited_memory_max_skipping': 1} if warm_start: op['warm_start_init_point'] = 'yes' op['fixed_variable_treatment'] = 'make_constraint' # Initialize solver solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, op) # Solve if warm_start: sol = solver(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lam_x0=lam_x0, lam_g0=lam_g0) else: sol = solver(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg) return V(sol['x']), sol['lam_x'], sol['lam_g']
def make_stage_constraint_struct(model): # make entry list to check if not empty entry_list = [cas.entry('collocation', shape =model.dynamics(model.variables, model.parameters).size())] if list(model.constraints.keys()): # check if not empty entry_list.append(cas.entry('path_constraints', struct = model.constraints)) # stage constraints structure -- necessary for interleaving stage_constraints = cas.struct_symSX(entry_list) return stage_constraints
def setup_nlp_p(V, model): cost = setup_nlp_cost() p_fix = setup_nlp_p_fix(V, model) P = cas.struct_symMX([ cas.entry('p', struct=p_fix), cas.entry('cost', struct=cost), cas.entry('theta0', struct=model.parameters_dict['theta0']) ]) return P
def generate_parameterization_settings(self, options): [ periodic, initial_conditions, param_initial_conditions, param_terminal_conditions, terminal_inequalities, integral_constraints ] = operation.get_operation_conditions(options) xi = cas.struct_symMX([(cas.entry('xi_0'), cas.entry('xi_f'))]) xi_bounds = {} xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [0.0, 0.0] xi_bounds['xi_f'] = [0.0, 0.0] V_pickle_initial = None plot_dict_pickle_initial = None V_pickle_terminal = None plot_dict_pickle_terminal = None if param_initial_conditions: xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [0.0, 1.0] if options['trajectory']['type'] == 'compromised_landing': xi_0 = options['landing']['xi_0_initial'] xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [xi_0, xi_0] V_pickle_initial, plot_dict_pickle_initial = self.__get_V_pickle( options, 'initial') if param_terminal_conditions: xi_bounds['xi_f'] = [0.0, 1.0] V_pickle_terminal, plot_dict_pickle_terminal = self.__get_V_pickle( options, 'terminal') if param_terminal_conditions and param_initial_conditions: for theta in struct_op.subkeys(V_pickle_initial, 'theta'): diff = V_pickle_terminal['theta', theta] - V_pickle_initial['theta', theta] if theta != 't_f': if (float(diff) != 0.0): raise ValueError( 'Parameters of initial and terminal trajectory are not identical.' ) xi_dict = {} xi_dict['V_pickle_initial'] = V_pickle_initial xi_dict['plot_dict_pickle_initial'] = plot_dict_pickle_initial xi_dict['V_pickle_terminal'] = V_pickle_terminal xi_dict['plot_dict_pickle_terminal'] = plot_dict_pickle_terminal xi_dict['xi'] = xi xi_dict['xi_bounds'] = xi_bounds self.__xi_dict = xi_dict return None
def _create_struct_from_dict(dictionary): entries = [] for key, data in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(data, dict): stru = _create_struct_from_dict(data) entries.append(entry(str(key), struct=stru)) else: if isinstance(data, list): sh = len(data) else: sh = data.shape entries.append(entry(key, shape=sh)) return struct(entries)
def get_phase_fix_theta(variables_dict): entry_list = [] for name in list(variables_dict['theta'].keys()): if name == 't_f': entry_list.append(cas.entry('t_f', shape=(2, 1))) else: entry_list.append( cas.entry(name, shape=variables_dict['theta'][name].shape)) theta = cas.struct_symSX(entry_list) return theta
def create_simple_plan(x0, N_sim): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X',repeat=N_sim+1,struct=state), cat.entry('U',repeat=N_sim,struct=control) ) ]) # Objective function x_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']] x_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']] dx_bc = x_bN - x_cN J = 1e1 * ca.mul(dx_bc.T, dx_bc) # x_cN -> x_bN # Regularize controls J += 1e-1 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang # Multiple shooting constraints and non-linear control constraints g = [] for k in range(N_sim): # Multiple shooting [x_next] = F([V['X',k], V['U',k], dt]) g.append(x_next - V['X',k+1]) g = ca.vertcat(g) # Formulate the NLP nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g)) opts = {} #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory' opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma57' # Create a solver solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts) # Define box constraints lbx = V(-ca.inf) ubx = V(ca.inf) # 0 <= v <= v_max lbx['U',:,'v'] = 0; ubx['U',:,'v'] = v_max # -w_max <= w <= w_max lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max # m(t=0) = m0 lbx['X',0] = ubx['X',0] = x0 # Solve the NLP sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx) return V(sol['x'])
def get_collocation_variables_struct(self, variables_dict, u_param): entry_list = [ cas.entry('xd', struct=variables_dict['xd']), cas.entry('xa', struct=variables_dict['xa']) ] if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()): entry_list += [cas.entry('xl', struct=variables_dict['xl'])] if u_param == 'poly': entry_list += [cas.entry('u', struct=variables_dict['u'])] return cas.struct_symMX(entry_list)
def get_collocation_variables_struct(self, variables_dict): if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()): coll_var = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry('xd', struct=variables_dict['xd']), cas.entry('xa', struct=variables_dict['xa']), cas.entry('xl', struct=variables_dict['xl']) ]) else: coll_var = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry('xd', struct=variables_dict['xd']), cas.entry('xa', struct=variables_dict['xa']), ]) return coll_var
def generate_variable_struct(variable_list): structs = {} for name in list(variable_list.keys()): structs[name] = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry(variable_list[name][i][0], shape=variable_list[name][i][1]) for i in range(len(variable_list[name])) ]) variable_struct = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry(name, struct=structs[name]) for name in list(variable_list.keys()) ]) return variable_struct, structs
def generate_system_parameters(options): # extract parametric options parametric_options = options['params'] parameters_dict = {} # generate nested casadi structure for system parameters parameters_dict['theta0'] = struct_op.generate_nested_dict_struct(parametric_options) parameters_dict['phi'] = generate_optimization_parameters() parameters = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry('theta0', struct= parameters_dict['theta0']), cas.entry('phi', struct= parameters_dict['phi'])] ) return parameters, parameters_dict
def get_component_cost_structure(component_costs): list_of_entries = [] for name in list(component_costs.keys()): list_of_entries += [cas.entry(name)] component_cost_struct = cas.struct_symMX(list_of_entries) return component_cost_struct
def create_plan(cls, model, warm_start=False, x0=0, lam_x0=0, lam_g0=0): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X', repeat=model.n+1, struct=model.x), cat.entry('U', repeat=model.n, struct=model.u) ) ]) # Box constraints [lbx, ubx] = cls._create_box_constraints(model, V) # Force the catcher to always look forward # lbx['U', :, 'theta'] = ubx['U', :, 'theta'] = 0 # Non-linear constraints [g, lbg, ubg] = cls._create_nonlinear_constraints(model, V) # Objective function J = cls._create_objective_function(model, V, warm_start) # Formulate non-linear problem nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J, g=g)) op = {# Linear solver #'linear_solver': 'ma57', # Acceptable termination 'acceptable_iter': 5} if warm_start: op['warm_start_init_point'] = 'yes' op['fixed_variable_treatment'] = 'make_constraint' # Initialize solver solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, op) # Solve if warm_start: sol = solver(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lam_x0=lam_x0, lam_g0=lam_g0) else: sol = solver(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg) return V(sol['x']), sol['lam_x'], sol['lam_g']
def gen(NX, NU, M): """gen Generates a casadi struct containing the symbolic optimization parameters x_cur (the initial state), x_ref (the reference states) and u_cur (the reference controls). x_cur is a <NX>x<1> vector, x_ref is a <NX>x<M+1> matrix, u_ref is a <NU>x<M> matrix :param NX: Number of reference state variables :param NU: Number of reference control variables :param M: Prediction horizon length :returns: A casadi struct_symSX object """ params = struct_symSX([ entry('x_cur', shape=NX), entry('x_ref', shape=(NX, M + 1)), entry('u_ref', shape=(NU, M)) ]) return params
def get_structure(self, cstr_type): cstr_list = self.get_list(cstr_type) entry_list = [] for cstr in cstr_list: joined_name = local = cas.entry(joined_name, shape=cstr.expr.shape) entry_list.append(local) return cas.struct_symSX(entry_list)
def setup_integral_output_structure(nlp_numerics_options, integral_outputs): nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k'] entry_tuple = () # interval outputs entry_tuple += (cas.entry('int_out', repeat=[nk + 1], struct=integral_outputs), ) if nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'direct_collocation': d = nlp_numerics_options['collocation']['d'] entry_tuple += (cas.entry('coll_int_out', repeat=[nk, d], struct=integral_outputs), ) Integral_outputs_struct = cas.struct_symMX([entry_tuple]) return Integral_outputs_struct
def setup_output_structure(nlp_numerics_options, model_outputs, form_outputs): # create outputs # n_o_t_e: !!! outputs are defined at nodes where both state and algebraic variables # are defined. In the radau case, algebraic variables are not defined on the interval # nodes, note however that algebraic variables might be discontinuous so the same # holds for the outputs!!! nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k'] entry_tuple = () if nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'direct_collocation': # extract collocation parameters d = nlp_numerics_options['collocation']['d'] scheme = nlp_numerics_options['collocation']['scheme'] if scheme != 'radau': # define outputs on interval and collocation nodes entry_tuple += ( cas.entry('outputs', repeat=[nk], struct=model_outputs), cas.entry('coll_outputs', repeat=[nk, d], struct=model_outputs), ) else: # define outputs on collocation nodes entry_tuple += (cas.entry('coll_outputs', repeat=[nk, d], struct=model_outputs), ) elif nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'multiple_shooting': # define outputs on interval nodes entry_tuple += (cas.entry('outputs', repeat=[nk], struct=model_outputs), ) Outputs = cas.struct_symSX([entry_tuple] + [cas.entry('final', struct=form_outputs)]) return Outputs
def gen(NX, NU, M, stateBounds=None, controlBounds=None): """gen Generates a casadi struct containing the symbolic optimization variables required for direct multiple shooting. x is a <NX>x<M+1> matrix, u is a <NU>x<M> matrix. :param NX: Number of state variables :param NU: Number of control variables :param M: Prediction horizon length :returns: A casadi struct_symSX object """ # decision (free) variables variables = struct_symSX( [entry('x', shape=(NX, M + 1)), entry('u', shape=(NU, M))]) # symbolic bounds bx = ca.SX.sym('bx', NX) bu = ca.SX.sym('bu', NU) # bounds struct, must be identical to variables struct in dimensions and keys bounds = struct_SX([ entry('x', expr=ca.repmat(bx, 1, M + 1)), entry('u', expr=ca.repmat(bu, 1, M)) ]) boundsFun = ca.Function('varBoundsFun', [bx, bu], []) if stateBounds is None: stateBounds = np.multiply(np.ones((2, NX)), np.array((-np.inf, np.inf), ndmin=2).T) if controlBounds is None: controlBounds = np.multiply(np.ones((2, NU)), np.array((-np.inf, np.inf), ndmin=2).T) lbw = boundsFun(stateBounds[0, :], controlBounds[0, :]) ubw = boundsFun(stateBounds[1, :], controlBounds[1, :]) return variables, lbw, ubw
def make_entry_list(eqs_dict, ineqs_dict): # make entry list for all non-empty dicts entry_list = [] if eqs_dict: # check if not empty # equality constraint struct eq_struct = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry(name, shape=eqs_dict[name].size()) for name in list(eqs_dict.keys()) ]) entry_list.append(cas.entry('equality', struct=eq_struct)) if ineqs_dict: # check if not empty # inequality constraint struct ineq_struct = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry(name, shape=ineqs_dict[name].size()) for name in list(ineqs_dict.keys()) ]) entry_list.append(cas.entry('inequality', struct=ineq_struct)) return entry_list
def create_simple_plan(x0, F, dt, N_sim): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X',repeat=N_sim+1,struct=state), cat.entry('U',repeat=N_sim,struct=control) ) ]) # Final position x_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']] x_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']] dx_bc = x_bN - x_cN # Final velocity v_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_b','vy_b']] v_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_c','vy_c']] dv_bc = v_bN - v_cN # Angle between gaze and ball velocity theta = V['X',N_sim,'theta'] phi = V['X',N_sim,'phi'] d = ca.veccat([ ca.cos(theta)*ca.cos(phi), ca.cos(theta)*ca.sin(phi), ca.sin(theta) ]) r = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_b','vy_b','vz_b']]
def test_affine_constraint(): var = struct_symSX([entry('x', shape=(2, 1))]) linear_coefficient = np.eye(2) * 2 affine_coefficient = np.ones((2, )) lower_bound = np.zeros((2, 1)) upper_bound = np.ones((2, 1)) constr = AffineConstraint.gen(var, linear_coefficient, affine_coefficient, lower_bound, upper_bound) g, lb, ub = constr[0] assert (lb == (lower_bound - affine_coefficient)).all() assert (ub == (upper_bound - affine_coefficient)).all() assert '@1=2, [(@1*x_0), (@1*x_1)]' == str(g) assert np.equal(Function('g_fun', [var['x']], [g])([2, 2]), [4, 4]).all()
def generate_optimization_parameters(): # variable system parameters p_dec = cas.struct_symSX([( cas.entry('gamma'), # force homotopy variable cas.entry('tau'), # tether drag homotopy variable cas.entry('iota'), # induction homotopy variable cas.entry('psi'), # power homotopy variable cas.entry('eta'), # nominal landing homotopy variable cas.entry('nu'), # compromised landing homotopy variable cas.entry('upsilon'), # transition homotopy variable )]) optimization_parameters = p_dec return optimization_parameters
def construct_constraints(self, variables, parameters): entries = [] for child in self.children.values(): for name, constraint in child._constraints.items(): expression = self._substitute_symbols( constraint[0], variables, parameters) entries.append(entry(child._add_label(name), expr=expression)) self._con_struct = struct(entries) constraints = struct_MX(entries) self._lb, self._ub = constraints(0), constraints(0) self._constraint_shutdown = {} for child in self.children.values(): for name, constraint in child._constraints.items(): self._lb[child._add_label(name)] = constraint[1] self._ub[child._add_label(name)] = constraint[2] if constraint[3]: self._constraint_shutdown[ child._add_label(name)] = constraint[3] return constraints, self._lb, self._ub
def construct_constraints(self, variables, parameters): entries = [] for child in self.children.values(): for name, constraint in child._constraints.items(): expression = self._substitute_symbols(constraint[0], variables, parameters) entries.append(entry(child._add_label(name), expr=expression)) self._con_struct = struct(entries) constraints = struct_MX(entries) self._lb, self._ub = constraints(0), constraints(0) self._constraint_shutdown = {} for child in self.children.values(): for name, constraint in child._constraints.items(): self._lb[child._add_label(name)] = constraint[1] self._ub[child._add_label(name)] = constraint[2] if constraint[3]: self._constraint_shutdown[child._add_label( name)] = constraint[3] return constraints, self._lb, self._ub
def build_integrator(self, options, model): print('Building integrator...') # get model variables variables = model.variables # construct the DAE variables x = cas.struct_SX([cas.entry('xd', expr = variables['xd'])]) # differential states z = cas.struct_SX([cas.entry('xddot', expr = variables['xddot']), # state derivatives cas.entry('xa', expr = variables['xa']), # algebraic variables cas.entry('xl', expr = variables['xl']), # lifted variables ]) p = cas.struct_SX([cas.entry('u', expr = variables['u']), # dae parameters cas.entry('theta', expr = variables['theta']), cas.entry('phi', expr = model.parameters)]) # scale xddot with t_f time_scaled_variables = scale_xddot(variables) # model equations alg = model.dynamics(time_scaled_variables, model.parameters) ode = variables['xddot'] # create dae dae = {'x':, 'z':, 'p':, 'alg': alg,'ode': ode} # system dynamics f = cas.Function('f', [x, z, p], [ode, alg], ['x', 'z', 'p'], ['ode', 'alg']) # create integrator and rootfinder if cas.sprank(cas.jacobian(alg,z)) <[0]: # check dae index raise ValueError('jacobian of dynamics is structurally rank-deficient: DAE is not of index 1!') else: # create integrator I = cas.integrator('I', options['integrator']['type'], dae, {'tf': 1.0 / self.__N_sim}) # create rootfinder g = cas.Function('g',[,,],[alg]) G = cas.rootfinder('G', 'newton', g, {'linear_solver': 'csparse'}) self.__integrator = I self.__rootfinder = G self.__variables_dict = model.variables_dict self.__phi = model.parameters self.__dae = dae self.__f = f self.__x = x self.__z = z self.__p = p
def setup_nlp_p(V, model): cost = setup_nlp_cost() p_fix = setup_nlp_p_fix(V, model) use_vortex_linearization = 'lin' in model.parameters_dict.keys() if use_vortex_linearization: P = cas.struct_symMX([ cas.entry('p', struct=p_fix), cas.entry('cost', struct=cost), cas.entry('theta0', struct=model.parameters_dict['theta0']), cas.entry('lin', struct=V) ]) else: P = cas.struct_symMX([ cas.entry('p', struct=p_fix), cas.entry('cost', struct=cost), cas.entry('theta0', struct=model.parameters_dict['theta0']) ]) return P
def __get_sstruct(dictionary): """Convert a dictionary to a casadi struct with the same structure and entries for 0th, 1st and 2nd derivatives :type dictionary: dict :param dictionary: variables to be put into the struct :rtype: casadi.struct_symSX """ struct_list = [] for key in list(dictionary.keys()): if key[0] != 'd': struct_list += [(key, dictionary[key].shape)] sub_struct = ct.struct_symSX([ ct.entry(struct_list[i][0], shape=struct_list[i][1]) for i in range(len(struct_list)) ]) dsub_struct = ct.struct_symSX([ ct.entry('d' + struct_list[i][0], shape=struct_list[i][1]) for i in range(len(struct_list)) ]) ddsub_struct = ct.struct_symSX([ ct.entry('dd' + struct_list[i][0], shape=struct_list[i][1]) for i in range(len(struct_list)) ]) sstruct = ct.struct_symSX([ ct.entry('var', struct=sub_struct), ct.entry('dvar', struct=dsub_struct), ct.entry('ddvar', struct=ddsub_struct) ]) return sstruct
# %% ========================================================================= # Variables # ============================================================================ # State state = cat.struct_symSX(["x_b", "y_b", "z_b", "vx_b", "vy_b", "vz_b", "x_c", "y_c", "phi"]) # Control control = cat.struct_symSX(["v", "w", "psi"]) # Observation observation = cat.struct_SX( [ cat.entry("x_b", expr=state["x_b"]), cat.entry("y_b", expr=state["y_b"]), cat.entry("z_b", expr=state["z_b"]), cat.entry("x_c", expr=state["x_c"]), cat.entry("y_c", expr=state["y_c"]), cat.entry("phi", expr=state["phi"]), ] ) # Belief state (mu, Sigma) belief = cat.struct_symSX([cat.entry("m", struct=state), cat.entry("S", shapestruct=(state, state))]) # Extended belief (mu, Sigma, Lambda) for plotting ext_belief = cat.struct_symSX( [ cat.entry("m", struct=state),
def _construct_upd_z_nlp(self): # construct variables self._var_struct_updz = struct([entry('z_i', struct=self.q_i_struct), entry('z_ij', struct=self.q_ij_struct)]) var = struct_symMX(self._var_struct_updz) z_i = self.q_i_struct(var['z_i']) z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(var['z_ij']) # construct parameters self._par_struct_updz = struct([entry('x_i', struct=self.q_i_struct), entry('x_j', struct=self.q_ij_struct), entry('l_i', struct=self.q_i_struct), entry('l_ij', struct=self.q_ij_struct), entry('t'), entry('T'), entry('rho'), entry('par', struct=self.par_struct)]) par = struct_symMX(self._par_struct_updz) x_i, x_j = self.q_i_struct(par['x_i']), self.q_ij_struct(par['x_j']) l_i, l_ij = self.q_i_struct(par['l_i']), self.q_ij_struct(par['l_ij']) t, T, rho = par['t'], par['T'], par['rho'] t0 = t/T # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0) self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i) self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij) # construct constraints constraints, lb, ub = [], [], [] for con in self.constraints: c = con[0] for sym in symvar(c): for label, child in if sym.getName() in child.symbol_dict: name = child.symbol_dict[sym.getName()][1] v = z_i[label, name] ind = self.q_i[child][name] sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size()) sym2[ind] = v sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape) c = substitute(c, sym, sym2) break for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for label, child in if sym.getName() in child.symbol_dict: name = child.symbol_dict[sym.getName()][1] v = z_ij[nghb.label, label, name] ind = self.q_ij[nghb][child][name] sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size()) sym2[ind] = v sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape) c = substitute(c, sym, sym2) break for name, s in self.par_i.items(): if s.getName() == sym.getName(): c = substitute(c, sym, par['par', name]) constraints.append(c) lb.append(con[1]) ub.append(con[2]) self.lb_updz, self.ub_updz = lb, ub # construct objective obj = 0. for child, q_i in self.q_i.items(): for name in q_i.keys(): x = x_i[child.label, name] z = z_i[child.label, name] l = l_i[child.label, name] obj += mul(l.T, x-z) + 0.5*rho*mul((x-z).T, (x-z)) for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items(): for name in q_ij.keys(): x = x_j[str(nghb), child.label, name] z = z_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name] l = l_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name] obj += mul(l.T, x-z) + 0.5*rho*mul((x-z).T, (x-z)) # construct problem prob, compile_time = self.father.create_nlp(var, par, obj, constraints, self.options) self.problem_upd_z = prob
def create_plan_pc(b0, N_sim): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X',repeat=N_sim+1,struct=state), cat.entry('U',repeat=N_sim,struct=control) ) ]) # Final means m_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']] m_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']] dm_bc = m_bN - m_cN # Regularize controls J = 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs bk = cat.struct_SX(belief) bk['S'] = b0['S'] g = [] lbg = [] ubg = [] for k in range(N_sim): # Belief propagation bk['m'] = V['X',k] [bk_next] = BF([ bk, V['U',k] ]) bk_next = belief(bk_next) # simplify indexing # Multiple shooting g.append(bk_next['m'] - V['X',k+1]) lbg.append(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nx)) ubg.append(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nx)) # Control constraints g.append(V['U',k,'v'] - a - b * ca.cos(V['U',k,'psi'])) lbg.append(-ca.inf) ubg.append(ca.DMatrix([0])) # Advance time bk = bk_next g = ca.vertcat(g) lbg = ca.veccat(lbg) ubg = ca.veccat(ubg) # Simple cost J += 1e1 * (ca.mul(dm_bc.T, dm_bc) + ca.trace(bk_next['S'])) # log-probability cost #Sb = bk_next['S', ['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']] #J += 1e1 * (ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb), dm_bc ]) + ca.log(ca.det(Sb))) # Formulate the NLP nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g)) # Create solver opts = {} opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97' #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory' solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts) # Define box constraints lbx = V(-ca.inf) ubx = V(ca.inf) # 0 <= v lbx['U',:,'v'] = 0 # -w_max <= w <= w_max lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max # -pi <= psi <= pi lbx['U',:,'psi'] = -ca.pi; ubx['U',:,'psi'] = ca.pi # m(t=0) = m0 lbx['X',0] = ubx['X',0] = b0['m'] # Solve the NLP sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx) return V(sol['x'])
def shift_trajectory(state, u): ########################################################## ## state and u in form (state, N) state_ = np.concatenate((state.T[1:], state.T[-1:])) u_ = np.concatenate((u.T[1:], u.T[-1:])) return u_, state_ if __name__ == '__main__': T = 0.2 # sampling time [s] N = 100 # prediction horizon rob_diam = 0.3 # [m] v_max = 0.6 omega_max = np.pi / 4.0 states = ca_tools.struct_symSX([(ca_tools.entry('x'), ca_tools.entry('y'), ca_tools.entry('theta'))]) x, y, theta = states[...] n_states = states.size controls = ca_tools.struct_symSX([(ca_tools.entry('v'), ca_tools.entry('omega'))]) v, omega = controls[...] n_controls = controls.size ## rhs rhs = ca_tools.struct_SX(states) rhs['x'] = v * ca.cos(theta) rhs['y'] = v * ca.sin(theta) rhs['theta'] = omega
#ulb = np.array([0.01, 299]) #xlb = np.array([0.5, 0.8, 0]) #xub = np.array([2.5, 2.0, 400]) #<<ENDCHUNK>> # Make optimizers. x0 = np.array([.05 * cs, .75 * Ts, .5 * hs]) u0 = np.array([Tcs, Fs]) umax = np.array([.05 * Tcs, .15 * Fs]) dumax = .2 * umax xlb = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]) xub = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]) # Create variables struct. var = ctools.struct_symSX([( ctools.entry("x", shape=(Nx, ), repeat=Nt + 1), ctools.entry("u", shape=(Nu, ), repeat=Nt), ctools.entry("Du", shape=(Nu, ), repeat=Nt), )]) varlb = var(-np.inf) varub = var(np.inf) varguess = var(0) # Create parameters struct. par = ctools.struct_symSX([ ctools.entry("x_sp", shape=(Nx, ), repeat=Nt + 1), ctools.entry("u_sp", shape=(Nu, ), repeat=Nt), ctools.entry("uprev", shape=(Nu, 1)), ctools.entry("Ad", repeat=Nt, shape=(Nx, Nx)), ctools.entry("Bd", repeat=Nt, shape=(Nx, Nu)), ctools.entry("fd", repeat=Nt, shape=(Nx, 1))
lh_x = l.hessian('state') # l_xx lg_u = l.gradient('control') # l_u lh_u = l.hessian('control') # l_uu lgj_ux = ca.SXFunction('l_ux_fun', # l_ux [state, control, dt_sym], [ca.jacobian(l.grad('control'), state)]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optimization # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X', repeat=n_sim + 1, struct=state), cat.entry('U', repeat=n_sim, struct=control) ) ]) # Multiple shooting constraints g = [] for k in range(n_sim): g.append(V['X', k + 1] - F([V['X', k], V['U', k], dt])[0]) g = ca.vertcat(g) # Objective [final_cost] = lf([V['X', n_sim]]) J = final_cost # Regularize controls
def get_costs_struct(V): costs_struct = cas.struct_symSX([ cas.entry("tracking_cost"), cas.entry("ddq_regularisation_cost"), cas.entry("u_regularisation_cost"), cas.entry("fictitious_cost"), cas.entry("theta_regularisation_cost"), cas.entry("slack_cost") ] + [cas.entry(name + '_cost') for name in struct_op.subkeys(V, 'phi')] + [ cas.entry("time_cost"), cas.entry("power_cost"), cas.entry("nominal_landing_cost"), cas.entry("transition_cost"), cas.entry("compromised_battery_cost"), cas.entry("tracking_problem_cost"), cas.entry("power_problem_cost"), cas.entry("general_problem_cost"), cas.entry("objective") ]) return costs_struct
lfunc = (casadi.mtimes(x.T, x) + casadi.mtimes(u.T, u)) l = casadi.Function("l", [x, u], [lfunc]) Pffunc = casadi.mtimes(x.T, x) Pf = casadi.Function("Pf", [x], [Pffunc]) # Bounds on u. uub = 1 ulb = -.75 # Make optimizers. x0 = np.array([0, 1]) # Create variables struct. var = ctools.struct_symSX([( ctools.entry("x", shape=(Nx, ), repeat=Nt + 1), ctools.entry("xc", shape=(Nx, Nc), repeat=Nt), ctools.entry("u", shape=(Nu, ), repeat=Nt), )]) varlb = var(-np.inf) varub = var(np.inf) varguess = var(0) # Adjust the relevant constraints. for t in range(Nt): varlb["u", t, :] = ulb varub["u", t, :] = uub # Now build up constraints and objective. obj = casadi.SX(0) con = []
import as CT import numpy from LLT_solver import setupImplicitFunction import geometry import pylab # geomRootChord = geomRoot[0] # geomRootY = geomRoot[1] # geomRootAinc = numpy.radians(geomRoot[2]) # geomTipChord = geomTip[0] # geomTipY = geomTip[1] # geomTipAinc = numpy.radians(geomTip[2]) n = 50 dvs = CT.struct_ssym(['operAlpha', CT.entry('chordLoc',shape=n), CT.entry('aIncGeometricLoc',shape=n), CT.entry('An',shape=n)]) thetaLoc = numpy.linspace(1,n,n)*numpy.pi/(2.0*n) bref = 10.0 yLoc = 0.5*bref*numpy.cos(thetaLoc) chordLoc = dvs['chordLoc'] aIncGeometricLoc = dvs['aIncGeometricLoc'] aeroCLaRoot = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 2*numpy.pi, 0.0]) aeroCLaTip = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 2*numpy.pi, 0.0]) #aeroCLaRoot = numpy.array([ -28.2136, 16.4140, 0.9568,-0.4000]) #aeroCLaTip = numpy.array([ -28.2136, 16.4140, 0.9568, -0.4000]) clPolyLoc = numpy.zeros((4,n)) #setup lift slope curves for each station for i in range(n):
def setup_nlp_cost(): cost = cas.struct_symSX([( cas.entry('tracking'), cas.entry('regularisation'), cas.entry('ddq_regularisation'), cas.entry('gamma'), cas.entry('iota'), cas.entry('psi'), cas.entry('tau'), cas.entry('eta'), cas.entry('nu'), cas.entry('upsilon'), cas.entry('fictitious'), cas.entry('power'), cas.entry('t_f'), cas.entry('theta'), cas.entry('nominal_landing'), cas.entry('compromised_battery'), cas.entry('transition'), )]) return cost
# %% ========================================================================= # Variables # ============================================================================ # State state = cat.struct_symSX(['x_b','y_b','vx_b','vy_b', 'x_c','y_c','phi']) # Control control = cat.struct_symSX(['v','w']) # Observation observation = cat.struct_SX([ cat.entry('x_b', expr = state['x_b']), cat.entry('y_b', expr = state['y_b']), cat.entry('x_c', expr = state['x_c']), cat.entry('y_c', expr = state['y_c']), cat.entry('phi', expr = state['phi']) ]) # Belief state (mu, Sigma) belief = cat.struct_symSX([ cat.entry('m',struct=state), cat.entry('S',shapestruct=(state,state)) ]) # Extended belief (mu, Sigma, Lambda) for plotting ext_belief = cat.struct_symSX([ cat.entry('m',struct=state),
def create_plan_pc(b0, BF, dt, N_sim): # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer V = cat.struct_symSX([ ( cat.entry('X',repeat=N_sim+1,struct=state), cat.entry('U',repeat=N_sim,struct=control) ) ]) # Final coordinate x_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']] x_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']] dx_bc = x_bN - x_cN # Final velocity v_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_b','vy_b']] v_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_c','vy_c']] dv_bc = v_bN - v_cN # Angle between gaze and ball velocity theta = V['X',N_sim,'theta'] phi = V['X',N_sim,'phi'] d = ca.veccat([ ca.cos(theta)*ca.cos(phi), ca.cos(theta)*ca.sin(phi), ca.sin(theta) ]) r = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_b','vy_b','vz_b']] r_unit = r / (ca.norm_2(r) + 1e-2) d_gaze = d - r_unit # Regularize controls J = 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs bk = cat.struct_SX(belief) bk['S'] = b0['S'] g, lbg, ubg = [], [], [] for k in range(N_sim): # Belief propagation bk['m'] = V['X',k] [bk_next] = BF([ bk, V['U',k] ]) bk_next = belief(bk_next) # simplify indexing # Multiple shooting g.append(bk_next['m'] - V['X',k+1]) lbg.append(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nx)) ubg.append(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nx)) # Control constraints g.append(V['U',k,'F'] - a - b * ca.cos(V['U',k,'psi'])) lbg.append(-ca.inf) ubg.append(ca.DMatrix([0])) # Advance time bk = bk_next g = ca.vertcat(g) lbg = ca.veccat(lbg) ubg = ca.veccat(ubg) # Simple cost J += 1e1 * ca.mul(dx_bc.T, dx_bc) # coordinate J += 1e0 * ca.mul(dv_bc.T, dv_bc) # velocity #J += 1e0 * ca.mul(d_gaze.T, d_gaze) # gaze antialigned with ball velocity J += 1e1 * ca.trace(bk_next['S']) # uncertainty # log-probability cost #Sb = bk_next['S', ['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']] #J += 1e1 * (ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb), dm_bc ]) + ca.log(ca.det(Sb))) # Formulate the NLP nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g)) # Create solver opts = {} opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97' #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory' solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts) # Define box constraints lbx = V(-ca.inf) ubx = V(ca.inf) # State constraints # catcher can look within the upper hemisphere lbx['X',:,'theta'] = 0; ubx['X',:,'theta'] = theta_max # Control constraints # 0 <= F lbx['U',:,'F'] = 0 # -w_max <= w <= w_max lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max # -pi <= psi <= pi lbx['U',:,'psi'] = -ca.pi; ubx['U',:,'psi'] = ca.pi # m(t=0) = m0 lbx['X',0] = ubx['X',0] = b0['m'] # Take care of the time #lbx['X',:,'T'] = 0.5; ubx['X',:,'T'] = ca.inf # Simulation ends when the ball touches the ground #lbx['X',N_sim,'z_b'] = ubx['X',N_sim,'z_b'] = 0 # Solve the NLP sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx) return V(sol['x'])
def setup_nlp_v(nlp_numerics_options, model, formulation, Collocation): # extract necessary inputs variables_dict = model.variables_dict nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k'] # check if phase fix and adjust theta accordingly if nlp_numerics_options['phase_fix']: theta = get_phase_fix_theta(variables_dict) else: theta = variables_dict['theta'] # define interval struct entries for controls and states entry_tuple = ( cas.entry('xd', repeat=[nk + 1], struct=variables_dict['xd']), cas.entry('u', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['u']), ) # add additional variables according to provided options if nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'direct_collocation': # add algebraic variables at interval except for radau case if nlp_numerics_options['collocation']['scheme'] != 'radau': if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xddot']: entry_tuple += ( cas.entry( 'xddot', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xddot'] ), # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation) ) if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xa']: entry_tuple += ( cas.entry('xa', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xa']), ) # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation) if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()): entry_tuple += ( cas.entry('xl', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xl']), ) # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation) # add collocation node variables d = nlp_numerics_options['collocation'][ 'd'] # interpolating polynomial order coll_var = Collocation.get_collocation_variables_struct(variables_dict) entry_tuple += (cas.entry('coll_var', struct=coll_var, repeat=[nk, d]), ) elif nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'multiple_shooting': # add slack variables for inequalities if nlp_numerics_options[ 'slack_constraints'] == True and model.constraints_dict[ 'inequality']: entry_tuple += (cas.entry( 'us', repeat=[nk], struct=model.constraints_dict['inequality']), ) # multiple shooting: add algebraic variables at interval if lifted if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xddot']: entry_tuple += ( cas.entry( 'xddot', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xddot'] ), # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation) ) if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xa']: entry_tuple += ( cas.entry('xa', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xa']), ) # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation) if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()): entry_tuple += ( cas.entry('xl', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xl']), ) # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation) # add global entries entry_list = [entry_tuple] entry_list += [ cas.entry('theta', struct=theta), cas.entry('phi', struct=model.parameters_dict['phi']), cas.entry('xi', struct=formulation.xi_dict['xi']) ] # generate structure V = cas.struct_symMX(entry_list) return V